Editorial paragraph.
the delay in the issue of our January number was caused by the pressure of work on our worthy printers, and in consequence of this delay we combine the January and February numbers under one cover. We are sure that our readers will not object to this, especially as we present them a number of more than ordinary variety, interest and value. renewals have been coming in with gratifying progress, but there are many of our friends from whom we have not yet heard. We send this number to many whose subscriptions have expired, in the confident expectation that they will promptly send us $3 for 1884. But if we should be disappointed in this, and any, from whatever cause, decline to renew, we hope they will at least have the grace to notify us of the fact, and return (or pay for) the numbers to which they are not entitled. several model letters, selected at random from the large number we are daily receiving, will serve to show something of the appreciation of our friends for the work in which we are engaged. A reverend friend, who did faithful and warmly appreciated work in one of the brigades of the Army of Northern Virginia, writes as follows on a postal card:Another gallant soldier writes as follows:
We need scarcely add that the article sent will find an early place in our papers. The following has the ‘true ring’:
The following from a distinguished soldier who ‘wore the Blue’ will be appreciated, as his sentiments are cordially reciprocated:
And of like spirit is the following, from a gallant soldier of ‘the other side.’
we might multiply these letters almost indefinitely; but these must suffice, and if any complain that we have gone into the ‘blowing business’ we have only to call on our readers to bear us witness that we have not often indulged in that direction, and that the moral of it all is that we want more renewals and new subscribers. A most highly appreciated memento, in the shape of a cane-head made of wood taken from the house in which Stonewall Jackson was born, has been sent us (through Rev. Dr. A. E. Dickinson) by Mr. J. W. Odell, of Clarksburg, West Va. We return our hearty thanks. Jack White, one of the heroes of Sabine Pass, is not dead, as reported in the extract we published in the October number, but is living at Houston, Texas, ‘hale and hearty,’ as one of our subscribers there, kindly informs us. By the way we have from a Federal officer who participated in the fight at Sabine Pass a very different version of it from the one we have published. We regret that this, as well as other very interesting articles, was crowded out of this number, but it shall duly appear, and then we hope to have an account from some Confederate participant. other Editorial Paragraphs and Literary Notices ‘crowded out.’ [97]
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