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Medford commerce.

The business transactions and investments of Benjamin Hall, Sr., Medford's chief merchant and trader of colonial and revolutionary times, were many and varied. The following list of ships and their captains, and the ports to which they sailed, as found in Mr. Hall's account with Edward Payson for insurance on craft and cargo, shows how large his marine ventures were;--

DefianceParsonsto and from West Indies
EssexWillcometo and from West Indies
FriendshipJacksonto and from Indies
HalifaxStilesto and from Indies
PollyBarstowto and from Holland
DauphinSmithfor France
Three FriendsWoodfor France
NeptuneFrazierfor West Indies
JohnStantonfor West Indies
SallyPainefor West Indies
FriendshipManchesterfor West Indies
BellaGrinnellfor Holland

Other sloops were Gloriosa, Mercury, Boston, Speedwell, Minerva. What a scene of activity the coming and going of these vessels must have given to Mystic river!

—E. M. G

[p. 25]

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