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1 جَوَفٌ أجوف جوف The being [hollow, or] wide and hollow within: (PS:) or the being empty, vacant, or void: an inf. n. of which the verb is of the class of تَعِبَ [i. e. جَافَ, originally جَوِفَ, like خَافَ, sec. pers. جِفْتَ, aor. يَجَافُ]: (Msb:) the being wide, spacious, or ample: (K:) the inf. n., or source, whence شَىْءٌ أَجْوَفُ. (S.) [See also 10.] -A2- جَافَهُ, [aor. يَجُوفُ,] inf. n. جَوْفٌ, It reached his جَوْف [or inside, or interior, &c.]. (TA.) It (medicine) entered his جَوْف. (TA. [See also 8.]) And جَافَتْهُ الجِرَاحَةُ The wound reached his جَوْف. (Msb.) ― -b2- طَعَنَهُ فَجَافَهُ, and ↓ اجافهُ , He pierced him and pierced his جَوْف: (Mgh, Msb:) and ↓ جوّفهُ , inf. n. تَجْوِيفٌ, he pierced him in his جَوْف. (TA.) جُفْتُهُ بِالطَّعْنَةِ, and الطَّعْنَةَأَجَفْتُهُ , I made the spear-wound, or the like, to reach his جَوْف. (Ks, A 'Obeyd, S, K.) جَافَ الصَّيْدَ He made the arrow to enter the جَوْف of the object of the chase. (TA.) 2 تَجْوِيفٌ تجويف The making [a thing] hollow, or empty in the middle. (KL, PS.) You say, جوّفهُ, inf. n. تَجْوِيفٌ, [He made it hollow; hollowed it out;] he made it to have a جَوْف. (Msb.) And of a thing that is مُجَوَّف, (S, K,) i. e. أجْوَف, (S,) you say, فِيهِ تَجْوِيفٌ [In it is a hollowing out; meaning a hollow, in which sense تجويف has a pl., namely, تَجَاوِيفُ]. (S, K.) ― -b2- See also 1. 4 أَجْوَفَ see 1, in two places. ― -b2- اجاف البَابَ (tropical:) He shut, or closed, the door. (S, K, TA.) Hence, in a trad., وَأَجِيفُوا الأَبْوَاَ وَأَطْفِئُوا المَصَابِيحَ [And shut ye the doors, and extinguish the lamps]. (TA.) 5 تجوّف جوف تجوف It was, or became, hollow, or empty within. (KL.) -A2- تجوّفهُ: see 8. ― -b2- تَجَوَّفَتِ الخُوصَةُ العَرْفَجَ The leaf was in the جَوْف [or inside] of the [plant called] عرفج, not having yet come forth. (S.) 8 اجتافهُ اجتافه اجتافة He entered its جَوْف [or inside, or interior; he entered into the midst of it]; as also ↓ تجوّفهُ . (S, K.) [See an ex. in a verse of Lebeed, voce أَصْلٌ: and see also 1.] 10 استجاف 10 and اِسْتَجْوَفَ It (a thing) became wide, spacious, or ample. (S, K.) [See also 1, first sentence.] -A2- استجافهُ He found it (a place) to be أَجْوَف [i. e. hollow, or empty within; or wide, spacious, or ample]. (O, L, K.) جَوْفٌ أجوف جوف [A hollow; an interior empty, vacant, or void, space;] a vacancy: pl. أَجْوَافٌ: this is the primary signification: then it was used in relation to a thing capable of being occupied and of being unoccupied; so as to be applied in the sense next following. (Msb.) ― -b2- The inside, or interior, (Msb, KL,) of a house [&c.]. (Msb.) ― -b3- [The midst, or middle, of a thing.] ― -b4- A low, or depressed, (S, K, TA,) and wide, (TA,) tract, or portion, of land, or ground: (S, K, TA:) what is wider than the شِعْب; the [water-courses termed] تِلَاع, and the valleys, flow into it; and it has جِرَفَة [or abrupt, water-worn, banks]: sometimes it is wider than a valley, and deeper: and sometimes it is a plain, or soft, tract, that retains water: and sometimes it is completely round, so that it retains water: accord. to IAar, it signifies a valley: or, as some say, the interior (بَطْن) of a valley. (TA.) ― -b5- The belly, or abdomen, of a man: (S, K:) or, accord. to ISd, the interior of the belly: and the part upon which close the shoulder-blades and the upper arms and the ribs and the two flanks (الصُّقْلَانِ): (TA:) the chest, or thorax; i. e., the part of the body that is separated from the بَطْن [or belly, or abdomen,] by the حِجَاب [or diaphragm, or midriff]; containing the heart and its appertenances: (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) pl. as above. (TA.) See also جَائِفٌ. It is one of the words that are not used adverbially except with prepositions. (Sb, TA.) It is said in a trad., لَا تَنْسَوُا الجَوْفَ وَمَا وَعَى [Forget not ye the جوف and what it hath collected]; meaning what enters into it, of food and beverage: but some say that الجوف here means the belly and the فَرْج [or vulva, or pudendum muliebre], together, which are also called ↓ الأَجْوَفَانِ : and some say that the meaning is, the heart and what it hath retained, and kept in memory, of the knowledge of God. (A 'Obeyd, TA.) ― -b6- الأَجْوَافُ is also applied by the people of El-Ghowr (K) and of El-Yemen (TA) to The tents (فَسَاطِيط) of their عُمَّال [or governors, or collectors of the poor-rates]. (K.) ― -b7- جَوْفُ اللَّيْلِ الآخِرُ, occurring in a trad., means (assumed tropical:) The last third of the night: [or] the fifth of the sixths of the night: (K:) not the half, as some assert. (TA.) جَوْفِىٌّ أجوف جوف جوفى جوفي جوفيي : see أَجْوَفُ. جُوفِىٌّ أجوف جوف جوفى جوفي جوفيي : see أَجْوَفُ. -A2- Also, and without tesh-deed, (S, K,) [app. meaning, when with the article ال, written and pronounced الجُوفِى,] in the accus. case جُوفِيًا, by poetic license, (S,) A species of fish; and so ↓ جُوَافٌ . (S, K.) جُوفَانٌ جوف جوفان The penis of an ass: (El-Muärrij, K:) and of a man. (TA.) جُوَافٌ جواف : see جُوفِىٌّ. جَائِفٌ ذ Reaching the جَوْف. (Msb.) [Hence,] طَعْنَةٌ جَائِفَةٌ, (S, Mgh, K, &c.,) or جِرَاحَةٌ جَائِفَةٌ, (Msb,) A spear-wound, or the like, that reaches theجَوْف , (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) by which is here meant [the interior of the body or head, or], accord. to IAth, any vital part, as the belly and the brain: (TA:) and sometimes, that penetrates into the جوف: (A 'Obeyd, S, Mgh:) and that passes through also: (A 'Obeyd, S:) and said to be such as is in the pit between the collarbones, and in the pubes; but not in the neck, nor in the throat, nor in the thigh, nor in the leg: (Mgh:) not if it reaches the interior of the bone of the thigh: (Msb:) opposed to جَالِفَةٌ. (S in art. جلف.) ― -b2- Hence, جَائِفَةٌ is applied to (tropical:) A great fault or imperfection or vice. (TA from a trad.) ― -b3- تَلْعَةٌ جَائِفَةٌ A deep [water-course, &c.: see تلعه]: pl. جَوَائِفُ. (K, TA. [In the CK, قَصِيرَةٌ is erroneously put for قَعِيرَةٌ.]) ― -b4- جَوَائِفُ النَّفْسِ The deep recesses of the جَوْفَ [or chest] in the places where the soul has its seat; expl. by مَا تَقَعَّرَ مِنَ الجَوْفِ فِى مَقَارِّ الرُّوحِ. (L, K.) So in the phrase, used by El-Farezdak, وَرَدَّ النَّفْسَ بَيْنَ الجَوَائِفِ [And he drove back the soul into the midst of the deep recesses of the chest]: (L, TA:) but some read بين الشَّرَاسِفِ. (TA.) ― -b5- الجَائِفُ [The cephalic vein;] a vein that runs along the upper arm to the [cartilage called] نَغْض of the shoulder-blade; it is the فَلِيق. (TA.) أَجْوَفُ ذ Having a جَوْف; (TA;) [i. e.,] hollow, or empty within; (KL, PS;) having in it a تَجْوِيف [or hollowing out, meaning a hollow], (S,) and so ↓ مُجَوَّفٌ : (S, K: [but the latter is more properly rendered hollowed, or hollowed out:]) empty, vacant, or void: (Msb:) wide, spacious, or ample; (S, K;) as also ↓ مُسْتَجَافٌ , (S, TA,) and ↓ جُوفِىٌّ , with damm, (K,) thus correctly written, being a rel. n. altered from the original form, like سُهْلِىٌّ and دُهْرِىٌّ, (Sgh, TA,) but meaning wide in the جَوْف [or belly, &c.], written by J [in the S] ↓ جَوْفِىٌّ , with fet-h: (TA:) great in the جَوْف; (TA;) as also ↓ مَجُوفٌ ; (AO, S, K;) each applied to a man: (TA:) [fem. جَوْفَآءُ:] pl. جُوفٌ. (TA.) You say لُؤْلُؤٌ أَجْوَفُ, and ↓ مُجَوَّفٌ , [Hollow, and hollowed, pearls; or] both signify the same. (TA.) And قَنَاةٌ جَوْفَآءُ An empty [or a hollow] cane, or reed: (K:) and in like manner, شَجَرَةٌ [a tree]; (S, K;) having a جَوْف. (S.) And دَلْوٌ جَوْفَآءُ A wide, or an ample, bucket: (K:) and دِلَآءٌ جَوفٌ wide, or ample, buckets: (S:) and قِدْرٌ جَوْفَآءُ a wide, capacious, cooking-pot. (Ham p. 719.) And الأَجْوَفُ The lion that is great in the جَوْف [or belly, &c.]. (K.) And الأَجْوَفَانِ The belly and the فَرْج [or vulva, or pudendum muliebre]; (S, K;) because of their width. (TA.) See also جَوْفٌ. Hence the trad., إِِنَّ أَخْوَفَ مَا أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمُ الأَجْوَفَانِ [Verily what I most fear for you are the belly and the vulva]. (TA.) ― -b2- (tropical:) A cowardly man; as also ↓ مِجْوَفٌ , and ↓ مُجَوَّفٌ ; the last explained in the K as meaning having no heart: pl. [of the first] جُوفٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- A horse white in the جَوْف [or belly] as far as the part where the sides terminate, whatever be the colour of the rest of him; (AO, TA;) as also ↓ مِجْوَفٌ . (TA.) [See also مُجَوَّفٌ.] ― -b4- In the conventional language of the science of inflection, (assumed tropical:) [A hollow word; i. e.] a word having an infirm letter for its medial radical; (K, TA;) as قَالَ and بَاعَ. (TA.) مُجَافٌ مجاف (tropical:) A shut, or closed, door. (TA.) مَجُوفٌ مجذوف : see أَجْوَفُ. مِجْوَفٌ مجوف : see أَجْوَفُ, in two places. مُجَوَّفٌ مجوف : see أَجْوَفُ, in three places. ― -b2- Also A beast whose بَلَق [q. v.] reaches up to his belly: (As, S, K:) or a horse whose بَلَق reaches to his sides is said to be مُجَوَّفٌ بَلَقًا. (AA, TA.) [See also أَجْوَفُ, last meaning but one.] ― -b3- And an epithet applied to the bird called صُرَد, because it is white in the belly. (Mgh and Msb in art. صرد.) مُسْتَجَافٌ مستجاف : see أَجْوَفُ.

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