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Third Regt., Potomac Home brigade, Md. Vols.

Company A--Missing--Privates James Tennant, George C. Wilcher, Peter Conroy, Zachariah [624] Loman, Lloyd S. Buckingham, John T. Gasnell, Patrick Daily, Edward Cromer, John Somerville, Thomas H. Russell, and Corporal William Uphold.

Company B--Wounded — Abraham Powell. Missing--Corporals Lewis Hampton, Josiah K. Cooper; Privates William Bishop, Frederick Devilliss,John Foreback, Frederick Hessner, B. M. Powell, and David Simmons.

Company C--Wounded--Corporal Jas. Holstead; Private James W. Rice. Missing--Private James H. D. Biderman.

Company D--Missing--Privates Henry Series, Alfred Sisler, and J. J. Johnson.

Company E--Killed--Corporal J. D. Barker. Missing--Privates George J. Siess, Christian Dayhuff, James Hutzell.

Company F--Wounded--Privates J. W. Cunkelton, George W. Springer. Captured--Sergeant Michael Huffer, Corporal G. W. Barber (Paroled, Private Daniel Grey). Missing — John Donohue, Lewis Peters, Ezra T. Reese, Martin Brenanan, Reuben Myers, and John Carson. (The last named not in either engagement, as he went to the rear upon the appearance of danger.)

Company G--Wounded--Privates J. Baker, J. Clabaugh, J. B. Fike, Charles Mason, D. McAllister, J. E. Shipway, Samuel Yeats. Missing — J. Cook, G. Crouse, M. Donovan, E. Fike, A. Kayser, W. Lugenbeel, H. Mugness, A. McLean, G. W. Nalls, S. Slagman, J. Stedding, and Captain C. B. McCoy.

Company I--Wounded-- First Sergeant Jefferson Davis, supposed to be wounded and prisoner, John A. Pierce, Abraham Humble. Missing — Jacob E. Thomas, Edward Herman, George W. Hileman, John Nagle, and Ephraim Speck.

Company K--Wounded--Privates John Cassner, Andrew Mobley, D. A. Barney. Missing — Jacob Barney, Charles Phelas, Jacob Renger, George Whalen, Corporal David Graham, Private Lewis Becan.

detachment First Regt. P. H. B., Md. Vols.

Company B--Wounded--Privates Adam Best, G. A. Zahn, G. W. Pool. Missing--Sergeants G. E. Ramsberg, D. J. Zarlon, Corporal J. A. Wagner, Privates R. C. Balsell, James D. Keller, R. M. Mitchell, Thomas Smith, U. H. Yingling, Andrew Teakle.

Company G--Captured--Corporal Henry Nafe, Privates Rufus P. Burner, G. G. Brane, Garded Luttman. Missing — James Irvin, G. W. Gatlen, George W. Goodwin, Ephraim Stonesifer, Hezekiah Shelling, Henry Taylor, James Young.

Company C--Missing--Sergeant J. R. Poffenberger, Privates Martin Glass, Henry R. Haines, George W. Palmer.

Company K--Wounded — James Fisher, William Harris, Frederick Lutz, John H. Weldy. Missing — Thomas Brown, Thomas P. Collins, Nicholas Serverns, Gotleib Siedel, G. Hamilton Smith.

149TH regiment Ohio National guard.

The medical officer on duty with this regiment, including Dr. Burnison of the Eleventh Maryland, together with the killed and wounded fell into the hands of the enemy. No report has yet been received from the commanding officer.

Eleventh Maryland volunteers (Militia).

Wounded — John Fade, Company A (leg), Thomas Woodfield, Company C (hip). It is believed that the largest part of those heretofore reported as killed and wounded will yet turn out as prisoners or stragglers.

Alexander's battery lost three (3) men wounded, names not yet ascertained.

Samuel B. Lawrence, Lieutenant-Colonel and A. A. G.

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George (4)
D. J. Zarlon (2)
G. A. Zahn (2)
Zachariah (2)
U. H. Yingling (2)
Samuel Yeats (2)
Thomas Woodfield (2)
George C. Wilcher (2)
George Whalen (2)
John H. Weldy (2)
J. A. Wagner (2)
William Uphold (2)
Jacob E. Thomas (2)
James Tennant (2)
Henry Taylor (2)
Ephraim Stonesifer (2)
J. Stedding (2)
W. Springer (2)
John Somerville (2)
Thomas Smith (2)
G. Hamilton Smith (2)
S. Slagman (2)
Alfred Sisler (2)
David Simmons (2)
George J. Siess (2)
J. E. Shipway (2)
Nicholas Serverns (2)
Henry Series (2)
Thomas H. Russell (2)
James W. Rice (2)
Jacob Renger (2)
Ezra T. Reese (2)
G. E. Ramsberg (2)
B. M. Powell (2)
Abraham Powell (2)
G. W. Pool (2)
J. R. Poffenberger (2)
John A. Pierce (2)
Charles Phelas (2)
Lewis Peters (2)
W. Palmer (2)
G. W. Nalls (2)
John Nagle (2)
Henry Nafe (2)
Reuben Myers (2)
H. Mugness (2)
Andrew Mobley (2)
R. M. Mitchell (2)
A. McLean (2)
C. B. McCoy (2)
D. McAllister (2)
James M. Mason (2)
Frederick Lutz (2)
W. Lugenbeel (2)
Loman (2)
Samuel B. Lawrence (2)
James D. Keller (2)
A. Kayser (2)
Josiah (2)
J. J. Johnson (2)
William James (2)
James Irvin (2)
Michael Huffer (2)
James Holstead (2)
George W. Hileman (2)
Frederick Hessner (2)
Edward Herman (2)
William Harris (2)
Lewis Hampton (2)
Henry R. Haines (2)
Daniel Grey (2)
David Graham (2)
George W. Goodwin (2)
Martin Glass (2)
G. W. Gatlen (2)
John T. Gasnell (2)
Garded (2)
John Foreback (2)
James Fisher (2)
J. B. Fike (2)
E. Fike (2)
M. Donovan (2)
John Donohue (2)
Frederick Devilliss (2)
Christian Dayhuff (2)
Jefferson Davis (2)
J. W. Cunkelton (2)
G. Crouse (2)
Edward Cromer (2)
K. Cooper (2)
John Cook (2)
Peter Conroy (2)
Thomas P. Collins (2)
J. Clabaugh (2)
Charles (2)
John Cassner (2)
John Carson (2)
Burnison (2)
Rufus P. Burner (2)
Lloyd S. Buckingham (2)
Thomas Brown (2)
Martin Brenanan (2)
G. G. Brane (2)
William Bishop (2)
James H. D. Biderman (2)
Adam Best (2)
Lewis Becan (2)
Jacob Barney (2)
D. A. Barney (2)
J. D. Barker (2)
G. W. Barber (2)
R. C. Balsell (2)
J. Baker (2)
Andrew (2)
F. W. Alexander (2)
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