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Our Foreign relations.

--Dispatches from Mr. Clay, our Minister to Peru, inform the Secretary of State that the government of Peru had rejected the ultimatum of the United States for the settlement of the claims against that country, and that he had demanded his passports and would leave at once for the United States. On the 10th, the day the steamer left for Panama, the demand had not been complied with. Advices from the flag officer of the Pacific squadron gives all the facts in relation to the arrest of two naval officers at Panama, from which it appears that the officers were to blame in refusing to answer the challenge of the sentries on duty. Dispatches from our minister to China state that all claims of the United States against China, extending from 1840 to 1857, have been fully discharged under Mr. Reid's commercial convention of 1858. The Governor General speaks in the highest terms of the Americans, and of his desire to continue friendly relations with this country.

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