Academy of Arts and Sciences, 5
Accidents, 5
Adams, Samuel 6
Allen's Farm, 6
Allerton Point, 6
Almanacs, 6
Almshouse, 6
Amee, J. L. C. 7
American Flag, 7
Amnesty, 7
Anderson, Maj., Robert, 7
John A 7
Angel, 7
Angel Gabriel, 7
Annexation, 7
Antimonians, 8
Appendix, 175-208
Apprentices, 8
Aqueduct, 8
Aquitamong, 8
Arabella, 8
Arch, 8
Arminianism, 8
Benedict 9
Artillery, 9
Ashbel, Kate 9
Assessors, 9
Asylum, 9
Athenaeum, 9
Atkins' Pasture, 10
Crispus 10
John 10
Aurora Borealis, 10
Baby Show, 10
Back Bay, 10
Ball, Blue 10
Ball Amusements, 10
Ball, Base 10
Balloon, 11
Banished, 11
Banks, 11
Barracks, 11
Barton's Point, 12
Barnicoat, William 12
Battles, 12
Beacon, 12
Beacon Hill, 12
Beacon Park, 13
Bears and Wolves, 13
Bells, 13
Bigelow, Jacob, Dr. 13
Big Dick, 13
Bills of Credit, 13
Bilboes, 13
Births, 13
Blackstone, William 14
James G 14
Black Maria, 14
Blockade, 15
Junius Brutus 15
John Wilkes 15
Boston, 15
Board of Trade, 16
Bonaparte, Jerome 16
Boston Stone, 16
Boylston, Zebdiel 16
John 16
Branded, 16
Bread, 16
Bristol Bill, 17
Brigham, Peter Bent 17
Bridges, 17-19
British Soldiers, 19
John 20
Brownlow, Gov 20
Bruce, Sir Robt 20
Bulfinch, Charles 20
Bunker Hill Monument, 20
Burnside, Gen 20
Burrill, Charles 20
Burroughs, Stephen 20
John 20
Burns, Nellie 20
Burial Grounds, 20
Butler, Gen. B. F. 21
Cages for Criminals, 22
Thomas 22
California, 22
Canadian Rebellion, 22
Canals, 22
Can-Can, 22
Carriages, Supt. of 22
Cards and
Dice, 22
Cards, Hand 22
Carr, Sir Robert 23
Carnival of Authors, 23
Carson, Kit 23
Cass, Lewis, Gen 23
Cathedral, Catholic 23
Cavalry, 23
Cemeteries, 23
Century, 23
Celebrations, 23
Centennials, 24
Charters, Colonial 24
Charters, City 24
Ezekiel 25
Chemical Chimney, 25
Children's Mission, 25
Chinese Junk, 25
Chinese Embassy, 25
Chimneys, 25
Christmas, 25
Cholera, 25
Churches, 25-33
City Auditor, 33
City Building, 33
City Clerk, 33
Crier, 33
City Council Clerk, 33
City Engineer, 34
City Government, 34
City Hall, 34
City Hall Grounds, 34
City Messenger, 35
Marshal, 35
City Physician, 35
City Prison, 35
City Registrar, 35
City Solicitor, 35
City Stables, 36
City Treasurer, 36
City Collector, 36
Henry 36
Coaches, 36
Daniel J 36
Cockade, 36
Corcoran, Gen 36
Fish, 36
Coliseum, 36
Collamore, Geo. W 37
Committee of Safety, 37
Common, 37-39
Common, Superintendent 39
Common Sewer, Superintendent, 39
Concert Hall, 39
Conduit, 39
Constables, 39, 40
Convent, Ursuline 40
Continental Congress, 40
Cook and Beer Shops, 40
Cooper, William 40
Corn Measurer, 40
Corn Market, 40
Rev. John 41
Count Johannes 41
Court, Colonial 41
Court, General 41
Court, Municipal 41
Court, Police 41
Court, Police, Clerks, 42
Court Houses, 42
United States, 42
Cove Company, 42
Cows, 42
Col. David 43
Cushing, Caleb 43
Custom Houses, 43
Daguerreotypes, 43
Dancing, 43
Dancing Halls, 44
Dark Day, 44
Deaths in
Boston, 44
Dead House, 44
Deacon House, 44
Deer, 44
Park, 44
Democratic Club, 44
Dickens, Charles 44
District Attorneys, 44-5
Bell, 45
Docks, 45
Dogs, 45
Dog Killers, 45
Dog Show, 45
Door Nips, 45
Don Pedro, 45
Maj. Jack 45
Drafts, Military 45
Drainage, 46
Drinking Saloons, 46
Drumming, 46
Duels, 46
Duellists, 46
Duke Alexis, 46
Dwellings, 46
Earthquakes, 46-7
East Boston, 47
Earle, Hezekiah 47
Eclipse, 47
Egg, a wonderful 47
Elephant, 47
Elective Franchise, 47
Elections, Town 47
Elections, City, 47 to 51
Elevator, 51
Rev. John 51-2
Emancipation, 52
Emerson, Nath'l 52
Envelopes, 52
Expresses, 52
Fanny 52
Everett, Edward 52
Eye and Ear Infirmary, 52
Fairs, 52
Fairbanks, Richard 52
Faneuil, Peter 52, 53
Faneuil Hall, 53
Farm School, 53
Banks, 53
Fast Driving, 53
Fast Days, 53
Federal Constitution, 53, 54
Federal Court, 54
Female Refuge, 54
Fence Viewers, 54
Fencing School, 54
Fenian Excitement, 54
Ferries, 54
Fields, 54, 55
Fires, 55-59
Fire Alarms, 60
Alarm Superintendent, 60
Fire Commission, 60
Fire Companies, 60
Fire Engineers, 60
Fire Engineers,
Chief, 60, 61
Fireworks, 61
Fleets, 61
Flour Mills, 61
Flower Show, 61
Flying Machines, 61
Folsom Abby, 61
Fort Hill, 61
Fortifications, 61-63
Forgeries 63
Forest Garden, 63
Franklin, Josiah 63
Benjamin 63
Franklin Fund, 63
Franklin Medals, 63
Franklin Monument, 63
Freemen, 63
Frost, 63, 64
Constitution, 64
Frog Pond, 64
Funeral Honors, 64, 65
Gen. Thomas 65
Gabriel, Angel 65
Gallows, 65
Gamblers, 65, 66
Gas Light, 66
Gibbeted, 66
Giants, 66
Gold Premiums, 66, 67
Gorman, Edith, 67
Governors, Colonial 67-69
Governors, State 69, 70
Gough, John B 70
Grant, U. S. 70
Granary House, 70
Grain Elevator, 70
Grand Army, 70
Great Boots, 70
Green Dragon, 70, 71
Gunpowder, 71
Habeas Corpus, 71
Hancock, John 71
Handearts, 71
Hanged, 71-74
Harbor, 74
Harbor Master, 74
Hartford Convention, 75
Harvard College, 75
Haunted House, 75
Hay, 75
Hay Scales, 75
Health Officers, 75
Joyce 75
Hewes, G. R. T. 75
Highway Surveyors, 75
High Sheriffs, 75, 76
Hills, 76
Holidays, 76
Homes, 76, 77
Hook, Jacob 77
Hoop Skirts, 77
Horn Blowing, 77
Hornet's Nest, 77
Horticultural Hall, 77
Horse Trot and Show, 77
Hospitals, 77, 78
Hotels, 78-82
House of Correction, 82
House of Industry, 82
Houses of Ill-Repute, 82
Gen. Sam 82
Ice, 82, 83
Impeachment, 83
Indians, 83
Independence, 83, 84
Innholders, 84
Insurance Offices, 84
Intelligence Offices, 84
Ireland, 84
Islands, 84-86
Italians, 86
Jay Treaty, 86
Thomas 86
Jews, 86
Jim Crow Rice, 86
Johnson, Isaac 86
Johannes, Count 86
Juba, 86
Jubilee, Peace 87
Judges of Courts, 87
Justices, 87
Kean, Edmund 87-88
Hannah 88
Dennis 88
Kid, Capt., Robert, 88
English 88
King's, Commissioners 88
King Kalakuana, 88
Kine-pox, 88
Kissing, 88
Knapp, Elder 89
Kossuth, Louis 89
Kneeland, Abner 89
Knights Templars, 89
Gen. Henry 89
Kremlin, 89
Lafayette, Marquis 89
Lager Beer, 89
Lamps, Oil 89
Lamps, Gas 89
Lamson, Silas 89
Lawyers, 89-90
Lectures, Thursday 90
Gen. Robert E. 90
Legerdemain, 90
Liberty Poles, 90
Libels, 90
Libraries, 90
Light Houses, 91
Jenny 91
Linen Manufacture, 91
Lint, 91
Liquor License, 91-92
Log Cabins, 92
Long Hair, 92
Long Bullets, 92
Lord Ley and others, 92
Lotteries, 92
Louisburg War, 93
Lowell, Col. 93
Lyman Mystery, 93
Magistrates, 93
Mail Matter, 93
Maine District, 93
Malls, 93
Manufactory-house, 93
Maps of
Boston, 93
Market Day, 93
Market Clerks, 94
Market Houses, 94
Market Places, 94
Marriage, 94
Masonic, 94, 95
Masquerade Balls, 95
Rev. Cotton 95
Matthew, Father 95
Maury, Lieut 95
Maverick, Samuel 95
Mayors, 95 to 97
Meade, Gen., Geo. C. 97
Meagher, Gen'l 97
Meal-house, 97
Mechanics' Institute, 97
Merchants' Exchange, 97
Meteors, 97
Mexico, City of 97
Bernard 97
MeClellan, Gen., Geo. B. 97
Milk Inspectors, 97
Military Companies, 97, 98
Mill Dam, 98
Mill Creek, 98
Mill Pond, 98
Mill, Water 98
Mill, Wind 98, 99
Miller, William 99
Mint House, 99
Model Artists, 99
Moody and
Sankey, 99
Monuments, 99
Money, 99, 100
Morrill, Asa 100
Mummy, 100
Murder, 100 to 104
Rev. John 104
Museums, 104
Music Hall, 104
Muster, 104
Nantasket, 105
Navy Yard, 105
Neck Lands, 105
Negroes, 105
Negro Hill, 105
New Boston, 105
Newsboys, 105
Newspapers, 105, 106
Nickel Money, 106
Night Soil, 106
Walkers, 106
Non-Importation, 106
North-Eastern Boundary, 106
Northern Lights, 106
Nooks Hill, 106
Northampton District, 106
Nursery, 106
Oath of Allegiance, 106
Odd Fellows, 107
Odd Fellows' Hall, 107
Odd Fellows' Monument, 107
Oakland Garden, 107
Old Houses, 107, 108
Old Persons, 108
Bull, 108
Omnibus, 108, 109
Orang Outang, 109
Ox, Roast 109
Thomas 109
Paine Hall, 109
Paine, Robert Treat 109
Packets, 109
Palmleaf Hats, 109
Paper Ballots, 109
Paris Exhibition, 109
Parker Fraternity Hall, 109
Parker Hill Reservoir, 109
Park Hall, 109
Park Garden, 109
Back Bay 109
Parkman, Dr., Geo. 109
Partington, Mrs. 109
Passports, 109
Patch, Sam 109
Paving, 110
Peace Treaty, 110
Peace Jubilees, 110
Lambert, 110
Peacocks, 110
Oliver H. 110
Physicians, 110
Pickpockets, 110
Pigeons, 110
Pillory, 110, 111
Pitcher, Molly 111
Pinafore, 111
Thomas W. 111
Pittsburg Capture, 111
Police, 111-113
Police Badges, 113
Police, Chief 113, 114
Captains, 114-116
Police Deputies, 116
Police Inspectors, 116
Police Superintendent, 116
Deputy Supt., 116
Police Station Houses, 117
Polls Taxable, 117
Poore, Ben.
Perley 117
Pope's Day, 117
Population, 117, 118
Postmasters, 118, 119
Post Office, 119
Post, Penny 119
Potatoes, 119
Pounds, 119
Prayer Books, 120
Daniel 120
Presidents United States, 120-122
Thomas 122
Prince De Joinville, 122
Prince of
Wales, 122
Printing Press, 122
Prisons, or Jails, 122, 123
Prizes, British 123
Provident Institution, 123
Public Institutions, 123
Public Garden, 123
Public Buildings,
Supt. 123
Public Land,
Supt. 123, 124
Quakers, 124
Quarantine, 124
Quebec, 124
Quincy Hall, 124
Railroad, Hand 124
Railroad, Horse 124, 125
Railroad, Steam 125
Ransom, Col 125
Razor-Strop Man, 125
Ratcliff, Philip 125
Reading Room, 125
Rebel, Jeff Davis, 126
Rebel Flag, 126
Rebel Prisoners, 126
Register of Deeds, 126
Regiments, Massachusetts 126-128
Regiments, Maine 129, 130
Regiments, New Hampshire 130
Regiments, Connecticut 130
Regiments, New York 130
Religious Revivals, 130
Representatives, 130
Paul 130
Revenue Collections, 131
Reservoirs, Cochituate 131
Riots, 131, 132
Robberies, 132, 133
Rogues' Gallery, 133
Roulette, 133
Rowing Regattas, 133
Rubber Merchants, 133
Russian Embassy, 133
Sabbath Breakers, 133
Safe Blowing, 133
Sailors' Homes, 133
Saltpetre Explosion, 133
Sandemonians, 133
Savage, Edward 133
Savage, Edward H. 134
Savannah Sufferers, 134
Scales, 134
Scandals, 134
Scavengers, 134
Schools, 134 to 136
School-master, 136, 137
Schooners, 137
Scissor Grinders, 137
Scollay's Buildings, 137
Gen. Winfield 137
Sea Fencibles, 137
Sea Serpent, 137
Sealers Weights and Measures, 137
Seats on Common, 137
Siege of
Paris, 137
Selfridge and
Austin, 137
Selectmen, 137
Sewell, Samuel 138
Sewerage, 138
Shaw, Lemuel 138
Shakedown, 138
Shay's War, 138
Sherman, Gen., Wm. T. 138
Sheridan, Gen., Phil. 138
Sailing 138
Steam 138, 139
Fever, 139
Shot, 139
Siamese Twins, 139
Silver Coin, 139
Skating Rink, 139, 140
Skedaddle, 140
Skeleton, Living 140
Slaughter Houses, 140
Slaves, 140
Sleighs, 140
Smokers, 140
Smokers' Retreat, 141
Snodgrass, Emma 141
Small-Pox, 141
Societies, 141, 142
Soldier Messengers, 142
Sons of Liberty, 142
Sons of
New Hampshire, 142
Sons of
Vermont, 142
Sons of
Malta, 142
Soup Houses, 143
Spotted Fever, 143
Spot Pond, 143
State House, 143
Liquor Agent, 143
Stages, 143
Statuary, 143, 144
Station Home, 144
Steam Engines, 144
St. George's Rooms, 144
St. Louis City Government, 144
Stocks, 144
Storms, Rain 144, 145
Storms, Snow 145, 146
Streets, 146
Street Commissioners, 146
Street Superintendents, 146
Street Signs, 146
Strikes, 147
Submarine Race, 147
Sub-Treasury, 147
Leroy 147
Swearing, 147
Swimming Match, 147
Swine, 147
Swiss Emigrants, 147
Synagogue, 147
Tan Yards, 147
Tar and Feathers, 147
Taverns, 147-151
Taylor, Robert 151
Tea Troubles, 151
Tea Party, 151
Teeth, Dental 151
Telegraph, 151
Telephone, 151
Temple, Tremont 151, 152
Tewksbury, Mr. 152
Thanksgiving, 152
Theatricals, 152
Theatres, 152-154
Thermometer, 154, 155
Thorn Apple, 155
Monte, 155
Thorndike Block, 155
Tile Floor, 155
Times Block, 155
Tobacco Chewers, 155
Tontine Building, 155
Tories, 156
Toronto City Gov't, 156
Torch-light, 156
Torpedo Explosion, 156
Town of
Boston, 156
Town Advocates, 156
Bull, 156
Town Clerk, 156, 157
Crier, 157
Town Clock, 157
Town Dock, 157
Town Drummer, 157
Town House, 157, 158
Town Lines, 158
Town Meetings, 158
Town Pump, 158, 159
Town Tax, 159
Town Treasurers, 159
Trask, Howard 159
Tread Mill, 159
Trees, 159 to 161
Trucks, 161
Truncheon, 161
Francis 161
Tunis Embassy, 161
Turnpike, 161
Tithingman, 161
United Colonies, 161
Stone, 161
Universalism, 161
Valuation of Town, 162
Valuation of City, 162
Ventriloquism, 162
Vicksburg Capture, 162
Velocipedes, 162
Wages, 162
Walking Matches, 162
War, 162, 163
Ward, Mr 163
Wards, 163, 164
Washington, George 164
Watch, 164 to 166
Watch Boxes, 166
Captains, 166
Watch Constables, 166
Watch Hooks, 166
Watch Houses, 166 to 168
Watts, Dr. 168
Water Aqueduct, 168
Water Bailie, 168
Water Course, 168
Water Projects, 168
Water Works, 168, 169
Water Registrars, 169
Wax Figures, 169
Daniel 169
Webster, Edward, Col. 169
Fletcher 169
Webster, John W 169
Webster Garden, 170
Wells, John 170
Wells, John D., Col 170
Weston, Pedestrian 170
West Point Cadets, 170
Weights and Measures, 170
West Street Gate, 170
Whipped, 170, 171
Whipping-Post, 171
Whig and Tory, 171
Rev. George 171
Widows, 171
Wilkes, Commodore 171
Wild Geese, 171
Wilson, John, Rev. 171
Window Glass, 171
Wine, 171
Witchcraft, 172
Winslow, 172
Wolves, 172
Women Vote, 172
Victoria 172
Gen. John E. 172
Wood (Fuel) 172
Wood Stands, 172
Workingmen, 172
Workhouse, 172
Wrecked Passengers, 172
Wrestling Matches, 172
Yellow Fever, 173
Ellsworth 173
Boston Topography, 1630, 175-178
Boston Old Highways, 1708, 179-189
Boston Nomenclature of Sts. 190-206
Boston Wharves, 1820, 207, 208