Agouhanna, 115. Air of New England, The, 350, 351. Alaniz, De, 90. Amadas, Captain, Philip, 177, 179, 199. Ameyro, 44. Amonate, 252. Anderson's ‘Norsemen in America,’ 9. Anne, Queen (of England), 258, 259, 260, 262. Appamatuck, Queen of, 245. Aquixo, 132. Argall, Captain, Samuel, 262. Arias, Peter, 121. Asher, G. M., 54, 280. Audusta, King, 150, 153.B.
Bancroft's ‘History of the United States,’ 60. Barentsen, Pieter, 307. Barlowe, Arthur, 177. Barre, Nicolas, 152. Bartholomew, 164. Bassaba, 223. Bay of Chaleur visited, 99. Beaufort River, Ruins on, 148. Beauhaire, Monsieur, De, 161. Beñalosa, Captain, 77, 81. Bennet, 298, 300, 301. Biarni, 3, 4, 5, 6. Billington, Francis, 332. Birds, American, 352. Bouwensz, Tymen, 307. Bradford, Governor, William, 314, 318. Brereton, John, 202, 203, 213. Brodhead, J. R., 280. Bute, Michael, 300, 301, 302.C.
Cabot and Verrazzano, 53-70. John, 55. J. Elliot, 2. Sebastian, 56-59. Cabeza de Vaca, Voyage of, 7r-96. Canada, The French in, 97-118, 267. Cape Cod visited by Standish, 312. Caribbees, The, 21, 23, 28, 29, 35, 39, 50. Cartier, Jacques, 58, 97-118. Carver, Governor, 319, 337. Cassen, George, 237, 238. Castillo, Alonzo del, 77, 90. Champlain, Samuel de, on the war-path, 267-278. Chanca, Dr., 26. Charlesfort, 148, 149, 152. Chemin, John du, 165. Children, Indian, 251. Clap, Captain, Roger, 339, 358-361. Clement, Francis, 301. Cleveland, H. R., 280. Cogswell, J. G., 54. Coleridge's ‘Ancient Mariner,’ 83. Coligny, Admiral, De, 143. Colman, John, 284. Colonies in New England, unsuccessful, 201-228. Colonies, The lost, of Virginia, 75-200. Colonists in Virginia, Smith's description of, 234. Colony, Massachusetts Bay, 339-362. Plymouth, 225, 309-338. Popham, 223. Virginia (first), 186; (second) 189; Captain John Smith's, 229-263. Columbus, Christopher, Letters of, 19-39; appeal of in his old age, 5; and his companions, 17-52. Columbus, Diego, 51. [364] Company, London, 222. Massachusetts Bay, 341. Plymouth, 222. West India, 303. Cooke, Captain, 198. Coppin, Master, 326. Corn, Indian, Profitableness of, 348. Couexis, King, 150. Croatoan, 192, 193, 197. Crol, S. J., 305. Cudruaigny, 110.D.
Danusco, John, 136. Dare, Ananias, 194. Eleanor, 194. Virginia, 194, 200. Davies, James, 223. Captain Richard, 223. Captain Robert, 223, 224. De Costa, B. F., 9. De Soto, Ferdinando, 96, 119 140. Digby, 224. Domagaia, 105, 106, 109, 110. Donnacona, 105, 106, 107, 110. Dorantes, Andres, 77, 90. Drake, Sir, Francis, 187. Dudley, Governor, 357. Dunkirkers, 355. Dutch chronicles of the New Netherlands, 303-308.E.
Earth of New England, The, 347. Earthly paradise, The, 26. Eirek, the Red, 312. Endicott, Governor, John, 341, 345, 346. Escobar, 40.F.
Fabian, Robert, 56. Faner, Sidrack, 302. Ferdinand and Isabella, 16, 25, 27, 37, 51, 52. Ferdinando, 190, 191. Ferdinando, Simon, 179. Fire of New England, The, 352. ‘First encounter,’ The, of Pilgrims, 319. Fish in New England, 350. Florida visited, 73, 125, 141. Francis I. (of France), 60, 99, 103. Frederycke, Master, Kryn, 305. French in Canada, The, 97-118. in Florida, The, 141-212.G.
Gallegos, Baltasar de, 124, 126, 131. Gardar, 3. Gilbert, Sir, Humphrey, 169-174. Captain Raleigh, 222-227. Gloucester (Mass.) harbor, 344, 349. Gorges, Sir, Ferdinando, 335. Gosnold (or Gosnoil), Bartholomew, 203-213, 222, 231, 232. Gourgues, Dominic de, 166. Granganimeo, 180. Wife of, 184. Greene, Henry, 296-301. Gregory XIII., Pope, 290, 328. Grenville (or Greenville), Sir Richard, 188, 190, 193. Guachoya, Cacique of, 135, 139. Gudrid, 14. Guernache, 151.H.
Hackit, Thomas, 143. Hais, John de, 165. Hakluyt Society, Publications of, 18, 54, 120, 142, 202, 280. Hakluyt's voyages, 54, 98, 142, 169, 176. Harlow, Captain, 223. Hawkins, Captain, John, 161. Heckewelder, Reverend, John, 290. Henry VII., King (of England), 57, 58. Heriulf, 3, 6. Higginson, Reverend, Francis, 341-355. Hillard, G. S., 230. Hochelaga (now Montreal), 111. Holland, Lords States-General of, 303. Hopkins, Steven, 314, 334. Howe, George, 191. Huarco, 43. Hudson, Henry, and the New Netherlands, 279-308; last voyage of, 296-303. Hudson, John, 302. Hunt, Captain, 335. Robert, 231. Huyck, Jan, 305.I.
Indians, Canadian, 100, 105, 108, 111, 114. [365] Indians, Caribbean, 21, 23, 29, 35, 39, 50. Florida, 124, 127, 144, 149, 156. Gulf of Mexico, 75, 83, 88, 91, 93. Hudson River, 283, 290. Mississippi River, 131, 135, 138. New England, 11, 65, 204, 213, 225, 320, 333, 357. Virginia, 79, 184, 192,232,237,242, 251. Boats of, 24, 65, 183. Children of, 251. Ill-treatment of, by colonists, 11, 64, 124, 188, 219, 234, 307, 335. Kindness of, to colonists, 22, 61, 84, 101, 105 111, 180, 186, 234, 286. Mode of warfare of, 29, 92, 124, 270, 325. Religious ceremonies of, 242, 250. Taken to England, 57, 221, 257, 335. Village, 184.J.
James I. (of England), 222. Jean, Francis, 163. John, Sagamore, 357. Johnson, Isaac, 356. Lady Arbella, 356. Jones, Master, 314, 319, 326, 332. Juet, Robert, 281, 300, 303.K.
Karlsefni, 12-15. Kendall, George, 233. Kennebec River, Colony on, 222. King, Henry, 302. John, 299, 300. Kingsley, Henry, 72. Kohl's ‘History of Discovery,’ 9, 98. Krieckebeck, Commander, 307.L.
La Chere, 15s. La Grange, Monsieur, 162. La Vigne, Monsieur, 162. Lane, Master, Ralph, 189, 191. Laudonniere, Captain, Narrative of, 149-166. Le Beau, 166. Lebenoa, 225. Leif the Lucky, 6-9, 12. Lempo, Jan, 305. Lincoln, Earl of, 355. Lions, Supposed, 171, 349. Lobillo, John R., 124, 126. Lodlo, Arnold, 300, 302. Longfellow, H. W., poem quoted, 168. Lowe, Captain, 355. Lymer, Richard, 223. Lys, Monsieur, Du, 159, 161.M.
Maccou, King, 151, 153. Maine Historical Society, 98. Major, R. H., 18. Malaga, Monks of, 335. Mannitto, 291, 293. Manteo, 192, 199. Martin, John, 233. Massachusetts Bay Colony, 339-362. Massasoit, 334. Mendez, Diego, his daring deeds, 39-50. Menendez, Don Pedro, 159, 164, 166. Minuit, Honorable, Pieter, 305. Mississippi River, Discovery of, 79, 96, 132. Mococo, 128, 129, 130, 131. Molemnaecker, Francois, 305. Moore, Adam, 302. Moose (Molke), 349. Moscoso, Luysde, 138, 139. Moter, 298. Mourt's Relation, 310. Mouy, Sir Charles of, 99.N.
Nantaquond, 258. Narvaez, Pamphilo de, 122, 127. New England's Discommodities, 353. New style (calendar), 290, 328. New York Historical Society, 54. Newport, Captain, Christopher, 231. 233. Northmen, Legends of, 1-16.0.
O'Callaghan, Dr. E. B., 268, 280. Opechankanough, 239. Ortelius, 99. Ortiz, John, 127-130. Ottigny, 158. Ouade, 150. Oviedo, Lope de, 83, 90, 91.[366]