

Abbott, J. G., 128.

Abolitionists, the, 139.

About, Edmond, 313.

Adam, 139, 800.

Adams, C. F., 21, 52, 53, 137.

Adams, Hannah, 6.

Agassiz, Alexander, 283.

Albion, the,” 189.

Alcott, A. B., 117, 147, 158, 169, 173, 175, 181, 191.

Alexander the Great, 126.

Alford, Henry, 110.

Alger, W. R., 105.

Allston, Washington, 45.

American Reforms, largely of secular origin, 116.

Anderson, Mary, 287.

Andrew, J. A., 106, 243, 246, 247, 248.

Andrews and Stoddard, 21.

Andrews, Jane, 129.

Andromeda, 89.

Aper, a Roman orator, 361.

Aristophanes, 301.

Arnold, Matthew, 272, 282, 283.

Aspinwall, Augustus, 125.

Atchison, D. R., 213.

Athletic exercises, influence of, 59.

Atlantic Circle of Authors, the, 168, 187.

Atlantic Club, the, 172, 176.

Austin, Mrs., Sarah, 359.

Autobiography, Obstacles to, x.

Autolycus, in “Winter's tale,” quoted, 64.

Avis, John, 234.

Bachi, Pietro, 17, 55.

Bacon, Sir, Francis, 58.

Baker, Lovell, 164.

Baldwin, J. S., 248.

Bancroft, Aaron, 15.

Bancroft, George, 189.

Bancroft, Mrs., George, 282,

Banks, N. P., 237.

Barnard, Henry, 9. Bartlett, Robert, 167, 190.

Bartol, C. A., 175.

Batchelder, Mr., 154, 155, 156, 157.

Batchelder, Mrs. F. L., 4.

Bearse, Andrew, 144, 148, 165.

Beatrice, 76.

Beck, Charles, 54.

Bede, Adam, 219.

Beethoven, Ludwig von, 8S, 95.

Belot, Adolphe, 313.

Belton, W. S., 138.

Bem, Joseph, 86.

Bemis, George, 175.

Besant, Sir, Walter, 273.

Bewick, John, 15.

Bigelow, Luther, 251.

Billings, Josh, 284.

Bird, F. ., 237.

birth of A literature, the, 167-195.

Bishop, W. H., 312, 314.

Blackstone, Sir, William, 88.

Blake, Harrison, 181.

Blanc, Charles, 322.

Blanc, Louis, 304, 305, 309, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322.

Boarding-schools, Dangers of, 22.

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 77.

Borel, General, 307.

Boswell, James, 15.

Bowditch, H. I., 176.

Bowditch, Nathaniel, 50.

Bowen, Francis, 53, 54.

Boyesen, H. H., 314.

Bremer, Fredrika, 011.

Brentano, Bettine, 25, 92, 93.

Briggs, the Misses, 119.

Bright, John, 327.

Brook Farm, 83, 84, 120.

Brookline, Mass., summer life in, 81.

Brown, Annie, 227.

Brown, Brownlee, 169.

Brown, C. B., 58.

Brown, John, 155, 196-234, 240, 242, 243, 246, 327.

Brown, Mrs., John, 227, 230.

Brown, Madox, 289. [368]

Brown, Theophilus, 181.

Browning, Robert, 66, 67, 202, 235, 272, 286.

Brownson, Orestes, 97.

Bryce, James, 97.

Bull, Ole, 103.

Burke, Edmund, 009, 356.

Burleigh, C. C., 327.

Burleigh, Charles, 118.

Burlingame, Anson, 175.

Burney, Fanny, 15.

Burns, Anthony, 131, 157, 159, 162, 165, 166.

Burns, Robert, 276.

Butler, B. F., 337, 342.

Butman A. ., 162, 163, 164, L65.

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 15, 23.

Cabot, Edward, 9.

Cabot, George, 10.

Cabot, J. E., 105.

Cambridge boyhood, A., 1-37.

Cambridge Churchyard, the, 32.

Cameron, Mr., 295.

Cameron, Mrs. J. M., 284, 295, 296.

Campbell, Thomas, 15.

Canning, George, 23.

Carlyle, Thomas, 77, 272, 278, 279, 280, 285, 296, 304, 332.

Carpenter, Mr., 233.

Carter, Charles P., 232.

Carter family, the, 75.

Cary, Alice, 134.

Cary, Phoebe, 134.

Cayley, Mr., 289.

Channing, Barbara, 83, 84.

Channing, E. T., 49, 52, 53, 57.

Channing, Ellery, 169, 174.

Channing, W. F., 159, 160, 176.

Channing, W. H., 43, 44, 97, 002, 114, 120, 175, 327.

Chapman, George, 95.

Chapman, J. J., 190.

Charles River the, 96.

Chaucer, Geofrey, 92.

Cheney, John, 176.

Child of the college, A, 38-68.

Child, F. J., 52, 53, 336.

Child, Mrs., Lydia Maria, 77, 102, 126.

Choules, J. O., 175.

Christ, Jesus, s18.

Church of the Disciples, the, 97.

Cicero, 171.

Cinderella, 253.

Civil War, the, 235-270.

Clapp, Henry, 85.

Claretie, Jules, 313.

Clarke, Edward, 62.

Clarke, J. F., 86, 97, 98, 244.

Clarkson, Thomas, 327.

Clay, Henry, 136.

Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain), 284.

Cleveland, Grover, 350, 351.

Cobb, Governor, 214.

Cobden, Richard, 327.

Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice, 281.

Cogswell, J. G., 189.

Coleridge, S. T., 102, 104, 272.

Collins, J. A., 85.

Collins, William, 15.

“Colombe's Birthday” (Browning), 202.

Columbus, Christopher, 308.

Come-outers, the, 114.

Comte, Auguste, zoi.

Confucius, 2.

Constant, Benjamin, 86.

Conway, M. D., 304, 309.

Conway, Mrs. M. D., 304.

Cooper, J. F., 41, 170, 187.

Copley, J. S., 79.

Courier, P. L., 80.

Cousin, Victor, 86, roi.

Craft, Ellen, 328.

Cranch, C. P., 18.

Crosby, Alpheus, 130.

Cudworth, Ralph, 10.

Curtin, Governor, 246.

Curtis, Burrill, 78, 83, 85.

Curtis, G. W., 78, 83, 84, 98.

Curtis, Mary (Story), 22.

Cushing, Caleb, 127.

Cutter, Calvin, ‘97.

Cuvier, Baron G. C. L. D. de, 251, 272.

Dana, C. A., 83, 84, xoI.

Dana, R. H., 21, 53, 136, 137, 161.

Dante degli Alighieri, 76, soI, 289.

D'Arc, Jeanne, 301, 309.

D'Arlon, 29.

Darmesteter, Madame, 289.

Darwin, Charles, 194, 272, 283, 284, 285, 286, 292, 296.

Darwin, Mrs., Charles, 284.

Davis, C. H., 19.

Davis, Helen, 18.

Davis, Margaret, 37.

Demosthenes, 298.

De Quincey, Thomas, 102.

Deschanel, Emile, 301, 303.

Devens, Charles, 48, 74, 141, 247.

Devens, Mary, 74.

De Vere, Aubrey, 272.

“ Dial, The,” 114.

Dicey, Albert, 97.

Dickens, Charles, 187, 234.

Discharged convict, reform of, 191.

Dix, Dorothea L., 264. [369]

Dobson, Susanna, S5.

Dombey, Paul, 187.

Douglas, S. A., 239.

Douglass, Frederick, 127, 173, 327.

Downes, Commodore, 242.

Doy, Doctor, 233.

Drew Thomas, z56, 163.

Du Maurier, George, 289.

Durant, H. F., 63, 88.

Dwight, John, 18.

Edgeworth, Maria, 15.

“Eleanore,” Tennyson's, 296.

Elizabeth, Queen, 7.

Ellis, A. J., 284.

Ellis, C. M., 142.

Emerson, R. W., 23, 36, 53, 67, 69, 77, 87, 91, 92, 95, 000, III, 115, 118, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 180, 182, 185, 190, 204, 244, 272, 279, 297, 327, 331, 332, 341, 359.

Emigrant Aid Society, The, 196.

Epictetus, 270.

Epilogue, 362-364.

Erckmann-Chatrian, 320.

“ Estray, The,” 102.

Everett, Edward, 12, 79, 189.

Everett, Mrs., Edward, 12.

Fallersleben, Hoffmann von, 101.

Falstaff, quoted, 174.

Farlow, W. G., 59.

Farrar, Mrs., John, 90.

Faust, 244.

Fay, Maria, 34, 74, 75.

Fay, S. P. P., 75-

Fayal, Voyage from, 196.

Felton, C. C., 53, 54.

Fichte, J. G., 102.

Fields, J. T., 176, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 292.

Fillmore, Millard, 136.

Finnegan, General, 262.

Fiske, John, 58, 59.

Fitzgerald, Lord, Edward, 66.

Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, 183.

Follen, Charles, 16.

Forbes, Hugh, 220, 221, 222.

Foster, Abby Kelley, 146.

Foster, Dwight, 88.

Foster, S. S., 116, 146, 327.

Fourier, Charles, 101.

Francis, Convers, 100, 101.

Franklin, Benjamin, 16.

Free Church of Worcester, 146.

Freeman, Watson, 155.

Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 100.

French, J. H., 245.

Frithiof's Saga, 101.

Frothingham, 0. B., 44, 005, 006, 175.

Froude, J. A., 272, 277, 278, 279.

Froude, Mrs. J. A., 277.

fugitive Slav epoch, the, 132-166.

Fugitive Slave Law, Passage of, 135.

Fuller, Margaret, 12, 77, 91, 92.

Gardner, Joseph, 233.

Garfield, J. A., 349.

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 220.

Garrison, W. L., 97, 116, 125, 126, 127, 135, 139, 242, 327-

Gasparin, Madame de, 266.

Geary, J. W., 203, 205, 206.

German influence on American thought, 188.

Gibbon, Edward, 91, 358.

Giles, Henry, 175.

Gillmore, Q. A., 262.

Goethe, J. F. W. von, 15, 42, 194, 348.

Goodell, John, 251.

Goodhue, J. M., 247.

Gosse, Edmund, 289.

Graeme, Christie, 233.

Grandison, Sir, Charles, 15.

Green, J. H., 102.

Greene, W. B., 107, 175.

Grenville, Tom, 166.

Grimes, Mr., 143.

Giinderode, Caroline von, 92, 93.

Habersham, W. N., 18.

Haggard, Rider, 273.

Hale, E. E., 53, 175, 193, 194

Hale family, the, 75.

Hall, A. O., 108.

Hall, Fitzedward, 53.

Hamel, M., 321.

Hanway, James, 208.

“Harbinger, the,” 101.

Hardy, Thomas, 273, 352.

Harrington, Mrs., 86.

Harris, T. W., 56.

Harvard University in 1837, 44; improvements in morals and manners, 46; elective system at, 57.

Haven, Franklin, 76.

Hawkins, N., 217.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 12, 158, 168, 170, 171, 176, 297, 315.

Hay, George, 55.

Hay, John, 219.

Hayden, Lewis, 140, 151, 155, 245.

Hazlett, Albert, 229, 231.

Hazlitt, William, 67.

Hedge, F. H., 53, 175.

Heine, Heinrich, 80, go, 120. [370]

Heinzelmann, 359.

Heraud's monthly magazine,” quoted, 167.

Herttell, s,Thomas, 6.

Hesiod, 92.

Higginson, Barbara, 80.

Higginson, F. J., 123.

Higginson, Francis, 4, 114, 130.

Higginson, John, 123.

Higginson, Louisa (Storrow), 8, 10, 34, 160.

Higginson, Louisa Susan, 101.

Higginson, Stephen, senior, 4; description of, by W. H. Channing, 43.

Higginson, Stephen, junior, 4.

Higginson, T. W., birth and home, 3; school days, 19; college life, 42; residence at Brookline, 81; favorite reading, 92, 102; love of natural history, 24, 194; first publications, 101, 102; post-collegiate study, go; residence at Newburyport, 112, 127; interest in Woman's Rights, 120; early anti.slavery influences, 126; residence at Worcester, 130, 146; fugitive slave events, 139; speech at Tremont Temple, 142; editorial writing, 145; first magazine articles, 172; first contribution to “Atlantic monthly,” 171; perilous versatility, 182; “Young Folks' history of United States,” 186; love of athletic exercises, 194; school committee work, 193; first book, 194; trip to Fayal, 196; visit to Kansas, 197; meeting with J. H. Lane, 203; intercourse with John Brown, 218; visit to his family, 226; attempt to rescue his confederates, 231; visit to a slave dealer's, 235; action during civil war, 245; enlistment, 248; transfer to South Carolina, 252; first military expedition, 259; “Army life in a black regiment,” 266; “Harvard memorial biographies,” 270; “Epictetus,” 270; “Malbone” and “Oldport days,” 270; residence in Newport, 270; visits to London, 271; to Paris, 298; public speaking, 326; public office,

Higginson, Waldo, 73.

Hill, Thomas, 53, 105, 175.

Hillard, G. S., 53, 175.

Hinton, R. H., 215, 231.

Hoar, E. R., 170, 175.

Hoar, G. F., 162.

Hoffman, Wickham, 62.

Holmes, Abiel, 13.

Holmes, John, 16, 39, 42.

Holmes, O. W., 4, 13, 24, 31, 32, 53, 139, 154, 168, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, z86.

Homer, 92, Ioi.

Hoole, John, 15.

Hopkins, Louisa (Stone), 129.

Home, R. H., 112.

Horsford, E. N., 27.

Houghton, Lord, 2, 289, 294, 297.

Houghton, Mr., 34.

Howard, John, 5.

Howe, Julia Ward, 311.

Howe, S. G., 142, 148, 150, 59, 176, 215, 221, 246.

Howland, Joseph, 163.

Hughes, Thomas, 297.

Hugo, Victor, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 311, 313, 321.

Humboldt, Baron F. H. A. von, 272.

Hunter, David, 253, 256, 261, 262.

Huntin, A., 225.

Hurlbert (originally Hurlbut), W. H., 107, 109, 110, III.

Hutchinson, Abby, 118, Ig9.

Huxley, T. H., 272, 285.

Irving, Washington, 12, 170, 187, 278.

Jackson, C. T., 157.

Jackson, J., 33x.

James, Henry, senior, 175.

James, Henry, 117.

Jefferson, Thomas, 5, 10.

Jerrold, Blanchard, 312.

Johnson, Dr., Samuel, 15.

Johnson, Rev., Samuel, 005, 106.

Jones, Mr., 334.

Jones, Mrs., 334.

Jones, Sammy, 334.

Jonson, Ben, 3.

Jouffroy, T. S., 86.

Kansas and John Brown, 196-234.

Kant, Immanuel, 105.

Keats, John, 19, 67.

Keene, Charles, 290.

Kelley, Abby, 327.

Kemp, Mr., 148, 151.

Keppel, Augustus, 166.

King, Edward, 312.

King family, the, 75.

King, Mrs. Rufus, 17. [371]

Kingsley, Charles, 107, 276.

Kirkland, J. T., 6.

Kraitsir, Charles, 86, 93.

Krummacher, F. A., III.

Lamartine, A. M. L. de, 309, 310.

Lamennais, H. F. R., Abbe de, 92, 93, 160.

Lander, F. W., 264.

Lander, Jean M., Mrs., 264, 265.

Landor, W. S., 24, IOs, 112, 298.

Lane, G. M., 53.

Lane, J. H., 203, 204, 207, 208, 219, 230.

Lang, Andrew, 273.

Lanmer, Sidney, 230.

Laplace, Marquis de, 50, 51.

Lamed, Mr., 83.

Laura, 76.

Lazarus, Emma, 314.

Le Barnes, J. W., 231, 232, 240.

Lee, Mrs., Thomas, 87.

Leighton, Caroline (Andrews), 129.

Leland, C. G., 312, 314.

Leroux, Pierre, 86.

Lewes, Mrs. (George Eliot), 219.

Lincoln, Abraham, 239, 261.

Linnaeus, Charles von, 89, 92.

literary London twenty years ago, 271-297.

literary Paris twenty years ago, 298-325.

Literature and Oratory compared, 360.

Locke, John, 700.

Lodge, H. C., 352.

Long, J. D., 337, 354.

Longfellow, H. W., 12, 13, 33, 54, 55, 67, 95, 101, 1002, 103, 1168, 171, 176, 178, 179, 180, 189, 313, 314, 331, 345.

Longfellow, Samuel, 105.

Loring, E. G., 141.

Loring, G. B., 176.

L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 270.

Lovering, Joseph, 53, 54.

Lowell, Charles, 103.

Lowell, J. R., 24, 28, 37, 42, 53, 55, 67, 700, 75, 76, 77, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 103, 110, 118, 126, 128, 168, 1700 171, 173, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 182, 184, 186, 295.

Lowell, John, 5.

Lowell, Maria (White), 67, 75, 76, 77, 101.

Lynch, John, 235, 236.

Lyttelton, Lord, 289.

Macaulay, T. B., 170.

Macbeth, 265.

Mackay, Mr., 202.

Mackintosh, Sir, James, 272.

Malot, Hector, 313.

Man of Ross, The, 5.

Mangual, Pedro, 22.

Mann, Horace, 142.

Marcou M., 321.

Marshall, John, 15.

Martin, John, 210.

Martineau, Harriet, 126.

Mary, Queen, 35.

Mason, Charles, 54.

Maternus, a Roman poet, 361.

Mather, Cotton, 4.

Mather, Increase, 53.

May, S. J., 327.

May, Samuel 146, 147.

Meikeljohn, J. M. D., 015.

Melusina, 42.

Mercutio, in “Romeo and Juliet,” quoted, 263.

Mill, J. S., 101, 121, 122.

Millais, J. E. t 332.

Miller, Joaquin, 289.

Mills, Harriet, 19.

Minot, Francis, 62.

Montaigne, Michael de, 181.

Montgomery, James, 143, 207, 208, 215, 231, 232, 233, 234, 246.

Moore, Miles, 213, 214.

Moore, Thomas, 304.

Morris, William, 289.

Morse, Jedediah, 6.

Morse, Royal, 700.

Motley, J. L., 53, 74, 169.

Mott, Lucretia, 327.

Moulton, Louise Chandler, 289.

Mucklewrath Habakkuk, 219.

Munroe, G. I., 156.

Music, Influence of, on a child, 18.

Nemesis of Public Speaking, The, 355.

Newton, Mr., 280.

Newton, Sir, Isaac, 92.

Nicolay, J. G., 219.

Niebuhr, B. G., 171.

Nordau, Max, 313.

North, Christopher, 169.

Northumberland, Duke of, 282.

Norton, Andrews, 12.

Norton, C. E., 39, 53, 336.

O'Brien, Fitzjames, 42.

O'Connor, W. D., 163.

Oken, Lorenz, 194.

on the outskirts of public life, 326-361. [372]

O'Shaughnessy, Arthur, 289.

Ossoli, see Fuller.

Owen, Richard, 194.

Palfrey, J. G., 12, 000, 103.

Palmer, Edward, 117.

Papanti, Lorenzo, 37.

Parker, F. E., 53, 62, 63, 64.

Parker, Theodore, 69, 97, 98, 100, Zzzi, 112, 113, 1309, 144, 148, 1500, 155, 59, 161, 168, 170, 175, 184, 189, 217, 221, 327.

Parkman, Francis, 69, 183.

Parsons, Charles, 13, 24, 400.

Parsons, Theophilus, 122.

Parton, James, 301.

Paul, Apostle, 217.

Peabody, A. P., 5, 53, 63.

Peabody, Elizabeth, 86, 87, 173.

Peirce, Benjamin, 17, 49, 50, 51, 52.

Pericles, 112.

period of the Newness, the,

Perkins, C. C., 20, 66, 124.

Perkins, H. C., 194.

Perkins, S. G., 80, 81, 124.

Perkins, S. H., 79, 80, 83, 84.

Perkins, T. H., 80.

Perry, Mrs., 315.

Peter, Mrs., 17.

Petrarca Francisco, 76.

Philip of Macedon, 126, 131.

Phillips & Sampson, 176.

Phillips, W. A., 207.

Phillips, Wendell, 53, 97, 121, 145, 148, 149, 150, 159, 240. 242, 243, 244, 297, 327, 328, 329, 333, 357.

Pickering, Arthur, 85.

Pierce, A. L., 125.

Pierce, John, 45.

Pike, Mr., 233.

Pillsbury, Parker, 327.

Pinckney, C. C., 13.

Plato, 1010x, 158, 18&.

Plunkett, Sergeant, 345.

Plutarch, 5, 57, 171.

Pollock, Sir, Frederick, 280, 281, 297.

Pollock, Lady 280, 292.

Pope, Alexander, I, 5.

Pottawatomie Massacre, The, approved in Kansas, 207.

Poverty, compensations of, 359.

Pratt, Dexter, 12.

Pratt, Rowena, 12.

Precocity, perils of, 68.

Preston, Colonel, 206.

Prescott, W. H., 82.

Prohibitory Laws, 120

Proudhon, P. J., 364.

Provincialism, advantages of, for children, 3.

Putnam, Mary Lowell, 173.

Puttenham, George, 95.

Pythagoras, 158.

Quincy, Edmund, 178, 179, 244.

Quincy; Josiah, 56, 71.

Quintilian, 360.

Rabelais, Francis, 18r.

Rainsford, W. S., 98.

Raynal, W. T. F., 15.

Redpath, James, 206, 226.

Rees, Abraham, 31.

reformer, the rearing of A, 100-131.

Remond, C. L., 174, 327.

Retzsch, Moritz, 79.

Revere, John, 54.

Reynolds, Sir, Joshua, 79.

Ribera, Jose, 295.

Rice, Mr., 233.

Rice, W. W., 164.

Richard, King, 60.

Richardson, James, 106.

Richter, J. P., 87, 90.

Rigual, Magin, 22.

Ripley, George, 189.

Ripley, Mrs., Sophia, 84.

Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, 292.

Ritter, J. W., 92.

Rivers, Prince, 255.

Rob Roy, 36, 214.

Robinson, Charles, 206, 207, 28, 209.

Robinson Rowland, 15.

Roelker, Bernard, 55.

Rogers, Seth, 265.

Rollins, E. W., 60.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 345.

Rosello, Victoriano, 22.

Rossetti, William, 288.

Rossetti, Mrs., 289.

Rousseau, J. J., 316, 317, 318, 330.

Rucekert, Friedrich, 101.

Rupert, Prince, 203.

Russell, W. E., 353.

Russell, Thomas, 226.

Russell, William. 21.

Russell, Lord, William, 282.

Rust, J. D., 261, 262.

Saladin, 60, 301.

Sales, Francis, 55.

Saltoun, Fletcher of, 183.

Sanborn, F. B., 173, 215, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225. [373]

Sand, George, 77.

Savage, James, 224.

Saxton, Rufus, 248, 251, 252, 253, 256, 257, 265.

Schelling, F. W. J., 102.

Schnetzler, August, 89.

Scholar in politics, the, no prejudice against, 336.

Schramm, Herr von, 120.

Schubert, G. H. von, 86.

Scott, Sir, Walter, 16, 132, 133, 219, 272, 276.

Seamans, Mr., 233.

Sedgwick, Charles, 60.

Selden, John, 359.

Sewall, S. E., 175.

Sewall, Samuel, 122.

Seward, W. H., 238, 239.

Shadrach (a slave), 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142.

Shairp, Principal, 277.

Shakespeare, William, 64, 287, 294.

Shaw, R. G., 256.

Shimmin, C. F., 60.

Siddons, Mrs., 266.

Sidney, Sir, Philip, 258.

Sims, Thomas, 131, 142, 143, 144, 146.

Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de, 92.

“ Sisterhood of Reforms,” the, 119.

Sivret, Mrs., 251.

Skimpole, Harold, 117.

Smalley G. W., 240, 312.

Smith, Gerrit, 218.

Smith, H. W., 64.

Smith, T. C. H., 62.

Social feeling in Cambridge, 71.

Somerville, Mrs., 17.

Soule, Silas, 233.

Spanish school-boys, 22.

Sparks, Jared, 16, 56, 58.

Spencer, Herbert, 272.

Spenser, Edmund, II, 28.

Spinoza, Benedict, 360.

Spofford, Harriet (Prescott), 129, 130, 177, 178, 179.

Sprague, A. B. R., 250.

Spring, L. W., 207.

Spring, Mrs., Rebecca, 230.

Spuller, M., 300.

Stackpole, J. L., 74.

Stallknecht, F. S., 104.

Stearns, G. L., 215, 217, 218, 221, 222.

Steedman, Charles, 261.

Stevens, A. D. , 229, 231.

Stevens, C. E., 157, 158.

Stewart, Dugald, H.

Stillman, Mrs., 296.

Storrow, Ann (Appleton), 7, 9.

Storrow, Anne G., 7.

Storrow, S. E., 74.

Storrow, Thomas, 7, 8.

Story, Joseph, 47-

Story, W. W., 77.

Story, William, 19, 22, 28.

Story family, the, 75.

Stowe, C. E. t 139, 178, 179, 180.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 176, 177, 178, 179, 1800 213.

Stowell, Martin, 147, 148, 149, 151, 153, 156, 157, 191, 198, 215.

Straub, Mr., 209.

Straub, Miss, 209.

Strauss, D. F., 10r.

Stuart, Gilbert, 280.

Sullivan, J. L., 263.

Sumner, Charles, 53, 125, 146, 175, 196, 267.

Suttle, C. F., 148.

Swift, J. L., 151.

Swinburne, A. C., 289.

Swiveller, Dick, 30.

Tacitus, C. C., 360.

Tadema, Alma, 289.

Talandier, M., 304, 305, 306, 309, 300.

Taney, R. B., 238.

Tappan, S. F., 204, 215.

Taylor, Bayard, 0108, 293.

Taylor, Henry, 29.

Taylor, Tom, 312.

Tennyson, Alfred, 67, 272, 287, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 314.

Thackeray, W. M., 187, 313.

Thaxter, Celia, 67.

Thaxter, L. L., 66, 67, 76, 94.

Thaxter, Roland, 67.

Thaxter family, the, 75.

Thayer and Eldridge, 230.

Therese, Madame, 320.

Thomas, C. G., 91.

Thompson, William, 198.

Thoreau, Miss, 170.

Thoreau, H. D., 25, 53, 78, 91, 92, 114, 169, 170, 181, 279, 360.

Ticknor, George, 12, 15, 49, 189.

Ticknor, W. D., 176.

Ticknor & Fields, 183.

Tidd, C. P., 228, 229.

Todd, Francis, 127.

Tolstoi, Count, Leo, 315.

Torrey, H. W., 53 58

Tourgueneff (or Turgenev), I. S., 313, 314.

Town and Country Club, the, 172.

Transcendentalism, 69. [374]

Transcendentalists, the, 114.

Trenck, Baron, 23.

Trollope, Anthony, 287.

Trowbridge, C. T., 262.

Tubman, Harriet, 328.

Tuckerman, Edward, 104.

Tuckerman family, the, 75.

Tukey, Marshal, 161.

Turpin, Richard, 161.

Tyndall, John, 272, 289.

Underwood, F. H., 176, 178, 182.

Ursuline Convent, Burning of the, 34.

Usher, R. G., 158.

Valentine, in “Two gentlemen of Verona,” quoted, 271.

Vanderbilt, Commodore, 175.

Van der Velde, Willem, 79.

Van Tromp, Admiral, 103.

Venable, Mr., 280.

Very, Jones, 54.

Village Blacksmith, the, 12.

Virgil, 337.

Vigilance Committee, the, 139, 145.

Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 317, 321.

Walker, Captain, 206.

Walker, F. A., 26.

Walker, James, 56, 110.

Walpole, Horace, 280.

Ward, G. C., 176.

Ward, S. G., 176, 246.

Ware, George, 25.

Ware, Henry, 138.

Ware, Thornton, 29.

Ware family, the, 180.

Washington, George, 16.

Wasson, D. A., 112, 169.

Watkins, W. I., 217.

Watson, Marston, 78.

Webb, Seth, 157.

Webster, Daniel, 82, 136, 297.

Webster, J. W., 27.

Weiss, John, 103, 169.

Weld, S. M., 78.

Weller, Sam, 334.

Wells, W. H., 129.

Wells, William, 19, 20, 2x.

Wendell, Barrett, 52.

Wentworth, Amy, 8.

Weyman, Stanley, 29.

Whewell, William, 92, 101.

Whipple, E. P., 170, 176.

White, A. D. , 312.

White, Blanco, 183.

White, William, 126.

White fugitive slaves, 146.

Whitman, Walt, 230, 231, 289.

Whittier, J. G., 8, 111, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 168, 171, 178, 179, 180, 185, 237.

Whittier, Elizabeth, 133, 134.

Wightman, Mayor, 244.

Wilberforce, William, 327.

Wilder, S. V. S., 10.

Willis, Mr. 233.

Willis, N. P., 95, 271.

Wilson, Billy, 231.

Wimpffen, General, 324

Wines, E. C., 310.

Winkelried, Arnold, 154.

Winnemucca, Sarah, 87.

Winthrop, R. C., 53.

Winthrop, Theodore, 107.

Wise, H. A., 224, 225.

Woman's Rights Movement, 120.

Woman Suffrage, 121.

Woodward, Rufus, 62.

Wordsworth, William, 69, 194, 272, 294, 338.

Wnght, H. C., 113.

Wyman, J C., 176, 178.

Xanthus, 112.

Zaccone, M., 313.

Zamacois, Eduardo, 295. [375]

Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S. A.

Electrotyped and printed by

H. O. Houghton and co. [376]

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Maria White (2)
Thornton Ware (2)
Francis A. Walker (2)
Edward Tuckerman (2)
C. G. Thomas (2)
Roland Thaxter (2)
Alfred Tennyson (2)
Miss Straub (2)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (2)
Thomas Storrow (2)
Anne G. Storrow (2)
William Russell (2)
William Rossetti (2)
Edmund Quincy (2)
W. H. Prescott (2)
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Isaac Newton (2)
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Henry James (2)
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Robert Browning (2)
F. L. Batchelder (2)
George Bancroft (2)
Zzzi (1)
Eduardo Zamacois (1)
M. Zaccone (1)
Xanthus (1)
John Wyman (1)
William Wordsworth (1)
Rufus Woodward (1)
H. C. Wnght (1)
Henry A. Wise (1)
Theodore Winthrop (1)
R. C. Winthrop (1)
Sarah Winnemucca (1)
Arnold Winkelried (1)
E. C. Wines (1)
Wimpffen (1)
Billy Wilson (1)
S. V. S. Wilder (1)
William Wilberforce (1)
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Elizabeth Whittier (1)
Walt Whitman (1)
Blanco White (1)
E. P. Whipple (1)
William Whewell (1)
Stanley Weyman (1)
Amy Wentworth (1)
Barrett Wendell (1)
William H. Wells (1)
William Wells (1)
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Seth Webb (1)
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D. A. Wasson (1)
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Henry Ware (1)
George Ware (1)
S. G. Ward (1)
G. C. Ward (1)
Horace Walpole (1)
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John Tyndall (1)
Richard Turpin (1)
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Charles Plummer Tidd (1)
William D. Ticknor (1)
W. D. Ticknor (1)
George Ticknor (1)
Miss Thoreau (1)
H. D. Thoreau (1)
William Thompson (1)
Therese (1)
Thayer (1)
L. L. Thaxter (1)
Celia Thaxter (1)
W. M. Thackeray (1)
Tom Taylor (1)
Henry Taylor (1)
Bayard Taylor (1)
Samuel F. Tappan (1)
R. B. Taney (1)
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W. A. Phillips (1)
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Stephen Higginson Perkins (1)
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Henry C. Perkins (1)
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Pericles (1)
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Elizabeth Peabody (1)
A. P. Peabody (1)
Apostle Paul (1)
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Miles Moore (1)
James Montgomery (1)
Michael De Montaigne (1)
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J. M. D. Meikeljohn (1)
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W. S. Landor (1)
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F. A. Krummacher (1)
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Hurlbut (1)
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A. Huntin (1)
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Samuel Gridley Howe (1)
Julia Ward Howe (1)
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E. N. Horsford (1)
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Homer (1)
R. H. Home (1)
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Francis Higginson (1)
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Fitzedward Hall (1)
A. Oakey Hall (1)
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Demosthenes (1)
Aubrey De Vere (1)
Thomas De Quincey (1)
Margaret Davis (1)
Helen Davis (1)
C. H. Davis (1)
Darmesteter (1)
Dante (1)
Richard Henry Dana (1)
Charles A. Dana (1)
Jeanne D'Arc (1)
Cuvier (1)
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George William Curtis (1)
G. W. Curtis (1)
Burrill Curtis (1)
Curtin (1)
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Alpheus Crosby (1)
Christopher Pearse Cranch (1)
Ellen Craft (1)
P. L. Courier (1)
J. S. Copley (1)
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Benjamin Constant (1)
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William Collins (1)
John A. Collins (1)
S. T. Coleridge (1)
J. G. Cogswell (1)
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Henry Clay (1)
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James Freeman Clarke (1)
Edward Clarke (1)
Jules Claretie (1)
Henry Clapp (1)
Cicero (1)
Jesus Christ (1)
J. O. Choules (1)
Lydia Maria Child (1)
Francis James Child (1)
John Cheney (1)
Geofrey Chaucer (1)
John Jay Chapman (1)
George Chapman (1)
William Francis Channing (1)
Ellery Channing (1)
Edward Tyrrel Channing (1)
Barbara Channing (1)
Cayley (1)
Phoebe Cary (1)
Alice Cary (1)
Carpenter (1)
Thomas Carlyle (1)
George Canning (1)
Thomas Campbell (1)
James Elliot Cabot (1)
George Cabot (1)
Edward Cabot (1)
George Gordon Byron (1)
B. F. Butler (1)
Robert Burns (1)
Anthony Burns (1)
Fanny Burney (1)
Anson Burlingame (1)
Charles Burleigh (1)
C. C. Burleigh (1)
Edmund Burke (1)
Ole Bull (1)
James Bryce (1)
Orestes Brownson (1)
Theophilus Brown (1)
Madox Brown (1)
Charles Brockden Brown (1)
Brownlee Brown (1)
Annie Brown (1)
John Bright (1)
Briggs (1)
Bettine Brentano (1)
Fredrika Bremer (1)
H. H. Boyesen (1)
Francis Bowen (1)
Nathaniel Bowditch (1)
H. I. Bowditch (1)
James Boswell (1)
Borel (1)
Giovanni Boccaccio (1)
Louis Blanc (1)
Charles Blanc (1)
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Winfield Scott Belton (1)
Adolphe Belot (1)
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John S. Baldwin (1)
Lovell Baker (1)
Francis Bacon (1)
Pietro Bachi (1)
John Avis (1)
Autolycus (1)
Sarah Austin (1)
D. R. Atchison (1)
Augustus Aspinwall (1)
Matthew Arnold (1)
Aristophanes (1)
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Aper (1)
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J. A. Andrew (1)
Mary Anderson (1)
Washington Allston (1)
William R. Alger (1)
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Amos Bronson Alcott (1)
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