The Washington Artillery in the Army of Tennessee.
Soldiers,—In eloquent and feeling words the ‘
Father of the Battalion’ has just related its birth, its growth, its history—the departure of its first quota for the front in
We are fortunate veterans, and members of the present organization,
to have heard this memorable recital from his lips on such an occasion.
For to few men has it been given to guide so long and successfully the destinies of a military command, to keep it ever unsurpassed in equipment, discipline and standing, to lead it in such gallant style to a people's defence, and to live to see it accomplish and enjoy the fame that rests to-day upon our banners.
We of the second quota, organized away from his immediate care, who never fought under his eye or alongside of our seniors; we also recognize his parental influence, and recollect how much of military virtue we had to cultivate to attain the standard he had established for the corps.
We rejoice that he has lived to meet us on this day; and here at this, the first reunion of the five companies, the first
general review of the battalion in its past and present—before reporting for the Washington Artillery, Army of Tennessee—as their senior surviving officer, in their name—I salute you,
Colonel Walton, in all soldierly and filial appreciation.
Nine months had elapsed since the departure of the four companies, when the
Confederacy, in an hour of supreme distress, called again upon
Immediately from that same arsenal on Girod street a fifth company of the battalion sprang into the arena and was thrown to the front in
It came armed cap-a-pie, nearly excelling its predecessors in thoroughness of equipment, of instruction, of discipline.
In its ranks were old members—brothers, relatives, friends of the boys in
Virginia, around whom had gathered the choicest remaining spirits among our city's youth, allured by the fascination of a glorious name, and the exalted requisites of courage that were demanded of them to sustain it. Such material had met with prompt military education and assistance, and though from the company's fullness of means and numbers several drafts had been poured into the quota in
Virginia, still on that 18th of March, 1862, it stood magnificent in preparation, and 156 rank and file for departure.
How glorious in appearance–stretched across that hall, in all the pomp of handsome uniforms, splendid physique, martial bearing and determined men!
How proud their officers, as they scanned the line!
And, thank God, that feeling went on increasing unto the end. No name appeared too glorious to be left in their keeping; no cause too sacred to be staked upon their devotion.
That day one month—and
Shiloh's bloody field has seen them under baptismal fire—and the Fifth Company has placed its first sacrificial offering upon their country's altar!
Demeritt, and
Hartnett, and
Green, and
Giffen, and
O'Donnell, and Long yielding
up their lives.
The Washington Artillery, Army of Tennessee, now stands revealed in equal glory with the Washington Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, and henceforth it is a rivalry between them in devotion to a sacred cause in hallowing a common name.
Shiloh's field has also revealed officers and men unto each other, and amid those undying impressions of a first battle none proved stronger than the mutual confidence that then arose.
There, deeds of courage foreshadowed future fame, and
Slocomb's dash became a household word.
Beauregard's commendation is their reward, as it was that of the four companies at
Henceforth the Washington Artillery is linked in trial and in glory to the Army of Tennessee.
Glorious and grand old army!
‘Defenders of the heart of the
Confederacy,’ the tests to which your virtues were put called forth the highest qualities that soldiers could display.
Unfailing courage, patience, endurance, fortitude and devotion marked your every step.
From that field on it bore the stamp of misfortune in losing
Albert Sidney Johnston.
And who of the Fifth Company would change that checkered career for even the glory of having served with
Lee and
Corinth comes next and
Incessant picket fighting, dire disease, wretched rations, and death dealing water.
A crucial test, which the strongest and bravest alone survived.
A school, withal, which tempered us for the worst that could arise.
Tupelo is reached, and
Slocomb now commands.
Suffering is forgotten in recuperation and drilling.
Bragg himself acknowledges the Fifth unexcelled therein, even by his famous battery.
We march into
Mumfordsville is captured and
Perryville is fought.
The ‘
White Horse Battery’ is known to friend and foe thereafter, and clamorous and enthusiastic recognition salutes it in the streets of
Harrodsburg from the army passing in retreat.
Those shouts shall ever ring in the ears of its survivors.
Cumberland Gap, half starving and worn, retreating steps now take us to
Kingston's snow-clad fields.
We meet the first blasts of a winter campaign.
Our tents are finally pitched in winter quarters on
Harpeth's frozen banks, where
Rosecrans so rudely disturbed us at Christmas eve.
Murfreesboro follows and
Vaught commands, and whether supporting
Hardee's crushing blow upon the enemy's right, or holding the pivot of the position, or rushing madly in that deadly charge, when
Breckinridge, in grand array and stern devotion, dashed for those heights across
Stone river, the Washington Artillery won on that field the highest praise that soldiers could expect; and
Reid are left to mark its passage.
Vicksburg is sore beset, and
Johnston calls and
Breckinridge is going, and the Fifth Company asks to follow.
Mobile, in passing, gives us new recruits, as rushing through we hurry on to
But Vicksburg falls 'ere we can cross the Big Black, and
Sherman tries to intercept, but strikes us only in our works at
Four stands of colors lie amid a thousand killed and wounded before the muzzles of
Cook's and
Slocomb's guns.
Bragg calls in turn and
Breckinridge is sent.
The Fifth is pushed to
Rome and
The echoes of the first guns salute them as they reach there.
We strike at Glass's Mill, and plunging through the
Chickamauga, leave on its banks a holocaust of dead.
Blair meeting a fate he had just predicted, and
Morel, and
Anderson, and Belsom, and
Bailey and
We laid them shrouded in their blankets, and move to strike elsewhere.
Morning finds us on the right.
Breckinridge turns the
Federal left—we cut them off from
Astride the road we save the day till
Liddell can be brought up and
Graves has fallen in our midst, and bending over him,
Breckinridge laments his loss.
Around him lie Brocard and
Bayle, and
Reichert, and
Duggan, and Stakeman, and
Greenwood and Woods, with shattered carriages and crushed guns that show what fire we took unflinchingly, while pouring canister alone upon their charging lines.
Breckinridge thanks us on the field.
To replace
Vaught now stands promoted, and
Chickamauga's victory led us but to
Missionary Ridge.
Dissensions and rivalries have brought defeat.
The Fifth, unmoved, indignant and devoted, their battery sacrificed, seized the first guns abandoned in their rear, and with
Austin's help check the enemy and save the bridge.
Joe Johnston comes, and
Dalton's cantonments ring with joy. With spring,
Sherman attempts the portals of the pass, and Rocky-face and
Buzzard's Roost repell him to Snake Gap.
Resaca finds us in the thickest fray, and on that hill from which were borne
Simmons and
Stuart, and in that pen where
Russell fell and found a grave beneath the cannon's trail, the Fifth Company never showed more coolness, more valor, nor more fortitude.
In quick succession came
Kingston and
Cassville's lost opportunity.
Etowah is crossed,
Dalton and New Hope Church claim more precious lives.
McGregor, 'tis
Winston, 'tis
Billy Sewell, with his last breath whispering into
Slocomb's ear: ‘
Captain, haven't I done my duty?’
Pine Mountain and Kennesaw Ridge ever be forgotten?
those long days of constant fighting, those nights of sleepless
vigilance and recurring labor, those works uncarried, where Barrail fell and
Staub received his death wound.
For once, since leaving
Dalton, we find ourselves across the
Johnston waits to strike his crawling foe. But
Peach-Tree Creek soon called us to our work, and in defending its passage we lose
Legare and
Percy and
Legare, who begged for one more shot at them, and fell with
Percy, torn and mangled, before he could get it.
First on the right, then through the siege, the Fifth Company battles for
Atlanta, till
Hood must leave, for
Jonesboroa is gone, and
Hardee's heroic corps can stand the pressure no longer.
Vincent, Delery, find their death, and also that unrecorded priest who followed us into battle.
And now it is on to
In snow we move from
Florence to the task, ill clad and badly shod.
Columbia is taken, and
Franklin's ditches are made level with Confederate dead.
Bates's division is thrown toward
At Overall creek it is
Leverich's canister saving us from destruction, and riderless horses sweep in line of battle, through our intervals, to the rear.
Siebrecht is buried on the field.
The morrow finds us attacking with Forest, and yielding lines place the enemy in the rear.
We lose two guns in running the gauntlet of their line.
On that sad day
Bennett is laid beneath the snow.
Nashville follows, and after the defeat we spike our guns and let down our carriages, roads of escape being left.
And now comes that terrible retreat, in the heart of winter, where snow-beaten paths are reddened by the blood of our soldiers' shoeless feet.
We ford
Shoal creek on that bleak Christmas day, and drop exhausted when the
Tennessee is reached.
The Fifth Company lost no men by straggling, yet on the banks of that river there stood in its ranks forty-five barefooted and half-clad men.
Mobile is threatened and we go to her defence, joining again our
Louisiana brigade.
They were to capture the first enemy's battery met that the Washington Artillery may be refitted.
In Spanish Fort we stood a siege for fourteen days in gallant style, and were the last to spike our guns that night of evacuation.
Rescued from out the sea marsh of
Perdido river, the Fifth Company is in
Mobile again, where
McIlhenny and
Miller had preceded them to be buried.
This siege has fitly crowned our military prescience.
The town is doomed.
We march away as light artillery, refitted and complete.
The end has come when
Lee's surrender is announced.
Our own
soon follows.
We furl our flag in tears, and
Slocomb leads us home to weeping households, desolated firesides, and ruined estates.
Such is the hurried report of the services of the Fifth Company in their performance.
Soldiers never showed more courage, more endurance, more reliability, more cheerfulness, more discipline, more devotion, more fortitude.
Ever ready, ever complete in equipment and numbers, their horses superbly kept, ambitious of distinction, they were always at the front on the breach in active service, ever steady and resolute however went the day, no danger could move and no disaster could dismay them.
In the annals of the Army of Tennessee they bear a proud name among the proudest–a household word.
To the battalion's fame, they bring a harvest of laurels, won through the most trying and sanguinary campaigns of our great war. To the battalion flag they add the names of over forty battles, as desperate, as sanguinary as ever fought.
On our monumental shaft and roll of honor, they have inscribed the names of fifty heroes, as pure, as gallant, as devoted as ever died in a sacred cause.
They have made the
Washinton Artillery the only organization legendary with the troops of the Army of Tennessee, as it is with the troops of the Army of Northern Virginia.
And the rivalry is not ended; they will push it in perpetuating the present organization, that our sons and latest descendant may belong to it, and proudly say: ‘Our fathers made the name of the Washington Artillery, in the cause of the
South, on every battle-field of the
And admonished by the untimely fate of so many who survived our companies, and since have fallen in the battle of life, shall I not take advantage of this occasion to speak to you, the representatives of the survivors of the Washington Artillery, here in the presence of your brothers of
Can I refrain to call upon you, boys of the Fifth Company, to rise, that I may say to them, Here stand the remnants of 380 men, who carried the banner of the Washington Artillery in equal glory and devotion with you. Can I refrain to thank you for your unfailing confidence and devotion to your officers; to express to you their feelings of admiration and love; to tell you that they drew courage, energy, their reward, their pride, from your gallant acts, your heroic bearing, your friendly approbation?
Boys of the Fifth Company, the spirits of
Vaught and
Blair at this moment marshal our brave ‘who roam enfranchised,’ and reecho my words, rejoicing at this first reunion of the Fifth and its brothers of
May God bless you.