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The water Works.

--At the meeting of the Council, held Monday evening, a report was rendered in by the committee appointed to ascertain the number of bids (and rates,) offered for casting the 16- inch water pipe directed to be furnished by the Council for the use of the City Water Works. The committee reported that they had determined to allow Messrs. Anderson & Co. to continue the work, they having promised to commence the making of the pipe on the 23d of April and continue till the 15th of June, at the rate of six pipe per day. The contract calls for over 300 pipe, 12 feet long. Sundry bids were made at lower rates than those put in by Anderson & Co., but they were not put in by desirable parties; besides, the committee wanted to have the work done at home, if possible. The committee reported that it was absolutely necessary to sever the lower from the upper service pipe. The Council adopted the report.

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