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Weymouth, George 1605-

Kidnapper; born in England; sailed thence for the coast of Maine on March 5, 1605. He came to anchor, May 17, near the island of Monhegan, 12 miles south of Pemaquid. Then he entered some of the bays and rivers of Maine, and saw (possibly) the White Mountains of New Hampshire. There was mutual distrust between Weymouth and the Indians, and the former decided to keep no faith with the latter. Five of the Indians who ventured on hoard the vessel were carried off to England, three of whom were given to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, at Plymouth; the other two were sent to Sir John Popham, of London. The curiosity excited by these Indians in London doubtless gave the idea expressed by Shakespeare in The tempest, in which Trinculo says of the London people: “Any strange beast there makes a man: when they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian.” Weymouth's kidnapping spread distrust and anger wide among the Indians on the Eastern coast. One of the Indians carried away came, in May, 1607, as guide and interpreter for a colony of 120 persons, sent out in two vessels, commanded by George Popham, to plant a colony in Eastern New England.

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