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Vassall, John, s. of Major Leonard Vassall, was born in the West Indies 7 Sept. 1713, and grad. H. C. 1732. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Lt.-gov. Spencer Phips, 10 Oct. 1734; she d. 22 Sept. 1739, and he m. Lucy, only daughter of Jonathan Barron of Chelmsford. His chil. were Ruth, b. 14 July 1737, m. Edward Davis of Boston 20 May 1756, and d. 23 Jan. 1774; John, b. 12 June 1738; Elizabeth, b. 12 Sept. 1739, m. Thomas Oliver of Dorchester 11 June 1760, who afterwards rem. to Camb. and was the last Lt.-gov. of Massachusetts appointed by the King; Lucy, b. 15 Nov. 1747, m. John Lavicourt of Antigua 16 June 1768. John the f. bought, 26 July 1736, a house and seven acres of land at the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets, which estate he sold 30 Dec. 1741 to his brother Henry, having probably, in the mean time, either erected or much enlarged the house now owned and occupied by Samuel Batchelder, Esq.; he afterwards, 17 Jan. 1746, bought six and a half acres on the opposite side of Brattle Street; he was a Colonel, and [675] Representative. He d. 27 Nov. 1747;1 his w. Lucy m. Benjamin Ellery 22 Nov. 1749, and d. 19 Oct. 1752.

2. Henry, s. of Major Leonard Vassall, was born in the West Indies 25 Dec. 1721, m. Penelope, dau. of Isaac Royall, 28 Jan. 1742, and had Elizabeth, b. 1742, m. Dr. Charles Russell 15 Feb. 1768, and d. 23 Feb. 1802; Penelope, d. young. Henry the f. was also a Colonel and Representative, resided in the fine old mansion still standing at the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets, and d. 17 Mar. 1769; his w. Penelope d. in Boston 19 Nov. 1800, a. 76.

3. John, s. of John (1), grad. H. C. 1757, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Oliver (and sister to the Lt.-governor) 12 June 1761, and had John, b. 7 May 1762; Spencer Thomas, b. 7 Ap. 1764; Thomas Oliver, b. 12 Ap. 1766; Elizabeth, bap. 5 July 1767, d. 5 Jan. 1768; Robert Oliver, b. 28 May 1769; Elizabeth, b. 5 May 1771; Leonard, b. 1773, d. 7 Nov. 1775; Mary, b. in London 26 Mar. 1777. John the f. erected the stately edifice known as the Washington Headquarters, now the homestead of Professor Henry W. Longfellow, which he abandoned at the commencement of the Revolution and fled with his family to England, where he d. suddenly 2 Oct. 1797. He had large possessions in Camb. and Boston, all which were confiscated, and himself exiled, soon after he departed from home. For a full account of the Vassall Family, see New England Hist. Gen. Reg., XVII. 56-61, 113-128.

Vincent, Humphrey, in 1635 owned a house and garden on the southerly side of Winthrop Street, between Brighton and Dunster streets, and other lots in the West End Field and Pine Swamp. Before 1642 he removed to Ipswich, and sold his house and lands to John Moore; he received a grant of land in Ipswich 1638, and d. 5 Dec. 1664.

1 A receipt recorded in the Middlesex Registry of Probate (xliv. 201), serves to illustrate the fashion of dress worn by the aristocracy, in Col. Vassall's time:--

Cambr. Nov. 7. 1752. Then received of Mr. Benjamin Elery of Camb. the articles hereafter mentioned, given by the last will and testament of Col. John Vassall late of said town Esq., deceased, to his son John Vassall, viz., his library, watch, sword, and arms, a velvet coat laced, an embroidered jacket, silk breeches, a blue velvet coat with gold lace, a camblet coat, a flowered silk coat and breeches, a paduasoy waistcoat and breeches, scarlet breeches, a scarlet coat, a fustian coat, a cloth coat, an old waistcoat, a pair of new cloth breeches, a banyan, an old greateoat, eighteen pairs of white ribbed stockings, one pair of worsted do., a pair of boots, a pair of spurs, a trooping saddle, one laced hat, one plain do., a pair of pocket pistols, holsters, and caps, saddlegirt, brass stirrups, a silver hilted sword, a gun, riding pistols, a silver watch, an old green coat, a black velvet jacket, a book-case: all which were left in the possession of the said Vassall's widow, and whereof the said Elery is hereby discharged, and from all demands for the same. Witness our hands.

Richard Bill,(Executors of the last will and testament of the said John Vassall, Esq. Joshua Henshaw, (Executors of the last will and testament of the said John Vassall, Esq.

Nov. 7, 1752. I, Spencer Phips, Esq., guardian to John Vassall (son of Col. John Vassall abovenamed), do hereby acknowledge that I have received of the executors before named the several articles above enumerated for and on behalf of the said John, my pupil, and shall account with him for the same.

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