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كَرٌّ ذ A rope [made in the form of a hoop] by means of which one ascends a palm-tree; (S, K;) accord. to A'Obeyd, a name not applied to any other rope; and so, says Az, I have heard from the Arabs; it is made of the best of [the fibres of the palm-tree called] لِيف: (TA:) or a thick rope; (K;) accord. to AO, made of لِيف, and of the outer covering (قِشْر) of the [portions of the racemes of the palm-tree called] عَرَجِين and of the [portion of the branch called] عَسِيب: (TA:) or a rope, in general: (Th, K:) and the rope [or sheet] of a sail: (S:) or the rope of a ship: or the rope by which a ship is drawn: (TA:) and a قَيْد [or pair of shackles, or hobbles,] made of لِيف or of palm-leaves: (K:) pl. كُرُورٌ. (S, TA.) -A2- The thing that connects the [two pieces of wood called] ظَلِفَتَانِ of the [kind of camel's saddle called] رَحْل, (S, K,) and that enters [or is inserted] into them: (S:) [See شَجْرٌ and شَخْرٌ:] or the skin, or leather, into which the ظَلِفَات of the رَحْل enter; occupying the same place in the رَحْل as the بِدَادَانِ have in the قَتَب, excepting that the بدادان do not appear before the ظَلِفَة: (TA:) pl. أَكْرَارٌ. (S, TA.)

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