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Church records,—1713-1721.

The following list comprises the persons who were admitted to full communion in the church at Medford during the ministry of Rev. Aaron Porter.

In the church records, under date of November 18, 1751, Mr. Turell wrote that at that time only John Willis, Benjamin Teal, and Benjamin Parker ‘remained’ as members.

1713, June 14,Stephen Francis, sen.
Stephen Willis, jun.
Isaac Farewell. Elizabeth Farewell, wife of Isaac.
Rebeccah, wife of William Willis.
1714, June 6,Susannah Porter, wife to Aaron Porter.
Nov. 21,John Tufts, sen.
1715, Jan. 2,Mary Leatherby, wife to Stephen Leatherby.
Feb. 13,Peter Wait. Sarah Wait, wife to Peter Wait.
Hannah Sargent, wife to Joseph Sargent.
May 8,Hannah Seccomb, wife to Peter Seccomb.
June 12,Hannah Larrence.
1716, April,John Willis.
Elizabeth Alberry, wife to John Alberry.
May 13,Ephraim Leatherby (dismissed).
1718, Mar. 16,Benjaminn Teal. Anna Teal, wife to Benjamin Teal.
April 27,Benjamin Parker.
Abigail Patten, wife to William Patten,
July 20,Rebeccah Willis, wife to Jno. Willis.
Oct. 12 Elizabeth Francis, wife to Jno. Francis.
Mary Parker, wife to Benjamin Parker.
1719, May 10,Jonathan Tufts, jun.
Sarah Tufts, wife to Jonathan Tufts.
1721, Oct. 15,John Grattan.

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