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Sixteenth battery Massachusetts Light Artillery.

Capt. Henry D. Scott.

Number on rolls,5166171
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in battery,
Enlisted men (included above) serving elsewhere within battery,
Actual total of members of battery,5166171
Killed and died of wounds,
Died by accident and disease,66
Died in Confederate prison,
Total losses,66

The 16th Mass. Battery was organized at Camp Meigs, Readville, Mass., in March, 1864, and its last members were mustered in April 4. It left the State April 19 and arrived at Washington April 21. It joined the 22d Army Corps, and remained in camp in the vicinity of the Capitol until June, when it moved to Alexandria, Va. It was posted at Fort Kearny, Tenallytown, Md., July 11 and 12; and was stationed at Troy Road Barracks, Albany, N. Y., September 7 to November 16. The battery returned to its old station at Washington November 19, and on December 6 it moved to Fairfax Court House, where it was posted in two sections, one at Vienna and one at Fairfax Station; here the battery remained through the winter and during the rest of its service, engaging in an expedition to Loudon Valley in March, 1865. On June 22 it returned to Massachusetts and was paid off and discharged July 18, 1865.

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