The Courageous part taken in the desperate conflict June 2-3, 1863,
By the
Florida brigade (
General E. A. Perry), there commanded by
Colonel David Lang, with the serious casualties sustained.
[The following account is taken from the worthy tribute to a noble brother—‘The Memoir of
Captain Charles Seton Fleming, of the Second Florida Infantry, C. S. A., by
Francis P. Fleming (
ex-Governor of
Jacksonville, 1881,’ in which it forms Chapter VI, pp. 79-88, and Appendix G, pp. 121-4.
Charles Seton Fleming, the son of
Colonel Lewis Fleming, a planter of
Florida, of gentle Irish descent, was born near
Jacksonville, February 9, 1839; educated in local private school, and in youth found employment in a mercantile house in
Chicago, Ill. He evinced at an early age a preference for the profession of arms, and early in the year 1858, entered as a cadet ‘King's Mountain Military School’ at
Yorkville, South Carolina, the principal of which institution was
Major Micah Jenkins, who afterward served with distinction as a General in the C. S. Army, ‘and fell a martyr to the “Lost cause” on the bloody field of the ‘
Wilderness’ on the 5th of May, 1864.’
Fleming attended this school until June, 1859.
After serving for a time as the purser on a river steamer, he entered, in July, 1860, upon the study of law, in the office of his brother,
Louis J. Fleming,
in Jacksonville, Florida.
In consonance with his instincts he was also a member of a local military company—the ‘Minute Men.’
In April, 1861, in the ‘momentous call of the period,’ he assisted in raising a company to form a part of the Second Florida infantry, designed as a representative regiment of his State, for service in
It was organized at Pulatka, early in May, with
John W. Starke as captain,
C. Seton Fleming,
first lieutenant,
Alexander Mosely (son of
ex-Governor Mosely),
senior second lieutenant and
John E. Caine, a native of
South Carolina, as junior second lieutenant.
The Second Florida infantry entered the field by going into encampment at
Yorktown, Va., on the 17th September, 1861.
In the sight of
Yorktown, in the spring of 1862, the Second Florida,
received its ‘baptism of fire’ in a sortie in conjunction with the Second Mississippi battalion, made to dislodge a detachment of the enemy's sharpshooters near Fort Magruder; and in which they were successful.
acting-adjutant of the Second Florida, in the engagement at
Williamsburg, May, 1862,
Lieutenant Fleming was severely wounded through the hip and was left in
Upon the entrance of the enemy he fell into their hands, and in the latter part of July, was placed with other prisoners on the ‘Rip Raps’ in
Hampton Roads.
Having been exchanged,
Fleming returned to his regiment to find himself without rank, the reorganization having taken place whilst he was a prisoner, and it was thought that he would not recover from his wound.
He therefore took his place in the ranks of his old company, but soon after the
second battle of Manassas, he was appointed
Captain of company G, of the Second Florida, and participated in the investment of
Harper's Ferry and the
battle of Sharpsburg.
Upon the return of
Lee's army to
Virginia the
Florida regiments, the 2d, 5th and 8th were formed into a brigade and placed under the command of
General Edward A. Perry.
The brigade did gallant service at the battles of
Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862;
Chancellorsville, May 3-4, 1863; at
Gettysburg, as detailed; at Bristow's Station, October 14, 1863, and in other engagements—
Captain Fleming constantly participating.
He sealed his devotion to the cause he loved so well, being killed while leading the Second Florida, in the engagement near
Gaines' Farm, Virginia, June 3, 1864.
He was buried in the woods on McGehee's farm, but on June 3, 1893, his brother,
ex-Governor Fleming, having found the grave, had the remains disinterred and placed in Hollywood cemetery,
Richmond, where they now rest.]
Gettysburg the
Florida brigade, participating in the desperate charges of the
Confederate centre, under
A. P. Hill, on the 2d and 3d of July, sustained fearful losses in killed and wounded, being proportionately greater than that of any other brigade engaged.
And it is not too much to say that the charges of
Wilcox's and
Wright's brigades, of
Anderson's division, on the 2d, and of
Perry's and
Wilcox's on the 3d, were in every sense as brilliant and heroic as that of
Pickett's division, which has been immortalized by
Virginia historians.
The loss of officers on July 2d placed
Captain Fleming in command of his regiment, which he led in the charge of the 3d immediately after the repulse of
Speaking of it afterward to the author, he said that, in leading the 2d Florida in this charge, he experienced the happiest moments of his life.
After making the charge on the 3d, being compelled by overwhelming numbers and want of support to retreat and give up the position gained at such fearful cost,
Captain Fleming and
Captain William E. McCaslan, of the 2d Florida (the latter
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General of the brigade), were leisurely and gloomily retiring side by side to the former position of the
Confederate lines, discussing the terrible ordeal of battle through which they had passed during the last two days;
McCaslan remarked that, no matter how one escaped the dangers of any particular battle, he was exposed to the same in the next, and it seemed impossible to pass in safety through them all. The words were scarcely uttered when a shell from one of the enemy's batteries struck him on the head, and he fell dead.
Thus terminated the career of a gallant soldier and courteous gentleman, admired and respected, and his loss deeply lamented by the whole brigade.
The following is the report of the part taken by the
Florida brigade in the
battle of Gettysburg in a letter from
Colonel Lang, of the 8th Florida (who was temporarily in command), to
General Perry, who, at the time of the battle, was ill with typhoid fever:
Dear Sir,—I avail myself of this favorable opportunity of giving you an account of the part taken by the brigade in the
Gettysburg fight of 2d and 3d of July.
On the morning of the 1st, while marching from
Fayetteville to
Gettysburg (our brigade being the rear guard of
Anderson's division), heavy firing was heard in front, and I received orders to pass beyond the wagons and close up on the troops in front.
After this, the division was posted in the following order, two miles in rear of
Gettysburg, viz:
Wilcox on the right; then
Posey and
We remained in this position until
Longstreet's cops arrived on the following morning.
Pender and
Heth had the day before (
i. e., the 1st) driven the enemy to his stronghold on the heights back of town, with considerable loss on both sides, our loss
being confined chiefly to
Archer's brigade.
Longstreet arrived, we were advanced to the front and posted on the right of town, in full view of the enemy's batteries, strongly posted beyond an open field, one mile in our front.
While taking this position,
Wilcox engaged three or four regiments of the enemy posted in a wood on our right, but after a fight of ten or fifteen minutes, the 9th Alabama drove them back, and we received orders to hold our position, without pressing the enemy, until
Longstreet could come into position on our right.
He came into position and engaged the enemy about 3 P. M., our line being similar to the one formed in the rear of
Fredericksburg after the
Chancellorsville fight—that is,
Longstreet on the right, and
Ewell on the left, almost confronting each other, and forming nearly a right angle, with
Hill in the centre; we received orders to conform our lines to
Longstreet's movements and advance with him. About 4:30 P. M.,
Longstreet having advanced to
Wilcox, he swung his right forward and advanced.
As soon as his left reached my right, I conformed to the movement, and advanced at double-quick upon the strongly fortified position in front, exposed to artillery and musketry fire from the start.
Our men suffered terribly, but advanced nobly to the charge.
About half-way across the field the enemy had a line of batteries strongly supported by infantry.
We swept over these, without once halting, capturing most of the guns and putting the infantry to rout with great loss.
Indeed, I do not remember having seen anywhere before, the dead lying thicker than where the
Yankee infantry attempted to make a stand in our front.
Pressing rapidly on after the flying.
Yankees, we arrived behind a small growth of timber, at the foot of the heights.
Here I called a halt, in order to allow the men to catch breath and re-form our line, before charging a battery and infantry in our front, and below the heights.
While reforming my line, a heavy column was thrown against
Wilcox, forcing him back.
I held my ground until the enemy had advanced more than one hundred yards to my rear, and were about to cut off my retreat, when I gave the order to fall back.
Unfortunately, there was no ground which afforded any protection, short as the place from which we had advanced; and we were compelled to give up all the ground we had gained.
This, however, was never afterward occupied by the enemy in force, although his pickets reoccupied most of it that night.
In this charge
Major Moore and
Captain Ballantine were wounded, and left upon the field; the former seriously, the latter not so badly.
Captain Gardner also lost an arm,
but got off the field.
Our loss in line officers and enlisted men was very severe.
Lieutenant Peeler, acting Aid-de-Camp, acted very gallantly, and was wounded in this day's fight.
This charge ended the fighting for the day, the enemy seemingly, in no humor for following up his advantage.
On the 3d,
General Longstreet bringing sixty pieces of artillery up, and
General Hill having fifty more in position, about 3 P. M., they opened a most terrific fire upon the enemy's strong-hold, with the intention of shelling them out. The enemy soon replied, and, for nearly three hours the most terrific cannonading I ever witnessed was kept up from both sides, until our ammunition was almost exhausted, when the fire slackened.
Pickett's division renewed the assault made by us the previous evening.
They advanced in beautiful order in three lines; but before they had gone far, the wounded and the frightened came running back in large numbers, and it was impossible to tell when the main body came back.
During this,
Wilcox's and our brigade had been lying under cover, supporting the batteries which were shelling the enemy's works.
I had orders to connect with
Wilcox's left, and move with him. As soon as
Pickett's division had retired, we were thrown forward (as a forlorn hope, I suppose), notwithstanding the repulse of the day before, and the repulse of
Pickett's whole division, not twenty minutes before.
Our two brigades of about 1,400 men, advanced to the charge nobly.
As we neared the point from which we had been repulsed the day before, heavy colums advanced upon both flanks, and our artillery, having exhausted their ammunition, did not fire a shot at them.
Being unsupported by an advance upon any other part of the line, and having but one line, the enemy paid his undivided attention to us; and our only safety from utter annihilation was in retreat.
The 2d Florida being on our left, and their color-bearer wounded, they lost their colors and the greater part of their men. In the retreat the day before, the color-bearer and the entire color-guard of the 8th were killed and wounded, and their colors were left on the field.
Owing to the fact that several colors of other brigades fell back with us, the 8th did not miss their colors until after it was too late to secure them.
In the last charge, and when almost off the field,
Captain McCaslan was killed.
He was a noble and gallant man, and rendered me invaluable assistance in the battles.
Since the battles, I have had no staff at all, except
David Wilson.
The adjutant of the 8th has been acting adjutant-general for
me. There are now but twenty-two line officers, and two hundred and thirty-three enlisted men, for duty in the brigade.
Our loss has been four hundred and fifty-five, aggregate, killed, wounded and missing.
I think a large number of the missing are men who have been captured unhurt, as there were a large number of men exhausted by the rapidity with which the first charge was made, who were unable to keep up on the retreat.
We held our position until the night of the 4th, when we withdrew and marched all night in the rain, and over the worst roads I have yet seen.
On the 5th, we crossed
South Mountain and continued our march toward
Hagerstown, where we arrived on the morning of the 7th.
Here we remained until the 10th, when we again moved on, and on the 11th formed line of battle on Salisbury Ridge, along
Antietam creek, between
Frankstown and
Here we awaited the enemy's assault until the morning of the 14th, when we withdrew, and recrossed the
Potomac early next morning.
After crossing, we rested here until the morning of the 16th, when we moved to this point, where we have been in camp ever since.
Where we will go next, I can't venture to predict.
Rumors are rife of another crossing into
Maryland, but I hardly think it probable.
We are all looking anxiously for your return, and hope that your health may soon permit you to return to us again.
Hoping soon to see you fully restored to health, and with us again, I am, General,
Yours respectfully,
Colonel Lang soon after this wrote a letter to the editors of the Richmond
Enquirer, which was published in that paper, to correct an erroneous statement of ‘P. W. A.,’ the army correspondent of the Savannah
Republican, in his report of the
battle of Gettysburg.
Colonel Lang's letter was as follows:
Camp near Culpeper C. H.,
Va., July 26, 1863.
To the Editors of the Richmond Enquirer.:
Gentlemen—Having just received and read the
Enquirer of the 25th inst., I am surprised to see through your columns, that so reliable a correspondent as “P. W. A.,” of the Savannah
Republican, has (unintentionally of course), glaringly misrepresented the part
taken by
Perry's brigade, of
Anderson's division, in the battles of
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; and in justice to myself, and the brave men I have the honor to command in the absence of
General Perry, I ask that you give the following statement, in correction of a misstatement of the part taken by
Perry's brigade in that battle.
“P. W. A.”
says: “
Anderson's division was posted for example, in the following order:
Wilcox on the right,
Mahone on the left,
Wright in the centre,
Perry in the right centre, and
Posey in the left centre.
Wilcox was to advance first, to be followed by the other brigades, in their order to the left.
Wilcox and his unconquerable Alabamians moved out at the proper time, and fought long and desperately.
Perry's brigade (
Perry was not present himself), advanced a short distance, but did not become fully engaged.”
His statement as to the disposition of, and orders given to the brigades is true; but when he says: “
Perry's brigade advanced a short distance, but did not become fully engaged,” he publishes to the world a misstatement of facts, which I cannot pass over in silence.
Perry's brigade did advance at the appointed time, as ordered, with
Wilcox's brigade; it advanced as far as either
Wilcox's or
Wright's or any other brigade that advanced at the same time, and fought bravely and well until ordered by me to retire, after
Wilcox had been forced back by overwhelming numbers, and the enemy had advanced, in strong force, more than one hundred yards beyond the line I was holding, almost cutting off my retreat.
The loss of more than half the men carried into this charge would appear to unprejudiced eyes, that the brigade did “become fully engaged.”
Again, in his account of the battle of the 3d of July, in speaking of the charge of
Pickett's division, “ P. W. A.”
omits to mention that
Perry's brigade was engaged, although he mentions the part taken by
Wilcox's brigade; and yet
Perry's brigade moved side by side with
Wilcox's during that entire day, losing nearly two-thirds of the entire number taken into action.
The men I have the honor to command, are staid, sober men, most of them having families, who, knowing the perilous condition of the country, entered the service to do all in their power to avert the impending danger; they fight, not for vain dreams of glory, nor yet for newspaper fame, or notoriety; but they are unwilling to stand by in silence and see their deeds so misrepresented to posterity, as to cause their children to blush for shame when they read of them in days to come.
All we
ask of those who record history, while we make it, is simply justice.
Give us this, and we ask no more.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. W. A., in a letter to the
Enquirer, written soon after, corrected the error into which he had fallen, using the following language:
The mistake into which I was led, and into which it seems your own correspondent also fell, was a very natural one.
Information reached me from so many different sources, as to leave no doubt of its correctness, that General Anderson's orders to his division were to advance and assault the enemy, the brigade on the right (Wilcox's) leading off, and the others following in their order to the left.
(Such too, was the general order of battle.) Three of his brigades —Wilcox's, Perry's and Wright's—did advance, were hotly engaged, were flanked for want of timely support, and suffered heavily; while the two other brigades did not advance-their movements, we are permitted to infer from the tenor of General Andersons card, having been arrested by their military superiors.
Another army correspondent, signing himself ‘S,’ had fallen into a similar error, which he subsequently corrected in a letter to the
Advertiser and Register, paying a handsome tribute to the
Florida troops, from which we make the following extract:
No man, capable of performing his duty, can shun the field in this hour of supreme trial, without disgracing himself and his posterity, and endangering the cause so dear to every lover of liberty.
Instead of abusing the furloughs which have been given them, or taking shelter in nitre bureaus, and behind frivolous and unmanly excuses for exemption, every able-bodied man who cannot better serve the cause at home than in the army, should esteem it a privilege to come at once to the field, without waiting to be called, and thus emulate the example of the brave Floridians, who have sent more men to the war than the number of voters in the whole State.
And this reminds me that in my account of the great battle of Gettysburg, full justice was not done to Perry's Florida brigade.
Its performance was not only creditable, but gallant, as is shown by its heavy loss, which, in proportion to the number engaged, exceeds that sustained by any other brigade on the field.
The brigade belongs to
Anderson's division,
Hill's corps;
Wilcox held the right of the division,
Mahone the left,
Wright the centre,
Perry (
Colonel Lang in command), the right centre, and
Perry the left centre.
Wilcox was to advance first, to be followed by the other brigades in their order to the left.
It appears, for reasons given in a former communication, that only three brigades became fully engaged—
Perry's and
Colonel Jayne's 48th Mississippi, of
Perry's brigade, which had been thrown forward as skirmishers and lost heavily, supposing that the brigade proper would follow on in support; but for some reason it did not, nor did
Mahone's on the left.
While marching through a piece of woods to his proper place, on the 2d,
Wilcox became engaged with the enemy, and soon repulsed him. About 6 P. M. (too late to co-operate with
McLaws and
Hood, though no blame can attach to the brigadiers), the several brigades in the division were ordered to advance to the attack, in the order given above.
Wilcox moved forward promptly, followed by
Lang, who, in his turn, was followed by
Each fought bravely and desperately, drove the enemy back to its front, and ran over several batteries and heaps of slain; but each, in its turn, was compelled, after almost unparalleled losses, to abandon the enterprise of carrying the impregnable position of the enemy, and retrace its steps to the point from whence it had started.
Had the attack been made simultaneously along the whole line at the time
Longstreet engaged the enemy, or, even, when the three brigades went in, the historian might have been called on to record a different result.
On the 3d,
Wright was not engaged, but
Wilcox and
Lang were ordered to co-operate with
Pickett and
Pettigrew in the assault on
Cemetery Hill.
Floridians and
Alabamians fought with distinguished courage, as on the previous day, and again forced the enemy to yield to their desperate charges; but, for the second time, the assault was not made simultaneously, and when position after position had been carried, it was found that three others still, which, with their weary and wasted forces, it was impossible to storm.
Pickett retired, and then
Wilcox and
Lang—each having suffered frightful losses, and leaving their dead and wounded in the hands of the foe.
The second Florida was commanded on the first day by Major Moore, who was wounded and left on the field, as was Captain Ballantine, second in command.
On the third day Captain Fleming
assumed command, Lieutenant Todd being second in rank.
The Fifth Florida was commanded by Captain Gardner, who lost an arm on the second day, when the command devolved on Captain Bryan, and next upon Captain Hollyman.
The Eighth was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Baya.
These three regiments made up the brigade which was under Colonel Lang, of the Eighth, who handled it skilfully and bravely, in the absence of General Perry, who is detained from duty by severe illness.
To the foregoing testimonials of the valor of
Perry's brigade at
Gettysburg should be added the following tribute from their gallant division commander.
Emanating from the high source that it does, it should be preserved a front page in the history of
Florida's soldiers:
Anderson's division, Third army corps, August 6, 1863.
To the Editors of the Enquirer.
Gentlemen,—In the letter which I addressed to you a few days ago, correcting the statements of “P. W. A.”
the correspondent of the Savannah
Republican, I omitted to take notice of the following sentence: “
Perry's brigade advanced a short distance, but did not become fully engaged.”
This is quite as incorrect as the other statements which I have contradicted.
Perry's brigade, under the command of
Colonel David Lang, advanced as bravely, as perseveringly, and as far as any troops could have done in the same situation.
They were hotly engaged—suffered heavier in loss in killed and wounded, in proportion to their numbers, than any brigade in the army, and did not retire until compelled, like all the others, to do so by the superior force of the enemy, and the great strength of his position.
By giving this communication a place in your columns you will render an act of justice to brave men, whose honor and reputation so take pleasure in defending against the incorrectness of the statement, and the inferences which might be drawn from any omission to notice it.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Soon after the return of the army to
Virginia, the author having received and accepted the appointment of
1st lieutenant of Company ‘D,’ of the 1st Florida cavalry, doing duty with the Army of the
Tennessee, severed his connection with the Army of Northern Virginia, and parted, for the last time, from his brother—the subject of this memoir—the companion of his boyhood, youth and early manhood, and with whom, up to that time, he had served as a soldier since the commencement of the war.
Appendix G—pp. 121-4.
casualties of
Perry's brigade at the
battle of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863.
Killed—Second Florida.
Company A—
Lieutenant H. F. Riley,
Privates D. Knight,
Thos. Flowers,
W. Bond.
Company B—
Lieutenant R. S. Jenkins.
Company C—
Lieutenant P. Shealy.
Company D—
Sergeant C. W. Johnson.
Company E—
Captain W. E. McCaslan.
Company F—
Lieutenant George Pooser,
Private S. D. Phretchard.
Company I—
Sergeant William W. McLeod.
Company K—
Corporal G. Reddick.
Company M—
Lieutenant E. L. Hampton,
Sergeant A. Williams.
Fifth Florida.
Company A—
Private D. W. Scott.
Company B—
Private R. R. Barnes.
Company C—
Privates S. H. White,
Arvin Oliver,
Elias Barimna.
Company D—
Private James Burney.
Company E—
Lieutenant J. A. Jenkins,
Privates S. H. Calhoun,
R. C. Cash,
R. Hudson,
B. Sincoe,
H. Linton.
Company F—
Captain John Frink.
Company G—
Private John Baugh.
Company I—
Private J. C. Cox.
Company K—
Lieutenant J. C. Blake,
Private Thomas Mumford.
Eighth Florida.
Company C—
Privates William Slaughter,
C. B. Griffin.
Company F—
Private John Rowe.
Company G—
Private Thomas Galloway.
Company I—
Private S. Crews.
Wounded—Second Florida.
Major W. R. Moore.
Company A—
Captain W. D. Ballantine,
Corporals J. T. Luckie,
W. D. Keenedy,
Privates W. H. Phillips,
W. C. Bryan,
A. W. Keyser,
A. Villar,
W. T. Sills,
G. Flournoy.
Company B—
Sergeant S. J. Sanchez,
Corporal J. H. Boyt,
Privates T. J. Finley,
W. E. Stroble,
J. F. Bleach,
B. Jones.
Company C—
Privates J. T. Suggs,
A. H. Bateman,
J. S. Jones.
Company D—
Privates J. Talbott,
R. Wolf,
George Footman,
D. Jordan.
Company E—
Lieutenants P. P. L. Todd, J. H;
Privates B. Tate,
T. Albrittam,
D. Bryant,
A. J. Hogan.
Company F—
Privates W. J. Thompson,
J. Neil,
R. Cobb,
D. Tillis.
Company G—
Sergeant W. E. Livingston,
Privates John Revels,
H. Harris,
H. V. Long,
H. McClellan,
G. R. Brooman.
Company H—
Privates E. Hall,
F. Medicis,
M. Sanchez,
J. J. Vinzant.
Company I—
Lieutenant J. W. Hall,
Privates W. Belote,
E. H. Tomblin,
William Stringheard.
Company K—
Privates H. C. Grosventine,
L. F. Walker,
R. N. Batten,
W. Hodge.
Company L—
Privates T. H. Sutton,
E. Dampier.
Company M—
Lieutenant J. D. Perkins,
Sergeant J. Betton,
Privates Herndons B. M. Hora,
S. Dimmock,
R. W. Sirles,
H. C. Billingsby,
W. W. Shuman,
N. A. Armstrong,
P. Conniff.
Fifth Florida.
Company A—
Lieutenant G. L. Odum,
Privates R. H. McClelland,
D. M. Claytor,
M. D. Pratton,
B. H. Lee,
Robert Potts,
John F. Cooper.
Company B—
Privates J. R. Richard,
J. Niblack,
P. Morgan,
John Field,
T. S. Geer,
M. Coon.
Company C—
Privates Wiley Atkinson,
D. C. Isler,
J. R. Sutton,
W. D. Smith,
H. Norris,
J. W. French,
J. W. Howell,
H. Stanford,
C. Allegood,
M. Dudley.
Company D—
Lieutenant J. A. Shaw,
Privates G. F. Devane,
A. D. Dutton,
J. R. Robertson,
J. M. Hindley,
J. N. Morgan.
Company E—
Privates W. Carson,
J. W. Johnson,
Isaiah Jones,
B. W. Moseley,
E. Hudson,
D. E. Wethington,
P. Bowers.
Company F—
Privates R. W. Hillhouse,
A. Rawles,
E. W. Dempsey,
J. G. Ash.
Company G—
Captain Wm. Bailey,
Privates L. Long,
Geo. Dice, G. w.
S. M. Johnson,
James Milton,
J. P. Strickland,
K. Ward.
Company H—
Private B. F. Wood. Company I—
Private M. B. Swearinger.
Company K—
Captain R. M. Gardner,
Privates L. W. Shine,
W. H. Arnell,
M. W. Baggett,
A. F. Berry,
W. B. Barney,
J. C. Folkel,
J. M. Grambling,
T. J. Isler,
J. W. Nash,
A. H. Wheeler.
Company L—
Privates R. Faircloth,
R. W. Ashmore,
J. F. Herring,
J. Jenkins,
S. C. Revell.
The following of the 5th Florida were reported wounded and left on the field:
S. M. Sutton,
J. M. Merritt,
A. J. White,
J. D. Russell,——
Lieutenant George Walker,
J. S. Ayres,
M. C. McFall,
B. Hinman,
J. Bryant.
Eighth Florida.
Company A—
Lieutenant H. Bruce,
Privates W. H. Newman,
W. Barnier,
S. Barinton,
J. M. Laughton,
J. Chasin,
P. Hall,
William Campbell,
B. Gibson,
H. Love,
W. Andrews,
F. M. Bryant.
Company B—
Captain T. R. Love,
Lieutenants E. R. Dismukes,
John Malone,
Privates H. S. Stone,
W. W. Johnson,
G. F. Cox,
M. Lambert,
J. Russell.
Company C—
Privates H. Sutar,——McQueen,
P. Hatch.
Company D—
Privates A. Dial,
M. L. Baker,
John Irving,
C. Othello,
T. Harper,
E. Paget,
C. Harper,
A. Gonzales,
J. Prior.
Company E—
Lieutenant W. W. Wilson,
Corporal A. G. Kilgore,
Privates James Wilkerson,
John Welsh,
F. E. Savage,
E. D. Tucker,
R. Kidd,
J. Croome.
Company F—
Privates E. Williams,
W. Crews.
Company G—
Captain J. Mizell,
Privates G. F. Simon,
W. G. Cox,
E. W. Wiggins.
Company H—
Captain T. B. Livington,
Private H. Dice.
Company I—
Privates R. Osteen,
B. Hicks,
H. Bryant,
H. Parish.
The following wounded, whose companies are not known, were left on the field:
F. Walker,
A. Cumba,——Winegall,
S. R. Jenkins,
G. Bucran,
F. C. Burrows,
R. Brown,
G. Garrison,
E. W. Wiggins.
Killed, 2d Florida, 14; 5th Florida, 17; 8th Florida, 5; Total killed, 36.
Wounded, 2d Florida, 62; 5th Florida, 76; 8th Florida 65; Total wounded, 203.
Total casualties, 239.