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ذِرَاعٌ ذ , of a man, (Msb,) [The part] from the elbow to the extremities of the fingers; (Mgh, Msb;) the fore arm; syn. سَاعِدٌ [q. v.; thus corresponding to the سَاق of the leg]: (Lth, K:) and (tropical:) [the space] from the extremity of the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger: (M, Mgh, * K: [in the last of which, the space is plainly shown to be meant, like as the part is shown in the Msb to be meant in the explanation cited above from that work and the Mgh: see also جَرِيبٌ:]) in both these senses, sometimes masc., (K,) accord. to Kh: (TA:) J says, (TA,) as relating to the arm, it is masc. and fem.; but Sb says that it is fem.: (S, TA:) [Mtr says,] it is fem.: (Mgh:) [Fei says,] the measure so called is in most instances fem.: accord. to ISk, it is fem.; but some of the Arabs make it masc.: Fr says that it is fem.; but that some of [the tribe named] 'Okl make it masc.: As did not know an instance of its being masc.: and Zj says that such an instance is extr.; not choice: (Msb:) the measure thus called, [i. e. the cubit,] (Msb,) the ذِرَاعٌ مُكَسَّرَة [or cubit which is divided into fractions], (Mgh,) is six قَبَضَات [or fists] (Mgh, Msb) of middling measure; (Msb;) and this is called ذِرَاعُ العَمَامَّةِ [the cubit of the common people, or the common cubit], because it wants one قَبْضَة [or fist] of what is called ذِرَاعُ المَلِكِ [the cubit of the king], namely one of the Kisràs, (Mgh, Msb,) not the last of them, whose ذراع was seven قَبَضَات: (Mgh:) [see also مِيلٌ: it is also an astronomical measure; and as such, it seems, from several instances in which it is mentioned by Kzw and other writers, to be, probably, by rule, two degrees; nearly the half, or quarter, of the length assigned in different instances to the measure termed رُمْحٌ; but, like the latter, not precise nor uniform in every instance:] the dim. is ↓ ذُرِيَّعَةٌ , with ة because it is fem.; (TA;) or ↓ ذُرَيْعٌ [or ↓ ذُرَيِّعٌ , without ة, accord. to those who make it masc.]: (L voce حَرْبٌ:) the pl. is أَذْرُعٌ and ذُرْعَانٌ; (O, Msb, K;) or, accord. to Sb, the former only; (S, Msb;) and Sb adds, they have given it this form of pl. because it is fem.; meaning, that فِعَالٌ and فُعَالٌ and فَعِيلٌ, when fem., have the pl. of the measure أَفْعُلٌ. (TA.) In the phrase الثَّوْبُ سَبْعٌ فِى ثَمَانِيَةٍ [The garment, or piece of cloth, is seven cubits by eight spans], they say سبع because أَذْرُع is fem., and ثمانية because أَشْبَار is masc.; (S; [and the like is said in the Mgh;]) and because the length is measured by the ذراع, and the breadth by the شِبْر. (S in art. ثمن.) ذِرَاعٌ is also used as an epithet, applied to a masc. n.: thus they say, هٰذَا ثَوْبٌ ذِرَاعٌ [This is a garment, or piece of cloth, a cubit in length]. (Kh.) You say also, هُوَ مِنِّى عَلَى حَبْلِ الذِّرَاعِ It is prepared, or made ready, on my part: (S:) and هُوَ لَكَ عَلَى حَبْلِ الذِّرَاعِ I will pay it to thee in ready money: or it is prepared, or made ready, for thee: the حبل being a certain vein in the ذراع. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence several tropical significations:] see ذَرْعٌ, in six places: and see also ذَرَاعٌ. ― -b3- Hence also, (Z, TA,) (tropical:) The instrument with which one measures the length of the ذراع [or cubit], (S, Z, O, Mgh, K,) made of a piece of wood, (Mgh,) or whether it be iron or a rod of wood. (O, K.) ― -b4- [Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) A sleeve: as in the phrase ثَوْبٌ مُوَشَّى الذِّرَاعِ (assumed tropical:) [a garment, or piece of cloth, variegated, or figured, in the sleeve]: pl. ↓ مَذَارِعُ , a pl. not agreeing with its sing., like مَلَامِحُ and مَحَاسِنُ. (TA.) ― -b5- Of the fore legs of bulls or cows, and of sheep or goats, [The arm; i. e.] the part above the كُرَاع: and of the fore legs of camels and horses and mules and asses, [likewise the arm; i. e.] the part above the وَظِيف: (K:) [also the arm-bone of any of the animals here mentioned:] accord. to Lth, (TA,) of any animal, [but this is by synecdoche, (assumed tropical:) the fore leg;] i. q. يَدٌ; (Msb, TA;) applying to the whole of whatever is called thus: (TA:) [thus, again, corresponding to سَاقٌ; this latter term, in like manner, having a proper and a synecdochical acceptation. Hence the prov.] لَا تُطْعِمِ العَبْدَ الكُرَاعَ فَيَطْمَعَ فِى الذِّرَاعِ [Feed not thou the slave with the shank, lest he covet the arm]. (K.) ― -b6- [Hence,] الذِّرَاعُ, also called ذِرَاعُ الأَسَد (assumed tropical:) Two bright stars, which are one of the Mansions of the Moon: (S:) [there are two asterisms thus called; together, الذِّرَعَانِ: one of them is] الذِّرَاعُ المَبْسُوطَةُ, [also called ذِرَاعُ الأَسَدِ المَبْسُوطَةُ,] the two bright stars [ α and β ] in the heads of Gemini: (Kzw in his description of Gemini:) [the other is called الذِّرَاعُ المَقْبُوضَةُ, and] ذِرَاعُ الأَسَدِ المَقْبُوضَةُ, the two bright stars [ α and β ] of Canis Minor: (Kzw in his description of Canis Minor:) [hence it appears that the ancient Arabs, or many of them, extended the figure of Leo (as they did also that of Scorpio) far beyond the limits which we assign to it: the former ذراع accord. to those who make النَّوْءُ to signify “ the auroral rising, ” but the latter accord. to those who make it to signify “ the auroral setting, ” is the Seventh Mansion of the Moon: the following descriptions in Kzw's account of the Mansions of the Moon, and in the O and K and TA, are obscure and inaccurate:] الذِّرَاعُ is one of the Mansions of the Moon, (O, Kzw, K,) and is called ذراع الاسد المقبوضة, (O, Kzw,) or ذراع الاسد المبسوطة: (K:) the lion has a ذراع which is مبسوطة and a ذراع which is مقبوضة, (O, Kzw, K,) and this is the one next to Syria, (O, K,) or on the left, (Kzw,) and in it the moon has a mansion; the مبسوطة being next to El-Yemen, (O, K,) or on the right; (Kzw;) [but this description of their relative positions should be reversed, as is shown by what precedes and by what follows;] each being two stars, between which is the measure of a سَوْط [or whip]; (O;) and the latter is higher in the sky, and more extended, than the other, (O, K,) wherefore it is called مبسوطة; (O;) and sometimes the moon deviates, and so has a mansion in it: (O, K:) [it is said in the TA that الذراع is also a name of one of the asterisms (نُجُوم) of الجَوْزَآء; but this is the same that is called the مبسوطة:] it rises [at dawn] on the fourth of تَمُّوز [or July O. S.], and sets [at dawn] on the fourth of كَانُون الآخِر [or January, O. S.]: (O, Kzw: [and so in the K, except that in this last, it is erroneously said to set in كَانُون الأَوَّل:]) so says IKt: but Ibráheem El-Harbee says that it rises on the seventh of تمّوز, and sets on the sixth of كانون الآخر. (O, TA.) [See مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل; and see also نَوْءٌ, and نَكْبَآءُ.] The rhyming prosaist of the Arabs says, إِِذَا طَلَعَتِ الذِّرَاعْ حَسَرَتِ الشَّمْسُ القِنَاعْ وَا@سْتَعْلَتْ فِى الأُفُقِ الشُّعَاعْ وَ تَرَقْرَقَ السَّرَابُ فِى كُلِّ قَاعْ [When the Dhiráa rises at dawn, the sun puts off the veil, and the rays ascend in the horizon, and the mirage flickers, or glistens, in every plain]. (TA.) And the Arabs assert that when there is no rain [at any other season] in the year, the ذراع does not break its promise, though it be but a بَغْشَة [or weak shower of rain]: (Kzw, TA:) [or] its نَوْء is approved, and seldom does it break its promise. (Kzw.) ― -b7- ذِرَاعٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A certain mark made with a hot iron upon the arm (ذراع) of a camel: (S, K:) and is a mark of the Benoo-Thaalebeh in El-Yemen, and of some persons of the Benoo-Málik-Ibn-Saad. (K.) ― -b8- Also (tropical:) The fore part of a spear or spear-shaft: (K, TA:) this is called (S, TA) also (TA) ذِرَاعُ الَعَامِلِ. (S, TA.)

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