

Adams, John Quincy, 65.

Alexander, General E. P., 56.

Alien and Sedition Laws, 64.

Allen, C. T., 44.

Appomattox, Last volley fired at, 92; Wants of Confederates at, and their unyielding spirit, 322, 323.

Atkinson J. M. P., 45.

August, Colonel T. P., wounded, 49.

Balaklava, The valor of the ‘thin red line’ at, surpassed, 170.

Baldwin, Colonel B. G., 117.

Barksdale, General, Wm., 234.

Beall, Captain John Y., 130.

Beers, James H., Devotion of, 17.

Blackman, W. H. H., 108.

Blacknall, Colonel C. C., 175.

Blanchard, General A. G., 206.

Blow, Captain W. N., 380.

Bloxham, Governor W. D., Address of, 124.

Bouldin Captain E. E., 182.

Brock, R. A., 349.

Brockenbrough, Judge, Wm., Addresses on the life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359.

Brown, John, Raid of, 79.

Burnside, General A. E., 234.

Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327.

Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171.

Carter, Captain R. R.. 221.

Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303

Cedar Creek, Battle of, 13

Cedar Run, Battle of, 89, 144.

Chambersburg, Pa., 273.

Chancellorsville, Battle of, 218.

Chandler, Zach W., 73.

Chapman, Rev., Captain Sam, 314.

Charlestown, Engagement at, 2.

Chase, Salmon P., 368, 369.

Cheat Mountain, Advance on, 42.

Clinkscale, Dr., Frank, killed, 162.

Cold Harbor, Battle of, 162, 218.

Confederate, Ability of generals, 290; Supreme Court—there was none, 307; Soldiers, privations of, 323; their amusements, 325; conduct after the surrender, 333; valor and devotion of, 383.

Corinth, Battle of, 343.

Couch, General D. N., 267.

Cox, General W. R., 92.

Craven, Commodore T. T., 223.

Creigh, David, Murder of, 183.

Custer, General George A., 255, 321, 329; his brutality, 372.

Dana, C. A., 284.

Davidson, Captain, Hunter, 221, 224.

Davidson, Colonel R. M. H., Address of, 116.

Davis, Henry Winter, 367

Davis, President, Effort to rescue, 132.

Downing, H. H., Address of, 262. Drewry, A. S., 92.

Du Bose, John W., 102, 293.

Duncan. John N., 296.

Dunn House, Quarters at the, 325.

Early, General J. A., 52, 266; Campaigns of 1864, 1.

Ebert, Valerius, 289.

Edwards, Colonel O., 319.

Ellerson's Mill, Battle of, 160.

England, Captain A. V., killed, 50.

Essex county, Va., worthies, 354, 355.

“F” Company, 21st Virginia, 144; junior, 20.

Fisher's Hill, Battle of, x.

Fleming, Captain C. S., Sketch of, 192.

Fleming, ex-Governor F. P., Address of, 113.

Florida, The Confederate Dead of-Monument to at Jacksonville, 109; description of. 117; troops from, in the C. S. Army, 118; brigade at Gettysburg, 192; casualties in, 202.

Fort Necessity, 171.

Fredericksburg, Battle of. 231.

Fremont, John C.. 366, 368.

Freitchie myth, The Barbara, 287.

Front Royal, Battle of, 15.

Gaines, Dr. J. M., 241.

Gaines' Mill, Battle of, 161.

Garnett, Ll.D., Captain J. M., Diary of, 1, 177.

Garnett, Hon. M. R. H., Address on, 155.

Garnett, General R. S., killed, 41.

Garnett, Hon. T. S, Addresses of, 151, 155.

Gettysburg Battle, discussed, 52; the Florida brigade at, 192, 241.

Getz, David, Murder of, 372.

Grabill, John H., 374.

Grant, General U. S., 266.

Greeley, Horace, 366.

Green, Dr. B. W.; 222.

Green, Judge John W., 355.

Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., C. S. sick and wounded at, 241.

Hampden Sidney College Boys, 45.

Hampton, General, Wade, 132.

Hanover county heroes, 85.

Harris, Edward, 295.

Hemming, Chas. C., 129.

Hill, General A. P, killed, 26.

Hill, General D. H., 49.

Hood, General J. B., 53.

Howitzers, First company of, at Chancellors-ville, 218; in the Appomattox campaign, 322.

Hughes, Captain J. M, 43.

Hunter, General, David, Vandalism of, 179.

Hunter, R. M. T., Address on, 151.

Jackson, General Henry R., 41.

Jackson, General T. J., 233, 336.

Janney, John, 74.

Jones, General W. E., killed, 175.

Johnson, General Bradley T., 174, 311, 377.

Johnson, General, Edward, 40. Johnson's Island, The dead at, 104.


Johnston, General R; D., 170, 175.

Johnston, Wm. Preston, Sketch of; his services to Tulane University, 301.

Kaigler, Captain, Wm., 92.

Kershaw, General J. B., 56.

Lacy, James B., 51.

Lamb, Hon., John, 231.

Lang, Col., David, 192.

Lee, General, Fitzhugh, 126.

Lee, General R. E., 42, 73, 269, 290, 317.

Lee. Mrs. Susan P., 40.

Legal worthies of Virginia, 353.

Lincoln, President, Platform of, 79; his emancipation proclamation, 80; character and religious opinions, 165, 369: his assumption and duplicity, 365; hated by his Cabinet; suppressed bill for reconstruction, 369; his demand for unconditional surrender of the South, 368, 375; efforts to defeat the second election of, 365; did not offer to pay for our slaves, 374.

Longstreet, General, James, his delinquency at Gettysburg, 195.

Lowell, General Charles R., 273.

Loyall, Commander B. P., 136.

McCabe, W. Gordon, 286.

McCaslan, Captain W. E., killed, 196.

McCausland, General, John, 179.

McClure, Colonel A. K., 366.

McGuire, Dr., Hunter, his able report on school histories, 98.

McGuire, Prof. J. P. Address by, 352, 359

McDowell, Battle of, 43.

McLaws, General L., 55.

McCaw, Dr J. B., 335.

McMasters, Lieutenant, killed, 316

Magruder: Colonel John Bowie, Sketch of, 205.

Marshall, Colonel, Thomas, killed, 15.

Marye's Heights, 225.

Mason, Wiley Roy, 338

Massachusetts advocated secession, 65.

Massie, Captain LIV., killed, 9

Matthews, James P.. 26

Mattison, J. W., 157.

Mauk, Sergeant John H., 26.

Maury, General D. H., Sketch of, 335; comrades at West Point, 336; in the Mexican war 337; last days in the U. S. army, 339; in tile C. S. army, 341; funeral services of, 347; tributes to, 349

Maury, Jr., D H., 345.

Maury, Captain, John Minor, 335.

Maury, Commodore M. F., 335.

Maury, Mrs., Nannie Mason, 338.

Maury, Colonel R. L., 335.

Mayo, Mayor, Joseph, 20.

Mechanicsville, Battle of, 160.

Merritt, General, Wesley, 273, 315.

Metts, Captain James I., 92.

Minor, B. B., Ll.D., Address on Judge Wm. Brockenbrough, 350.

Minor, Dr C. L. C., 170,335.

Mobile, Defence of, 343

Moore, J. Blythe, 219.

Moore, J. Scott, 191.

Morgan, General, Daniel, 68.

Morgan, Captain wm H., ‘F’ Co., killed, 149.

Morris Island, vartyrs of, 43.

Mosby, Colonel John S., 250; roster of one of his companies, 312; monument at Front Royal to his murdered men unveiled, with addresses on the occasion, 250; deeds of, 256; retaliation by, 314.

Mt. Jackson, Skirmish at, 9.

Munford, B. B., Address of, vindicating the South, 60.

Niagara, U. S. gunboat, 228.

Newton, Virginius, 220.

Newton, Wm B., 304.

Ordnance report of Grimes' division, April 10, 1865, 177.

Orr's S. C. Rifles, Sketch of, 157.

Page, Captain, Thomas Jefferson, Sketch of life and deeds of, 219.

Parker, Captain W. H., 137.

Parksley, Monument at, unveiled, 60.

Peace Congress of 1861, 70.

Peace Conference in 1865, 374.

Pegram Colonel W. R. J. 91.

Pegram, General, John, killed, 45.

Pendleton, General W. N., 52.

Perry, General E. A., 194.

Peters, Colonel, Winfield, of Baltimore, 26.

Peters Colonel W. E.. 273.

Petersburg. Battles before, in 1865, 28.

Phillips, Wendell, 368.

Pickett, General G E., 143, 208.

Poindexter, Charles, 334.

Point Pleasant, Battle of, 171.

Pollard Mrs. Rose, 335.

Poore, Ben Perley, 368.

Porter, Commodore D., 144.

Powell, Colonel, Wm. H.

Preston, Wm., 295.

Price, Dr. Henry M., 38.

Purcell Battery, Gallantry of, at Cedar Run, 89.

Quincey, Josiah, 65.

Ramseur, General S. D., killed, 7.

Reprisal or retaliation in war, 270, 314.

Richards, Major E. A., Address of, 253.

Richmond, Did General Lee counsel its abandonment? 290.

Richmond City, gunboat, 221.

Rich Mountain campaign in 1861, 38.

Rockbridge county, Roster of Company C, 1st Virginia cavalry, from, 377.

Rodes, General R E., killed, 5

Ropes, John Codman, historian, 83.

Rosser, General T. L., 283.

Sailor's Creek, Battle of, 324.

Sanders, Palmer, killed, 141.

Scott, Colonel W. C., 44.

Secession, Right of, 61, 114; advocated by Massachusetts, 65; by the N. Y. Tribune, 67; cause of, 81.

Seddon, James A., 317.

Sedgwick, General, John, killed, 37.

Seward, W. H., 375.

Sharpsburg, Battle of, 49, 200.

Sheridan, General P. H., 173, 314.

Slavery, Virginia did not fight for, 76; pro-tested against continuation of, 77; the emancipation proclamation, 64.

Slave trade, Debate on the, in 1858, 99.

Smith, Mrs. F. H., 184, 259

South, Vindication of the, 60; cause of the, 119.

Southern Historical Society-Its history, 344.

Stanton, E. M., 369.

Star Spangled Banner, 120.

Stephens, Alex. H., 375.

Steuart, R. D., 176.

Stewart, Colonel W. H., 205, 383.

Stiles, Major, Robert, 17, 349.

Stiles, Rev. Joseph C., D. D., 17.

Stonewall, The C. S. gunboat, 219.

Stonewall Jackson Camp, C. V.. 377.


Stuart, General J. E. B., 303.

Sumerton road, Engagement on the, 208.

Sussex Light Dragoons, Roster of, 97.

Taliaferro, General W. B., 39.

Tarheels' thin gray line, 170.

Torbert, General A. T. A., 273, 314.

Tucker, Sergeant G. W., 26.

Tucker, Henry St. George, 294.

Tulane University, 300.

Tyler, Jr., John, 206.

Underwriter, Capture of the, 136.

University of Virginia, Founding of, 353.

Vallandigham, C. L., 367. Worsham John H., 148.

Virginia, Bill of Rights, 62; her love for the Wright, General H. G., 324. Union, 68: traditions of, 82.

Virginia infantry, Career of the 15th regiment, 48; casualties in, at Sharpsburg, 50; 21st and 48th, 147.

Virginia Military Institute and other buildings burnt by General Hunter, 179.

Virginia to the aid of Massachusetts, 68.

Wade, Ben. F., 367.

Walker, Major D. N., 51, 328.

Walker, Major, John Stewart, killed, 49.

Walker, General, R. Lindsay, 327.

Wheeler, General, Joseph, 133.

White, Dr., Henry Alex., 52.

White, Captain Matthew X, Murder of, 187.

White Marsh road, Engagement on, 208.

Wickham, General W. C., 314.

Willis, Captain E. J, 51.

Winder, General W. S., killed 149.

Winchester, Engagement at, Sept., 1864, 173.

Wood, Captain, John Taylor, 137.

Yancey, W. L., did not urge the revival of the slave trade, 100.

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D. H. Hill (2)
S. W. Henry (2)
Bennett Wood Green (2)
R. S. Garnett (2)
Henry Winter Davis (2)
William Lowndes Yancey (1)
John Taylor Wood (1)
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A. C. Willis (1)
Williams C. Wickham (1)
Joseph Wheeler (1)
R. Lindsay Walker (1)
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D. N. Walker (1)
Benjamin F. Wade (1)
C. L. Vallandigham (1)
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Henry St. George Tucker (1)
George W. Tucker (1)
A. T. A. Torbert (1)
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J. E. B. Stuart (1)
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Ramseur (1)
Josiah Quincey (1)
Henry M. Price (1)
William Preston (1)
Wm Powell (1)
D. Porter (1)
Ben Perley Poore (1)
Thomas P. Pollard (1)
Charles Poindexter (1)
Pickett (1)
Wendell Phillips (1)
Winfield Peters (1)
Edward A. Perry (1)
William N. Pendleton (1)
John Pegram (1)
William H. Parker (1)
Thomas Jefferson Page (1)
E. M. Orr (1)
Wm B. Newton (1)
Virginius Newton (1)
Beverley B. Munford (1)
John S. Mosby (1)
J. Scott Moore (1)
J. Blythe Moore (1)
Benjamin Blake Minor (1)
B. B. Minor (1)
James I. Metts (1)
Wesley Merritt (1)
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Lafayette McLaws (1)
W. G. McDowell (1)
A. K. McClure (1)
Dr J. B. McCaw (1)
John McCausland (1)
William E. McCaslan (1)
W. Gordon McCabe (1)
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Nannie Mason Maury (1)
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James B. Lacy (1)
J. B. Kershaw (1)
Wm Kaigler (1)
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William E. Jones (1)
William Preston Johnston (1)
J. Montgomery Johnston (1)
L. L. Johnson (1)
Edward Johnson (1)
John Janney (1)
E. S. James (1)
Thomas J. Jackson (1)
T. J. Jackson (1)
Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter (1)
R. M. T. Hunter (1)
David Hunter (1)
James M. Hughes (1)
J. B. Hood (1)
Charles C. Hemming (1)
Edward Harris (1)
Wade Hampton (1)
Bryan Grimes (1)
Horace Greeley (1)
Ulysses S. Grant (1)
John H. Grabill (1)
David Getz (1)
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Muscoe Russell Hunter Garnett (1)
M. R. H. Garnett (1)
J. M. Gaines (1)
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Francis P. Fleming (1)
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A. V. England (1)
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George A. Custer (1)
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W. R. Cox (1)
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Frank Clinkscale (1)
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Captain Sam Chapman (1)
Zach W. Chandler (1)
Robert R. Carter (1)
Bouldin Captain (1)
Colin Campbell (1)
H. Coalter Cabell (1)
A. E. Burnside (1)
John Brown (1)
Wm Brockenbrough (1)
William Brockenbrough (1)
R. A. Brock (1)
W. E. Bradley (1)
John Bowie (1)
William D. Bloxham (1)
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Charles Christopher Blacknall (1)
W. H. H. Blackman (1)
James H. Beers (1)
John Y. Beall (1)
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B. G. Baldwin (1)
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