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To Alex, Hill & Co.

--Sirs: I have seen a personal attack made on me in yesterday's Dispatch. accusing me of stopping your servant in carrying packages to the American Hotel. This I deny, and which I can prove, too. As for watching your shop, on Saturday last, it is also false. You ask who I am and where did I come from? Sirs, my name is Denis Bropry, a native of Ireland, County Kilkenny, Ballgragget; a sober, industrious citizen, and I defy any man to say that he has ever seen me with a "brick in my hat." I can give you plenty-of good references, if required. As you made this wanton attack on me, I would respectfully ask who you are, and where did you come from? You will oblige Denis Brophy, President of the Journeymen Cordwainers' Society of Richmond, by answering the interrogatory.

Sirs, you furthermore ask, "who was it that had a card published in the Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York papers, warning journeymen boot and shoe makers not to come to Richmond, as they would be whipped if they did so?" It was the Secretary who sent the following notice, which we copy from the paper as it appeared:

‘ "N. B.--Shoemakers, beware of the notice of the employers of this city, (Richmond, Va.) They have struck against the Cord wainers' Society here, and want to reduce our wages 25 per cent. less than the usual price.

Mr. Alex. Hill &Co., I would ask you is this a warning to journeymen boot and shoemakers not to come here, or is it threatening any person to be whipped who wished to come? This, like all your other communications, is untrue. Your furthermore say that any man who would take out work from you, White, Page, and Harwood, is to be whipped. The Society men do emphatically deny this assertion as also untrue in every word.--The person who gave you this information must be the lame tailor from the light-house, with a brick in his hat.

the Committee. fe 27--1t*

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