Fenwick, John, purchases half
New Jersey, II. 357.
Francisco, I. 34.
Finland, emigrants from, II. 286.
Five Nations.
See Iroquois.
Benjamin, in Pennsylvania, III. 37.
In New York, 56.
Connecticut, 67
Fleury, Cardinal, II. 325.
Averse to war, III. 449.
Florida discovered, I. 31.
Abandoned, 60.
Huguenots, 63.
Melendez in, 66.
Colonized, 69.
Expeditions against, in. 209, 432.
Fox, George, I. 154.
Education, 331.
Influence of the age on him, 354.
His death, 404.
France, first voyages, I. 15.
Trading voyages of, 25.
Acadia and
Canada, 27.
Huguenot colonies of, 61.
Its settlements pillaged, 148.
Acadia, 445.
Persecutes the Huguenots, II 174.
War with the Five Nations, 419-423.
Character of its monarchy, 467.
Its rivalry with
England, III. 115.
Missions, 128.
Contends for the fisheries and the west, 175.
War with
England, 176.
Indian alliance, 177.
War with the
Iroquois, 189.
Colonial boundaries, 192.
England from
Louisiana, 203.
Sends Indians into
New England, 214.
Desires peace, III. 225 Extent of her possessions, 235. Builds Crown Point and
Niagara forts, 341.
Influence on the
Ohio, 346.
War with
Spain, claims
Texas, 353.
War with the
Natchez, 358.
Its government of
Louisiana, 364.
War with the Chickasas, 365 With
England, 450.
Ill success of her fleets, 463.
Franciscans in
Maine, II. 136.
Benjamin, his character, II. 375.
Defends freedom of the press, 395.
His volunteer militia, 456.
Frederica founded, II. 430.
Frederick II., in. 452.
See Quakers.
Frobisher's voyages, I. 81.
Frontenac's expedition, II. 182.