mega má, mátta, mátt v
to be able to do, with acc; eigi eru Asynjur úhelgari ok eigi megu þær minna, they are not less powerful; svá at vér mættim ekki, so that we could do nothing; m betr, to be the stronger; m við em, to be able to withstand one (hann mun ekki m einn við mörgum); skulu mikit þín orð m við mik, thy words shall have much weight with me;
of health; m vel, to be well; m lítt, illa, to be poorly (hann spurpi, hversu hann mætti �Eigi má ek nú vel, sagði hann); m em, to do for one (má yðr þat, er yfir margan gengr);
with infin, to be able; mátt þú sjá hana, ef þú vill, thou canst see her, if thou wilt; hann mátti ekki mæla, he could say nothing;
to be permitted, allowed (hann mátti aldri tala til Kjartans, svá at �orkell var hjá); nú man eigi m sitjanda hlut í eiga, one must not remain sitting, be inactive;
ellipt, the verb being understood (lemja man ek bogann, ef ek má); ferr þat sem má, go that as it may; má, at, it is possible that; þeir spurðu hversu þat mætti, how that could be