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1 كَارَ العِمَامَةَ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ ذ , (S, A, Msb, *) aor. يَكُورُ, (S, Msb,) inf. n. كَوْرٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He wound round the turban upon his head; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ كوّرها , inf. n. تَكْوِيرٌ: (S, A, K:) or the latter has an intensive signification [app. meaning he wound it round many times upon his head; or in many folds]: and hence you say, الشَّىْءَكوّر he wound the thing in a round form. (Msb.) -A2- Hence the saying, حَارَ بَعْدَ مَا كَارَ, (Zj, in TA, art. حور,) (assumed tropical:) He became in a bad state of affairs after he had been in a good state: or he became in a state of defectiveness after he had been in a state of redundance. (TA, art. حور.) See also كَوْرٌ, below. -A3- كَارَ, (TA,) inf. n. كَوْرٌ, (K,) He carried a كَارَة, q. v., (K, TA,) upon his back; (TA;) as also ↓ استكار . (K, TA.) 2 كَوَّرَ see 1, in two places. -A2- إِِذَا الشَّمْسُ كُوِّرَتْ, in the Kur [lxxxi. 1,] When the sun shall be wound round [with darkness] like a turban: (AO, S:) or shall be wrapped up and effaced: (AO accord. to the S, or Akh accord. to the TA:) or shall be wrapped up and have its light taken away: (Jel:) or shall have its light collected together and wrapped up like as a turban is wrapped: (TA:) or shall be folded up like as a سِجِلّ [or scroll] is folded up: (Msb:) or shall lose its light: (Fr, Katádeh, S:) or shall be divested of its light: ('Ikrimeh:) or shall be blinded; syn. عَوِّرَتْ: (I'Ab, S:) or shall pass away and come to nought: or shall be collected together and cast down into the depth below; syn. دُهْوِرَتْ: (both of which are explanations given by Mujáhid:) or shall be cast away. (Er-Rabeea Ibn-Kheythem.) -A3- يُكَوِّرُ ا@للَّيْلَ عَلَى ا@لنَّهَارِ (Kur xxxix. 7) He maketh the night to be a covering upon the day: or He addeth of the night to the day: (S:) or He maketh the night to overtake the day: (TA:) or He bringeth in the night upon the day: (K:) from كَوَّرَ العِمَامَةَ: all of which meanings are nearly alike. (TA.) -A4- كوّر المَتَاعَ, (A, K:) inf. n. تَكْوِيرٌ, (S,) He collected together the goods and bound or tied them: (S, K:) or he put the goods one upon another. (A.) -A5- طَعَنَهُ فَكَوَّرَهُ, (inf. n. as above, TA,) He smote and pierced him [with his spear], and threw him down gathered together, or in a heap. (S, Msb, K. *) ― -b2- ضَرَبَهَ فَكَوَّرَهُ He smote him, and threw him down prostrate: (K, * TA:) [like جَوَّرَهُ:] or كوّرهُ signifies he prostrated him, whether he smote him or not. (TA.) 5 تكوّر ذ He fell upon his side, and drew himself together; syn. تَقَطَّرَ وَتَشَمَّرَ: (S, K:) or he wrapped himself up, and tucked up his garment, or skirt, or the like; syn. تَلَفَّفَ وَتَشَمَّرَ. (TA.) ― -b2- He fell; fell down. (S, K.) ― -b3- He became prostrated; as also ↓ إِِكْتَارَ : (K:) or اكتار signifies he prostrated a thing, one part upon another. (TA.) 8 اكتار ذ He turbaned himself; attired himself with a turban. (Sgh, K.) -A2- See also 5. 10 إِِسْتَكْوَرَ see 1, last signification. كَوْرٌ ذ , (S, Msb,) an inf. n. used as a subst., (Msb,) or ↓ كُورٌ , (ISh, T, A,) A turn, or twist, of a turban: (ISh, T, A, Msb:) pl. أَكْوَارٌ. (A, Msb.) You say, العِمَامَةُ عِشْرُونَ كُورًا [The turban is composed of twenty turns], and عَشَرَةُ أَكْوَارٍ [ten turns]. (A.) -A2- Increase; or redundance. (S, A, Msb.) Hence the saying, نَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الحَوْرِ بَعْدَ الكَوْرِ (S, A, Msb) We have recourse to God for preservation from decrease, or defectiveness, after increase, or redundance: (S, Msb:) or, as it is also related, بَعْدَ الكَوْنِ, which means the same: or the meaning is, from return to disobedience after obedience: (Msb:) or from return after pursuing a right course. (TA.) See also حَوْرٌ. كُورٌ ذ : see كَوْرٌ. -A2- A camel's [saddle of the kind called] رَحْل: (K, TA:) as also ↓ مَكْوَرٌ (K) and ↓ مُكْوَرٌّ , the latter with damm to the م and teshdeed to the ر: (TS, L:] or a رَحْل with its apparatus: (S, Msb, K:) pronounced by many كَوْرٌ; but this is a mistake: (IAth:) pl. [of pauc.] أَكْوَارٌ (S, Msb, K) and أَكْوُرٌ, (K,) and (of mult., TA) كِيرَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and كُورَانٌ and كُؤُورٌ, which last, says ISd, is extr. as a pl. form of a sing. such as كور with an infirm letter. (TA.) -A3- A blacksmith's fire-place; (S, * A, Msb;) his مَجْمَرَة; (K;) constructed of clay: (S, Msb, K: *) and also said to signify the skin [with which he blows his fire]: (Msb, TA:) or this latter is called [only] كِيرٌ: (A, in the present art.; and S, Msb, K, art. كير:) an arabicized word. (Msb.) -A4- [A hornets', or bees', nest;] the place, (S, K,) or structure, (TA,) of hornets: (الزَّنَابِير, S, K [in the CK, الدَّنَانِير, which is a mistake:]) or of bees: (accord. to a trad. cited in the TA:) pl. أَكْوَارٌ. (TA.) See also كُوَارَةٌ. كَارَةٌ ذ A bundle (حَالٌ) which a man carries on his back: or a bundle (عِكْمٌ) of clothes, put in one piece of cloth [and tied up]: such is that of the قَصَّار [or beater and washer and whitener of clothes]: (TA:) or the كارة is what is carried on the back, [being a bundle] of clothes: (S:) or what are put together and tied up [in a wrapper] of clothes: (Msb:) or a certain quantity of wheat; (K, TA;) which a man carries on his back: (TA:) pl. كَارَاتٌ. (A, Msb.) [See also عَجَلَةٌ.] كُورَةٌ ذ A province, district, or tract of country; a quarter, or region; syn. صُقْعٌ: (S, Msb, K:) a مِخْلَاف [q. v.] of a country; i. e., a قَرْيَةٌ [which properly signifies a town or village] of the قُرًى of El-Yemen: (M, TA:) [but مخلاف is generally used in the first of the senses here assigned to كورة:] and also a city: (S, Msb, K:) [or a provincial city: but the first of these significations is the most common, as is implied in the Msb: see also بَنْدٌ:] pl. كُوَرٌ, (S, Msb, K,) like as غُرَفٌ is pl. of غُرْفَةٌ. (Msb.) IDrd says, I do not think it Arabic. (TA.) [Perhaps from the Greek χῶρα .] كِوَارٌ ذ and كِوَارَةٌ: see كُوَارَةٌ. كُوَارَةُ نَحْلٍ ذ , (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ كُوَّارَة , (Msb, K,) written in both these ways in the T, in explanation of the word عَمِيرَةٌ, (Mgh,) and ↓ كِوَارَة , (T, TS, L, K,) and ↓ كِوَار , (T, TS, L, Msb,) A bee-hive; or habitation of bees; syn. خَلِيَّةٌ: (Msb:) or a bee-hive, when made of clay: (El-Ghooree, in Mgh:) or a bee-hive, or habitation of bees, when containing honey: (Msb:) or a thing made for bees, of twigs, (T, Mgh, TS,) or of clay, (TS, K,) or of twigs and clay, accord. to most copies of the K, or of twigs only, accord. to most of the lexicologists, (TA,) like a قِرْطَالَة [an asses' pannier], (T, Mgh, TS,) narrow at the head, (T, Mgh, TS, K,) in which they make their honey: (TA:) or the honey of bees in the wax: (S, Msb, K:) or ↓ كُوَّارَاتٌ [pl. of كُوَّارَةٌ] signifies domestic bee-hives; as also كَوَائِرٌ. (AHn, K.) [Of the latter pl., it is said in the TA, that ISd holds it to be pl., not of كوارة, but, of كُوَّرَة: but the passage seems to be corrupt.] كُوَّارَةٌ ذ : see كُوَارَةٌ. مَكْوَرٌ ذ : see كُورٌ. مِكْوَرٌ ذ and ↓ مِكْوَرَةٌ and ↓ مِكْوَارَةٌ A turban. (IAar, Sgh, K.) مُكْوَرٌّ ذ : see كُورٌ. مِكْوَرَةٌ ذ : see مِكْوَرٌ. مِكْوَارَةٌ ذ : see مِكْوَرٌ.

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