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Third regiment Massachusetts volunteer Infantry (Militia), 3 months and 9 months service.

Field and Staff.Line.companies.Totals.
Killed and died of wounds,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,22
Died by accident or disease,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,321122213
Died as prisoners,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,11
Total losses,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,321125216

Casualties by Engagements.

Dec. 10, Plymouth N. C.,22

was sent to assist in the destruction of the Gosport navy yard. Four three-years companies were assigned to the regiment during May, but were afterwards transferred to the 29th Mass. Infantry. It formed part of the garrison at Fortress Monroe until July, moving then to Hampton, Va., where it remained until its return to Massachusetts and its muster out, July 23. Many of the members re-enlisted in the three-years regiments then forming.

Recruiting for the 3d Infantry for nine-months service began Sept. 16, 1862, and on October 22 it left Boston for Beaufort, N. C., and went into camp near New Berne. During the autumn, detachments were on duty at Newport barracks and Plymouth, N. C., the detachment at the latter place engaging in the battle on December 10. The regiment was employed in the expedition to Goldsboroa, in December, 1862, being present at the battles of Kinston and Whitehall and taking part in the action at Goldsboroa. It was on duty in the defences of New Berne during the remainder of its service, engaging in frequent expeditions and skirmishes. In April, 1863, it took part in the expedition for the relief of Little Washington, N. C.; in June, the regiment's term of service having expired, it returned on the 16th to Massachusetts, and was mustered out June 26, 1863, at Camp Joe Hooker, Lakeville.

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