Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg.
[Our publication of reports of the battle of Gettysburg, in previous volumes, has been so full as to leave very little to add. But we append the following from unpublished Mss. in our archives in order that our record of this great campaign may be complete:] report of Colonel B. T. Johnson, of J. M. Jones's brigade. headquarters J. M. Jones's brigade, Camp Montpelier, August 15, 1863.
Lieutenant R. W. Hunter, A. A. A. General, Johnson's Division.
Lieutenant,—I have the honor herewith to forward reports of regimental and brigade commanders of the operations about Gettysburg on the 2d and 3d ult. I have caused Captain Cleary, Assistant Adjutant-General of brigade at the time, to make a statement furnishing a connected account of the whole action of the brigade during the engagements, which is herewith forwarded.
I was
assigned to this command on the 4th of July and found it lying in line of battle along the ridge of hills west of Gettysburg.
Marching that night about 10 P. M. we were on the road until daylight.
Soon after, my flank being threatened by the enemy's cavalry, I detached Major White and part of the Forty-eighth Virginia to cover it as skirmishers.
He, during the course of the morning, was charged by the troop escorting Major-General Howard, U. S. A., and drove them off handsomely, bringing in one prisoner.
We bivouacked that night beyond Fairfield, and on the night of the 6th, a mile from Waynesboro.
On the 7th went into bivouac three miles and a half from Hagerstown on the Leitersburg road.
On the 10th the division marched, this brigade being rearguard, and went into bivouac two miles west of Hagerstown on the Williamsport road.
On the 11th took position in line of battle and employed the men in throwing up field work, which, though rude, materially strengthened the position.
They were exceedingly anxious to meet the enemy, feeling confident of their ability to avenge Gettysburg.
The Twenty-fifth Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Robinson, covered the front of the brigade as skirmishers and promptly checked the advance of the enemy's line, which, on the 12th, came up feeling our position.
On Monday night, the 13th, we withdrew and crossed the Potomac, fording it at Williamsport, bringing off every man and gun. On the 14th we bivouacked near Martinsburg.
On the 15th, near Darksville.
On the 17th, received orders from division headquarters to return to Martinsburg and destroy the railroad, which was done.
On that and the 18th were much annoyed by the enemy's cavalry, which kept driving in our cavalry pickets and threatening the working parties.
Their audacity increased so that on Sunday, the 19th, they came within a mile of the town.
I took the Fiftieth Virginia, Colonel Vandeventer, and after a skirmish lasting the whole day drove them back to a mile and a half of Hedgesville.
The Fiftieth Virginia was relieved as skirmishers in the afternoon by the Forty-eighth, Lieutenant-Colonel Dungan.
Both regiments, officers and men, behaved well; our loss, none.
Enemy left six killed, one wounded. A section of Hart's artillery, Hampton's brigade, did very great service, and I had the benefit of the advice and presence of Colonel L. J. Baker, First North Carolina cavalry, commanding brigade.
The enemy's force was stated by citizens and prisoners to have been large, six regiments cavalry, two of mounted infantry and six guns.
I did not see more than three regiments and four pieces of artillery.
On the 21st I reported again to division headquarters.
Captain S. J.
C. Moore, Assistant Adjutant-General of the brigade, who had been in hospital, reported for duty on the 10th.
To Captain Cleary, who I found in charge as Assistant Adjutant-General, I am greatly indebted for active and intelligent assistance in taking charge of this command while on the march.
Your obedient servant, Lieutenant R. W. Hunter, A. A. A. General, Johnson's Division.
Bradley T. Johnson, Colonel Commanding.
Report of Colonel Bryan Grimes, of Fourth North Carolina.
headquarters Fourth North Carolina troops, July 19th, 1863.
Captain S. Gales, Acting Adjutant-General:
In compliance with orders, I have the honor of submitting the following report as the part taken by the Fourth Regiment, North Carolina Troops, under my command, in the engagements around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
On Wednesday, the 1st of July, we were encamped near Heidlersburg, and were under arms and on the march by sunrise.
About 4 P. M. arrived near the battlefield and formed in line of battle, being on the left of our brigade; after resting a few minutes were ordered to advance in line of battle, which was soon countermanded, and then moved by the right flank.
After proceeding a few hundred yards, the regiment, together with the Second, was recalled by Major-General Rodes, and posted on a hill to repel any attack from that quarter, as at that time there were indications of an advance on the part of the enemy.
This position was parallel with the road down which the other two regiments of our brigade had moved.
After a very few minutes, the enemy not advancing, and a regiment of theirs having been seen obliquing to the left instead of advancing towards us, General Rodes ordered me with the Second Regiment to advance.
After getting from under cover of the hill we were exposed to a severe galling and enfilading fire from a woods to our right, which compelled me to change front towards the right.
We then advanced upon the enemy, joining our brigade and driving them in great confusion, and but for the fatiguing and exhausting
march of the day, would have succeeded in capturing a very large number of prisoners; as it was, we captured more, by far, than the number of men in the command, but the troops were too exhausted to move rapidly, as they could otherwise have done.
We were the first to enter the town of Gettysburg, and halted to rest on the road leading to Fairfield.
We remained in that position during that night and Thursday.
On Thursday evening about dusk we advanced to make a night attack upon the enemy's works, but when we had approached to within a few hundred yards and drawing the fire of their pickets, which wounded several of my men, we were recalled and placed in the road, where we remained until 3 A. M. on Saturday morning, at times subjected to severe cannonading, when we were taken to the crest of the hill in our rear, which position we retained until Sunday morning, when we were withdrawn.
Too much cannot be said in praise of both officers and men of my command, all, with a few exceptions, conducted themselves most admirably.
Appended is the list of casualties during the engagement.
I am, Captain, very respectfully your ob't serv't, Captain S. Gales, Acting Adjutant-General:
Bryan Grimes, Colonel Fourth N. C. S. T.
Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Forsyth, of Third Alabama regiment.
headquarters Third Alabama infantry, Near Hagerstown, Md., July 9th, 1863.
S. M. Moore, A. A. A. General:
Lieutenant,—In obedience to orders, I herewith submit a report of the action of this regiment from the time it left camp at Santee, Caroline county, Virginia, up to Greencastle, Pennsylvania, at which point Colonel Battle joined the regiment and assumed command.
I received orders on the morning 4th June to put the regiment in motion, and marched with the brigade to Culpeper Courthouse, reaching that place on the 7th.
The first day's march was rapid and severe on the men, and a great number were made footsore and nearly broken down.
On the morning of the 9th the regiment was put in line of battle to support General Stuart's cavalry, and on the next day resumed the march towards the Valley.
Berryville, I was ordered in line of battle, and advanced through the town, the enemy having retired before us. From this point we moved on Martinsburg, getting into position about 6 o'clock P. M. on the 14th.
After being under shelling for a few moments, I was ordered forward, and with the rest of the brigade occupied the town shortly after dark; the march was resumed on the 15th, moving to the Potomac river, arrived at Williamsport, and reached Greencastle, Pennsylvania, on the 22d of June.
Very respectfully, &c., S. M. Moore, A. A. A. General:
C. Forsyth, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding.
Report of Colonel C. A. Battle, of Third Alabama.
headquarters Third Alabama regiment, Near Hagerstown, Md., July 9th, 1863.
S. M. Moore, A. A. A. General:
Lieutenant,—I resumed command of this (Third Alabama) regiment at Greencastle, Pennsylvania, on the 22d ultimo.
From that point the regiment proceeded without the occurrence of anything worthy of remark until the morning of the 1st instant, when it was formed in line of battle on the right of Rodes's brigade.
Just before the advance was ordered, I received instructions to move with General Daniel, who was on my right, and keep upon his alignment.
These instructions were followed until Daniel moved to the support of Iverson, when their longer observance became impracticable.
I then sent an officer to General Daniel for orders, who, on his return, reported to me that General Daniel said that he had no orders for me, and that I must act on my own responsibility.
I at once moved up upon the right of General Ramseur, then advancing to the attack, and offered him my regiment.
The offer was accepted, and my command acted under this gallant officer in a charge which drove the enemy from one of his strongholds, and then rejoined Rodes' brigade.
This regiment did not engage the enemy on the 2d inst., but remained in position on the right of the brigade.
On the morning of the 3d inst., the regiment moved with the brigade to the left and acted with General's Johnson's division.
At half-past 4 A. M., I
advanced and attacked the enemy in strong position.
A furious combat continued until eleven o'clock, when I withdrew, by order of General Johnson.
The conduct of officers and men, during the period embraced in this report, is considerd highly commendable.
I am indebted to Lieutenant-Colonel Forsyth and Major Sands for valuable assistance during the late military operations.
Accompanying this report is a list of the killed, wounded, and missing of this regiment in the engagements near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
I am, Lieutenant, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, S. M. Moore, A. A. A. General:
Cullen A. battle, Colonel Third Alabama Regiment.
Report of Major Blackford, of Sharpshooters of Rodes's brigade.
Headquarters, battalion of Sharpshooters, Rodes's brigade, Darksville, Va., July 17th, 1863.
Lieutenant Samuel H. Moore, A. A. A. General, Rodes's Brigade:
Lieutenant,—I have the honor to make the following report of the action of the ‘Corps of Sharpshooters,’ under my command, during the battles of the 1st, 2d and 3d July.
The corps was deployed two miles from Gettysburg with the left resting upon the Heidlersburg Pike.
After receiving instructions from General Rodes to keep connected with those on my right, and feel for General Early's advance on the left, I moved steadily forward upon the town, driving in the cavalry videttes, posted in the road, and on commanding hills.
About half a mile from the suburbs a large force of cavalry was observed in line, with a heavy line of men dismounted as skirmishers, the former charged us twice, but were easily repulsed.
After an hour or more of active skirmishing, the enemy's infantry advanced in force through the town, and under cover of a cloud of skirmishers, moved upon our batteries—the right company of my
command annoyed these very much, holding their position steadily until our infantry came up. Against the centre there was no movement by any force heavier than a double line of sharpshooters, whom our men invariably drove back, charging them once in gallant style.
On the extreme left the enemy advanced in three lines, and drove in my men there posted behind the trees—these retired firing from tree to tree until they met Gordon's brigade advancing, after which they were rallied on the centre at the sound of my bugle.
The whole command then moved up the pike, and passing through the town took up its position on the left of Ramseur's brigade then lying in the Fairfield road.
After dark I reported to the colonel commanding brigade.
July 2d.
About 9 o'clock my corps was deployed in front of the Fairfield road, where it remained until dark, when I took position in the suburbs of Gettysburg, as near the enemy's lines as possible, the men being sheltered in the houses.
At daybreak on the 3d we opened fire upon the enemy's artillery skirmishers and upon their lines of battle whenever they advanced, as they frequently did. This must have annoyed the enemy very seriously, as the average number of rounds fired was not less than two hundred, at ranges varying from three to five hundred yards. The Northern papers confess that their gunners could not stand to their guns, and that the officers were picked off by Rebel sharpshooters.
One battery near us, after firing several shots at us, was removed out of our sight.
Our loss was not more than twenty killed and wounded; no list of casualties is enclosed, as they have been returned on the lists of the respective regiments.
Abundant supplies of ammunition were obtained by sending details through the town to collect cartridge boxes.
At daylight on the 4th I was ordered to fall back through the town and deploy in front of the new line of battle on the hills to the west-this was accomplished just before sunrise.
Though all acted so well, I scarcely like to make a distinction, yet I must call your attention to the conduct of Sergeant Christopher Clark, commanding the company from the Fifth Alabama Regiment.
He handled his company throughout with great skill and courage, and would well fill a commission.
I have the honor to be very respectfully, Lieutenant Samuel H. Moore, A. A. A. General, Rodes's Brigade:
Eugene Blackford, Major Fifth Alabama, Commanding Battalion of Sharpshooters.
Report of Colonel Oates, Fifteenth Alabama regiment.
headquarters Fifteenth Alabama regiment, August 8th, 1863.
Lieutenant B. Paterson, A. A. A. General.
I have the honor to report, in obedience to orders from brigade headquarters, the participation of my regiment in the battle near Gettysburg on the 2d ult.:
My regiment occupied the centre of the brigade when the line of battle was formed.
During the advance the two regiments on my right were moved by the left flank across my rear, which threw me on the extreme right of the whole line.
I encountered the enemy's sharpshooters posted behind a stone fence, and sustained some loss thereby.
It was here that Lieutenant-Colonel I. B. Fragin, a most excellent and gallant officer, received a severe wound in the right knee, which caused him to lose his leg. Privates Kennedy, of company B, and——Trimner, of company G, were killed at this point, and Private Spencer, company D, severely wounded.
After crossing the fence I received an order from Brigadier-General Law to left wheel my regiment and move in the direction of the heights upon my left, which order I failed to obey for the reason that when I received it I was rapidly advancing up the mountain, and in my front I discovered a heavy force of the enemy.
Besides this there was great difficulty in accomplishing the manoeuvre at that moment, as the regiment on my left (Forty-seventh Alabama) was crowding me on the left and running into my regiment, which had already created considerable confusion.
In the event that I had obeyed the order, I should have come in contact with the regiment on my left, and also have exposed my right flank to an enfilading fire from the enemy.
I, therefore, continued to press forward my right, passing over the top of the mountain on the right of the line.
On reaching the foot of the mountain below I found the enemy in heavy force posted in rear of large rocks upon a slight elevation beyond a depression of some three hundred yards in width between the base of the mountain and the open plain beyond.
I engaged them, my right meeting the left of their line exactly.
Here I lost several gallant officers and men. After firing two or three rounds I discovered that the enemy were giving way in my front.
I ordered a charge, and the enemy in my front fled, but that portion of his line confronting the two companies on my left
held their ground, and continued a most galling fire upon my left.
Just at this moment I discovered the regiment on my left (Forty-seventh Alabama) retiring.
I halted my regiment as its left reached a very large rock, and ordered a left wheel of the regiment, which was executed in good order under fire, thus taking advantage of a ledge of rocks running off in a line perpendicularly to the one I had just abandoned, and affording very good protection to my men. This position enabled me to keep up a constant flank and cross fire upon the enemy, which, in less than five minutes, caused him to change front.
Receiving reinforcements, he charged me five times, and was as often repulsed with heavy loss.
Finally I discovered that the enemy had flanked me on the right, and two regiments were moving rapidly upon my rear and not two hundred yards distant, when, to save my regiment from capture or destruction, I ordered a retreat.
Having become exhausted from fatigue and the excessive heat of the day, I turned the command of the regiment over to Captain B. A. Hill, and instructed him to take the men off the field and reform the regiment and report to the brigade.
My loss was, as near as can now be ascertained, as follows, to-wit: Seventeen killed upon the field, fifty-four wounded and brought off the field, and ninety missing, most of whom are either killed or wounded.
Among the killed and wounded are eight officers, most of whom were very gallant and efficient men.
Recapitulation: Killed, 17; wounded, 54; missing, 90; aggregate, 161.
I am, Lieutenant, most respectfully,
Your obedient servant, Lieutenant B. Paterson, A. A. A. General.
W. C. Oates, Colonel Commanding Fifteenth Ala. Regiment.
Report of Major Campbell, Forty-Seventh Alabama regiment.
headquarters Forty-Seventh Alabama regiment, August 7th, 1863.
A report of the part my regiment took in the fight at Gettysburg:
Before our line was formed three companies were detached from my regiment and placed in rear of our right to guard a road.
These companies remained on this part of the field almost constantly,
skirmishing with the enemy until we fell back on the morning of the 4th, when they rejoined their command.
The other seven companies went into the fight in line with the brigade.
There was some confusion in these companies, owing to the fact that in the charge the Lieutenant-Colonel expected the Colonel to give all necessary commands, and the Colonel remained so far behind that his presence on the field was but a trammel on the Lieutenant-Colonel.
The Colonel having been left behind, and the Lieutenant-Colonel killed, fighting most nobly, I took command of the regiment, and after the first repulse of the brigade, I, in obedience to orders, deployed a part of my men on the right of the brigade, where they remained till the close of the fight.
After the firing ceased, I, in obedience to orders from Colonel Sheffield, (commanding brigade), threw my regiment out as skirmishers on our right, where they remained until morning.
Out of the twenty-one officers, four were killed on the field.
All of these (the twenty-one) acted well.
(The Colonel and Adjutant are not included in this number.)
About one-third of the whole number of men were killed and wounded. J. M. Campbell, Major Commanding Regiment.
Report of Colonel Scruggs, Fourth Alabama.
sir,—In accordance with orders of the 6th inst., I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the regiment during the engagement of the 2d and 3d of July, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
On the morning of the 2d we took up the line of march from New Gilford in the direction of Gettysburg; after a rapid and fatiguing march of about twenty-four miles, arrived at the scene of action at 3 1/2 o'clock P. M. Immediately taking our assigned position on the left of the brigade, the order was then given to move forward, which
we did at a double-quick across a ploughed field for half a mile, the enemy's batteries playing upon us with great effect, until we arrived at a stone fence, behind which the enemy's first line of infantry was posted, which position we soon succeeded in carrying with the bayonet.
Then having reached the foot of the mountain, the command halted a few minutes to reform the line.
We advanced up the mountain under a galling fire, driving the enemy before us, until we arrived at a second line, where a strong force was posted behind another stone fence Owing to the exhausted condition of the men and the roughness of the mountain side, we found it impossible to carry this position.
We retired in good order, though not until we had expended our ammunition.
Having received a fresh supply of cartridges about dark, remained in the enemy's front, some two hundred yards distant, during the night.
Early on the next morning we threw up a line of breastworks composed of rock, and assumed the defensive, which position we held during the day, until late in the afternoon, when the regiment was ordered some distance to the right to meet the enemy's cavalry, which we soon dispersed.
There we remained in position until dark, when the remainder of the brigade moved to our rear, and were ordered to connect with it on the right, where we remained until the morning of the 4th.
Both officers and men behaved with much coolness and gallantry, and many brave and good soldiers fell, a noble sacrifice to their country's cause.
The official list of casualties handed in will show the total of our casualties to be eighty-seven.
I am, Colonel, very respectfully, &c.,
L. H. Scruggs, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Fourth Ala.
Report of Colonel J. L. Sheffield, Forty-Eighth Alabama.
camp Forty-Eighth Regiment Ala. Vols., August 7th, 1863.
sir,—I have the honor herewith to give a statement of the part taken by the Forty-Eighth Alabama in the battle of Gettysburg on the 2d and 3d of July, 1863:
On the morning of the 2d inst. this regiment, with the brigade,
marched from ‘New Gilford’ to the field, a distance of twenty miles, where we were placed in line of battle in the open field, where companies A and H were ordered on picket; after lying in line of battle a half hour we were ordered forward, and advanced a distance of one mile over a very rough and rugged woods-the worst cliffs of rocks there could have been traveled over.
On reaching the enemy's lines where they were well and strongly situated, I ordered my regiment to forward, which was gallantly obeyed until within about twenty paces of their line.
Here the fire of the enemy was severe.
Here the men opened fire on the enemy, and for some time continued, until the left, from the loss of men and their exposed position to a fire from the front and from the mountain on the right, were forced to fall back.
The right steadily maintained its position for some time, forcing the enemy to withdraw from their first line and establish their line a short distance to their rear, where they continued their fire.
After the contest had continued for an hour and a half, and my whole regiment had been brought to the front the third time only to be driven back, I ordered them to reform in the rear of their advanced position.
While doing this I was ordered to take command of the brigade.
After this the regiment was commanded by Captain T. J. Eubanks, who reformed and carried it to the front, where the battle-ground was held during the night, bringing off our wounded.
In this battle the regiment had two hundred and seventy-five men engaged.
There were one hundred and two killed, wounded and missing. On the 3d inst. the regiment was withdrawn a short distance, where we remained during the day, except while engaged in a short fight with cavalry.
At night we were still farther withdrawn to the rear.
The men and officers acted very well.
I cannot close without speaking of those who acted most conspicuously during the hottest of the conflict; Lieutenants Burch and Ewing, Captains Eubanks and Edwards, are especially noticed for their gallantry in leading their men forward and remaining in front of their commands encouraging their men. Colonel Hardwick and Major St. John were very efficient in performing their part until wounded.
It is due to state that in the account of missing, twenty-four men were taken prisoners, with Captain Edwards and Lieutenant Christian, of General Law's staff, while posting pickets after night on the 2d inst.
Very respectfully, J. L. Sheffield, Colonel Forty-Eighth Alabama Regiment.
Report of Colonel William F. Perry, Forty-Fourth Alabama.
headquarters Forty-Fourth Alabama regiment, Near Fredericksburg, Va., August 8, 1863.
H. W. Figures, A. A. G. General, Law's Brigade.
sir,—I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the regiment under my command in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the 2d July.
It occupied the place of the second battalion in the line formed by the brigade on the heights which ran parallel with and fronting the enemy's position.
Having advanced with the brigade down the long slope and through the intervening meadow it was detached from its place in the line by order of General Law and by a flank movement was brought to the extreme left of the brigade.
When at a short distance from the stone fence near the base of the mountain, General Law informed me that he expected my regiment to take a battery which had been playing on our line from the moment the advance begun.
This battery was situated, not on the mountain itself, but on a rugged cliff, which formed the abrupt termination of a ridge that proceeded from the mountain and ran in a direction somewhat parallel with it, leaving a valley destitute of trees and filled with immense boulders between them.
This valley—not more than three hundred paces in breadth—and the cliff on which their artillery was stationed was occupied by two regiments of the enemy's infantry.
The direction of the regiment after crossing the stone fence was such that a march to the front would have carried it to the right of the enemy's position.
It was therefore wheeled to the left so as to confront that position, its left opposite the battery and its right extending toward the base of the mountain.
This movement was executed under fire and within two hundred yards of the enemy.
The forward movement was immediately ordered and was responded to with an alacrity and courage seldom, if ever, excelled on the battlefield.
As the men emerged from the forest into the valley before mentioned they received a deadly volley at short range which, in a few seconds, killed or disabled one-fourth their number.
Halting without an order from me and availing themselves of the shelter which the rocks afforded they returned the fire.
Such was their extreme exhaustion-having marched without interruption twenty-four
miles to reach the battlefield and advanced at a double-quick step fully a mile to engage the enemy—that I hesitated for an instant to order them immediately forward.
Perceiving very soon, however, that the enemy were giving way, I rushed forward shouting to them to advance.
It was with the greatest difficulty that I could make myself heard or understood above the din of battle.
The order was, however, extended along the line and was promptly obeyed.
The men sprang forward over the rocks, swept the position, and took possession of the heights, capturing forty or fifty prisoners around the battery and among the cliffs.
Meanwhile, the enemy had put a battery in position on a terrace of the mountain to our right, which opened upon us an enfilading fire of grape and spherical case shot.
A sharp fire of small arms was also opened from the same direction.
This was not destructive, however, owing to the protection afforded by the rocks.
Soon the enemy appeared moving down upon our front in heavy force.
At this critical moment General Benning's brigade of Georgians advanced gallantly into action.
His extreme right, lapping upon my left, swarmed over the cliffs and mingled with my men.
It was now past five o'clock, P. M. The conflict continued to rage with great fury until dark.
Again and again the enemy in great force attempted to dislodge us from the position and retake the battery, in each case with signal failure and heavy loss.
Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, Major Cary, and Lieutenant Beeker, Acting Adjutant, behaved with great coolness and courage.
I abstain from mentioning by name others who deserve special commendation, because the list would be so long as to confer little distinction on any single individual, and because injustice might be done to others whose good conduct escaped my observation.
The regiment lost, killed, 24; wounded, 66, and missing, 4.
I have the honor to be very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, H. W. Figures, A. A. G. General, Law's Brigade.
Wm. F. Perry, Colonel Commanding.
Report of Lieutenant-Colonel work, First Texas regiment.
headquarters First Texas regiment, July 9th, 1863.
The following is submitted as a report of the part sustained by the
First Texas Regiment in the engagement of Thursday, July 2d, 1863, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to-wit:
The regiment, together with the brigade, having been ordered forward to the attack about 4 o'clock P. M., continued to advance by the front for a distance exceeding half a mile; the Fourth Texas upon the right and the Third Arkansas upon the left, when company I, commanded by Lieutenant I. H. Wooters and thrown out as skirmishers, engaged the skirmishers of the enemy, driving them back upon a regiment supporting the enemy's battery, and then, aided by volunteers from this (First Texas) regiment, engaged the regiment and artillery, succeeded in driving back the regiment and silencing the enemy's guns, taking and holding possession of the latter.
While this regiment was closely following our skirmishers and had reached to within about one hundred and twenty-five yards of the enemy's artillery, the Third Arkansas regiment, upon my left, became hotly engaged with a strong force of the enemy upon its front and left, and to preserve and protect its left flank, was forced to retire to a point some seventy-five or one hundred yards to my rear and left, thus leaving my left flank uncovered and exposed, to protect which I halted and threw out upon my left and rear company G, commanded by Lieutenant B. A. Campbell (some forty men) which soon engaged the enemy and drove them from their threatening position to my left and the front of the Third Arkansas.
It was while in the execution of this order that Lieutenant Campbell, a brave and gallant officer, fell, pierced through the heart.
Owing to the failure, as informed by Brigadier-General Robertson, of the troops that were assigned to the position on the left of this (Robertson's) brigade to arrive promptly, neither this nor the Third Arkansas regiment were able to advance without advancing against a vastly superior force, and with the left flank of the Third Arkansas, protecting my left, exposed to attack.
After the lapse of several minutes, Benning's brigade made its appearance, but instead of occupying the ground to the left of Robertson's brigade, so as to enable the latter to move forward with its left flank secured from attack, occupied the ground still occupied by a portion, at least, of this brigade (the Fifteenth Georgia regiment falling in and remaining with the First Texas regiment.) After several ineffectual efforts upon the part of both the commander of the Fifteenth Georgia and myself to separate the men of the two regiments, we gave the order to move forward, when both regiments thus commingled moved forward and occupied the crest of the hill some one hundred yards or more to the
front and where the enemy's artillery was stationed, where we remained until the close of the day and until two o'clock on Friday morning. During the evening of the 2d an incessant fire was kept up by this regiment, and the enemy were several times repulsed in their efforts to retake the hill.
My position was such that I was enabled to pour a deadly enfilading fire into the enemy as they advanced through a wheat field to attack the troops in position on my left, and I have not a doubt that this fire contributed greatly to the repulse of the forces of the enemy attacking our forces some three to five hundred yards on my left.
Once during the evening the troops upon my left were driven back, and my left was exposed, when, directing Captain Hal Moss, company D, to take charge of the colors and retaining them there with a few men to hold the hill until the regiment could safely retire, I ordered the regiment to fall back to a stone fence about one hundred yards in rear.
The major portion of the regiment and the Fifteenth Georgia fell back as ordered, but quite a large number having noticed that the colors were not moving to the rear, refused to withdraw, and, remaining upon the crest of the hill, succeeded in holding the enemy in check in their immediate ront and obliquely upon their right and left until the troops upon my left had been reformed and were again advanced, when I directed Major F. S. Bass to return to the crest of the hill with the body of the regiment; and with Captain D. K. Rice, of company C, proceeded myself to collect together all fugitives, slightly wounded and exhausted men, and placed them so as to protect my right and rear from an attack from that quarter (one of my advanced scouts in that direction having reported to me that a column of the enemy was moving down a ravine or hollow, and threatening me in that quarter.) Having made every disposition to guard my right and rear, I placed Captain D. K. Rice in charge of such defence, and proceeded to the Third Arkansas regiment, of which General Robertson had ordered me to take charge.
After the loss of some half hour in searching for the Third Arkansas, I found Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor and Major Ready, of that regiment, both alive and uninjured and in charge of the regiment, which was doing its duty nobly and well.
Late in the evening a terrific fire of artillery was concentrated against the hill occupied by this (the First regiment), and many were killed and wounded, some losing their heads and others so horribly mutilated and mangled that their identity could scarcely be established, but, notwithstanding this, all the men continued heroically and unflinchingly to maintain their position.
Immediately, after
dark, having detailed companies E and I for the purpose, I sent three pieces of the artillery captured to the rear.
There were three other pieces, two at one point and one at another, that I was unable to move for the reason that they were located between the lines of the enemy and our own, and were so much exposed that they could not be approached except under a murderous fire.
While they could not be removed by me, neither could they be approached by the enemy, for the same fire that drove the artillerists from their guns and the infantry from their support, was ever in readiness to keep them in check and drive them back.
With but two exceptions, to-wit: Private Childress, of company E, and Private Brooks, company K, each and every man of the regiment proved himself a hero.
Hundreds might be mentioned, each of whom, with reason and propriety, might point to his gallant acts and daring deeds, and the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding feels that he cannot call attention to the bearing of a few only of these without doing some share of injustice to those not mentioned, and though he is urged to mention the names of Privates Salter, company I, Kirksey and Barfield, company B, and Barbee, company L, for great and striking gallantry, and does mention them; he feels that he is neglecting others of equal merit.
Private Barbee, though a mounted courier acting for MajorGen-eral Hood, entered the ranks of his company (L) and fought through the engagement.
At one time he mounted a rock upon the highest pinnacle of the hill, and there, exposed to a deadly raking fire from artillery and musketry, stood until he had fired twenty-five shots, when he received a minie-ball wound in the right thigh and fell.
Having exhausted their original supply of ammunition, the men supplied themselves from the cartridge boxes of their dead and disabled comrades and from the dead and wounded of the enemy, frequently going in front of the hill to secure a cartridge box.
Many of the officers threw aside their swords, seized a rifle, and going into the ranks, fought bravely and nobly.
The regiment lost in killed twenty-five, in wounded forty-eight, and missing twenty. A list of the names of whom, giving the company and character of wound (of those wounded) is hereto annexed as part of this report.
Respectfully submitted, P. A. Work, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding First Texas Regiment In Engagement of July 2d, 1863.
N. B.—I would state that Captain John R. Woodward, of company G, entered the engagement as Acting Major in charge of the left wing, early in the engagement.
He was wounded in the head by the fragment of a shell, and was borne from the field.
Respectfully submitted,
P. A. work, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding First Texas Regiment.
In addition to the above report, I have the following to submit: During the evening of Friday, the 2d July, company I, commanded by Lieutenant Loughridge, having become separated from the Fourth Texas regiment, of which it was a part, attached itself to the First Texas regiment, and remained with it throughout the evening and night, until the latter was moved to the position occupied by the brigade on the 3d of July, doing its full duty and battling bravely.
Respectfully submitted,
P. A. work, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding First Texas Regiment.
Report of Major J. P. Bane, Fourth Texas regiment.
headquarters Fourth Texas regiment, July 9th, 1863.
sir,—I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the action near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2d and 3d, 1863:
About 4 1/2 o'clock P. M., the 2d inst., we were ordered to advance on the enemy, who occupied the heights about one and a quarter miles distant; the Fifth Texas, the directing battalion on my right, and the First Texas on my left.
Advancing at double-quick, we soon met the enemy's skirmishers, who occupied a skirt of the thick undergrowth about one quarter of a mile from the base of the cliffs upon which the enemy had a battery playing upon us with the most deadly effect.
After a short pause, while repelling his skirmishers, I was ordered by General Robertson to move by the right flank so as to cover all the ground between us and the directing battalion.
Moving about two hundred yards I met the enemy in full force in a
heavy wooded ground, sheltering themselves behind rocks from which, after a sharp contest, he was driven to the heights beyond in our front and in close proximity to the mountain, and there I was pained to learn that the gallant Lieutenant-Colonel, B. F. Carter, was severely wounded while crossing a stone wall near the base of the mountain.
I was also informed that Colonel John C. G. Key, while gallantly urging the men to the front, was severely wounded.
The command then devolved upon me. Many of the officers and men had been killed and wounded up to this time.
Finding it impossible to carry the heights by assault with my thinned ranks, I ordered my command to fall back in the skirt of timber, the position then occupied being enfiladed by the batteries on the left and exposed to a heavy fire of musketry in my immediate front.
Being joined by the Fifth Texas on my right, I again attempted to drive the enemy from the heights by assaults, but with like results.
Again being reinforced by the Forty-eighth Alabama, commanded by the gallant Colonel Sheffield, and the Forty-fourth Alabama, whose commander I did not learn, I again charged their works, but was repulsed, and then, under the order of General Law, I ordered my command to fall back under cover of the timber on a slight elevation within short range of the enemy.
I formed my regiment in line of battle, leaving the battlefield contested ground.
At the dawn of day I had a stone wall about two feet high thrown up, which afforded some protection to the men occupying the position from which we had driven the enemy until sunset of the 3d inst., at which time I was ordered to move my command, in conjunction with the remainder of the brigade, by the right flank, to occupy the ground from which we first advanced upon the enemy.
I accord to each and all of my officers and men my warmest congratulations for their continued and unceasing gallantry during the entire engagement.
The following list of casualties is appended.
All of which is respectfully submitted. [192]
Report of Lieutenant-Colonel K. Bryan, Fifth Texas regiment.
headquarters Fifth Texas regiment, Near Hagerstown, Md., July 8th, 1863.
Lieutenant John W. Kerr, A. A. A. Gen'l:
Colonel R. M. Powell having fallen into the hands of the enemy, it devolves upon me, as Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, to report the part taken by it as far as came under my observation in the action of the second and third, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
About four o'clock P. M. on the second inst. General Hood's division was drawn up in line of battle fronting the heights occupied by the enemy.
The Fifth Texas regiment occupied the right of the brigade, resting on General Law's left, whose brigade was the one of direction.
At the word forward the regiment moved forward in good order.
The enemy had a line of sharpshooters at the foot of the first height behind a stone fence about three-fourths of a mile from our starting point, which distance was passed over by our line at a double-quick and a run. At our approach the enemy retired to the top of the first height protected by a ledge of rocks.
A short halt was made at the stone fence to enable those who had fallen behind to regain their places.
When the command forward again fell from the lips of our gallant Colonel, every man leaped the fence and advanced rapidly up the hillside.
The enemy again fled at our approach, sheltering himself behind his fortified position on the top of the second height, about two hundred yards distant from the first.
From this position we failed to drive them.
Our failure was owing to the rocky nature of the ground over which we had to pass, the huge rocks forming defiles through which not more than three or four men abreast could pass, thus breaking up our alignment and rendering its reformation impossible.
Notwithstanding the difficulties to overcome, the men pressed on to the pass of the precipitous strong hold, forming and securing the enemy's second position (many of our officers and men falling in passing the open space between the heights.) Here we halted, there being small clusters of rocks far below the elevated position of the enemy, which gave us partial protection.
From this position we were enabled to deliver our fire for the first time with accuracy.
Seeing that the
men were in the best obtainable position, and deeming a further advance without reinforcements impracticable, a great many of the regiment having been already disabled, I looked for Colonel Powell to know his next order.
Failing to see him, I concluded at once that he, like many of his gallant officers and men, had fallen a victim to the deadly missiles of the enemy, which were being showered like hail upon us. I moved towards the centre, passing many officers and men who had fallen, having discharged their whole duty like true soldiers.
I had not proceeded far when I discovered the prostrate form of our noble Colonel, who had fallen at his post his face to the foe. I hastened towards him, when I received a wound in my left arm. On reaching the Colonel I found that he was not dead, but seeing the rent in his coat where the ball had passed out, my fears were excited that his wound would prove mortal.
The hemorrhage from my own wound forced me from the field, leaving the command upon Major Rogers.
The officers and men of my wing of the regiment continued to discharge their duties in a manner worthy of our cause so long as I remained upon the field, and from their conduct heretofore, I would not hesitate to vouch for them during the remainder of the battle.
Captain Cleveland, of company H, was on the right, whose skillful management of his own company aided me vastly in the direction of my wing. Lieutenant John W. Kerr, A. A. A. Gen'l:
K. Bryan, Lieutenant-Colonel Fifth Texas Regiment.
Report of Major J. C. Rogers, Fifth Texas regiment.
headquarters Fifth Texas regiment, Near Hagerstown, Md., July 8th, 1863.
Lieutenant J. W. Kerr, A. A. A. Gen'l.
I have the honor to forward a continuation of the report of part taken by the Fifth Texas regiment in the action of the 2d and 3d insts., after the wounding of Colonels Powel and Bryan, when the command devolved upon me:
The regiment still holding the position as left by Colonel Bryan, firing with accuracy and deadly effect, the order came to fall back from some unknown source, and finding that the regiments on our
right and left had retired, it became necessary to follow.
I, therefore, gave the order for the regiment to about face and retire to the rear, which they did in good order, until they reached the position mentioned in Colonel Bryan's reports as the second position of the enemy, and here were halted and reformed in connection with the other regiments.
From the exhausted condition of the men, it was deemed necessary to remain here for a few moments.
The regiments were again ordered forward, which they did in the most gallant manner, and regained their first position, which they held as long as it was tenable, and a further advance being impracticable, owing to the nature of the ground, as expressed in Colonel Bryan's report, they again retired in good order to an open space about fifty yards in rear, when here it was discovered for the first time that nearly two-thirds of our officers and men had been killed and wounded.
Only a few moments were here consumed to allow the men to recover their breath, when in obedience to orders, I again moved the regiment forward to attack the enemy in their impregnable position.
The coolness and determination of the men and officers was equal to the occasion.
They advanced boldly over the ground strewn with the bodies of their dead and dying comrades to the base of what they knew to be an impregnable fortification. We held this position until it was discovered that we had no supports either on the right or left, and were about to be flanked, and, therefore, were again compelled to retire, which the regiment did in good order to the point mentioned in Colonel Bryan's report as the second position of the enemy, which place we were ordered to hold at all hazards, which we did. Just before day on the morning of the 3d orders reached me that breastworks must be thrown up and position held.
The order was obeyed.
During the day constant skirmishing was kept up with the enemy, which resulted in the loss to us of many of our best scouts.
Late in the evening, in obedience to orders, I about faced my regiment and marched three-quarters of a mile to the crest of the ridge from which the charge of the day previous commenced.
Here we threw up breastworks, behind which we remained during the night.
I would respectfully beg leave to call attention to the valuable assistance I received from Captain John S. Cleveland in the management of the right wing of my regiment, and Captain T. T. Clay on the left.
Also to the heroic conduct of T. W. Fitzgeral, of company A, who was color-bearer.
He pressed gallantly forward, and was badly wounded far in front.
I. A. Howard, of company B, Color-
Corporal, then took the flag and remained firmly at his post.
He was almost instantly killed.
The colors were then taken by Sergeant W. S. Evans, of company F, who planted them defiantly in the face of the foe during the remainder of the fight, always advancing promptly to the front when the order was given.
The general conduct of officers and men was beyond all praise. Lieutenant J. W. Kerr, A. A. A. Gen'l.
J. C. Rogers, Major Commanding Fifth Texas Regiment.
Report of Colonel V. H. Manning, Third Arkansas regiment.
regimental headquarters, Near Hagerstown, Md., July 8th, 1863.
Lieutenant Kerr, A. A. A. G. Robertson's Brigade:
Lieutenant,—I have the honor to report the part taken by this command in the recent battle near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
About four o'clock on the evening of the 2d July I was ordered to move against the enemy, keeping my right well connected with the left of the First Texas regiment, and hold my left on the Emmettsburg road, then some two hundred yards in my front and out of view.
Upon reaching this road, I discovered, from the direction the directing regiment was taking, that I could not, with the length of my line, carry out the latter order, hence I decided to keep my command on a prolongation of the line formed by the troops on my right.
After marching in line of battle at a brisk gait, part of the way at a double-quick, for about one thousand yards, all the time exposed to a destructive fire from artillery, we engaged the enemy at short range, strongly posted behind a rock fence at the edge of woods.
We drove him back with but little loss for a distance of one hundred and fifty yards, when I ascertained that I was suffering from a fire to my left and rear.
Thereupon I ordered a change of front to the rear on first company, but the noise (consequent upon the heavy firing then going on) swallowed up my command, and I contented myself with the irregular drawing back of the left wing, giving it an excellent fire, which pressed the enemy back in a very short while, whereupon the whole line advanced—the enemy fighting stubbornly,
but retiring.
Soon I was again admonished that my left was seriously threatened, when I ordered the command back fifty or seventy-five yards to meet this contingency.
He was again driven back, and I stretched out my front twice its legitimate length, guarding well my left and advanced to the ledge of rocks from which we had previously been dislodged by the enemy's movement upon my flank.
I experienced some annoyance from the exposure of this flank up to this moment, when Colonel Little, of the Eleventh Georgia regiment, joined to my left.
The Fifty-ninth Georgia regiment coming also at this time, occupied the line with my command.
Some little time after this I was disabled by concussion and wound on my nose and forehead.
The command then devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, who will report its operations subsequent to this time.
It would be invidious to make special mention of gallantry with either officers or men, when all did so well, fighting greatly superior numbers, and at great disadvantage.
I might safely assume that the bearing of the entire command was of the highest creditable character.
No guns or colors were captured, and but few (some twenty-five) prisoners, a number of whom were sent to the rear with wounded men.
Below I submit a list of killed, wounded and missing.
The wounded include only those disabled indefinitely.
Quite a number were temporarily disabled by slight wounds, but resumed their duties in a few days, hence I make no mention of them in this report.
Respectfully, your obedient servant, Lieutenant Kerr, A. A. A. G. Robertson's Brigade:
Van H. Manning, Colonel Commanding Third Arkansas Regiment.
Report of Major Gee, fifty-ninth Georgia regiment.
headquarters fifty-Ninth Ga. Regiment infantry, July 7th, 1863.
Captain C. C. Hardwick, Acting Adjutant-General.
Captain,—I have the honor of making the following report of the part which the Fifty-ninth Georgia regiment bore in the fight of the 2d and 3d insts.
near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
We entered the fight about 5 o'clock P. M., being on the extreme
right of the brigade, and charged the enemy three times.
We were repulsed the first charge because the men were completely exhausted when they made it, having double quicked a distance of some four hundred yards under a severe shelling and a scorching sun. The second and third charges were made in gallant style, driving the enemy from their position and into their stronghold in the mountain which was impregnable.
We retired in good order, night having come on. We were relieved on the next day, 3d inst. by Semmes's brigade, and sent to the extreme right of the line, where we charged the enemy at about 3 o'clock P. M., driving them before us until they were no longer to be found.
Our loss during both fights was one hundred and sixteen. Captain M. G. Bass was in command of the regiment after the second charge on the 2d inst. and remained so until we left Gettysburg (Colonel Brown having been wounded in the second charge). I was stunned by the explosion of a shell in the commencement of the engagement and was not able to take command of the regiment in person.
Very respectfully, Captain C. C. Hardwick, Acting Adjutant-General.
B. H. Gee, Major Commanding Regiment.
Report of Colonel W. S. Shepherd, Second Georgia.
I have the honor to make the following report of the conduct of the Second Georgia regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel William T. Harris, during the sanguinary battle near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
After a most tiresome march through the mountains, this regiment, belonging to Benning's brigade, arrived at 2, night, in the neighborhood of the scene of an engagement which took place on the 1st inst., where it was permitted to bivouac for a few hours.
At 3 A. M. it resumed the march, and again halted after proceeding some three miles. At I P. M. it again took up the line of march, moving by a circuitous route to the right.
Notwithstanding the extreme heat, and the fatiguing march, the officers and men of this regiment moved
forward with great cheerfulness, seeming anxious to meet the enemy.
Just before reaching its position in line, the regiment advanced by the right flank through an open field under a heavy fire from the enemy's artillery, which was posted on a commanding position.
It gives me great pleasure to state that the officers and men of this command acted very coolly and moved forward in good order; here Lieutenant J. C. Sapp was slightly wounded, but continued with his company.
Before advancing in line of battle the command was permitted to rest a few moments.
The Second Georgia composed the right, and with the Seventeenth Georgia, the right wing of Benning's brigade.
Soon the order to advance was given, when the entire regiment moved forward in splendid order until it came to a deep gorge where the nature of the ground was such that it was impossible to preserve any alignment; but, notwithstanding the rocks, undergrowth and the deadly fire of the enemy, the officers and men of this regiment moved forward with dauntless courage, driving the enemy before them, and did not halt until they saw they were some distance in advance of their line, and beyond a rocky eminence on the left, which had been previously held by the enemy.
Here the regiment made a stand, and fought as gallantly as men could fight, and did not yield an inch of ground, but repulsed several charges made by the enemy who were protected by a battery, and a hill lined with sharpshooters.
It was shortly after the regiment halted that Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. T. Harris fell, pierced through the heart by a minie-ball.
He behaved gallantly and coolly while advancing and was in the act of cheering on his command when he received the fatal shot.
The command then devolved upon the undersigned, who was Major of the regiment.
We held our position until night closed the bloody drama.
We have to deplore the loss of many gallant officers and men, a list of whom has been previously forwarded.
I take great pleasure in testifying to the gallantry displayed both by officers and men, and, in my humble judgment, men never fought with more determination and bravery.
We captured quite a number of prisoners, of whom previous mention has been made.
It is impossible to individualize where all acted so nobly and courageously.
I would respectfully call your attention to Forage Master R. W. Scrogin, of Company I, Second Georgia regiment, who went into the battle voluntarily and fought bravely until wounded.
The Second Georgia and a portion of the Seventeenth Georgia, being a short distance in advance, I received orders from headquarters, about 3 o'clock A. M. on the 3d inst., to fall back, and connect with the main
line, which command was executed in good order, and not until all our wounded had been removed to the rear.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Wm. S. Shepherd, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Second Ga. Regiment.
Report of Colonel Waddell, Twentieth regiment Georgia Volunteers.
headquarters Twentieth Regt. Ga. Vols., Near Culpeper Courthouse, Va., July 27th, 1863.
Lieutenant H. H. Perry, A. A. A. General.
sir,—I have the honor to submit the following report of the part borne by the Twentieth Regiment of Georgia Volunteers in the battle at and near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the 2d and 3d of July:
In the order of attack, Longstreet's corps was assigned to the right, and Hood's division occupied the right of the corps.
Benning's brigade, in the order of battle, supported, at the distance of four hundred yards, Law's, whose position was on the extreme right.
In the brigade formation the Twentieth regiment occupied the left centre.
Before reaching the point wherefrom to make the attack, it was necessary to move by the right flank a distance of nearly three miles. The enemy's guns commanded a considerable portion of this distance, and opened a heavy fire of shell upon us for more than a mile of the way. About five o'clock P. M., having reached the intended point, we advanced in line of battle to the assault, the regiment moving in excellent order and spirit.
We had not advanced far before it was ascertained that there was a considerable space intervening between Law's and Robertson's brigades unoccupied by any Confederate troops, save very few belonging to the First Texas regiment.
Near to the centre of this comparatively unoccupied ground, upon a steep, rocky, rugged hill, the enemy had posted a battery of six guns, from which a destructive and vigorous fire was poured into our ranks.
To cover this ground, and to support Brigadier-General Robertson, who was pressed severely at the time, a left oblique movement was made and continued until the Twentieth regiment fronted this battery, when the brigade was ordered to
advance forward.
The order was obeyed by the regiment with promptness and alacrity, and the charge upon the hill and battery executed courageously and successfully.
In the space of fifteen minutes the hill was carried, and three 10-pound Parrott guns captured.
They were brought off that night, and the next day turned against the enemy in that terrible artillery fight.
Some twenty-five prisoners were captured and sent to the rear, some of whom aided our wounded in getting to the hospital.
Three regiments, viz.: the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New York, and Fourth Maine, were represented in the person of the prisoners.
After the enemy was driven from the hill, they poured upon us a terrific and incessant fire from the steep mountain side directly to our front, their advance line of infantry being distant about five hundred yards, and pretty well protected by large rocks and stones heaped together.
About six o'clock a regiment was moved to get to our left flank.
A shot from Private John F. Jordan, of Company ‘G,’ unhorsed the officer leading it, when their ranks were broken, and they retreated in wild disorder and confusion, my regiment adding no little to their panic by opening a telling volley into their scattered ranks.
No other advance was attempted by them upon the hill we occupied while we held it.
Our loss in the charge was very heavy.
I herewith transmit a list of the casualties: Colonel John A. Jones, commanding, was killed at the post of duty, instantly, by a fragment of shell, when nearly half way up the hill, and but a moment before it was carried.
He was an excellent officer and devoted patriot, and a braver spirit never fought beneath a flag.
His loss will long be felt in this command.
Lieutenant F. McCrimmon, company ‘H,’ was killed just as the regiment gained the crest, falling literally ‘in the arms of victory.’
Captains A. B. Ross, of company ‘A,’ and H. C. Mitchell, of company ‘B;’ Lieutenants P. G. Hatchett and E. J. Morgan, of company ‘E,’ were wounded, the three first named severely, the last slightly.
Shortly after nightfall the firing ceased—the enemy employing himself in building breastworks on the mountain side in our front.
By the dawn of the following day he had constructed in plain view three lines of breastworks, which could not have been mounted without the use of scaling ladders.
A fourth line, not so distinctly visible, did not appear to be so high or strong.
The Twentieth held the hill until near seven o'clock P. M. on the 3d under a dangerous but desultory fire of the enemy, mainly infantry,
when we were ordered to fall back to a more tenable position, about one mile to our left rear—the withdrawal of troops on our left making such order necessary.
Indeed, the enemy had well-nigh gained our left flank before it was known that we were without supports there to meet him. Owing to a misunderstanding of orders as to the point aimed at and as to the manner in which the retreat should be conducted, considerable disorder attended its inception; but the regiment was formed again upon the first favorable ground, and good order soon restored.
The loss on this retreat was seventeen men, some of whom are known to have been killed and others wounded.
I have had no means of ascertaining whether any unwounded men fell into the enemy's hands.
The men generally were almost worn down by hard marching, harder fighting, constant watching, loss of sleep, hunger and almost intolerable heat.
Nevertheless, buoyed up by the unconquerable spirit of men who deserve to be free, they bore it all with the fortitude, constancy, uncomplaining devotion and patriotism which have distinguished them in so many campaigns and avouched their soldierly character and merit upon so many fields of triumph and glory.
Upon reaching the hill designated, hasty breastworks were constructed, and the command kept under arms, but the enemy did not choose to attack us, and the struggle terminated here.
Instances of individual valor and gallantry were many and splendid; the coolness and courage of every man seemed equal to his opportunity, and where all, so far as I could observe, performed their full duty manfully and well, I should do injustice to many by specially commending a few whose conduct and bearing happened to fall within the scope of my own observation.
By reference to the accompanying list of casualties it will be seen that our losses in the battle of Thursday were, in killed, two officers and twenty-one men; wounded, officers, four; men, seventy-three; missing, four, and on Friday the total missing is seventeen, making an aggregate loss of one hundred and twenty-one.
It may be proper to add that our battle-flag is marked with eighty-seven holes, thirty-eight of which seem to have been made by minie-balls, the remainder, from the character of the rents, by fragments of shell.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
Your most obedient servant, Lieutenant H. H. Perry, A. A. A. General.
I. W. Waddell, Colonel Twentieth Georgia Regiment.
Report of Major McDaniel, Eleventh Georgia regiment.
headquarters Eleventh Georgia regiment, Anderson's brigade, July 8th, 1863.
Captain,—I have the honor to report the part borne by the Eleventh Georgia regiment, in the engagement near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, op the 2d inst.:
The regiment went into action under command of Colonel F. H. Little; he having been severely wounded during the action, the command devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel William Luffman.
Near the close of the battle Lieutenant-Colonel Luffman took command of the brigade, when the command of the regiment devolved upon myself.
The scene of action was reached by a march of several miles under a burning sun, and for the distance of one mile under a terrific fire of the enemy's batteries.
Advancing to the crest of the hill, where the Emmettsburg pike enters the woods in front of the enemy's position along a ravine near the base of the mountain, the regiment bore unflinchingly with the remainder of the brigade the severe enfilading fire of the enemy's batteries upon Cemetery Hill, until ordered to advance.
The Eleventh Georgia is the right center regiment of the brigade, and went into action in its place.
The advance was made in good order, and upon reaching the belt of woods in front a vigorous fire was opened upon the enemy, followed up by a vigorous charge, which dislodged them from the woods, the ravine and from a stone fence running diagonally with the line of battle.
This formidable position was occupied by the Eleventh Georgia, and a galling fire opened upon the enemy's front and flank, causing his line to recoil in confusion.
At this juncture Brigadier-General Anderson came in person to the regiment (a considerable distance in advance of the remainder of the brigade, and in strong position, which was at the time held, and might have been held against the enemy in front) and ordered Colonel Little to withdraw the regiment to the crest of the hill, on account of a movement of the enemy in force upon the left flank of the brigade.
The regiment retired in good order, though with loss, to the point indicated.
After a short interval a second advance was made to the stone fence, but, after a furious conflict, the failure of support on the right forced the brigade back a distance of one hundred yards. The third advance was made in
connection with the entire line on that part of the field, and resulted, after a conflict in the ravine of half an hour, in the rout of the enemy from the field.
This rout was vigorously pressed to the very foot of the mountain, up the sides of which the enemy fled in greatest confusion.
The loss of the enemy was here very great, his dead lying upon the field by the hundred.
Nothing but the exhausted condition of the men prevented them from carrying the heights.
As it was, with no supports of fresh troops, and with the knowledge that the enemy were pouring reinforcements from their right into the ledges of the mountain, it was found impracticable to follow him further.
In this charge large numbers of prisoners, taken by men of this command, were sent to the rear, but no guards were kept over them specially, and it is impossible now to ascertain the number.
The regiment retired with the line to the ravine and went into bivouac for the night, the pickets of the brigade holding the field.
The rout of the enemy was manifested in the fact that no attempt was made to follow our retreat, and scarcely any effort to annoy us in retiring.
The regiment lost many valuable officers and men. Amongst the killed are Captain M. T. Nunnally, company H, Captain John W. Stokes, company B, and First Lieutenant Holmes Baskins, company K, who fell gallantly at their posts.
A comple list of the casualties is herewith transmitted.
From this it appears that the number of killed was twenty-three (23), of wounded one hundred and seventy-one (171), and of missing five (5); total, two hundred and four (204).
I take pleasure in testifying that the behavior of officers and men was satisfactory and worthy the proud name heretofore won by the troops of this army.
I am, your obedient servant, Henry D. Mcdaniel, Major Commanding Eleventh Georgia Regiment. To Captain Charles C. Hardwick, A. A. G. Anderson's Brigade.
Report of Captain Hillyer, Ninth Georgia regiment.
camp Ninth regiment, Georgia Volunteers, Near Hagerstown, Md. July 8th, 1863.
Captain Chas. C. Hardwick, Acting Adjutant-General.
Captain,—I have the honor to report that about four o'clock in the afternoon during the battle of Gettysburg on the 2d inst., all officers senior to me having fallen, the command of this regiment devolved upon me, and during the remainder of the battle, both that day and the next and until the present time I have continued in command, and it now becomes my duty to report the part taken by the regiment in the action.
Lieutenant-Colonel Mounger was killed by a piece of shell, soon after the advance commenced, while leading the regiment with his characteristic gallantry, and for about an hour afterwards Major Jones was in command, when he and Captain King were both wounded and taken from the field nearly at the same moment.
The regiment occupied its usual position in line on the left of the brigade and the extreme left of the division, and having for near an hour and a half no support on its left, the advance of Mc-Laws's division being, for some reason, thus long delayed, which left the flank very much exposed, while advancing near the distance of a mile, to an enfilading fire of the enemy's batteries, and also to the fire of a flanking party of the enemy, who were prompt to take advantage of the exposed condition of the flank.
To meet this flanking party I changed the front of three companies, and for near an hour, against great odds, held them in check until relieved by the advance of McLaws's division, which finally came up on our left.
The whole line now again pressed forward, and though entirely without supports, dispersed and scattered a fresh line of the enemy who came up against us, and pursued them four or five hundred yards further to the base of the mountain upon which the enemy's heavy batteries were posted, which we found to be the strongest natural position I ever saw. Our little band, now thinned and exhausted by three hours and a half constant fighting, made a gallant attempt to storm the batteries, but the enemy being again heavily reinforced we were met by a storm of shot and shell, against which, in our worn out condition we could not advance.
I believe that had McLaws's division advanced with our line so that we could have arrived at this
point before we became worn out with fatigue, we would have carried the position.
In this movement the whole brigade, and also several brigades of McLaws's division, participated.
Failing to take the batteries the line retired to the point where we first encountered the enemy's main line, and was again formed, fronting the enemy in such position as to place most of the battlefield in our possession.
The enemy evidently had enough of it and did not again show himself in our front, darkness soon closing the scene.
The regiment lost two officers (Lieutenant-Colonel Mounger and Lieutenant Bowers) killed, and eleven officers wounded.
Also twenty-five enlisted men killed and one hundred and nineteen men wounded, and one officer and thirty-one men missing; total, one hundred and eighty-nine.
There were many officers and men who displayed a degree of daring and heroism which challenges admiration in the very highest degree, and the whole regiment behaved with its customary steadiness and devotion, as the loss of one hundred and eighty-nine out of three hundred and forty carried into the field will testify.
I herewith respectfully submit a detailed statement of casualties, giving names and description of wounds in full, from which I have omitted all slight wounds which, though sufficient to disable the man for a day or two, will not prevent his taking part in the next battle, say a week or ten days from the time the hurt was received.
On the next day (the 3d inst.) the regiment was detached from the brigade and sent to drive off the enemy's cavalry who were annoying our batteries on the extreme right flank.
Here the regiment, though exhausted by the extreme heat and by long continued exertion, performed without a murmur, but on the contrary with the greatest enthusiasm, much hard marching and fighting, as the enemy's mounted men frequently changed their point of attack, which rendered a change of position on our part also often necessary.
At one time two or three squadrons of their cavalry charged through the picket line of the First Texas regiment, and were galloping up to one of our batteries with the evident purpose of spiking the guns.
This regiment was at the time some distance to the right of the First Texas, and at a point which was not then menaced.
I, therefore, led the regiment to the battery at a double-quick, something more than half a mile off, and while going there received, through Major Sellers, an order directing me to do so. When we arrived the enemy were nearly at the battery.
Passing through from behind the guns the regiment charged the enemy with a yell in the open field, scattering and
chasing them away in a moment, killing and wounding a number and capturing several horses.
This was the first repulse that this column met with and their advance was first checked by this regiment.
When they fled from us they encountered several other regiments who were coming up from different points, and suffered greatly from their fire.
During the first day's fight, a large number of prisoners were passed to the rear through the lines of the regiment, but in the eagerness of our attack no guard was sent with them to the rear and I cannot give the number.
According to my observation the enemy's loss was five times as great as ours.
Very respectfully, &c., Captain Chas. C. Hardwick, Acting Adjutant-General.
Geo. Hillyer, Captain Commanding Ninth Ga. Regiment.
Report of the operations of the Third South Carolina regiment.
headquarters Third S. C. Regiment, Culpeper Courthouse, July 31st, 1863.
Captain C. R. Holmes, Acting Adjutant-General:
In accordance with a circular from brigade headquarters, issued July 30th, 1863, calling for a report of the operations of this regiment from the time of its leaving Culpeper Courthouse until its return to the same, I submit the following report:
On Tuesday, June 16th, 1863, we left our camp near Culpeper Courthouse, and taking the road to Sperryville, moved to that point and camped for the night.
The 17th, passed through Washington, crossing and camping four miles beyond the head waters of the Rappahannock, in Fauquier county.
The night of the 18th we encamped one mile in rear of Piedmont Depot, on the Manassas Gap railroad.
The march for the past two days was very hot and dusty, many of the men fainting and falling by the wayside.
On the 19th we reached Ashby's Gap, in the Blue Ridge, and relieved General Pickett's division, encamping for the night upon the top of the mountain.
At 5 P. M. of the 20th we left our camp at the Gap and forded the Shenandoah at Berry's
Ford, which, from the swollen condition of the stream, was attended with considerable difficulty and some danger, and encamping a short distance beyond.
Our regiment lost 2,370 rounds of ammunition by the fording.
On Sunday, 21st, we were put in motion at 4 P. M., and marched rapidly across the river, back to the top of the Gap, and formed into line of battle to repel a threatened attack from cavalry.
In this position we remained with the other regiments of the brigade until 3 P. M. of the 22d, when we returned to our camp.
On the 24th of June we took up the line of march from Berry's Ford, passing through Berryville and encamping for the night at Summit Point, on the Harpers Ferry and Winchester railroad.
Early the next day we were upon the march, passing through Smithfield and Martinsburg, and encamping one mile beyond the latter place.
On the 26th we moved on the Williamsport road, fording the Potomac in a rain at that point, passing through Williamsport, Maryland, and encamping for the night a short distance beyond.
At daylight on the 27th we were again en route, passing through Hagerstown, Maryland, as early as 6 A. M, reached and passed through Green Castle, Pennsylvania, encamping for the night five miles in rear of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
June 28th.—On the march this morning at a later hour than usual, passing through and encamping just beyond the limits of the town.
A portion of the 29th was spent in tearing up and burning the railroad track at that place.
Leaving this point on the morning of the 30th of June, we entered and moved along the pike leading from Chambersburg to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, encamping at the village of Fayetteville.
At 9 P. M. of the same day our regiment and the Seventh South Carolina were ordered off on picket duty at New Guilford, remaining until relieved next day by General Law, of Hood's division.
On the first day of July we took up the line of march for Gettysburg, crossing the mountain gap after nightfall and resting a few hours on the edge of the battlefield where General Hill had engaged the enemy that day. At an early hour on the morning of the 2d of July we were moved forward to take up position in line of battle.
We moved to the right of the turnpike some distance, and when at Bream's Hotel (afterwards our hospital), on the road leading from Gettysburg to Fairfield, we were countermarched nearly to the pike that we had left early in the morning, to gain the cover of a range of hills, where we again moved by the right flank to a position one and a half miles in front of the hotel above mentioned.
At 3 P. M. our artillery opened upon the enemy's position, at the foot of
and upon the sides of a mountain range, and at four o'clock our regiment, with others, was ordered forwards to the attack across an open plain fifteen hundred yards in width.
Our orders from General Kershaw were to gradually swing round to the left until nearly facing an orchard, from which the enemy was pouring a deadly fire of artillery.
The wheel was accomplished in gallant style by the regiment, when we moved forward under a galling fire of grape, shell and canister; when within three or four hundred yards of the batteries the order was passed along the line from the right to move ‘by the right flank, double-quick.’
The regiment moved in obedience to this order to the cover of a piece of woods, and formed upon the left of the Seventh South Carolina regiment, which was the battalion of direction.
In making this move we lost several men from the enemy's artillery fire.
Sheltering ourselves behind some rocks and trees, the left was directed to open fire upon the artillery of the enemy whilst the right was instructed to open fire upon their infantry in our front.
After being thus engaged for some time, we found that the right flank was very much exposed and subject to an enfilade fire, although fighting gallantly, they were gradually being pressed back.
To get our right flank out of this cross-fire, and prevent its flank from being too much cut up it was ordered back, holding the left at the same time firmly in its place, this made the line to be at nearly acute angles to the first line.
In this position the enemy advanced to within thirty yards of us, and for more than one hour we held him in check, notwithstanding the repeated reinforcements brought up by him. Whilst thus engaged, about forty men of the Fiftieth Georgia regiment, under command of its Major, came in on our left and engaged the enemy.
We remained in this position under a heavy fire of musketry, at short range in front, and an enfiladed fire of grape and shrapnel from the batteries—that the left had failed in entirely silencing—until about dusk, when we were ordered, by General Kershaw, back to another line a short distance in our rear.
Thus ended the fight for the day. In this position we remained until the heavy cannonading of the 3d, when, acting under orders from the General, we moved to the right about three or four hundred yards and formed behind a stone wall, where we remained until ordered back to the first line of battle formed on the afternoon of July 2d.
It is proper to state that Captain Richardson's company, A, was thrown out early in the day as sharpshooters, and were not in the main engagement, but did good service as sharpshooters, and (with other companies from the brigade) engaging a column of the enemy's
infantry, who were endeavoring to gain our rear.
Other companies of the regiment were afterwards sent as sharpshooters, who performed the duty assigned them satisfactorily.
The regiment went into the fight in as good spirit as ever before observed, and stood their ground gallantly, none leaving the field unless disabled.
Our line was not broken during the engagement.
Our loss in the engagement was eighty-three killed and wounded, two of whom were severely wounded during the cannonade of the 3d. Colonel Nance arrived late in the afternoon of the 3d, and assumed command in person.
On the morning of the 23d of July, whilst on picket at Gaines' Cross-Roads, I was placed in command of the regiment again and ordered to follow the division, which was done, encamping for the night within eight or nine miles of Culpeper Courthouse.
Early on the morning of the 24th we moved forward, passing through Culpeper Courthouse and encamping on Mount Jones, on the road leading to Kelly's Ford on the Rappahannock.
Respectfully submitted, Captain C. R. Holmes, Acting Adjutant-General:
R. C. Maffett, Major Commanding Regiment.
Supplementary report of the operations of the Third South Carolina regiment.
sir,—Little of special interest or importance occurred to my command from the afternoon of the 3d of July to the 22d of the same month, yet, after reading the report of Major Maffett, detailing the operations of the regiment from the time it started on the recent campaign into Pennsylvania until it returned to Culpeper, I see he has omitted any statement of its operations between the dates above mentioned, because for that time I had command of the regiment.
I consider it, therefore, proper that a brief statement should be made as a supplementary report to Major Maffett's. I returned from my home, where I had been for some time on account of wounds received
at Fredericksburg on the evening of the 3d of July, and assumed command of my regiment.
I found the regiment where I was informed the first line of battle was formed on the 2d day of July, on the road leading from Gettysburg to Emmettsburg, and in front of the second mountain from the left, which was occupied by the enemy.
We remained in this position, or nearly so, during the 4th of July.
The day was marked by considerable skirmishing, and once or twice an attack seemed probable, but none occurred.
About twelve o'clock at night we, in common with the whole command, retired, marching towards Hagerstown via Fairfield.
The next night we reached and camped on Jack's mountain, at Monteray Springs.
On the 5th we continued the march via Waterloo, and went into camp about a mile and a half this side of Hagerstown and a mile from Funkstown, about nine o'clock P. M. There we remained until the 10th, when we went into line of battle on Auticlaw Creek to the right of a bridge below Funkstown, and at some mills, name unknown.
Company I was advanced beyond the bridge, and lost one man killed (Private Beasely) while acting as sharpshooters.
We retired at daylight the 11th, and moved to a point on the right of the Williamsport road, near St. James' College, where we remained in line of battle behind small breastworks, until the 13th of July, when we evacuated our position and marched via Donnsville to Falling Waters, where we crossed the Potomac about noon of the next day. This night's march deserves to be characterized as the severest which I have ever witnessed.
Its trials were too great for two of my men, who fell by the wayside exhausted, and they have never been heard from since.
We then marched via Martinsburg, Bunker Hill, Brucetown, and Front Royal to Chester Gap, where the advance of the column met a feeble resistance from the enemy's cavalry.
Thence we marched via Flint Hill to Gaines' Cross-Roads, where I picketed with my own and the Seventh South Carolina regiment until the next morning, when, by order of General Kershaw, I assumed command of this brigade and placed Major Maffett in command of the regiment.
The regiment during this time exhibited commendable spirit and discipline.
Respectfully submitted,
James D. Nance, Colonel Commanding Regiment.
Operations of detachment from Cashtown to Williams-Port—report of Major Charles Richardson.
camp of Garnett's artillery battalion, Gordonsville, August 2d, 1863.
Colonel,—In obedience to your order requiring me to report the operations of a detachment of this battalion, with which I was ordered to join Brigadier General Imboden at Cashtown, Pennsylvania, I have the honor to submit the following:
About seven o'clock on the morning of the 4th July last, having at the time nine rifle guns of this battalion in position on the line of battle opposite Gettysburg and immediately in front of the brigade of Brigadier-General Posey, of Anderson's division, I received orders from Brigadier-General Pendleton to proceed at once to Cashtown with the rifle guns of Captains Maurin and Moore, and report to General Imboden for duty with his command.
Pursuant to this order I at once marched with Captain Moore, one 10-pounder Parrott and one 3-inch United States rifle and caissons, and Lieutenant Landry, of Captain Maurin's battery, two 3-inch United States rifles and 10-pounder Parrott and caissons, and, arriving at Cashtown about two o'clock, immediately reported to General Imboden.
The General informed me that his command would act as a convoy to the great wagon train of our army then passing through the town, and that he would, at the proper time, designate the position in the column to be occupied by my guns.
Having waited several hours without receiving any order from General Imboden, during which time I frequently presented myself to the General and conversed with him, I at length, having informed the General where my artillery was, with his consent, returned to my command, which was on the Gettysburg and Cashtown road, about three hundred yards from where I left the General and his staff.
Here I remained until about sunset, when, having received no orders from the General, I returned to the point in Cashtown where I had left him, and learned that he and his staff had gone forward on the line of march.
Deeming it necessary that I should communicate with him as soon as possible, in order that I might receive his orders, I turned over the command of my artillery to Captain Moore and at once hastened to overtake General Imboden.
Passing the wagon train of our battalion about two o'clock the next morning, I saw
Sergeant Cleary, by whom I sent word to Captain Moore that I had not been able up to that time to overtake General Imboden, but that I desired him (Captain Moore) to join the wagon train and move forward without unnecessary delay.
I then hastened forward and met General Imboden's Adjutant at Greencastle, and informed him that I had received no orders to march.
I did not see the General there, but learned that he had gone forward Riding forward, I had not proceeded more than three miles when our train was attacked by a body of the enemy's cavalry, and I was captured, but was soon rescued by a company of our cavalry.
I, however, did not recover my horse, which had been taken by the enemy.
I, therefore, had to proceed as best I could—part of the way on foot—and arrived at Williamsport during the afternoon of the 5th ulto.
I there saw General Imboden and informed him again, as I had done at Cashtown the previous day, that my horses were in bad condition, and asked him if he could furnish me with more horses, as I thought I might need assistance.
He said he had already directed Colonel Smith, commanding a regiment of infantry belonging to his command, and then not far from the rear of the wagon train, to take charge of them and turn over to the artillery and wagons all the serviceable led-horses in the train.
The horses in the wagon train of this battalion, which had arrived, were not in condition at this time to assist in bringing up the artillery, but the next morning I directed that all the serviceable horses in our camp should be at once sent to aid in bringing up the artillery.
General Imboden ordered me the morning of July 6th to ride around the line of battle that he had formed and select positions to be occupied by my artillery, as soon as it should arrive.
This order I obeyed, and, on returning to camp, found Captain Moore with his two guns, the caissons having been unavoidably abandoned.
I lost no time in placing Captain Moore's battery in position, and had just done so when Lieutenant Landry arrived with one 10-pounder Parrott, and informed me that his horses having entirely broken down, he was compelled to abandon his caissons, and that he had turned over to Captain Hart, of General Hampton's legion, his two 3-inch United States rifles, being unable to move them with his horses.
As the enemy was then threatening us, I lost no time in placing Lieutenant Landry's piece in position, and this had just been done when Captain Moore opened upon a battery of the enemy's guns, which appeared in range on the Sharpsburg road.
Our guns were
worked carefully until the ammunition was exhausted, when I first ordered Captain Moore and then Lieutenant Landry to retire; this, however, was but a short time before the enemy withdrew.
The casualties in my command were but slight in this battle.
Captain Moore had four men wounded and two horses killed.
Lieutenant Landry had one man wounded and two horses killed.
From the reports of Captain Moore and Lieutenant Landry, I believe that the abandonment of the pieces and caissons of their batteries was unavoidable.
The led-horses ordered to be turned over to them by General Imboden were too much broken down to be of any service, and the wagons were loaded with wounded men.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant Charles Richardson, Major of Battalion. To Lieutenant-Colonel J. J. Garnett, Commanding Battalion Light Artillery.
Report of Captain O. B. Taylor, Alexander's battalion artillery.
Colonel,—In accordance with a circular from your headquarters, issued this morning, I make the following report:
On or about the 3d day of June last, I left Milford Station, Caroline county, with my battery, in company with the other batteries of your battalion.
We proceeded to Culpeper Courthouse, near which place we went into camp on the 6th of June.
We remained here until the 15th recruiting our horses, repairing our gun carriages, wagons, harness, &c., &c., with little else of interest, except that when the enemy's cavalry made a dash upon ours, near Brandy Station, our battalion marched out to meet them, but we did not have the pleasure of a meeting.
Our cavalry drove them back.
On the 15th day of June we started for the Valley of Virginia, and arrived at Millwood, in Clarke county, on the 18th, where we remained
several days, recruiting our stock and resting our men. Here, also, we met with a disappointment.
The enemy endeavored to flank us by crossing the Blue Ridge at Ashby's and other gaps.
We went out to meet them as before, but our cavalry left nothing for us to do. On the 24th we left Millwood, passing through Winchester, Darksville and Martinsburg.
We crossed the Potomac on the 25th, at Williamsport, thence proceeding on our route, we passed through Hagerstown, Greencastle and Chambersburg, and encamped near the latter place for several days, resting our men and horses, and living upon the fat of Pennsylvania.
Here, too, we obtained several fresh horses.
On the 30th of June we broke camp and started for Gettysburg.
We arrived there about ten o'clock A. M., July 2d.
After resting about one hour we took up the line of march for the left wing of the enemy.
About four o'clock P. M. I was ordered into position within five hundred yards of the enemy's batteries, and to dislodge them, if possible, from a commanding position which they held.
I opened upon the batteries with my four Napoleons, firing canister and spherical case, until our infantry, who were present, began their charge.
I then ceased firing, limbered to the front, and advanced some eight hundred or one thousand yards, and took another position, which I held till after dark, though several attempts were made by the enemy, both with infantry and artillery, to drive me from it. I lost at the first position one of my best gunners, Corporal William P. Ray.
He was killed whilst in the act of sighting his gun. He never spoke after receiving the shot, walked a few steps from his piece and fell dead.
I had, also, whilst in this (my first position) the following men wounded: Vincent F. Burford, badly bruised on shoulder; Silas C. Gentry, cut on the wrist; Joseph Moody, cut in the face and bruised on the back; Byrd McCormick, shot through the calf of the leg by a bullet from a spherical case; Edward J Sheppard, wounded badly in heel, and several others slightly wounded.
I had killed in the lane while going to my second position another excellent gunner, Corporal Joseph Lantz.
He had both legs broken above the knees; lived but a little while.
His only words were: ‘You can do me no good; I am killed.
Follow your piece!’
Whilst in my second position I had two men wounded.
Hill Carter Eubank, shot through the leg. Eubank was a very promising youth, about eighteen years of age; left the Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia, to join the army; was brave and attentive to his duties.
The other, Claiborne T. Atkinson, struck on the leg by
a piece of shell, seriously wounded.
About nine o'clock P. M. of the 2d July I left my position and retired about one mile to the rear.
Watered and fed my horses, and returned to the same position about half-past 2 o'clock the next morning.
I remained in this position until after the heavy cannonade of the 3d.
I was then ordered by Major Huger to report to you or to General Longstreet, about half a mile to my left.
Whilst taking my battery to the place indicated, I was halted by General Lee, and directed not to go into position until I saw you. It was a considerable time before I could find you; the main fighting had ceased when you came to where my battery was. About ten o'clock P. M. we left the field and went into park near the barn used as a hospital.
All of my men, non-commissioned and privates, with one or two exceptions, acted well.
They remained by their guns, though hungry and exceedingly fatigued.
On the 5th July we took up our line of march for Hagerstown, Maryland, where we arrived on the 6th and went into encampment.
We remained in the neighborhood of Hagerstown several days, resting our men and horses, which they very much needed on account of the long marching and arduous duties they had undergone.
On the 10th we left our encampment and were moving over towards the pike leading to Frederick City, when I was ordered to report with my battery to General Kershaw, then holding the enemy in check at Antietam Creek.
I did report, and had a position selected for me, but before I had gotten into it, I received further orders to proceed at once to Downsville and rejoin my battery, which I accomplished about ten o'clock P. M., after a tedious march through the dark.
On the 11th we had orders to dig pits for our pieces and prepare for action.
Again we met with a disappointment.
The enemy did not advance.
We left our fortifications on the evening of the 13th, and after a very disagreeable march, occupying the whole night, through mud, rain and darkness, we recrossed the Potomac on the morning of the 14th July, 1863.
Thus ended our second campaign into Maryland and Pennsylvania.
On the evening of the 16th we went into camp near Bunker Hill.
Here we remained several days, recruiting and getting together our scattered forces.
On the morning of the 20th we again broke camp, and, after four days travel, we came in sight of Culpeper Courthouse, men and horses nearly broken down and exhausted from excessive heat and long marching.
We had rain nearly every day from the day we entered the Valley until within the last few days.
Our men suffered much in consequence.
Their shoes gave out, and
many had to go barefooted.
Much of their rest was broken by their not getting dry places to sleep on.
Very respectfully,
O. B. Taylor, Captain Commanding.