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Washington's inauguration, Centennial of

On April 29 and 30, 1889, the city of New York celebrated the centennial of the inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States. The occasion was also observed quite generally throughout the country, but nowhere in so imposing a manner as in the city in which that inauguration had taken place. The celebration was opened with a naval parade in the harbor on the morning of April 29. President Harrison, following as nearly as possible the same route of travel as President Washington, was conveyed by water from Elizabethport to New York, being escorted by a committee of governors, commissioners of State, and other distinguished personages. Upon his arrival in the East River he was transferred to a barge manned by a crew of ship-masters from the Marine Society of the Port of New York, and by them rowed to the shore. The crew of the barge that rowed President Washington from Elizabethport to the foot of Wall Street were members of the same society. A reception was afterwards held by the President and the governors of the States in the Equitable Building, and in the evening the Centennial Ball was given in the Metropolitan Opera-house. On April 30 a special service of thanksgiving was held in St. Paul's Chapel, being conducted in the same manner as that held in the same place on the day of Washington's inauguration 100 years before. Literary exercises then took place at the corner of Wall and Nassau streets, the scene of the first inauguration ceremonies. These exercises consisted of an invocation by the Rev. Dr. Richard S. Storrs, a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier, an oration by Chauncey M. Depew, and an address by President Harrison. The remainder of the day was given to a grand military parade, ending with a free open-air concert of vocal and instrumental music and a general illumination of the city. On May 1 a great industrial and civic parade, under command of Maj.-Gen. Daniel Butterfield as chief marshal, took place, and was witnessed by 500,000 spectators. The celebration was conducted with complete success throughout, and not only reflected great credit upon its managers, but accomplished great good in strengthening the patriotic sentiment of the people of New York and of the entire country.

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