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Richmond Markets, Jan. 24, 1861.
The condition of commercial affairs presents no new feature at home. Abroad, however, we see that troubles here are not without their effect.--Latest foreign intelligence shews that both in England and France the influence of the commercial embarrassments growing out of the political discord here is most decidedly felt. In England the rate of interest had been put up by the Bank of England to 7 per cent. to check operations and save its bullion, which had been rapidly diminished. There was a general decline in the markets, save in Cotton, which was improving. The exhibit of the Bank of France was looked for with uneasiness, as tending to increase the panic. Thus it will be seen that an unprincipled party in this country cannot trample upon the rights of half the Union with impunity. In the gratification of their traitorous ambition they have sown the seeds not only of discord, but of distress and destruction to industry and commerce in two hemispheres. They are not to escape these evils unscathed, themselves — by no means — as we shall see.

We give below the quotations of this market, from which it will be seen that there are not many changes. Breadstuffs are a little better. Money is still scarce; but there are no failures. Exchange is a little higher.

  1. Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.60; Virginia Pippins $2.50 to $4.
  2. Bacon.--Sides 11@11 ½ cents; Shoulders 9 cts.; plain Hams 12 cents; Sugar-cured 12@13 ½ cents; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 15 cents. Quotations nominal; market dull.
  3. Bags.--Seamless Bags, 25; Manchester Bags, 19 @23; Gunny Bags, 12@14
  4. Beans.--White $1,37 ½@1.50 per bushel.
  5. Beeswax.--27 cts.
  6. Brooms.--$2@3, according to quality.
  7. Buckets, &c.--Painted Buckets $1. 87 ½@$2 per dozen; three-hoop. ainted Pails $2.25@2.50 per dozen; heavy Cedar Tubs, neat, $3.50@$5 per nest; heavy Cedar Feed Buckets $6.50 per dozen.
  8. Butter.--We quote good Butter at 20 to 25; inferior 8 to 10
  9. candles.--Tallow 13 ½@14 per lb.; Jackson's 14; Hull's 15; Adamantine 18@20; Sperm 45; Patent Sperm 54@56
  10. Cement.--James River $1.70@1.80 per bbl.; Northern Rosendale at $1.7 @1.80.
  11. Coal.--White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for grates, $7.50 per cart load of 25 bushels, per ton of 2,240 lbs. $8; Foundry do. $7 per ton of 2,240 lbs.; Bituminous Lump $5 per load of 25 bushels; Hail $4.50; Smiths' Coal 12@14 per bushel.
  12. Coffee.--We quote Rio 14@15 cents; Laguayra, none in market; Java 16 ½@17 cents; Mocha 18 cts.
  13. Coke.--For city consumption $5 per cart load of 25 bushels, for soft lump soft hail $4.50. Hard lump and hail $4.50.
  14. corn.--We quote 60@65 cents per bushel.
  15. corn Meal.--City Bolted Meal 75@80 cents; country 70@75 cts.
  16. cotton.--8 ½ to 12 cts.
  17. cotton Yarns, &.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts.
  18. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel.
  19. feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts.
  20. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican$25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hertman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton.
  21. Fish.--Now Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75 @$3; No. 1Haling Cut Herrings $3.25@3.50, from store. No North Carolina in market. Mackerel, large No. 3, new, $8.50; small do. $5.
  22. Flaxseed.--$1.20@1.40 per bushel.
  23. Flour.--Market still dull, but with a little better feeling, and no wholesale operations. We quote Superfine $6.25@6.50 to the trade; Extra $6.75@$7; Family$7.50@$7.75.
  24. Flour Barrels.-- 45 to 50 cts. for city made; Country have sold recently at from 20 to 30 cts.
  25. Fruit.--Oranges; Havana $9 per bbl. Lemons: $4.50@5.50 per box. Raisins; Bunch $2.75@$3; layers $3@3.25. Prunes 10 to 40 cents per box, according to quality. Figs 2 ½@20 cents per lb.
  26. Ginseng.--25@40 cents, and in demand.
  27. Grass seeds.--We quote prime Clover Seed $6.50 for new; $6@ 6.25 for old. Timothy $4@4.25 per bushel. Orchard Grass $2.
  28. Gunpowder.--Dupont's and Hazard's Sporting $5.75; Blasting $3.75; Eagle Canister $14.25; Fff Canister $8.25. In quantities of twenty kegs and upwards, 50 cents a keg less.
  29. Hay.--$1.15 per cwt.
  30. Hides.--Salted 8 ½@9 cents; dry 11@13 cts. Calf Skins, green, $1@1.12. South American, none.
  31. Hoop Poles.--Flour bbl. $7.50@9 per 1,000; hhd. poles, $15.
  32. Iron Animals.--Pig Iron $28@34, as in quality and quantity; Swedes $400 per ton; English Refined $70; Tredegar $85; Common English $60; American country $95. Cut Nails 3 ¼ @3 ¼ cts. per lb.
  33. Lard.--Western Lard 12 cents, in bbls.; kegs 12 ½@13 cents, for new.
  34. Lead.--We quote 6 ¼@6 ½ cents per lb. for pig; bar 6 ½@7 cts.
  35. Leather.--We quote good stamp, middle weights, 23@24 cts. per lb.; over weights 22@23 cts.; light 23@23 ½c.; good damaged 21; poor 16@18; upper leather $2.00@3.50, as to size, weight and quality; Harness 35@36; Skirting, in the rough, 25@28; finished 31@35
  36. Lime.--85 to $1 from wharf. From store, we quote Northern $1,12 ½; Virginia 90@$1.
  37. Liquors.-- Brandy: Otard, Dupuy & Co., $3.25@7 per gallon; A. Seignette, $2 ½@4 ½; Sazerac $3 ½@7; Hennessey $3 ½@7 ½; Peach scarce at $1 ½@2 ½; Virginia Apple 60@85 cts.; do., old, 75@$1.50; Northern do. 55@85 cts.; Imitation 45@47 ½ cts. Rum: New England 40@45 for mixed; 50@55 for pure. Gin: Holland $1.20 @1.75.
  38. lumber.--Clear White Pine $45; refused do. $29; merchantable $20@25 per M. One inch Yellow Pine Plank $10@12; three-quarter do. $9@11; 1 ½ do. $14@16; 1 ½ do. $13@14; 2 do. $12.50@15. Flooring $18@20, face measure; Scantling $1@13 for heart and sap; all heart $16@20, according to size. Garden Ralls, heart and sap, 12 ½@13 cts. each; all heart 18@25 cts. Shingles $5@6 per M. Weather Boarding $13@16. Inch Oak Plank $30@25. Buttonwood inch $2 @30. Inch Cherry $35; Poplar $20@25 per M. Dressed Flooring, Virginia, $25@28. Dressed Flooring, Southern, $28@30. Laths $2.25 to $2.37 per M for sawed, on the wharf.
  39. Molasses.--New Orleans 45 cts.; Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 33@37 ½ cts.; in hhds., 25@30 cts.; English Island 37 ½ cts.; Ochenhousen's 28 cts.
  40. Oats.--30@35 cents per bushel.
  41. Offal.--Bran 20 cts.; Shorts 25 cts.; Brown Stuff 35 cts.; and Ship Stuff 65 cts. per bus.
  42. Onions.--Red $2 per bbl, of near three bushels; Silver-skin $2 ½.
  43. Peas.--None in market.
  44. Plaster.--Lump — We quote at $5 per ton.--Claiborne's Richmond Ground $8.50 per ton packed; Sharpe's Richmond packed $8.50; loose $7.50.
  45. Potatoes.--We quote Northern co@65 cts. per bushel
  46. Rice.--5@5 ½ cts.
  47. Rosin.--$1.70@1.75 per bbl.
  48. Rye.--We quote 69@65 cts. per bus.
  49. Salt.--Last sales from wharf $1.65; from store $1.75 per sack.
  50. Saltpetre.--2@10 cts. per lb.
  51. Seneca Root.--35@37 ½ cts.
  52. shot.--7@7 ½ cts. cash, and time as to quantity, for drop and buck.
  53. Starch.--Corn 6@6 ½ cts.; Pearl 7@8 ½ cts.
  54. Staves.--Good oak, for flour barrels, we quote at $5 per thousand; machine cut $7@8.
  55. Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar (one cargo arrived) we quote 7 ½@8 cents; Cuba 7½@8 ½ cents; Porto Rico 8@9 ½ cents; Loaf 11@11 ½ cents; Crushed and Powdered 10 ½ cents; Coffee Sugar; A 10 cents; B 9 ½ cents; Extra C 9 ½c.
  56. Tobacco.--Sales still limited, at former quotations. We notice the sales of some Lugs and common Leaf Lugs, $1.75@2.50; Leaf$3@4.50; some stemming Leaf $6@9.50; no fine manufacturing in market. Stock on hand of the old crop very light, and mostly of inferior quality.
  57. wheat.--The market is stiff and receipts light. Red $1.30@$1.35; white $1.40@$1.45.
  58. Whiskey.--Richmond Rectified 21 ½@22 ½ cents; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75 cts.@$1.50 per gallon.
  59. Wines.--Port. Burgundy $1@$2.50 per gallon; Port Juice $2.50@$4. Madeira, Sicily 45@$1.75; Old Madeira $2.50 @$4. Sherry, Permartin, Duff and Gordon, Amontillado, $2 @$6.
  60. Wood.--Wholesale: Oak $3.50@$3.75 per cord; Pine $2.75@$2. Retail Oak $5; Pine $4.50.
  61. Wool.--Tub Washed sold at 35@27; unwashed third less. Price as in quality.

Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, &c.

Beef.--Sales this week at $2.50@4.50 for good to prime cattle. Market well supplied.

Sheep.--We quote sales at $3.50 per head for ordinary sheep, and $5.25 per cwt, gross for the best quality.

Hogs.--Sales of corn-fed at $8@8.25 per cwt.; distillery-fed $7@7.25.


Foreign.--Nothing to add relative to foreign freights.

Domestic.--The following are the present rates as coastwise freights:

New York,Boston,Philad'a.
Coal, per ton$1.50$2.75$1.25
Flour, per bbl202520
Tobacco, per hhd2.502.002.50
Tobacco, per box262525

Coal to Baltimore, 3 cts per bushel; Flour 12 ½ cts. per bbl.

Money Matters.

We give below the best quotations we can obtain:

Exchange on the North is scarce and rates lower. We quote on New York 5@5 ½ --scarce; Philadelphia 5@5 ½, and Baltimore 5 per cent. premium.

South Carolina Bank notes (scarcely any in circulation now) 5 per cent. discount. North Carolina 2 ½, save Planters' and Miners' Bank of Murphy, which is 20 per cent. discount.

Specie 4@5 per cent. premium.

List of Virginia Bank Notes Bankable in Richmond.

All the Banks located in Richmond, and the branches of such as have branches.

the Notes of the foregoing Banks are bought by the brokers of this city at 1 per cent. Discount.

Virginia Bank Notes that are at twenty-five per cent. Discount.

the Notes of the following Banks are at 25 per cent. Discount:

There are probably few, if any, of the notes of the last named Bank a float, as it has been discredited for some years.

Sales of stocks in Richmond.

    Reported by John A. Lancaster & son, for week ending January 24th, 1861.

  • Virginia 6 per cent. Registered Bonds, sales $81.
  • Richmond City Bonds, sales $90.
  • Petersburg City Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Lynchburg City Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Norfolk City Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Exchange Bank Stock, sales $100.
  • Farmers' Bank Stock, sales $99.
  • Bank of Virginia Stock, last sales $68.
  • Bank of the Commonwealth Stock, held at $95.
  • Richmond and Danville R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales.
  • Virginia Central R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales.
  • City of Petersburg Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va., no recent sales.
  • Old Dominion Insurance Co. Stock. sales $27 ½.
  • Richmond Fire Association Stock, no recent sales.
  • Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Stock, no recent sales.
  • Insurance Company State of Va., sales $103.
  • Merchants' Insurance Stock, last sales, $75 on time.
  • Virginia Central Railroad 1st Mortgage Bonds, last sales, $84.
  • Virginia Central Railroad 2d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 1st Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 2d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 3d Mortgage Bonds, no recent sales.
  • Orange and Alexandria Railroad 6 per cent, Bonds, sales $75.
  • Orange and Alexandria Railroad 8 per cent. Bonds, sales $87 ½
  • Manassas Gap Railroad 6 per cent. Bonds, no recent sales.
  • South-Side Railroad Bonds, no recent sales.
  • South-Side Railroad Bonds, guaranteed by Petersburg, no recent sales.
  • Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Stock, last sales $77.
  • Virginia Central Railroad Stock, last sales $47 ½.
  • Richmond & Petersburg Railroad Stock, last sales $60.
  • Richmond & Danville Railroad Stock, last sales $57.
James River & Kanawha Stock, no recent sales.

Va. Life Insurance Co. Stock. no recent sales.

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Stearns (1)
Stanton (1)
Shorts (1)
Sherry (1)
Sharpe (1)
A. Seignette (1)
Ruffin (1)
John A. Robinson (1)
Rio (1)
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Rhodes (1)
Reese (1)
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Phillippi (1)
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Murphy (1)
Merchants (1)
Mechanics (1)
John A. Lancaster (1)
Hull (1)
Holland (1)
Hennessey (1)
Hazard (1)
Hay (1)
Haling (1)
Gordon (1)
M. Dressed Flooring (1)
Fish (1)
English (1)
Dupuy (1)
Dupont (1)
Duff (1)
Coke (1)
Cherry (1)
M. Weather Boarding (1)
Albemarle (1)
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