Living Generals of the Confederate States Army. A compilation believed to be accurate up to date.
One hundred and Sixty-six living Confederate Generals of different grades. Their names and rank.[From the Richmond Dispatch November 20, 1892.] The following list was republished by the Dispatch after revision by distinguished Confederate Generals including General Marcus J. Wright of the War Record Office, Washington, D. C. The Editor has further corrected it.
As your paper is read not only in this State, but, I hope, in every State in the South, where you have numerous readers, I send you for publication a corrected roster of the surviving generals of the Confederate army, compiled from the most reliable data to be had to October I, 1892.
The number of general officers of all grades appointed and commissioned is four hundred and ninety-eight—viz.: Six generals, one general with temporary rank, one quarter-master general, two commissary-generals and two surgeon-generals; one hundred and two rose to the rank of major-general and twenty-one rose to the rank of lieutenant-general.
General Joseph E. Johnston, with six major-generals and twenty-two brigadier generals, are reported dead since January I, 1891, leaving one hundred and sixty-six living out of the original number.
I hope that this list is correct; that they are all living as reported, but if any have ‘crossed over the river,’ I ask my old friends to be kind enough to give me the name, rank, State, and residence.
The old Confederates now living will, when reading this roster of the living, recall many incidents of the war now long since forgotten.
Peruse this list—viz: