

Adams, Charles Francis, 180, 190, 313

Alabama, the, 150; built, 190 et seq.; captures Ariel, 194; sinks the Hatteras, 195 et seq.; armament of, 206; fights Kearsarge, 207 et seq.; sunk, 212

Albemarle, the 97 et seq.; attempts made to destroy, 100 et seq.; destroyed, 104 et seq.

Atlanta, the, in Wassaw Sound, 116 et seq.

Bahia, neutrality of, violated, 187

Bailey, Commodore, Theodorus, commands East Gulf squadron, 123 et seq.

Bankhead, Commander,commands Monitor, 79 et seq.

Bayou City, the, 147 et seq.

Beaufort, N. C., headquarters blockading squadron, 46, 94

Bell, Commodore Henry H., 141, 150 et seq.

Bermuda, usefulness to blockaderunners, 37 et seq., 153 et seq.

Blockade, its establishment, 27 et seq.; prizes taken during, 44; vessels destroyed during, 44; effect of, 44 et seq.; objects of, 83; Confederate view of, 88 et seq.

Blockade-runners, 34 et seq.; decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and history of, 153 et seq.

Blockading squadron, East Gulf, 123; difficulties of, 123 et seq.

Blockading squadron, Gulf, 121 et seq.

Blockading squadron, North Atlantic, 90 et seq.

Blockading squadron, South Atlantic, 90, 105 et seq.; disposition of, 115, 116

Blockading squadron, West Gulf, 123

British Government, warlike preparations of, 180 et seq.; violation of neutrality by, 190, 200, 225 et seq.

Brooke, Lieutenant John M., 22; restores Merrimac, 54

Brooklyn, the, 11, 121, 173 et seq., 195, 198

Buchanan, Captain, Franklin, commands [254] Merrimac, 62; wounded, 68, 76

Cape Fear River, 91 et seq.

Chaplin, Lieutenant, bravery of, 86

Charleston, S. C., blockade of, 34, 84 et seq., 87 et seq., 107 et seq.; attempts to raise blockade of, 109, 111 et seq., 158 et seq.

Chicora, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq.

Clarence, the, 186

Clifton, the, 143, 144 (note), 146 et seq., 152

Collins, Commander, Napoleon, captures the Florida, 189; his act disavowed, 189 et seq.

Colorado, the, 121, 172

Confederate Government, naval policy of, 168 et seq.; its agents abroad, 182

Congress, the, 60 et seq.; taken, 64; burned, 65

Craven, Commodore, commands Potomac flotilla, 87 et seq.

Crocker, Acting Master, commands expedition to Sabine River, 142 et seq.

Crosman, Lieutenant, 124 et seq.

Cumberland, the, 48, 52, 60 et seq.; sunk by the Merrimac, 63 et seq.

Cushing, Captain, daring exploits of, 94 et seq., 101, 161

Cuyler, the, 122, 135, 139

Dahlgren, Admiral, 105

Downes, Commander, 117 et seq.

Dupont, Admiral, 90, 105, 115

Ericsson, John, plans monitor, 55

Farragut, Admiral, 90, 123, 141, 145 et seq., 148, 150

Florida, blockade of, 124 et seq.

Florida, the, fights the Massachusetts, 132; runs blockade of Mobile, 137 et seq., 184 et seq.; captured at Bahia, 187

Flusser, Lieutenant-Commander, 97; killed, 98

Fisher, Fort, 90

Fox, Captain Gustavus V., 61 (note), 66 (note), 234 et seq.

Freeborn, the, 86

Galveston, Tex., blockaded, 35, 140 et seq., 143 et seq.

Georgetown, 87 et seq.

Georgia, the, built, 214; cruises, 214 et seq.; sold, 215

Goldsborough, Commodore L. M., 60, 76 et seq., 90 et seq.

Greene, Lieutenant, S. Dana, on Monitor, 56, 69

Gunboats built, 19

Guns, naval, before and during the war, 2,15; loss of, at Norfolk, 54

Hampton Roads, blockaded, 47, 82, 85

Handy, Captain, Robert, 125, 131

Harriet Lane, 143, 144 (note), 146 et seq.; captured, 148

Hatteras Inlet, 90

Hatteras, the, 150; fights Alabama, 195 et seq.

Havana, a port for blockaderun-ners, 37

Housatonic, the, 111

Huntsville, the, 122, 136

ironclads at the outbreak of the war, 2 [255]

Iroquois, the, 11; chases Sumter, 175

Isherwood, B. F., Engineer-in-Chief, 49

Jamestown, the, 64, 66, 77

Jones, Lieutenant, Catesby, commands Merrimac, 68

Kearsarge, the, 205; armament of, 206; fights Alabama, 207 et seq.

Keystone State, blockades Norfolk, 35; attacked by rams, 110

Key West, blockaded, 35, 83

Kittredge, Acting--Lieutenant, commands expedition to Corpus Christi, 142

Lardner, Captain, 123

Lee, Acting Rear-Admiral, commands South Atlantic Squadron, 90

Lee, R. E., the, 156

McCauley, Commodore, 49, 51; destroys vessels at Hampton Roads, 51 et seq.

McKean, Flag Officer, Wm. W., relieves Commodore Mervine, 123

Maffitt, Captain, 137 et seq.; commands the Florida, 184

Mallory, Confederate Secretary of Navy, 22

Manassas, the, 129

Maps, the Blockaded Coast, 36; Hampton Roads, 50; entrances to Cape Fear River, 92; entrances to Charleston Harbor, 106; passes of the Mississippi, 127; entrance to Mobile Bay, 133; Galveston Harbor and entrance, 145

Marston, Captain, John, 60, 67

Mason, Confederate commissioner, seized, 177 et seq.

Massachusetts, the, at Key West, 35, 121, 132

Matamoras, its importance to blockade runners, 37

Mattabesett, the, 99

Memphis, the, 111

Mercedita, the, attacked, 110 et seq.

Merrimac, the, 48 et seq., 61; name changed to Virginia, 61, 62; in Hampton Roads, 63 et seq.; fight with the Monitor, 68 et seq.; repaired, 76; destroyed, 78

Mervine, Commodore, Wm., 84; commands Gulf Squadron, 121

Miami, the, 98

Minnesota, the, 60, 62, 65 et seq., 82, 85

Mississippi River blockaded, 122; passes of, 126 et seq.

Mississippi, the, 11, 84, 121 et seq.

Mobile, Ala., blockaded, 35, 122 et seq., 132 et seq.

Monitor, the, built, 55; its construction, 56 et seq.; voyage to Chesapeake, 58 et seq.; at Hampton Roads, 67; fight with the Merrimac, 68 et seq., 78 et seq.; sinks, 81

Monroe, Fortress, 47 et seq., 52

Montauk, the, 216 et seq.; destroys the Nashville, 217 et seq.

Morgan, Fort, 133, 139 [256]

Morris, Captain, 187

Morris, Lieutenant, 62

Nahant, the, 117 et seq.

Nashville, the, fitted up, 215 et seq.; destroyed, 217 et seq.

Nassau, port for blockaderun-ners, 36 et seq., 155 et seq.

Navy, Confederate organization, etc., 21

Navy, Union organization, 1-21; condition of, in 1861, 232; close of war, 236

Navy Yard, Norfolk, 46 et seq.; abandoned, 52 et seq.; partly destroyed, 53

Neptune, the, 147 et seq.

New Orleans, La., blockade at, 35, 46, 122

Newton, Isaac, Engineer of Monitor, 56, 58

Niagara, the, at Charleston, 34, 84, 121 et seq.

Norfolk, Va., blockaded, 35, 46 et seq., 55, 71 et seq.; surrenders, 78

officers, naval, at commencement of war, 4 et seq.

Oneida, the, 136

Oreto, the, 183

Owasco, the, 144, 144 (note)

Palmetto State, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq.

Patrick Henry, the, 64, 66

Paulding, Commodore, Hiram, 51 et seq.; burns Navy Yard at Norfolk. 53

Pawnee, the, 11, 51

Pendergrast, Commodore, 82, 84

Pensacola, Fla., blockaded, 35, 46. 122 et seq., 132

Pensacola, the, 11

Ponchartrain Lake blockaded, 4

Pope, Captain John, 128, 131

Porter, Commodore David D.,90 121

Port Royal, 105, 107

Port Royal, the, 77

Potomac River blockaded, 85

Powhattan, the, 11, 114, 121 et seq.

Preble, the, 128 et seq.

Privateers, the, 168 et seq.

Quaker City, the, 111

Raleigh, the, 77

Rams, at commencement of war 3, 48, 61, 63 et seq., 97 et se 109 et seq., 221

Rappahannock, the, 213 et seq.

Renshaw, Commander W. B. commands expedition to Galveston, 143 et seq., 149; killed, 150

Resolute, the, 86

Rhode Island, the, 79

Richmond, the, 11, 128 et seq.

Roanoke, the, 60, 62, 65 et seq., 66 (note)

Rodgers, Commander, John, 117 et seq.

Rowan, Commander, 91

Sabine River, its importance to blockade-runners, 142 et seq.

St. Lawrence, the, 62, 66 et seq., 89, 172

St Louis, the, 122

San Jacinto, the, 177, 194

Sassacus, the, 99 [257]

Savannah, Ga., blockaded, 35, 85, 87 et seq., 107, 109

Selfridge, Lieutenant, 51

Semmes, Captain, commands the

Sumter, 173 et seq.; commands the Alabama, 192 et seq., 209 et seq., 222 et seq.

Shenandoah, the, bought, 218; cruise of, 219 et seq., 220

Ship Island, 132

Smith, Captain, Melancton, 99

Smith, Lieutenant Joseph B., 61

South Carolina, the, at Pensacola, 35; at Galveston, 35, 140

Southfield, the, sunk, 93

Steamers, disposition at commencement of war, 14; purchases of, 17 et seq., 20 et seq.

Stonewall, the, 221

Stripling, Commodore Cornelius K., 123

Stringham, Commodore, appointed to command of Atlantic squadron, 82, 83 et seq., 90

Sumter, the, 172 et seq.; sold 176; damage done by, 176

Tahoma, the, 124 et seq.

Tallahassee, the, career of, 237 et seq.

Tattnall, Commodore, assumes command of naval defences of Virginia, 76; sinks Merrimac. 78

Texas, blockade and coast of, 46

Torpedoes, invention and early history of, 3 et seq.

Tredegar Iron Works, 22, 54

Trent, the, 177 et seq.

Tuscaloosa, the, 199 et seq.

Union, the, blockades Savannah, 85

Vanderbilt, the, 77, 203 et seq.

Vincennes, the, 128, 130 et seq.

Wachusett, the, captures the Florida, 188, 202

Ward, Commodore, Jas. H., 85 et seq.; killed, 88

Water Witch, the, 122, 128 et seq.

Weehawken, the, captures the Atlanta, 117 et seq.

Westfield, the, 143, 144 (note); 146 et seq.; destroyed, 150

Wilkes, Captain, 140; seizes Mason and Slidell, 177 et seq.

Wilkes, Captain, Chas., commands flying squadron, 201; relieved of command, 203 et seq.

Wilmington, 85, 87 et seq.; harbor of, 91, 92 et seq.

Winslow, Lieutenant, Francis, 128 et seq., 135

Worden, Lieutenant John L., commands Monitor, 56, 67 et seq.; wounded, 71, 75 (note); commands Montauk, 216

Wyalusing, the, 99

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Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (5)
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (5)
Galveston (Texas, United States) (3)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (3)
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (2)
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Montauk (New York, United States) (2)
Cape Fear (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Bahia (Bahia, Brazil) (2)
Atlantic Ocean (2)
Weehawken (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Warsaw Sound (Georgia, United States) (1)
Vincennes (Indiana, United States) (1)
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) (1)
Southfield (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Shelbyville (Alabama, United States) (1)
San Jacinto (Texas, United States) (1)
Sabine (United States) (1)
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (1)
Quaker City (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Pensacola (Florida, United States) (1)
Pawnee City (Nebraska, United States) (1)
Patrick Henry (Virginia, United States) (1)
Oneida (N. Y.) (New York, United States) (1)
Newton (Florida, United States) (1)
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (1)
Nahant (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (1)
Minnesota (Minnesota, United States) (1)
Matamoras (Indiana, United States) (1)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Jamestown, N. Y. (New York, United States) (1)
Iroquois, Wyoming (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (1)
Havana, N. Y. (New York, United States) (1)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (1)
Fort Wayne (Indiana, United States) (1)
Fort Niagara (New York, United States) (1)
Fort Morgan (Alabama, United States) (1)
Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (1)
East Gulf (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Cowleech Fork Sabine River (Texas, United States) (1)
Corpus Christi (Texas, United States) (1)
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (1)
Clifton, Arizona (Arizona, United States) (1)
Chesapeake City (Maryland, United States) (1)
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Big Lick (Virginia, United States) (1)
Bermuda (1)
Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (1)
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (1)

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