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[p. 97]

Index to Births, deaths, and Marriages, published in Nos. I, 2, and 3 of register.

Albree, Elizabeth, 95.

Joseph, 93.

Ballard, Mary, 95.

Bizdue, Phillip, 62.

Blanchard, Johanna, 93.

Mercy, 27.

Ruth, 61.

Sarah, 26, 96.

Brad—, Elizabeth, 26.

Bradshaw, Abigail, 62.

Elizabeth, 64.

Hannah, 62.

John, 27.

Jonathan, 28.

Mary, 26, 93.

Patience, 93.

Ruth, 26.

Samuel, 29.

Sarah, 27 (2), 28.

Simon, 64.

Stephen, 64.

Susanna, 61.

Bradstreet, Ann, 61.

Dudley, 60.

John, 28.

Lucy, 63.

Brookhouse (Brocus), John, 28.

Brooks, Abigail, 28.

Caleb, 27, 28.

Ebenezer, 28.

Hannah, 60, 64.

Mary, 61, 62.

Rebecca, 63.

Samuel, 29, 64.

Sarah, 61, 62.

Susan, 26.

Thomas, 62.

Chadwick, Joseph, 94.

Ruth, 95.

Chamberlain, Jacob, 27.

Chickering, Mercy, 28.

Chubb, Sarah, 96.

Cleveland, Abigail, 63.

Cotton, Mercy, 25.

Cummings, Mary, 95.

Cutter, Elizabeth, 26, 60.

Hannah, 61.

Lydia, 61.

Dana, Elizabeth, 25.

Dill, Mary, 64.

Thomas, 64, 96.

Edes, John, 94.

Nathan, 96.

Elliott, Mary, 28.

Farwell, Dorothy, 95.

Elizabeth, 63.

Isaac, 94, 96 (2).

John, 64.

Mary, 64.

William, 92.

Francis, Anna, 28.

Ebenezer, 60, 6 (2), 63.

John, 62.

Joseph, 28.

Francis, Lydia, 26, 60, 61.

Samuel, 28.

Fox, Abigail, 25.

Ebenezer, 26.

Hannah, 25 (2).

Isaac, 25.

John, 25.

Samuel, 26.

Thomas, 27.

Frost, Elizabeth, 62.

Samuel, 61.

Gardiner, Thomas, 61.

Gillegrane, John, 96.

Greatton, John, 93.

Sarah, 94, 95.

Grover, Matthew, 61.

Hall, Abigail, 63.

Andrew, 28.

Edward, 63.

Elizabeth, 62 (2), 94, 95.

Grace, 28, 96.

Hester, 60.

Jane, 28.

Jemima, 29.

John, 26 (3), 61, 94.

Jonathan, 25, 61.

Joseph, 61.

Josiah, 62, 63.

Lydia, 62.

Martha, 63.

Nathaniel, 26, 60, 62.

Percival, 28.

Ruth, 92, 94.

Sarah, 25, 61, 62.

Stephen, 27, 61.

Susanna, 61, 62.

Tabitha, 62.

Thomas, 25, 61 (2), 92.

William, 25, 27 (4), 62.

Zacheus, 94.

Harris, Abner, 93.

Elizabeth, 93.

Lauran Jackson, 93.

Thomas, 94.

Kidder, Dorothy, 28.

Hannah, 28.

Larrabee, John, 94.

Leathe, Benjamin, 94.

Leatherbee, Hannah, 64.

Margaret, 64.

Lock, Elizabeth, 95.

Samuel, 93.

Manser, Lydia, 95, 96.

Muzzey, John, 64.

Newhall, Lydia, 63.

Nutting, Benjamin, 92.

John, 64.

Josiah, 63.

Mary, 93.

Oakes, Elizabeth, 96.

Patten, Aaron, 96.

John, 94.

William, 60.

Patterson, James, 63. [p. 98]

Peirce, Abigail, 64.

Benonie, 93.

Benjamin, 61, 64.

Eleanor, 64.

Francis, 62.

Hannah, 61.

Jonathan, 95.

Lydia, 63.

Mary, 93.

Nathaniel, 60, 94.

Rebecca, 95.

Robert, 94.

Sarah, 64 (2).

Susanna, 95.

Thomas, 94.

Polly, Elizabeth, 95.

Ruth, 96.

Samuel, 94.

Porter, Aaron, 93.

Margaret, 96.

Susanna, 95.

Purchase, Sarah, 63.

Reuben, a Negro, 96.

Richardson, Abigail, 95.

Joshua, 94.

Mary, 96.

Russell, Phillip, 62.

Sargent, Joseph, 95.

Seccomb, Anne, 93.

Charles, 92.

John, 63 (3).

Jonathan, 93.

Peter, 61.

Thomas, 92.

Willis, 62.

Sheppard, Jacob, 28, 29.

Solomon, Ann, 62.

Tufts, Abigail, 63.

Anna, 25, 28.

Cotton, 26 (2).

Dorothy, 27 (2), 28 (2), 62.

Elizabeth, 25.

Henry, 95.

John, 26 (3).

Jonathan, 26 (3), 63.

Joseph, 61.

Lydia, 63.

Mary, 25, 26.

Mercy, 26 (2), 27, 28 (2), 94, 95.

Nathaniel, 27.

Persis, 28.

Peter, 25 (2), 93, 94.

Rebecca, 27.

Samuel, 27 (2), 28, 64 (2).

Sarah, 61.

Simon, 60.

Thomas, 25, 92.

Wade, Abigail, 95.

Anne, 26.

Wade, Dorothy, 26 (2), 63, 93.

Dudley, 26.

Jonathan, 26 (2), 62.

Lydia, 93.

Mercy, 25, 62, 95.

Nathan, 63.

Nathaniel, 25, 63.

Rebecca, 93.

Samuel, 26, 63, 95.

Sarah, 93.

Susanna, 28.

Wait, Mercy, 95.

Sarah, 93, 95.

Whitmore, Abigail, 25.

Anna, 63, 95.

Elizabeth, 95.

Elliot, 64 (2).

Francis, 25, 94.

Hannah, 61 (2).

John, 25, 92.

Martha, 95.

Mary, 63.

Mercy, 94, 95.

Rachel, 92.

Sarah, 61.

Susanna, 64.

Wier, Catherine, 63.

Eleazer, 62.

Elizabeth, 62.

Prudence, 62.

Susanna, 62.

Willis, Abigail, 25, 60.

Andrew, 27.

Benjamin, 26.

Deborah, 61.

Elizabeth, 25.

Elliot, 61 (2).

George, 92.

Grace, 94.

Hannah, 61.

Hester, 61.

Jane, 25.

John, 25, 27 (2).

Jonathan, 25, 63, 93 (2).

Mary, 26, 60, 61, 64, 94 (2).

Mercy, 94.

Patience, 64.

Stephen, 25, 28, 93.

Susanna, 28, 60.

Thomas, 25, 61, 62, 64.

William, 25.

Woodward, Abigail, 26.

Amos, 27.

Daniel, 25 (2).

Elizabeth, 25.

Mary, 25.

Sarah, 26.

Susanna, 27.


Number previously reported, 218.

Brown, Edward D.

Davenport, Miss, Viola.

Kennedy, Miss Alice J.

Libby, John F.

Parker, Mrs. Anne B.

Remele, Geo. H.

Rymmes, Arthur C.

Weed, Wm. Henry.

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Anna (2)
Andrew (2)
Abigail Woodward (1)
Stephen Willis (1)
Abigail Willis (1)
Catherine Wier (1)
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Abigail Wade (1)
Abigail Tufts (1)
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Abigail Richardson (1)
Geo Remele (1)
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Lydia Manser (1)
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Abigail Fox (1)
Dorothy Farwell (1)
Mary Elliott (1)
John Edes (1)
Dorothy (1)
Mary Dill (1)
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Abigail Cleveland (1)
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Mercy Chickering (1)
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David H. Brown (1)
Abigail Brooks (1)
Brookhouse (1)
Ann Bradstreet (1)
Abigail Bradshaw (1)
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Johanna Blanchard (1)
Phillip Bizdue (1)
Mary Ballard (1)
Arthur (1)
Anne (1)
Elizabeth Albree (1)
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