Medford Horticulturists.
Medford has been in the vanguard many a time, and it is pleasant to know that when the
Massachusetts Horticultural Society was formed, among the original (one hundred and thirty-eight) members who subscribed before the organization of the society, March 17, 1829, that the name of Samuel Train of this town is found.
During the first fifty years of the society's life the following citizens enrolled in the membership:—
[p. 74]
In 1841
Mrs. Lucy Bigelow, widow of Timothy, was made an honorary member, an honor shared, up to 1879, with five other women.
Of the above only
Mrs. Ellen M. Gill is now living (August 22, 1918). Enfeebled by age, her active work in the society has ceased.
E. M. G.