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Chapter 13:

The day—star of the American union.

April—May, 1765.

if the British Parliament can tax America, it may
chap. XIII.} 1765. April.
tax Ireland and India, and hold the wealth of the East and of the West at the service of its own septennial oligarchy. As the relation of the government to its outlying dominions would become one of power and not of right, it could not but employ its accumulated resources to make itself the master of the ocean and the oppressor of mankind. ‘This system, if it is suffered to prevail,’ said Oxenbridge Thacher, of Boston, ‘will extinguish the flame of liberty all over the world.’

On the discovery of the new hemisphere, the tradition was widely spread through the old, that it conceals a fountain whose ever-flowing waters have power to reanimate age and restore its prime. The tradition was true; but the youth to be renewed was the youth of society; the life to bloom afresh was the life of the race.

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