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From Brazil.

--Rio Janeiro papers to Dec. 8 are received. As is usual in the summer season, some places were suffering severely from drought, and a great deal of misery among the poor country people was a consequence. The Emperor had subscribed $5,000 for the relief of Bahia, where the suffering is the greatest. From the election returns which had been received from the provinces, it would seem that the Government party were likely to have a majority in the new Assembly. The 2d of December the Emperor's birth-day, was celebrated with great rejoicing, Te Deums, &c., all over the empire. The unfavorable news from the European markets had produced a decline in coffee of 250 to 300 reis the arroba. From the 24th of November to Dec. 7 the sales of coffee for the exportation to the United States amounted to 53,700 sacks; for other places, 40,000. Total of sales, 93,700.

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Brazil, Clay County, Indiana (Indiana, United States) (1)
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