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Fourth regiment Massachusetts Cavalry.

(1) Col. Arnold Augustus Rand.

(2) Col. Francis Washburn, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.

(3) Col. Horatio Jenkins, Jr., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.

Field and staff.LineABCDEFGHIKLMRecruits.Totals.
Number on regimental rolls,—
Enlisted men,119132120118125119114115109145148179168101,621
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in regiment.2122111111415333
Enlisted men (included above) serving elsewhere within regiment.21142212
Actual total of members of regiment,—
Enlisted men,37130119117122117113114108137145172165101,576

The 4th Mass. Cavalry, under Col. Arnold Augustus Rand, was organized Feb. 12, 1864. The first of the three battalions composing it, the Independent Battalion Mass. Cavalry, at that time stationed in South Carolina, was originally part of the 1st Mass. Cavalry; and the record of its service from December, 1861, to May, 1864, forms part of the history of that regiment. The 2d Battalion was recruited in February, 1864, and left the State on March 20 in command of Maj. David B. Keith; the 3d Battalion, under Major Cabot, left on April 23. The 2d Battalion, stationed at Hilton Head, S. C., engaged in an expedition up the Ashepoo River in May; in June two companies, under Capt. Joseph W. Morton, moved to Jacksonville, Fla., and made their headquarters there, in August forming part of an expedition to Palatka, Fla. In July a detachment of the battalion, under Captain Staples, engaged in an expedition to St. John's Island, S. C. The battalion remained stationed thus by detachments at Hilton Head, S. C., and Jacksonville, Fla., throughout the year and until the close of the war. Immediately after organization the 1st and 3d Battalions were ordered to Virginia; the 3d encamping at Newport News during most of the month of May, 1864, and afterward establishing headquarters at City Point, Va.; while the 1st Battalion, under command of Captain Richmond, moved to Petersburg, being in action at Bermuda Hundred and Drewry's Bluff. In June Cos. E and H of the 3d Battalion, under Captain Ray, were on detached service with the 18th Army Corps. On August 15 these two battalions, under command of Colonel Rand, became a part of the 10th Army Corps and took part in the siege of Petersburg, remaining thus engaged until the spring of 1865. Meanwhile four companies were detached and joined the 24th and 25th Army Corps, remaining with them until their muster out, and taking part with them in the pursuit of the Confederate army and the occupation of Richmond. Cos. I, L and M before Petersburg met at High Bridge, Va., the greatest loss which the regiment suffered during its service. After the surrender of General Lee, all the detachments being united, the regiment remained at Richmond during the summer and autumn of 1865, were mustered out of service November 14, and, returning to Boston, were paid off and discharged at Gallop's Island Nov. 26, 1865.

1 Including non commissioned staff.

2 Including non commissioned staff.

3 Including non commissioned staff.

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Arnold Augustus Rand (3)
Francis Washburn (1)
Staples (1)
Silas P. Richmond (1)
Ray (1)
Joseph W. Morton (1)
Francis L. Lee (1)
David B. Keith (1)
Horatio Jenkins (1)
Stephen Cabot (1)
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