Foreign News and Gossip.
--On Saturday, October 27th, the great American horse-tamer took final leave of his English friends at the
Crystal Palace, at
Sydenham. --The exhibition presented no feature of novelty; beyond the fact of its being a leave-taking and the numerous audience which it attracted.
The whole of the immense Handel Orchestra was crammed to the roof, and presented a most imposing appearance.
The same may be said of every portion of the transept that was not railed off as an arena, whilst the first, second, and even third galleries, exhibited each its dense and eager rows of human faces.
The Russian Ambassador and a numerous suite occupied the
Queen's gallery, and there were also scattered amongst the lower crowed an exceedingly numerous and conspicuous sprinkling of . Orientals.
Mr. Rarey began with Cruiser, who is now a model of docility and patience.
Col.Crockett's squirrels, he comes down without the trouble of firing.
He bends his knee for the strap, and falls with case, if not with dignity, the moment it becomes his cue to do so. He looked thin on Saturday, and his coat was rough; but neither of those symptoms is uncommon with horses at this season of the year.--Cruiser, who is now the property of
Mr. Rarey, goes with him to
America, to assist in disseminating the new philosophy of horse-taming.
After him came a chestnut, which was, if possible, still more docile; but here the harmony of the arena terminated.
When the chestnut had been duly hobbled, tumbled, and otherwise done for, the whole transept suddenly became vocal with the unearthly screams of the Irish mare, who was about to receive her first initiation into the restraints of a civilized
manage. This animal and another horse of fierce disposition were brought into subjection, and then
Mr. Rarey delivered his farewell, in a few simple, manly words, full of friendly regrets and good feeling.
He acknowledged the unfailing kindness he had always received from the people of
England, and the fair hearing which had been given to his rather novel theories.
He hoped he had done some good in the cause of humanity, by pleading as he had done the cause of our best friend, the horse, and by showing, to the best of his humble ability, the means by which its usefulness might be preserved without those protracted and brutal systems of training which at present caused cruel and needless suffering.
He (
Mr. Rarey) was about leaving
England, perhaps forever; but he should to his last moment retain a grateful recollection of the friends he had made and the kindness he had received during his rather protracted sojourn in the Old Country.
This address was vehemently cheered, and its delivery brought the interesting farewell performance to a successful termination.
The English Press on the Prince's New York reception.
English are immensely proud of the way in which their
Prince was received in New York.
The London News says:‘"The gain to both countries is enormous-- literally incalculable, being of that profoundly vital and moral kind that cannot be reckoned by commercial arithmetic.
An immediate mercantile advantage, a tariff, a treaty, a railway concession, has, of course, a definite value, and can be at once appreciated by all. But the friendly disposition that tends insensibly to the amicable settlement of disputed questions, and facilitates a thorough oneness of policy and interests, is a permanent gain of a far higher kind." And the
London Star says that "the
Prince has been received in New York with a demonstrativeness of interest and admiration which only the heir apparent to the crown of a kindred and friendly nation, the son of a mother respected abroad, as she is beloved at home, for her conspicuous personal virtues, could look for among a republican people." ’
A Costly present.
--The following anecdote is going the round of the foreign journals: When the late
Madame Bosio, the eminent cantatrice, who died not long since at
St. Petersburg, was singing one night at a private party at the residence of
Prince --she noticed a beautiful
Havana lap-dog as white as snow, lying on a sofa.
Madame Bosio, soon after wards, at the request of
Prince--,sang a favorite air by Giluka.
This piece was received with enthusiastic applause, and the
Prince, addressing the fair artist, said, ‘" What can I do,
Madame, in acknowledgment of the pleasure you have given us by singing that beautiful production of our national composer?"’ ‘"Give me your little dog,
Prince, "’ she immediately replied.
‘"You shall have him to-morrow,
Madame."’ The next day the servant brought the animal.
As it was very cold that day, the
Prince had wrapped the little fellow in an Indian cashmere worth 15,000f., and he begged
Madame Bosio to ‘"accept the dog with his wrapper."’
Collection in Dublin for Capt. Wilson of the Minnie Schiffer.
Mr. Persse, United States Consul at
Galway, forwarded to the Dublin Evening Mail office ten guineas, as his subscription to
Capt. John Wilson, who so nobly came to the rescue of the sufferers in the Connaught, numerous citizens of
Dublin have followed his example.
The Mail says:
"We suggest that a committee should at once be formed for the purpose of taking charge of the work of guiding and eliciting the expression of the public gratitude to the gallant
Captain of the
Minnie Schiffer.
We shall ourselves feel pleasure in doing all we can to assist, and we have no doubt that all our contemporaries (not otherwise pre-occupied) will co-operate with us in so truly catholic an undertaking.
Some of them, indeed, have already taken steps in that direction."
--The curious in antiquities will be glad to learn that the sword of
Tiberius is for sale at
Mayence, among the collection of Joseph Gold, recently deceased.
It was discovered in that town (the Moguntium of the Romans) some years since, while excavating for a new fortification.
It has occupied the learned classical writers of
Germany much, and they have written as many pamphlets about it as did our antiquarians about "Bill Stump's mark."