From Norfolk.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch]
Norfolk, Va., June 4, 1861.
The Lincoln hirelings are still bent on carrying out their fiendish ends.
Besides their deeds of plunder, they resort to other and more vile and inhuman crimes in the outrages of our women and children.
A young lady, daughter of a respectable farmer living in the vicinity of Newport News, was taken by these reckless villains and imprisoned in Fortress Monroe where, judging from what has already been done, a most foul and inhuman outrage will be perpetrated.
Already have poor and helpless women and children been treated in this manner, too revolting to think of Besides Miss Lee, several other ladies are prisoners at this fort, where, helpless and alone, the mercy of God can only release them.
In Hampton, also, a young man, formerly of this city, was taken, divested of his clothing, and compelled in his flight to walk the distance of three miles to Fortress Monroe, where he was confined as prisoner.
Does not the heart shrink at such deeds of cruelty and must the offenders o unpunished?
On Saturday, several Lincoln steamers were noticed frequently running from Old Point to Newport News.
Southern oppose troops were boiling at the latter point, while others more reasonably surmised that guns were being taken from the Fort — a belief to which I incline after noticing their recent movements on our coast.
That their idea is to fortify Newport News and make it as impregnable as possible, is found in the fact that already quite an embankment has been thrown up, and negroes, doubtless from the farms near by, assist in the fortification.
I am happy to notice the formation in our midst of a guerilla company.
This species of warfare will be found most advantageous at this time, and will render effectual service.
I learn that one or two gentlemen of this city have put down their names for fifty dollars each, toward the erection of a monument to the heroic Jackson.
You may expect a large amount to be realized from this section.
Nothing of interest from Sewell's Point.
[The above ought to have reached us in time for publication yesterday morning; but from some unaccountable reason we did not receive any letters from Norfolk on Tuesday night.]