[673]Ordnance Department.
Lieut.-Col. J. R. Waddy, Chief Ordnance officer.
Quartermaster's Department.
Major E. Willis, Chief Quartermaster. Lieut. Jno. J. Mellen, Crescent La. Regt., A. A. Quartermaster. Private Henry C. Robinson, Co. A, 7th S. C. Cavalry. Private Robt. Downey, Co. I, 18th La. Vols., Detached Teamster. Private W. L. Thomas, Co. H, 19th Ala. Vols., Detached Teamster. Private L. B. Spencer, Co. D, 12th Tenn. Vols., Detached Teamster. Private G. Wash. Perry, Co. G, 14th Texas Vols., Detached Teamster. Private Jno. Jenkins, Co. C, 13th La. Vols., Detached Teamster. Private Wm. H. Thompson, Co. A, 8th Ark. Vols., Detached Teamster.
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