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April 14-18: Exp. from Camp Sanborn to Beaver Creek

COLORADO--1st Cavalry (Cos. "C" and "H").

May 16: Action, Big Bushes near Smoky Hills

COLORADO--1st Cavalry (Detachment); McLane's Battery Light Arty. Union loss, 4 killed, 3 wounded. Total, 7.

June 13-16: Exp. from Fort Leavenworth to Western Missouri

KANSAS--15th and 16th Cavalry (Detachments).

June 16-20: Exp. from Kansas into Missouri

KANSAS--5th (Co. "L"), 11th (Cos. "B," "F," "I" and "K") and 15th (Cos. "B," "C," "F" and "G") Cavalry.

Aug. 1: Scout to Baxter Springs

MISSOURI--7th Enrolled Militia Infantry (Detachment).

Aug. 1-5: Scout on Smoky Hills Fork

IOWA--7th Cavalry (Co. "H").

Aug. 8-11: Scout from Salem to Mulberry Creek

KANSAS--11th Cavalry (Detachment). MISSOURI--4th State Militia Cavalry.

Aug. 16: Skirmish, Smoky Hills Crossing

IOWA--7th Cavalry (Co. "H"). Union loss, 4 killed.

Aug. 19-24: Scout on Republican River

KANSAS--11th Cavalry (Detachment); 14th and 15th Militia (Detachments).

Sept. 21: Affair near Council Grove

KANSAS--17th Cavalry (1 man, Co. "C").

Sept. 25: Skirmish, Walnut Creek

COLORADO--2d Cavalry. Union loss, 2 killed, 7 wounded. Total, 9.

Sept. 26: Skirmish, Osage Mission

WISCONSIN--3d Cavalry.

Oct. 22: Skirmish, Fort Scott

KANSAS--6th Cavalry.

Oct. 23: Skirmish, Cow Creek

KANSAS--6th Cavalry.

Oct. 25: Engagement, Mine Creek, Little Osage River, Marias des Cygnes

ARKANSAS--2d Cavalry. COLORADO--2d Cavalry; 1st Battery Light Arty. INDIANA--7th Cavalry. IOWA--1st, 3d and 4th Cavalry. KANSAS--5th, 7th, 11th, 14th, 15th and 16th Cavalry. MISSOURI--1st, 2d, 4th, 10th, 13th, 15th and 16th Cavalry; 2d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th State Militia Cavalry. WISCONSIN--3d Cavalry; 9th Indpt. Battery Light Arty.

Oct. 25: Skirmishes, Mound City and Fort Lincoln

KANSAS--16th Cavalry (Cos. "A" and "D").

Oct. 28: Skirmish, Fort Scott

MISSOURI--1st State Militia Cavalry.

Nov. 13: Skirmish, Ash Creek, near Fort Larned

WISCONSIN--3d Cavalry (Detachment).

Nov. 14: Action, Cow Creek

KANSAS--3d Indian Home Guard. UNITED STATES--54th Colored Infantry. Union loss, 4 killed.

Nov. 20: Skirmish, Fort Zarah

Capt. Henry Booth, District Inspector, and Lieut. A. Hillewell, Ordnance Officer, with Indians.

Nov. 25: Skirmish, Pawnee Forks

COLORADO--1st Cavalry (1 Co.). Union loss, 1 killed, 5 wounded. Total, 6.

Nov. 28: Skirmish, Cow Creek

KANSAS--3d Indian Home Guard. UNITED STATES--54th Colored Infantry. Union loss included in Cow Creek, Nov. 14.

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