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Stedinck, Burt Bogislaus Louis Christopher, Count von 1746-1815

Military officer; born in Pomerania, Sweden, Oct. 26, 1746; graduated at the University of Upsala in 1768; joined the Swedish army early in life; promoted lieutenant-colonel; won distinction in aiding the French in the West Indies in 1778; accompanied D'Estaing to the United States in 1779, and Oct. 9 of that year commanded two important attacks on Savannah. After placing the American flag on the last breastwork he was wounded and forced to withdraw, having lost 450 of his 900 men. In recognition of his gallantry in aiding the Americans his King appointed him a colonel of dragoons and knight of the Order of the Sword. He was also decorated with the badge of the Society of the Cincinnati. He died in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1815.

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