XVI. Bibliographical index to periodical literature bearing on Massachusetts services during the civil war.
by Florence Wyman Jaques.
Abbot, Willis J.
Blue-jackets of 1861, rev. of, with corrections. N. Y. Nation, vol. 43, p. 458.Abbott, Capt. Edward G.,
Co. A, 2d Regt. M. V. I. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Funeral and obituary notice. Boston Evening Journal, Aug. 18, 1862, p. 4, col. 5.Abbott, John S. C.
Burnside in Newbern; year of 1862, illus. Harper's Mon., vol. 30, p. 3. — Florida, illus. Harper's Mon., vol. 33, p. 704. — McClellan's change of base, illus. Harper's Mon., vols. 30, p. 711; 31, p. 28. — Military hospitals at Fortress Monroe. Harper's Mon., vol. 29, p. 306. — Navy in the No. Carolina Sounds, illus. Harper's Mon., vol. 32, p. 567. — Opening the Mississippi, illus. Forts Jackson and St. Philip; early operations about Vicksburg. Harper's Mon., vol. 33, p. 296. — Prison experiences, illus. Harper's Mon., vol. 34, p. 150. — Red River, Texas, etc.; Butler and Banks; illus. Harper's Mon., vol. 30, p. 575. — Texas lost and won, illus. Galveston, Sabine Pass, etc.; entire war history of Texas. Harper's Mon., vol. 33, p. 444. — History of the civil war in America, rev. of vols. 1, 2. Army and Navy Jour, vol. 3, pp. 167, 229. — – Notice of. North American Rev., vol. 97, p. 586.Abbott, Maj. Henry L.,
20th Regt. M. V. I. Record and character. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 1, p. 650. ‘Acacia,’ U. S. steamer; account of her capture of prize steamer Julia, Jan., 1865. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 365.Adairsville
in Sherman's campaign in 1864. Gen. O. O. Howard. United Service Mag, vol. 14, p. 142Adams, Chas. Francis.
Minority report, disagreeing with the action of the committee of thirty-three in the House of Representatives, which reported a series of resolutions, recommending measures to placate the slave States. Boston Evening Journal. Jan. 18, 1861, p. 4, cols. 3, 4. — Report of speech in the House of Representatives, Washington, Jan. 31, 1861, on the grievances of the South, and its threats of secession. Boston Evening Journal, Feb. 2, 1861, p. 4, cols. 2-4.Adee, David Graham.
Sketch of Gen. Geo. L. Hartsuff; position of his brigade at Antietam. United Service Mag., vol. 5, p. 62. ‘Adela,’ U. S. steamer, captures the ‘Badger,’ Nov. 6, 1864, in Florida. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 221.After taps,
poem. H. B. Sargent. Atlantic, vol. 11, p. 566. ‘Alabama,’ Confederate steamer. See also ‘Kearsarge.’ — Sinking of the. Lieut. C. W. Ruschenberger. United Service Mag., new ser., vol. 1, p. 462. — Why Semmes of the, was not tried. John A. Bolles. Atlantic, vol. 30, pp 88, 148. ‘Albatross,’ U. S. gunboat, injured in hurricane on voyage from Portsmouth, N. H., to Mobile Bay, Jan., 1865. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, pp. 365, 381. ‘Albemarle,’ Confederate ram, destroyed, and Plymouth, N. C., retaken. Reports, Nov. 1, 1864. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 203. — Destroyed Oct. 27, 1864. Report of Lieut. W. B. Cushing; praises volunteers from the ‘Otsego,’ ‘Monticello’ and the ‘Chicopee.’ Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 171. — – Various accounts from rebel journals. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 180. — Praise of Lieut. W. B. Cushing; letter to him from Gideon Welles, sec. navy; Gen. Order No. 34, by Ad. D. D. Porter. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 220. — Sinking of the. N. Y. Nation, vol. 47, p. 11.Alcott, Louisa M.
Hospital sketches; The blue and the gray. Putnam's Mag, vol. 1, new ser., p. 737.Aldie, Va.
Engagement of June 17, 1863. Rumors and early reports. Boston Evening Journal, June 22, 1863, p. 2, cols. 2, 3, p. 3, col. 3, p. 4, cols. 1-6; June 23, p. 4, col. 5.[610]