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كُلْبَةٌ ذ The shop of a vintner. (AHn, K.) -A2- The hairs that grow upon each side of the fore part of the nose and mouth of a dog or cat: (Z, K:) wrongly explained as signifying the nails of a dog. (Z.) -A3- A thong, or a strand (طَاقَة) of the fibres of the palm-tree (لِيف), with which skins and the like are sewed: (K, TA:) [see إِِقْتَفَأَ:] or a thong, or [so in the O and in the TA, art. قفأ; but here, in the latter, instead of “ or, ” “ behind, ” which is evidently a mistake;] a strand (طَاقَة) of the fibres of the palm-tree, used in the same manner as the shoe-maker's awl that has, at its head, a perforation ثَقْبٌ [so in the O, in the TA حجر a strange mistranscription: what is meant is doubtless an eye, like that of a needle, and it is by means of an implement with an eye at the end that the operation here described is commonly performed in the present day:] the thong, or the thread, or string, is inserted into the كلبة, which is doubled: thus it enters the place [or hole] of the sewing, and the sewer introduces his hand into the إِِدَاوَة [q.v., i. e., the vessel upon which he is employed in working], and stretches the thong of leather, or the thread, or string, (O, L, TA,) in the كلبة. (L, TA.) [See كَلَبَ.]

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