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[p. 14]

Strangers in Medford, (Continued from vol. 7, no. 4)

Names.From. Date.Warned out.Remarks.
Lunno, JosephDorchester, April 4, 1759Nov. 21, 1759French neutral, tenant of
Robert Burns.
   Anna (wife)Stoneham, Apr. 4, 1759Nov. 21, 1759
   Joseph (child)
      (aged 18 mos.)
Lynds, George1735
Magus, PompApr. 16, 1784Negro.
Malcolm, SarahBoston, May 22, 1761Feb. 16, 1762Deaf and dumb, 3 yrs. old. In family of Wm. Faulkner,
Mallard, JamesJuly 10, 1751
      (wife and family)
Mallett, ElizabethDec. Ct., 1764
Manning, JosephJan. 30, 1791
   ElizabethJan. 30, 1791
   SarahJan. 30, 1791
Marble, Jonathan1Dec. Ct., 1758In family of Benj. Teel.
   Joseph2Dec. Ct., 1758In family of Benj. Teel.
Margaret (negro)Boston, July, 1762April n, 1763See Margaret Hammon.
Mather, Mary3Watertown, Mar. 27, 1761May 30, 1761Age 5 mos. In family of John Clark.
Maul, MaryBoston, Apr. 1, 1754Feb. 26, 1755Maid in family of Stephn Willis.
Mayes, SusannaCharlestown.Age 18. In family of Samuel Angier, Jan. 7, 1771.

[p. 15]

May, ZebulonWoburn, Oct. 29, 1758Sept. 5, 1759In house of Capt. Isaac Forster. In house of William Tufts, Jr.
   Martha (wife)Charlestown, Apr. 16, 1764Dec. 3, 1764
   Mary (Children)
   Lucy(Children)Born between 1758 and 1764
   Abigail(Children)Born between 1758 and 1764
   Zebulon(Children)Born between 1758 and 1764
McCarthy, Daniel, Jr.Concord, abt. July 1, 1762Jan. 1, 1763Child to nurse’ in family of John Hosmer.
McCarthy, JohnBoston, Dec. 3, 1760
McClintock, WilliamTenant of Thomas Sprague.
McClinton, Aaron
      and daughter
Dec. 28, 1750
McClure, Benjamin4Boston, Oct. 17, 1765Sept. 1, 1766In family of Wm. Falkner,
McClure, JohnBoston, Apr. 8, 1763Nov. 30, 1763
   Rachael (wife)
   Rachael (Children)
McClure, Joseph5Boston, Oct. 17, 1765Sept. 1, 1766In family of Wm. Falkner.
McCounnahue, MarthaBedford, N. H., Oct., 1761Aug. 30, 1762

1 Children.

2 Children.

3 So called. Cammel erased.

4 Twin, Age, 4 years, son of Deacon John McClure of Boston, also written McCluer.

5 Twin, Age, 4 years, son of Deacon John McClure of Boston, also written McCluer.

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