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1 خَلَفَ خلف , aor. خَلُفَ , inf. n. خَلْفٌ, He came after, followed, succeeded, or remained after, another, or another that had perished or died. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur [vii. 168 and xix. 60], فَخَلَفَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ خَلْفٌ (TA) And there hath succeeded them, or come after them, [a posterity, or] an evil posterity. (Bd in xix. 60.) And خَلَفَهُ He came after him, (S, A in art. دبر, Mgh, Msb, TA,) or behind him, (A ubi suprà, Mgh,) or following him nearly; (A ubi suprà;) inf. n. as above, (Mgh, TA,) and خِلْفَةٌ also: (Mgh:) or he remained after him: (K:) and ↓ جَآءَ خِلَافَهُ likewise signifies [the same as جآء خَلْفَهُ; an inf. n. of خَالَفَ being thus used as an adv. n.; i. e.] he came after him. (TA.) You say also, خَلَفَ اللَّيْلُ النَّهَارَ, inf. n. خَلْفٌ and خِلْفَةٌ, The night followed, or came after, the day. (MA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] خَلَفْتُهُ, [aor. as above,] inf. n. خَلْفٌ, [perhaps a mistranscription for خَلَفَ,] I was, after him, a substitute for him: (TA:) [I supplied his place: and I superseded him.] And خَلَفَهُ, (aor. as above, TA,) inf. n. خِلَافَةٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA) and خَلَفٌ (TA) and خِلِّيقَى, (S, * K, * TA,) which last is an inf. n. of the intensive kind, (Sgh, MF, TA,) He was, or became, his خَلِيفَة [i. e. successor, or vice-agent, &c.], (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) or his substitute; (TA;) فِى قَوْمِهِ [among, or in respect of, his people], (S, TA,) and أَهْلِهِ [his family]; relating to good and to evil; wherefore one says, أَوْصَى لَهُ بِالخِلَافَةِ [he charged him by his will with the being his successor, or vice-agent, &c.]; (TA;) or عَلَى أَهْلِهِ وَمَالِهِ [over his family and his property]: (Msb:) and ↓ اختفلهُ signifies the same; (Lh, Ibn-'Abbád, K;) he was, or became, his خَلِيفَة (Ibn-'Abbád, TA) after him. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) And خَلَفَ فُلَانًا [alone] He was, or became, the خَلِيفَةٌ of such a one among, or in respect of, his family (K, TA) and his children. (TA.) And خَلَفَهُ رَبُّهُ فِى أَهْلِهِ (K, TA) and وَلَدِهِ, (TA,) inf. n. خِلَافَةٌ, (K,) His Lord was [for him] a خَلِيفَة [or supplier of his place] to his family (K, TA) and his children. (TA. [In the CK, اخلف is made to signify the same; but this is in consequence of an omission.]) And one says, خَلَفَ ا@للّٰهُ عَلَيْكَ May God be to to thee a خَلِيفَة [or supplier of the place] (S, Msb, K) of thy father; (S, Msb,) or of the one whom thou hast lost: (S, Msb, K:) thus one says to one who has lost by death his father (S, Msb, K) or mother (K) or paternal uncle (S, Msb) or any other who cannot be replaced: (Msb, K:) and خَلَفَ ا@للّٰهُ عَلَيْكَ خَيْرًا, (K,) or بِخَيْرٍ, (AZ, Msb, K,) or both, (L,) and خَلَفَ ا@للّٰهُ لَكَ بِخَيْرٍ, (AZ, Msb,) and ا@للّٰهُ عَلَيْكَ خَيْرًاأَخْلَفَ and لَكَ خَيْرًا: (K: [in which it is implied that these phrases mean May God supply to thee well the place of him whom thou hast lost: but it is implied in the Msb that the two of them there mentioned mean May God restore to thee good in the place of that which has gone from thee: and it appears from what here follows that all of these phrases have the latter meaning, whether or not they have the former meaning also:]) to him who has lost property or a child or a thing [of any other kind] of which the replacement may be asked, (S,) or to him of whom that which may be replaced has perished, or died, (K,) one says, ا@للّٰهُ عَلَيْكَأَخْلَفَ (S, Msb, K) May God restore to thee the like of that which has gone from thee, (S, Msb,) or may God restore to thee what has gone from thee; (K in a later part of the art.;) and اللّٰه لَكَاخلف ; and خَلَفَ اللّٰه لك : or خَلَفَ اللّٰه عَلَيْكَ is allowable in relation to property and the like; and يَخْلَفُ, like يَمْنَعُ is allowable as its aor., though extr., (K,) as it has no faucial letter to occasion the fet-h: (TA:) and one says also, خَلَفَ ا@للّٰهُ لَكَ بِخَيْرٍ meaning May God give thee good in the place of that which has gone from thee; (TA;) and عَلَيْكَ خَيْرًااخلف , (Msb, TA,) meaning the same; (TA;) and [so] لَكَ خَيْرًااخلف and بِخَيْرٍ: and ا@للّٰهُ عَلَيْكَ مَالَكَاخلف and لَكَ مَالَكَ [May God restore, or replace, to thee thy property]. (Msb.) خَلَفَ أَبَاهُ, (K,) aor. خَلُفَ (TA,) means He became behind his father; (K;) and if so, its inf. n. is خَلْفٌ: (TA:) or it means he became in the place of his father; (K;) and if so, its inf. n. is خَلَفٌ: (TA:) and خَلَفَ مَكَانَ أَبِيهِ, inf. n. خِلَافَةٌ (K) and خَلَفٌ, (TA,) he became in the place of his father, exclusively of every other. (K.) You say also, خَلَفَتِ الفَاكِهَةِ بَعْضُهَا بَعْضًا, (JK, K,) inf. n. خَلْفٌ, (JK, TA,) or خَلَفٌ, (TA, [the former being there altered to the latter (which is the more probably correct), or the latter to the former,]) and خِلْفَةٌ, (JK, TA,) The fruit replaced other fruit; or became substituted for other fruit. (JK, * K,* TA. [In the CK, صَارَ خَلْفًا is erroneously put for صَارَتْ خَلَفًا.]) And خَلَفَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى فُلَانَةَ, inf. n. خِلَافَةٌ, [like عَقَبَ عَلَيْهَا,] Such a man took as his wife such a woman after another husband [and thus supplied his place]. (Z, TA.) ― -b3- خَلَفَ ُلَانًا, (aor. خَلُفَ , TA,) He took, or seized, such a one from behind him; (JK, * K;) as also ↓ اختلفهُ . (TA.) And hence, (TA,) خَلَفَ لَهُ بِالسَّيْفِ (JK, TA) He came to him from behind him, and smote his neck, or struck off his head, with the sword. (TA.) ― -b4- خَلَفَ فُلَانٌ بِعَقِبِى [is explained as meaning] Such a one stayed, or abode, after me. (Msb in art. عقب) [But] ― -b5- خَلَفَ بِعَقَبِ فُلَانٍ is said by some to mean إِِلَىخَالَفَهُ أَهْلِهِ [q. v.]: accord. to As, however, it means He parted with such a one on the condition of doing a certain thing, and then came behind him [or behind his back] and did another thing after parting with him: and Az says that this is a more correct explanation than the former one. (TA.) [Hence, app.,] one says also, إِِنَّ ا@مْرَأَةَ فُلَانٍ تَخْلُفُ زَوْجَهَا بِالنِّزَاعِ إِِلَى غَيْرِهِ إِِذَا غَابَ عَنْهَا [Verily the wife of such a one is unfaithful to her husband by yearning towards another when he is absent from her: or deceives her husband behind his back by yearning towards another; for it is implied, by an ex. given, that اذا غاب عنها is added by way of explanation]. (TA.) خَلَفَهُ also signifies He spoke of him, or mentioned him, [behind his back, or] when he was not present: so in the phrase, خَلَفَهُ بِخَيْرٍ or بِشَرٍّ [He spoke of him behind his back well or ill]. (TA.) And one says, يَخْلُفُ النَّاسَ مِنْ وَرَائِهِمْ [meaning He defames men behind their backs]: the action signified hereby is like غِيبَةٌ, and may be [by making signs] with the side of the mouth, and with the eye, and with the head. (TA in art. همز.) ― -b6- خَلَفَ عَنْ أَصْحَابِهِ, (K, TA,) aor. خَلُفَ , He remained behind, or after, his companions; did not go forth with them; as also أَصْحَابِهِقَعَدَ خِلَافَ [similar to a phrase mentioned near the beginning of this art.]; (TA;) i. q.تخلّف ; (K in explanation of the former phrase;) which is syn. with تَأَخَّرَ; (S, K;) as in the phrase تخلّف عَنِّى [which means He remained behind me, or after me]; (S;) [for] تخلّف عَنْهُ means بَقِىَ خَلْفَهُ; (Mgh;) and [in like manner] you say, تخلّف عَنِ لاقَوْمِ He remained behind, or after, the people, or party, not going with them; [he held back, or hung back, from them;] and ↓ قَعَدْتُ خِلَافَهُ [i. e. I remained] behind him, or after him; (Msb;) and ↓ خالف عَنَّا He remained behind us, or after us; syn. ↓ تخلّف . (TA, from a trad.) It is said in the Kur [xvii. 78], إِِلَّا قَلِيلًاوَ إِِذَا لَا يَلْبَثُونَ خِلَافَكَ , i. e. [But in that case they should not have remained] after thee [save a little while]: (JK, TA: *) so accord. to one reading [instead of خَلْفَكَ, which means the same]. (TA.) And in like manner, رَسُولِ ا@للّٰهِفَرِحَ المُخَلَّفُونَ بِمَقْعَدِهِمْ خِلَافَ , in the Kur [ix. 82], means [Those who were left behind rejoiced in their remaining] behind the Apostle of God: (S, TA:) or the meaning here is, مُخَالَفَةَ رسول اللّٰه [i. e. in disagreement with the Apostle of God]: (JK, S:) thus says Lh; but IB disagrees with him; saying that خلاف here means بَعْدَ; and cites six exs. in which it has this meaning, from poets. (TA.) ― -b7- [Hence,] خَلَفَ فُلَانٌ عَنْ كُلِّ خَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one was, or became, kept back from all good; i. e.,] did not prosper, or was not successful. (TA. [It is there added, that it is explained in the A as tropical, and as meaning تَغَيَّرَ وَفَسَدَ: but this is perhaps a mistake, occasioned by the accidental omission of وَخَلَفَ اللَّبَنُ or the like, of which this is a correct explanation: or the phrase thus explained in the TA, as from the A, may correctly mean He became altered for the worse, and corrupt; agreeably with other explanations of the verb below.]) ― -b8- خَلَفَ, aor. خَلُفَ , also signifies He (a man) retired, withdrew, or went away or apart. (JK.) And خَلَفَتْ نَفْسَهُ عَنِ الطَّعَامِ, aor. خَلُفَ , inf. n. خُلُوفٌ, (assumed tropical:) His soul turned away from, avoided, or shunned, the food, in consequence of disease. (JK, TA.) ― -b9- And He fled. (Ham p. 411.) ― -b10- And He (a man, Sgh) ascended a mountain. (Sgh, K.) -A2- See also 2, first sentence. -A3- خَلَفَ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. خُلُوفٌ, (Lh, Msb, TA, and Ham p. 679,) [inf. n. خُلُوفٌ,] said of the taste of water, It was, or became, different from, or contrary to, what it was thought to be: and [hence,] it was, or became, altered [for the worse]: (Ham ubi suprà:) [and] said of milk, (S, K,) and of food, (Lh, S, Msb, K,) and the like, (Lh, TA,) and some say خَلُفَ, (TA,) aor. خَلُفَ , inf. n. خُلُوفٌ, (Lh, TA,) of both verbs, (TA,) it was, or became, altered [for the worse] (Lh, S, Msb, K) in taste, or in odour; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اخلف : or, said of milk, the first signifies it became bad from being long kept; or, as in the A, (tropical:) what was good thereof became mixed (خُلِفَ, i. e. خُلِطَ,) with other milk: and ↓ اخلف , said of milk, signifies also it was, or became, sour: (TA:) and the first, said of [the beverage called] نَبِيذ, it became bad. (K.) Also, inf. n. خُلُوفٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and خُلُوفَةٌ (K) and خِلْفَةٌ, (L, TA,) said of the mouth (S, Mgh, Msb, K) of a person fasting, (S, Msb, K,) It was, or became, altered [for the worse] in odour; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اخلف . (S, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad. that the خُلُوف of the mouth of one who is fasting is sweeter in the estimation of God than the odour of musk: or, accord. to some of the lawyers and of the relaters of traditions, خَلُوف; but [SM says,] I think this to be a mistake, as several affirm it to be, while others say that it is of a bad dial. : accord. to one reading, it is خِلْفَة. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] خَلَفَ عَنْ خُلُقِ أَبِيهِ, (K,) aor. خَلُفَ , inf. n. خُلُوفٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, altered [for the worse] from the natural disposition of his father. (K, TA.) ― -b3- And خَلَفَ, (ISk, S, K,) inf. n. خَلْفٌ [or خُلُوفٌ]; or خَلْفَ, aor. خَلُفَ , inf. n. خَلَافَةٌ and خُلُوفٌ; (TA;) (assumed tropical:) He (a man) was, or became, bad, or corrupt. (ISk, S, K, TA.) ― -b4- And خَلَفَ, (K) inf. n. خَلَافَةٌ (IAth, K) and خُلُوفٌ, (K,) (assumed tropical:) He (a man) was, or became, stupid, or foolish; or one who had little, or no, intellect or understanding: (K, * TA:) or unprofitable: or a frequent promise-breaker: (IAth:) or خَلَفَ and ↓ اخلف , said of a slave, he was, or became, idiotic, deficient in intellect, or bereft of his intellect. (JK.) -A4- خَلَفَ, (K,) inf. n. خَلْفٌ; (S, * K, * TA;) and ↓ اخلف , and ↓ استخلف ; (S, K;) He drew water, (S, K, TA,) لِأَهْلِهِ for his family: [app. because he who does so leaves his family behind him: see 2, first sentence:] (K, TA:) [or] ↓ استخلف , said of a man, signifies اِسْتَعْذَبَ المَآء [app. as meaning he sought, or drew, or brought, sweet water: see art. عذب]: and, accord. to IAar, you say, القَوْمَأَخْلَفْتُ , meaning properly I carried sweet water to the people, or party, when they were in the [season, or herbage, called] رَبِيع and without sweet water, or when they were by salt water: إِِخْلَافٌ [as meaning the carrying, or drawing, of water,] being [properly] only in the ربيع: in other cases, metaphorically applied. (TA.) El-Hoteíäh says, “ ↓ لِزُغْبٍ كَأَوْلَادِ القَطَا رَاثَ خَلْفُهَا
عَلَى عَاجِزَاتِ النَّهْضِ حُمْرٍ حَوَاصِلُهْ
” (assumed tropical:) [To, or for, downy ones, like the young ones of the katà, whose procurer of water has been slow in coming to those lacking the power of spreading their wings for flight, red in their crops]: he means ↓ مِخْلِفُهَا [or خَالِفُهَا], and has put in the place of this the inf. n.: and by حواصله, accord. to Ks, he means حَوَاصِلُ مَا ذَكْرْنَا [the crops of what we have mentioned]: but Fr says that the ه relates to the زغب, exclusively of the عاجزات, which [latter] has the sign of the pl. ; for every pl. that has the form of a sing. may be imagined to be a sing., as in the saying of the poet, “ مِثْلُ الفِرَاخِ نُتِفَتْ حَوَاصِلُهْ
” [meaning “ like the young birds of which the crops have been plucked ”]; for الفراخ has not the sign of the pl., but has the form of a sing., like الكِتَاب and الحِجَاب: another says, [but this is very far-fetched,] that the ه relates to النهض, which [sometimes] means a place in the shoulderblade of the camel; and that the poet has used it metaphorically as belonging to the قطا. (S.) -A5- خَلَفَ الثَّوْبَ, (S,) or القَمِيصَ, aor. خَلُفَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. خَلْفٌ (Kr, TA) and خُلْفَةٌ, in some copies of the K خَلْفَةٌ, [so in my MS. copy of the K, and so in the TK,] and [in some] خُلَفٌ also, but these require consideration, (TA,) He took out from the garment, or shirt, the part that was worn out, (S, Msb, K,) that is, the middle part, which was worn out, (S, Msb,) and then sewed the [cut] edges together. (S, Msb, K.) And الثَّوْبَاخلف signifies the same as خَلَفَهُ, i. e. He repaired the garment [app. in any manner, or, as is implied in the S and TA, by substituting one piece for another]. (S, K, TA.) ― -b2- The saying, in a trad. of Hamneh, فَإِِذَا خَلَفَتْ ذٰلِكَ فَلْتَغْتَسِلْ, meaning (assumed tropical:) And when she has discriminated that period of days and nights during which she has been حَائِض, [she shall perform a complete ablution of herself,] is from خَلَفَ القَمِيص signifying as explained above. (Msb.) -A6- خَلَفَ signifies also He mixed [a thing with another thing; as, for instance, (see خُلِفَ in a passage above,) milk with other milk]: and he mixed saffron, and medicine, with water. (TA.) -A7- خَلَفَ بَيْتَهُ He put to, or made for, his tent, a pole, (K, TA,) termed a خَالِفَة, (TA,) in the hinder part thereof. (K TA.) -A8- خَلِفَ, aor. خَلَفَ , (K,) inf. n. خَلَفٌ, (S, K,) He (a camel) inclined towards one side. (S, K.) ― -b2- خَلَفٌ is also an inf. n. (of خَلِفَ, said of a man, TK) signifying The being أَخْلَف as meaning contrarious, hard in disposition, as though going with a leaning towards one side: ― -b3- and the being left-handed: ― -b4- and the being أَحْوَل [or squint-eyed]. (K.) -A9- خَلِفَتْ, aor. خَلَفَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. خَلَفٌ, (Msb, TA,) She (a camel) was, or became, pregnant. (Msb, K.)

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