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I.—names of vessels, character of armament, and officers commanding them in the attack on Port Royal, November 7, 1861. flag-officer Francis S. Dupont and Captain Charles H. Davis, Chief of staff, with flag on board of the Wabash.

Name of vessel.Name of officer commanding.Battery.
WabashCommander C. R. P. Rogers.28 IX-in., 14 Viii-in., 2 X-in. pivots.
SusquehannaCaptain J. L. Lardner15 Viii-inch guns.
MohicanCommander S. W. Godon2 XI-in. pivots, 4 32-pounders.
SeminoleCommander John P. Gillis1 XI-in. pivot, 4 32-pounders.
PocahontasCommander Percival Drayton1 XI-in. pivot, 4 32-pounders.
PawneeLieut.--Com'g R. H. Wyman8 IX.-in. pivot, 2 12-pounder rifles.
UnadillaLt.-Com'g Napoleon Collins1 XI in. pivot, 1 20-pdr. rifle, 2 24-pdr. howitzers.
OttawaLt-Com'g T. H. Stevens1 XI-in. pivot, 1 20-pounder rifle, 2 24-pounder howitzers.
PembinaLt.-Com'g J. P. Bankhead1 XI-in. pivot, 1 20-pounder rifle, 2 24-pounder howitzers.
SenecaLt.-Com'g Daniel Ammen1 XI-in. pivot, 1 20-pounder rifle, 2 24-pounder howitzers.
Vandalia (sailing sloop)Commander F. L. Haggerty4 Viii-in., 16 32-pounders.
Isaac SmithLt.-Com'g J. W. A. Nicholson1 30-pdr. rifle, afterward 8 Xiii-in.
BienvilleCommander Chas. Steedman8 32-pounders.
AugustaCommander B. G. Parrott8 32-pounders.
PenguinLieut.-Com'g T. A. Budd4 32-pounders.
CurlewLt.-Com'g P. G. Watmough6 32-pounders, 1 30-pounder rifle.
R. B. ForbesLt.-Com'g H. S. Newcomb2 32-pounders.


II.—ironclad attack on Fortifications of Charleston Harbor, April 7, 1863.2

Name of vessel.Kind and calibre of armament.Projectiles fired.Nearest approach to Sumter or Moultrie.Times hit.Remarks.
New Ironsides2 150-pdr. rifles11,000 yards.Not stated.Confederates say the New Ironsides was hit 65 times.
14 Xi-inch7
Montauk 1 XV-inch10700 yards.14
1 Xi-inch161
Passaic1 XV-inch9880 yards, or less.35One gun temporarily disabled.
1 Xi-inch22
Weehawken1 XV-inch11Not given.53One gun temporarily disabled.
1 Xi-inch15
Patapsco1 XV-inch5600 yards.47Rifle temporarily disabled.
1 150-pdr. rifle5
Catskill1 XV-inch10600 yards.20
1 Xi-inch12
Nantucket1 XV-inch3750 yards.51One gun temporarily disabled.
1 Xi-inch12
Nahant1 XV inch34500 yards.36Turret disabled for one day; not in good order for one month.
1 Xi-inch44
Keokuk 2 Xi-inch3550 yards.90Totally disabled; sunk next day off Morris Island.

Vessels, 9; guns in action, 23; fires, 139; range, from 500 to 2,100 yards: fuses for shells cut for flights of from 8% to 15 seconds; charges: XV-inch, 35 pounds; Xi-inch, 15 to 20 pounds; rifles, 46 pounds. Moultrie received 12 shots, Wagner 2, Sumter the remainder, which was struck 55 times.

note.—Colonel Rhett. commanding Fort Sumter, reports that no monitor approached nearer than 1,000 yards; the Keokuk to within 900 yards; Ironsides, 1,700 yards. Beauregard reports that the fleet did not come nearer than 1,100 yards to outer batteries, save the Keokuk, which drifted to within 900 yards of Sumter. Engineer Echols reports nearest approach of monitors, 900 yards ; of Ironsides to Moultrie, 1,700 yards, and to Sumter, 2,000 yards.


Iii—return of guns and mortars at forts and batteries in Charleston Harbor engaged with the ironclads, April 1, 1863, together with return of ammunition expended, and statement of casualties.

Fort or Battery.X-in. Columbiad.Ix-in. Dahlgren.Vii-in. Brooke rifle.Viii-in. Columbiad.42-pounder, rifled.32-pounder, rifled.32-pdr., smooth.X-in. mortars.Grand total.
Fort Johnson11
Fort Sumter42287113744
Fort Moultrie955221
Battery Bee516
Battery Beauregard112
Battery Cumming's Point112
Battery Wagner11

Total shot and shell2,229
Total pounds of powder21,093
Casualties in action3 killed, 11 wounded.
Number of shots fired by fleet151
Number of shots struck vessels520
Of shots fired by fleet, all but 24 were directed at Sumter.

note.—This information is compiled from reports of General Beauregard, May 24, 1863; General Ripley, April 13. 1863; Colonel Rhett, April 13, 1863; Major Harris, Chief Engineer, dated April 28, 1883 ; Major Echols, Engineer, dated April 9, 1863; General Trapier, dated April 13, 1863; and from tabulated statements accompanying the reports of General Ripley and Major Echols.


IV.—extract from ‘Table of effect of projectiles on the walls of Fort Sunder,’ report of Major William H. Echols, Confederate States Engineer, transmitted to Major D. B. Harris, Chief Engineer of the Department, with his report, dated April 9, 1863.

323Embrasure ‘A.’ Exterior concrete keystone and interior embrasure arch knocked out ; masonry cracked.
41509Assisted No. 3 : spent.
51110Penetrated concrete and new masonry facing.
93 shots.26One 15-inch, two others not known; parapet wall cracked 25 feet in length ; serious damage, perhaps by exploding shell.
101523Interior arch of embrasure ‘B’ dislocated; masonry between piers and embrasure badly shaken and projecting.
121516Shook masonry.
1516Interior embrasure ‘C’ arch broken ; masonry cracked.
1816Masonry shaken.
1930Exploding shell on pier ; not much internal injury.
2116Masonry around embrasure ‘D’ badly cracked and projecting inside.
221550Penetrated, striking head of arch and thrown upward, tearing away a quantity of masonry, not seriously damaging body of masonry ; exploded in casemate.
231150Same effect as No. 22 : destroyed embrasure ‘E.’
2426Not seriously damaging body of masonry.
251550Same effect as No. 22 ; destroyed embrasure ‘F;’ exploded in parade.
2714No serious damage.
2924Serious damage : wall not much cracked.
311510Knocked off one foot of angle.
3516Shook masonry.
361513Broke and projected in sole of embrasure ‘G.’
4121Exploding shell.
4824Exploding shell cracked parapet wall.
49Knocked out iron embrasure slab 1 foot wide, 6 inches thick, 3 feet long ; indented it 1 1/2 inches, and broke it in three pieces ; shook masonry.
52Entered western quarters and exploded, damaging walls.
54Demolished 10-inch columbiad carriage and chassis in southwest angle.

note.—Three shots in all struck or entered quarters. A sketch by Major Echols, showing the effect of these shots, will be found in Volume XIV. of Official Records of War of the Rebellion.


V.—Abstract from return of the United States military forces serving in the State of North Carolina, from January, 1862, to February, 1865. compiled from original returns.

Command.Present for duty.Aggregate present.Commanding general.
January, 186212,78613,451Brigadier-General A. E. Burnside, from January 13. 1862, to July 6, 1862.
February, 180212,70014,143
March, 186211,32213,468
April, 186214,05416,528
May, 186214,50816,794
June, 186214,37116,718
July, 18626,4037,947Major-General John G. Foster, from July 6, 1862, to July, 1863.
August, 18621,2261,555
September, 18626,6428,647
October, 18628,96711,415
November, 186212,87215,569
December, 186218,46321,917
January, 186323,02328,194
February, 186315,80618,548
March 186314,67217,105
April, 186313,96215,920
May, 186316,64319,715
August, 18637,69910,402Major-General I. N. Palmer, from July, 1863, to August 14, 1863.
September, 18637,79410,923Major-General John J. Peck, from August 14, 1863, to April 19, 1864.
October, 18636,2768,343
November, 18639,41112,245
December, 18637,2399,038
January, 18649,09511,111
February 29, 186411,21313,606
March, 186411,77214,208
April 30, 18646,3357,669
May, 18646,0417,623Major-General I. N. Palmer, from April 19, 1864, to February 9, 1865
June, 18646,3507,846
July 31, 18645,7887,436
August. 18645,5567,505
September, 18645,7947,946
October, 18646,0938,920
November, 186468378,891
December, 18646,2828,117
February, 18656,7268,4393


VI.—Abstract from returns of the Confederate military forces serving in the State of North Carolina, front the close of the year 1861, to February, 1865. compiled from original returns now in the war Department, Washington, D. C.

Date.Present for duty.Aggregate present.Commanding general.
September, 1861, Dirt, of Pamlico9,01610,743Brigadier-General R. C. Gatlin, to March 19, 1862,
October 31, 1861, Newbern8,239
January 31, 1862, in North Carolina6,29012,0954
March 31, 1862, in North Carolina10,37224,300
April 19, 1862, in North Carolina17,947522,068Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Anderson, from Mch. 19. 1862, to May 25, 1862.
April 30, 1862, in North Carolina 16,25519,822
July 15, 1862, in North Carolina and Southeast Virginia17,50521,196Major-General T. H. Holmes, from May 25, 1862, to July 17, 1862.
December 20, 1862,in North Carolina11,07412,207Major-Gen. D. H. Hill, from July 17, 1862, to July 1, 1863.
January, 1863, in North Carolina26,95831,273
February 20, 1863, in North Carolina15,90419,894
March l, 1863, in North Carolina20,733
April 10, 1863, in North Carolina7,5018,385
May 10, 1863, in North Carolina4,8516,590
May 31, 1863, in North Carolina22,14926,838
June 30, 1863, in North Carolina18,60122,822
July 30, 1863, in North Carolina8,5569,900Major-Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, from July 14, 1863, to October 16, 1863.
August 31, 1863, in North Carolina7,3918,867
September 30, 1863, Defences of Wilmington3,8664,618
October 31, 1863, Defences of Wilmington5,2716,251
November 30, 1863, Defences of Wilmington5,8306,669Major-Gen. George T. Pickett, from October 16, 1863, to April 21, 1864.
December 31, 1863, Defences of Wilmington6,4857,299
January 31, 1864, Defences of Wilmington5,4306,181
February 29, 1864, in North Carolina12,70315,252
March 30, 1864, District of Cape Fear6,9217,866
April 30, 1864, District of Cape Fear4,9875,593Gen. G. T. Beauregard, from April 21, 1864, to November, 1865.
June 10, 1864, in North Carolina12,59217,130
September 1, 1864, Dept. of South-east Virginia and North Carolina.22,00526, 078
January 31, 1865, Dept. of Southeast Virginia and North Carolina.11,54813,164Gen. Braxton Bragg, from November, 1865, to end of the war.
February 10, 1865, Dept. of South-east Virginia and North Carolina.11,20012,769

note.—The returns of Confederate troops are very incomplete, and it is impossible in many cases to distinguish those serving in Southeastern Virginia and Petersburg from those in North Carolina.


Vii—Abstract from returns of the United States military forces serving in the Department of the South, from January, 1862, to January, 1805. compiled from original returns.

Date.Present for duty in department.Aggregate in South Carolina and Georgia.Aggregate present in Florida.Aggregate present in department.Commanding general.
January 31, 186214,19716,28416,284Gen. T. W. Sherman, of the Expeditionary Corps, to March 31, 1862.
February 28, 186216,49517,87517,875
March 31, 186216,49515,257272117,978
April 30, 186215,00015,7951,19416,989Major-Gen. D. Hunter, from March 31 to Sept. 5, 1862.
May 20, 186319,21915,8787,41223,290
June 30, 186218,74516,5315,09921,630
July 31, 186213,24911,1705,02916,199
August 31, 186210,48710,4242,31712,741
September 30, 18629,9259,0933,47812,571Bg.-Gen. J. M. Brannan, from Sept. 5 to Sept. 15, 1862.
October 31, 186210,19010,5302,30712,837Bg.-Gen. O. M. Mitchell, from Sept. 15 to Oct. 27, 1862.
November 30, 186210,81111,0562,39013,446 Bg.-Gen. J. M. Brannan, from Oct. 27, 1862 to Jan. 20, 1868.
December 31, 186210,87511,0562,72613,370
January 31, 186322,56723,0892,69725,786
February 28, 186321,61221,7633,30825,071Major-Gen. D. Hunter, from Jan. 20, 1863, to June 12, 1863.
March 31, 186320,11722,1711,21423,385
April 30, 186317,68019,2231,39620,619
May 31, 186315,74517,6871,32018,997
June 30 186316,76120,41092321,333Brig.-Gen. Q. A. Gillmore, from June 12, 1863, to May 26, 1864.
July 31, 186312,92217,63290518,537
August 31, 186321,19328,46294329,405
September 30, 186319,75027,99696528,961
October 31, 186321,56228,5131,46829,981
November 30, 186324,42720,2812,30132,582
December 31, 186326,12329,7792,26832,047
January 31, 186426,14331,3352,19533,530
February 29, 186422,35015,09212,55328,645
March 31, 186423,24126,1904,01730,207
April 30, 186415,86114,2344,95919,193
May 31, 186416,52915,1104,95920,069
June 30, 186416,13816,2443,36619,610Maj.-Gen. J. G. Foster. from May 26, 1864, to Feb. 9, 1865.
July 31, 186415,33615,5783,94819,526
August 31, 186110,3129,9322,91912,851
September 30, 186410,96410,5192,99613,505
October 31, 186411,50111,1012,97014071
November 30, 186411,32210,6138,28513,898
December 31, 18647,5187,7731,7669,539
December 31, 18644,81865,6035,603
January 31, 186511,65712,7811,78014,561
January 31, 18064,06174,7374,737


VIII.—Abstract from returns of the Confederate military forces serving in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, from close of year, 1861, to January, 1865. compiled from original returns now in the war Department, Washington, D. C.

Date.Present for duty.Aggregate present in S. Carolina and Georgia.Aggregate present in Florida.Aggregate present in whole Department.Commanding general.
Dec., 1861, in Florida .3,5183,972Brig.-Gen. J. H. Trapier.
Oct., 1861, in Georgia.4,80518,5975,497Brig.-Gen. A. R. Lawton.
Nov. 19, 1861, in South Carolina13,100Brig.-Gen. G. T. Beauregard.
March 31, 186229,02934,42634,4268Major-Gen. J. C. Pemberton, from March 4, 1862, to Sept. 24, 1862.
April 30, 186226,47132,78332,7839
May 31, 1862, in South Carolina18,13530,49022,325
May 31, 1862,in Georgia8,165
June 30. 186223,43329,84129,84110
July 31, 186218,93224,54924,54911
August 31, 186216,28121,61621,61612
September 30, 186215,48520,96420,96413
December 31, 186220,55323,2671,89225,159Gen. G. T. Beauregard, from Sept. 24, 1862, to April 20, 1864.
January 31, 186318,13919,8581,79721,655
February 17, 186320,99718,9451,57920,524
March 14, 186331,6401,72133,361
April 7, 186334,3422,47136,813
May 15, 186323,9572,61726,574
June 3, 186319,4232,61722,040
June 23, 186319,3892,61722,006
July 22, 186321,7353,06124,796
August 1, 186320,77221,1204,09525,215
September 1, 186326,08826,4113,58729,998
October 1, 186328,15131,4883,58735,073
November 1 186329, 53514
December 1, 186327,33629,7783,60033,378
December 31, 186328,34730,3473,70934,056
January 31, 186432,06834,8503,37738,227
February 10, 186428,79231,0063,54784,553
Feb. 19, 1864, at Augusta, Ga.1,427
April 10, 186427,46321,72210,90032,622
April 30, 186424,21017,39411,41828,812Major-Gen. Samuel Jones, from April 20, 1864, to Oct. 5, 1864.
June 1, 186411,28411,6471,63413,281
June 30, 186411,81812,0162,26214,278
July 30, 186411,22111,8222,15713,979
August 31, 186411,12412,2221,66013,882
September 30, 186410,99311,9211,94013,861
October 1, 1864, at Augusta, Ga.1,695
October 31, 186411,98813,4221,61315,035Lieut.-Gen. W. J. Hardee, from Oct. 5, 1864, to Feb. 16, 1865.
November 20 186412,05513,83913,839
January 20, 186525,29029,86329,863
January 31, 186524,95630,06230,062


IX.—names of vessels, officers commanding them, and armaments in the attack of the Defences on Roanoke Island, February 7 and 8, 1860, and operations following at Elizabeth City and Newbern in which many of these vessels were engaged.

Name of vessel.Commanders of vessels.Armament.
Stars and StripesLieut.-Commanding Reed Werden4 Viii-in., 1 30-pdr. rifle.
LouisianaLieut.-Commanding Alex. Murray1 Viii-in., 3 32-pdrs., 1 12-pdr., rifled.
HetzelLieut.-Commanding H. K. Davenport1 IX-in., 1 80-pdr., rifled.
DelawareLieut.-Commanding L. P. Quackenbush1 IX-in., 1 32.pdr., 1 12-pdr., rifled.
Commodore PerryLieut.-Commanding C. W. Flusser1 100-pdr., 4 IX-in., 1 12-pdr., rifled.
Valley CityLieut.-Commanding A. O. Chaplin4 32-pdn., 1 12-pdr., rifled.
UnderwriterLieut.-Commanding W. N. Jeffers1 Viii-in., 1 80-pdr., rifled; 1 12-pdr., rifled.
Commodore Barney.Lieut.-Commanding K. T. Benshaw.4 IX-in., 1 32-pdr., 1 12-pdr., rifled.
HunchbackLieut.-Commanding B. R. Colhoun3 IX-in., 1 100-pdr., rifled.
SouthfieldLieut.-Commanding C. F. W. Behm.3 IX-in., 1 100-pdr., rifled.
MorseActing-Master Peter Hayes2 IX-in.
BrinckerActing-Master J. E. Giddings1 30-pdr., rifled.
LockwoodActing-Master G. W. Graves1 80-pdr., rifled, 1 12-pdr rifled.
WhiteheadActing-Master French1 IX-in.
SeymourActing-Master Wells1 30-pdr., 1 12-pdr., rifled.
CeresActing-Master McDiarmid1 30-pdr., rifled ; 1 32-pdr.
PutnamActing-Master Hotchkiss1 20-pdr., rifled.
ShawshenActing-Master Woodward2 20-pdrs, rifled.
GraniteMaster's Mate Boomer1 32-pdr.

X.—Names of commanding officers and the batteries of vessels that engaged the ram Albemarle, May 5, 1864.

Mattabesett, flag-ship of Captain Melancton Smith, commanded by Commander John C. Febiger. Battery: 2 100-pounder Parrott rifles, expended 27 solid shot; 4 Ix-inch Dahlgrens, expended 23 solid shot; 4 24-pounder howitzers, expended 1 shrapnel; 2 12-pounder howitzers, expended 1 shell. Casualties, 3 killed, 5 wounded.

Sassacus, Commander F. A. Roe. Battery : 2 100-pounder Parrott rifles; 4 Ix-inch Dahlgrens; 2 24-pounder howitzers; 2 20-pounder howitzers; 2 12-pounder howitzers; expenditure not given. Casualties, 1 killed, 19 wounded.

Wyalusing, Commander W. W. Queen. Battery : 2 100-pounder Parrott rifles, expended 47 solid shot, 28 shell; 4 Ix-inch Dahlgrens, expended 37 solid shot, 33 shell; 2 24-ponnder howitzers, expended 27 shrapnel, 18 shell; 2 12-pounder howitzers (one rifled). Casualties, 1 killed.

Miami, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Charles A. French. Battery: 1100-pounder Parrott rifle, expended 41 solid shot; 6 Ix-inch Dahlgrens, expended 76 solid shot; 1 24-ponnder howitzer.

Whitehead, Acting Ensign G. W. Barrett. Battery: 1100-pounder Parrott rifle, expended 17 solid shot; 8 24-pounder howitzers.

Commodore Hull, Acting Master Francis Josselyn. Battery: 230-pounder Parott rifles, expended 60 shell; 4 24-pounder howitzers, expended 24 shell.

Ceres, Acting Master H. H. Foster. Battery: 2 20 pounder Parrott rifles (pivot).


XI.—List of Ordnance left on Morris Island on the night of its evacuation, September 6, 1863.

Battery Wagner.

Two X-inch Columbiads (1 dismounted and broken, 1 serviceable); 1 X-inch mortar, serviceable; 2 Viii-inch shell guns (1 serviceable, 1 injured by shell and carriage disabled); 2 Viii-inch siege howitzers fl dismounted and broken to pieces) ; 1 Viii-inch S. C. howitzer, serviceable ; 2 32-pounder smooth-bores, serviceable ; 1 42-pounder carronade, serviceable; 1 Viii-inch siege mortar, brass, spiked with friction tube two days before evacuation; 3 32-pounder carronades, serviceable; 2 12-pounder howitzers, serviceable. Total, 17.

Battery Gregg.

Two X-inch Columbiads (1 carriage injured and the other serviceable) ; 1 Ix-inch Dahlgren, serviceable; 1 X-inch S. C. mortar, serviceable; 2 12-pounder howitzers, serviceable. Total, 6.

Xii.—vessels engaged in the second bombardment of Fort fisher ; their armament, ammunition expended, and casualties in action, January 14 and 15, 1865, Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter, U. S. Navy, commanding fleet.

Line no. 1.

Names of vessels.Commanders.Batteries.Shell exploded.Killed.Wounded.Missing.
BrooklynAlden2 100-pdrs., rifledNot given.2120
2 60-pdrs., rifled
20 Ix-in. shell guns.
MohicanAmmen1 100-pdr, rifled1200
2 30-pdrs, rifled17
6 Ix-in. shell guns419
TaconyTruxtnn2 Xii-in309000
4 Ix-in361
KansasWatmough1 100-pdr., rifled010
1 30-pdr., rifled91
2 Ix-in. shell guns394
YanticKarris1 100-pdr., rifled220
1 30-pdr., rifled23
2 Ix-in. shell guns202
UnadillaRamsay1 Xi-inch shell gun.358000
1 20-pdr., rifled45
HuronSelf ridgel Xi-inch shell gun300050
1 30-pdr., rifled
MaumeeChandler1 100-pdr , rifled117000
1 30-pdr , rifled14
2 32-pdrs.206
PequotBraine1 150-pdr., rifled146350
1 30-pdr., rifled33
6 32-pdrs.319


PawtuxetSpotts1 100-pdr42000
1 Xl-inch116
4 Ix-inch shell guns.305
SenecaSicard1 Xi-inch shell gun.222000
1 20-pdrs., rifled30
PontoosucTemple2 100-pdrs., rifled070
4 Ix-inch shell guns.313
2 20-pdrs.5
NereusHowell1 60-pdr., rifled94330
2 30-pdrs., rifled122
6 32-pdrs324

Line no. 2.

MinnesotaLanman1 150-pdr., rifled8913230
4 100-pdrs., rifled
1 Xi-inch shell gun.70
42 Ix-inch shell guns.1,495
ColoradoThatcher1 150-pdr., rifled3140
1 Xi-inch shell gun30
46 Ix-inch shell guns756
WabashSmith1 150-pdr., rifled1540120
42 Ix-inch shell guns1,781
SusquehannaGrodon2 150-pdrs. rifled2153158
12 Ix-inch shell guns643
PowhatanSchenck3 100. pdr., rifledNot given.3197
1 Xl-inch shell gun
14 Ix-inch shell guns
JuniataPhelps1 100. pdr., rifled5100
2 30-pdrs.. rifled238
6 Viii-inch shell guns.765
ShenandoahRidgley1 150-pdr., rifled605
1 30-pdr., rifled30
2 Xi-inch, rifled287
TiconderogaSteedman1 30-pdr., rifled29160
12 Ix-inch shell guns.523
VanderbiltPickering2 100-pdrs. rifled18000
2 30-pdrs., rifled65
12 Ix-inch shell, guns.87
MackinawBeaumont1 Xi-inch shell gun190020
6 Ix-inch shell guns749
TuscaroraPrailey1 100-pdr., rifled533120
2 30-pdrs., rifled47
6 Viii-inch shell guns.114


Line no. 3.

Santiago de Cuba.Glisson1 30-pdr., rifled68190
2 30-pdrs., rifled25
5 32-pdr. shell guns106
Fort JacksonSands1 100-pdr., rifledNot given.1100
2 30-pdrs., rifled
8 Ix-inch shell guns.
OsceolaClitz1 100-pdr rifled175000
1 Xi-inch shell gun105
4 Ix-inch shell guns38
SassacusDavis2 100-pdrs., rifled145000
2 20-pdrs., rifled119
4 Ix-inch shell guns98
ChippewaPotter1 20-pdrs., rifled000
1 Ix-inch shell gun74
CuylerCaldwell2 32-pdrs., shell guns.6000
3 30-pdrs., rifled43
MaratanzaYoung1 100-pdr., rifledNot given.000
1 Ix-inch shell gun.
Rhode IslandTrenchard2 30-pdrs., rifled69820
1 Ix-inch shell gun.94
8 Viii-inch shell guns.136
MonticelloCushing1 100-pdr., rifled115440
3 30-pdrs., rifled3
2 Ix-inch shell guns144
AlabamaLangthorne2 30-pdrs., rifledNot given.000
1 Ix-inch shell guns
6 32 pdrs.
MontgomeryDunn1 30-pdr., rifled192240
1 X-inch shell gun158
4 Viii-inch shell guns230
IoscoGuest2 100-pdrs., rifled2002120
4 Ix-inch shell guns358

Armor-plated vessels.

New IronsidesRadford2 150-pdrs., rifled971000
2 60-pdrs., rifled
14 Xi-in. shell guns.
MonadnockParrott4 Xv-inch shell guns.441000
CanonicusBelknap2 Xv-inch shell guns.297030
MahopacWeaver2 Xv-inch shell guns.153000
SaugusCalhoun2 Xv-inch shell guns.212010
Malvern (flag-ship)310

Vessels in reserve line not given. The total of killed is 74 ; wounded, 289; missing, 20. The total of shells thrown from the vessels, from which returns are in the Department, 18,716. The Brooklyn and Susquehanna probably threw 2,000, and ten smaller vessels 1,000, making a probable total of 21,716 during the second bombardment. The number of shells thrown during the first bombardment was probably about 15,000.

1 The vessels above the line were built for war purposes, those below it were purchased.

2 Table compiled from official reports.

3 Besides which there were at this time serving in North Carolina the Twenty-third Army Corps and Provisional Army Corps, the aggregate of which was 26,954 men.

4 Total enlisted men.

5 ‘Effective total.’

6 At Devaux's Neck and Pocotaligo, South Carolina.

7 At Devaux's Neck and Pocotaligo, South Carolina.

8 Troops serving in Florida not included.

9 Troops serving in Florida not included.

10 Troops serving in Florida not included.

11 Troops serving in Florida not included.

12 Troops serving in Florida not included.

13 Troops serving in Florida not included.

14 ‘Effective total’ in Department.

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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (24)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (5)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (4)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (4)
United States (United States) (3)
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (3)
Washington (United States) (2)
Unadilla, N. Y. (New York, United States) (2)
Susquehanna, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Pocotaligo (South Carolina, United States) (2)
New Bern (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Cape Fear (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Weehawken (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Vandalia (Illinois, United States) (1)
Valley City (North Dakota, United States) (1)
Tuscarora (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Southfield (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Roanoke Island (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (1)
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Pembina (North Dakota, United States) (1)
Pawnee City (Nebraska, United States) (1)
Passaic, N. J. (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Pamlico Sound (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Ottawa, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (1)
Osceola, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Newburyport (Michigan, United States) (1)
Nantucket (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Nahant (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Monticello (New York, United States) (1)
Montauk (New York, United States) (1)
Minnesota (Minnesota, United States) (1)
Maumee river (United States) (1)
Lynn (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Keokuk, Iowa (Iowa, United States) (1)
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (1)
Fort Ticonderoga (New York, United States) (1)
Fort Moultrie (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Elizabeth City (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Delaware (Delaware, United States) (1)
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (1)
Catskill (New York, United States) (1)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (1)
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William H. Echols (5)
G. T. Beauregard (5)
Whitehead (2)
P. G. Watmough (2)
J. H. Trapier (2)
Charles Steedman (2)
Melancton Smith (2)
Seneca (2)
Sassacus (2)
Ripley (2)
Rhett (2)
I. N. Palmer (2)
D. Hunter (2)
D. B. Harris (2)
Charles A. French (2)
John G. Foster (2)
Charles H. Davis (2)
Dahlgren (2)
Ceres (2)
J. M. Brannan (2)
Daniel Ammen (2)
R. H. Wyman (1)
Thomas G. Woodward (1)
W. H. C. Whiting (1)
Reed Werden (1)
F. S. Wells (1)
Weaver (1)
Vanderbilt (1)
Underwriter (1)
Trenchard (1)
Thatcher (1)
Temple (1)
Sumter (1)
Thomas H. Stevens (1)
Spotts (1)
Isaac Smith (1)
Sicard (1)
T. W. Sherman (1)
Shenandoah (1)
I. N. Seymour (1)
Schenck (1)
Sands (1)
C. R. P. Rogers (1)
F. A. Roe (1)
Ridgley (1)
Official Records (1)
Ramsay (1)
Radford (1)
W. W. Queen (1)
L. P. Quackenbush (1)
Putnam (1)
Potter (1)
D. D. Porter (1)
George T. Pickett (1)
Pickering (1)
Phelps (1)
Perry (1)
Penguin (1)
J. C. Pemberton (1)
John J. Peck (1)
E. G. Parrott (1)
B. G. Parrott (1)
J. W. A. Nicholson (1)
H. S. Newcomb (1)
Nereus (1)
Alexander Murray (1)
Morse (1)
Montgomery (1)
O. M. Mitchell (1)
Mch (1)
John McDiarmid (1)
Malvern (1)
Lockwood (1)
A. R. Lawton (1)
J. L. Lardner (1)
Lanman (1)
Langthorne (1)
Francis Josselyn (1)
Samuel Jones (1)
William N. Jeffers (1)
Huron (1)
Hunchback (1)
Hull (1)
Howell (1)
W. J. Hotchkiss (1)
T. H. Holmes (1)
D. H. Hill (1)
Hetzel (1)
Peter Hayes (1)
W. J. Hardee (1)
F. L. Haggerty (1)
G. W. Graves (1)
S. W. Godon (1)
O. S. Glisson (1)
Q. A. Gillmore (1)
John P. Gillis (1)
John E. Giddings (1)
R. C. Gatlin (1)
H. H. Foster (1)
R. B. Forbes (1)
C. W. Flusser (1)
John C. Febiger (1)
Francis S. Dupont (1)
Dunn (1)
Percival Drayton (1)
H. K. Davenport (1)
Cuyler (1)
William B. Cushing (1)
Curlew (1)
Napoleon Collins (1)
B. R. Colhoun (1)
Clitz (1)
A. O. Chaplin (1)
Chandler (1)
Canonicus (1)
Calhoun (1)
Caldwell (1)
A. E. Burnside (1)
T. A. Budd (1)
Brooke (1)
Brincker (1)
D. L. Braine (1)
Braxton Bragg (1)
E. Boomer (1)
Bienville (1)
K. T. Benshaw (1)
George E. Belknap (1)
C. F. W. Behm (1)
Beaumont (1)
G. W. Barrett (1)
Barney (1)
John P. Bankhead (1)
Joseph B. Anderson (1)
Alden (1)
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April 30th, 1864 AD (4)
March 31st, 1862 AD (4)
February, 1865 AD (3)
January 31st, 1865 AD (3)
February 29th, 1864 AD (3)
January 31st, 1864 AD (3)
December 31st, 1863 AD (3)
April 13th, 1863 AD (3)
April 30th, 1862 AD (3)
January, 1862 AD (3)
November, 1865 AD (2)
February 9th, 1865 AD (2)
December 31st, 1864 AD (2)
October 31st, 1864 AD (2)
October 5th, 1864 AD (2)
September 30th, 1864 AD (2)
July 31st, 1864 AD (2)
June 30th, 1864 AD (2)
May 26th, 1864 AD (2)
April 21st, 1864 AD (2)
April 20th, 1864 AD (2)
April 19th, 1864 AD (2)
November 30th, 1863 AD (2)
October 31st, 1863 AD (2)
October 16th, 1863 AD (2)
September 30th, 1863 AD (2)
August 31st, 1863 AD (2)
August 14th, 1863 AD (2)
July, 1863 AD (2)
June 30th, 1863 AD (2)
June 12th, 1863 AD (2)
May 31st, 1863 AD (2)
April 9th, 1863 AD (2)
April 7th, 1863 AD (2)
January 31st, 1863 AD (2)
January, 1863 AD (2)
December 31st, 1862 AD (2)
October 27th, 1862 AD (2)
September 30th, 1862 AD (2)
September 24th, 1862 AD (2)
August 31st, 1862 AD (2)
July 31st, 1862 AD (2)
July 17th, 1862 AD (2)
July 6th, 1862 AD (2)
June 30th, 1862 AD (2)
May 31st, 1862 AD (2)
May 25th, 1862 AD (2)
January 31st, 1862 AD (2)
1861 AD (2)
1100 AD (2)
April 28th, 1883 AD (1)
January 20th, 1868 AD (1)
February 16th, 1865 AD (1)
February 10th, 1865 AD (1)
January 20th, 1865 AD (1)
January, 1865 AD (1)
1865 AD (1)
December, 1864 AD (1)
November 30th, 1864 AD (1)
November 20th, 1864 AD (1)
November, 1864 AD (1)
October 1st, 1864 AD (1)
October, 1864 AD (1)
September 1st, 1864 AD (1)
September, 1864 AD (1)
August 31st, 1864 AD (1)
July 30th, 1864 AD (1)
June 10th, 1864 AD (1)
June 1st, 1864 AD (1)
June, 1864 AD (1)
May 31st, 1864 AD (1)
May 5th, 1864 AD (1)
May, 1864 AD (1)
April 10th, 1864 AD (1)
March 31st, 1864 AD (1)
March 30th, 1864 AD (1)
March, 1864 AD (1)
February 19th, 1864 AD (1)
February 10th, 1864 AD (1)
January, 1864 AD (1)
December 1st, 1863 AD (1)
December, 1863 AD (1)
November 1st, 1863 AD (1)
November, 1863 AD (1)
October 1st, 1863 AD (1)
October, 1863 AD (1)
September 6th, 1863 AD (1)
September 1st, 1863 AD (1)
September, 1863 AD (1)
August 1st, 1863 AD (1)
August, 1863 AD (1)
July 31st, 1863 AD (1)
July 30th, 1863 AD (1)
July 22nd, 1863 AD (1)
July 14th, 1863 AD (1)
July 1st, 1863 AD (1)
June 23rd, 1863 AD (1)
June 3rd, 1863 AD (1)
May 24th, 1863 AD (1)
May 20th, 1863 AD (1)
May 15th, 1863 AD (1)
May 10th, 1863 AD (1)
May, 1863 AD (1)
April 30th, 1863 AD (1)
April 10th, 1863 AD (1)
April 1st, 1863 AD (1)
April, 1863 AD (1)
March 31st, 1863 AD (1)
March 14th, 1863 AD (1)
March, 1863 AD (1)
February 28th, 1863 AD (1)
February 20th, 1863 AD (1)
February 17th, 1863 AD (1)
February, 1863 AD (1)
January 20th, 1863 AD (1)
1863 AD (1)
December 20th, 1862 AD (1)
December, 1862 AD (1)
November 30th, 1862 AD (1)
November, 1862 AD (1)
October 31st, 1862 AD (1)
October, 1862 AD (1)
September 15th, 1862 AD (1)
September 5th, 1862 AD (1)
September, 1862 AD (1)
August, 1862 AD (1)
July 15th, 1862 AD (1)
July, 1862 AD (1)
June, 1862 AD (1)
May, 1862 AD (1)
April 19th, 1862 AD (1)
April, 1862 AD (1)
March 19th, 1862 AD (1)
March 4th, 1862 AD (1)
March, 1862 AD (1)
February 28th, 1862 AD (1)
January 13th, 1862 AD (1)
1862 AD (1)
December, 1861 AD (1)
November 19th, 1861 AD (1)
November 7th, 1861 AD (1)
October 31st, 1861 AD (1)
October, 1861 AD (1)
September, 1861 AD (1)
August 31st, 1861 AD (1)
1860 AD (1)
January 31st, 1806 AD (1)
January, 1805 AD (1)
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September 5th (1)
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January 14th (1)
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