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1 سَتَرَ ذ , aor. سَتُرَ (S, M) and سَتِرَ , (M,) inf. n. سَتْرٌ (S, M) and سَتَرٌ, (M,) He, or it, veiled, concealed, or hid, a thing; (M;) covered it: (S:) and ↓ ستّر signifies the same, (M,) [or has an intensive sense, or denotes frequency or repetition of the action, or its application to many objects: accord. to Golius, “ sub velo, obtenso eo [sic], ne quis vir intueretur eam, custodivit puellam: et clam asservavit habuitque eam: ” as on the authority of the KL: in which I find nothing of the kind but تَسْتِيرٌ expl. by the words در پرده داشتن (to have or hold, within a curtain.] ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) He protected another. (The Lexicons passim.) -A2- سَتُرَتْ, inf. n. سَتَارَةٌ, (tropical:) She (a woman) was, or became, سَتِيرَة, (A,) i. e., modest, or bashful. (M.) ― -b2- And سَتُرَ, inf. n. سِتْرٌ, (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, intelligent. (M.) 2 سَتَّرَ see the preceding paragraph. 3 سَاتَرَهُ العَدَاوَةَ ذ , inf. n. مُسَاتَرَةٌ, (tropical:) [He concealed enmity with him]. (A.) [See also the act. part. n., below.] 5 تَسَتَّرَ and 7: see the next paragraph. 8 استتر ذ and ↓ تستّر (S, M, K) and ↓ انستر (IAar, M) It became veiled, concealed, or hidden; or it veiled, concealed, or hid, itself: (M:) it became covered; or it covered itself. (S, K.) ― -b2- [Hence,] فُلَانٌ لَا يَسْتَتِرُ مِنَ ا@للّٰهِ بِسِتْرٍ (tropical:) [Such a one does not protect himself from the displeasure of God by piety; i. e.,] such a one does not fear God. (A, TA.) سِتْرٌ ذ and ↓ سُتْرَةٌ [which latter see also below] and ↓ سِتَارَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ سِتَارٌ (K) and ↓ سَتَرَةٌ and ↓ إِِسْتَارٌ (TA) and ↓ إِِسْتَارَةٌ , (M, K,) which last is only known to occur in one instance, in a trad., (M, TA,) and ↓ مِسْتَرٌ , (M, K,) Anything by which a person or thing is veiled, concealed, hidden, or covered; a veil; a curtain; a screen; a cover; a covering; a covert; (S, M, K:) [and the first and second, anything by which one is protected, or sheltered:] the pl. of سِتْرٌ is سُتُورٌ and أَسْتَارٌ (S, M, K) [the latter a pl. of pauc.] and سُتُرٌ; (M, TA;) which last is also pl. of ↓ سِتَارٌ , (K,) like as كُتُبٌ is of كِتَابٌ; (TA;) and the pl. of ↓ سِتَارَةٌ is سَتَائِرُ. (S, K.) ↓ [Hence the phrase] هَتَكَ ا@للّٰهُ سِتْرَهُ [lit., God rent open, or may God rend open, his veil, or covering; meaning,] (tropical:) God manifested, or made known, or may God manifest, or make known, his vices, or faults: (A:) [or God disgraced, or dishonoured, him, or exposed him to disgrace, or dishonour, or may God disgrace or dishonour him &c.] And مَدَّ اللَّيْلُ أَسْتَارَهُ (tropical:) [Night spread its curtains]. (A.) And اللَّيْلِأَمُدُّ إِِلَى ا@للّٰهِ يَدَىَّ تَحْتَ سِتَارِ (tropical:) [I stretch forth my hands in supplication to God beneath the veil of night]. (A.) ― -b2- سِتْرٌ also signifies (tropical:) Fear. (K.) [Because by it one protects himself from the displeasure of God. See 8.] And (tropical:) Modesty, or bashfulness. (K.) One says, مَا لِفُلَانٍ سِتْرٌ وَ لَا حِجْرٌ (tropical:) Such a one has not modesty nor intelligence. (TA.) ― -b3- And Intelligence; syn. عَقْلٌ. (M.) In the K it is explained by عَمَلٌ; but this appears to be a mistranscription, for عَقْلٌ. (TA.) سَتَرٌ ذ A shield. (M, K.) سُتْرَةٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ. ― -b2- Its predominant application is to A thing which a person praying sets up before him; [sticking it in the ground, or laying it down if the ground be hard, in order that no living being or image may be the object next before him;] such as a whip, and a staff having a pointed iron at its lower extremity. (Mgh.) [See عَنَزَةٌ: and see my “ Modern Egyptians, ” 5th ed., p. 72.] ― -b3- Also A parapet, or surrounding wall, of a flat house-top. (Mgh.) ― -b4- And i. q. ظُلَّةٌ [q. v.]. (Mgh.) سَتَرَةٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ. سِتَرَةٌ ذ : see سَتِيرٌ, in two places. سِتَارٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ, in three places. سَتِيرٌ ذ (S, M, K) and ↓ مَسْتُورٌ , (S, A, K,) applied to a man, (S, A, &c.,) and سَتِيرَةٌ (S, M, A, K) and سَتِيرٌ and ↓ سَتِرَةٌ , (M,) applied to a girl (S) or female, (M, &c.,) [properly Veiled, concealed, or covered. ― -b2- And hence,] (tropical:) Modest; bashful; (M;) chaste: (S, K:) pl. of سَتِيرٌ, as masc., سُتَرَآءُ; (M;) and of ↓ مَسْتُورٌ , [مَسْتُورُونَ and] مَسَاتِيرُ; (A;) and, app. of سَتِيرٌ [as fem.] and سَتِيرَةٌ also, سَتَائِرُ; and the pl. of ↓ سَتِرَةٌ is سَتِرَاتٌ only, accord. to a rule laid down by Sb. (M.) ― -b3- شَجَرٌ سَتِيرٌ (tropical:) Trees having many boughs or branches. (A.) -A2- سَتِيرٌ applied to God is of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Veiling, or protecting; a veiler, or protector. (TA.) سِتَارَةٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ, in two places. ― -b2- Also The piece of skin that is upon the nail. (K.) سَتَّارٌ ذ One who veils, or conceals, [much, or often; or who does so] well. (KL.) [Hence,] اَللّٰهُ سَتَّارُ العُيُوبِ (tropical:) God is He who is wont to veil vices, or faults]. (A.) ― -b2- And The keeper of the curtain [that hangs over, and closes, the door of a chamber]. (MA.) إِِسْتَارٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ. -A2- Also Four: (S, M, A, K:) said by Aboo-Sa'eed and Az to be arabicized, from the Pers. چَهَارْ: pl. أَسَاتِيرُ and أَسَاتِرُ. (TA.) It is applied to men: (S, M:) and you also say, أَكَلْتُ إِِسْتَارًا مِنَ الخَبْزِ meaning I have eaten four cakes of bread. (TA.) ― -b2- And The fourth of a party of people. (TA.) ― -b3- And The weight of four mithkáls (مَثَاقِيل) and a half: (S, K: [see رِطْلٌ:]) likewise arabicized: (Az:) [app. from the Greek σατὴρ :] pl. أَسَاتِيرُ. (S.) إِِسْتَارَةٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ. مِسْتَرٌ ذ : see سِتْرٌ. مَسْتُورٌ ذ : see سَتِيرٌ, in two places. ― -b2- حِجَابًا مَسْتُورًا, in the Kur xvii. 47, means A veil covered by another veil; implying the thickness of the veil: (S:) or مستورا is here of the measure مَفْعُولٌ in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ, like مَأْتِيًّا in the Kur xix. 62, (S, M,) which some say is the only other instance of the kind; (TA;) and Th explains it as signifying preventing, or hindering, or obstructing; and says that it is of the measure مَفْعُولْ because the veil itself is hidden from man. (M.) جَارِيَةٌ مُسَتَّرَةٌ ذ A girl kept behind, or within, the curtain. (S.) هُوَ مُدَاجٍ مُسَاتِرٌ ذ (tropical:) [He is a wheedler, or cajoler, who conceals enmity]. (A.)

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