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Doc. 9. fight at round Mountain, Tenn.

Colonel Grose's report.

I arrived here this morning at six o'clock. The forces under my command had an engagement with General Forrest between three and four o'clock P. M., on the twenty-seventh instant, at “Round Mountain,” two and a half miles from Woodbury. He made the attack upon our rear, and, as he supposed, upon our train. But instead of my train, his heavy force came in contact with the Twenty-third Kentucky, under Colonel Mundy. The enemy were handsomely repulsed, and with a portion of Captain Mendenhall's battery, the right wing of the Thirty-sixth Indiana, and Colonel Mundy's regiment, we pursued and drove them over two miles, scattering them in every direction. Our loss is four of the Twenty-third Kentucky, and one of Lieutenant-Colonel Cochran's cavalry wounded. The loss of the enemy is much larger.

Your obedient servant,

W. Grose, Colonel, commanding Tenth Brigade. J. E. Holland, A. A. A. G.

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