Key to the plan of “Cambridge in 1635” .
Indicating the owners and occuprants of the several lots, in 1635, and in 1642. All are supposed to have been homesteads, unless otherwise designated.Cambridge in 1635. |
Cambridge in 1635. |
1 “ Forfeited;” afterwards called “Watch-house Hill;” site of the Meeting-house from 1650 to 1833.
2 Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not.
3 Vacant lot.
4 Vacant lot.
5 Vacant lot.
6 Vacant lot.
7 Vacant lot.
8 Vacant lot.
9 Vacant lot.
10 Vacant lot.
11 House, but apparently not a homestead.
12 House, but apparently not a homestead.
13 House, but apparently not a homestead.
14 Now called Winthrop Square.
15 Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not.
16 Vacant lot.
17 Vacant lot.
18 Vacant lot.
19 Vacant lot.
20 Vacant lot.
21 Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not.
22 Vacant lot.
23 Vacant lot.
24 Vacant lot.
25 Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not.
26 Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not.
27 Vacant lot.
28 Vacant lot.
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