Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
from Camp Montague.
Camp Montague, June 7.
This is not so important a place as to justify your corespondent in occupying a weekly place in your columns, nor in wasting as much of his time as will be necessary for such; but he does consider it to be of sufficient consequence to merit a notice of some noticeable facts connected with its movements.
Major Ward, the Commandant of this post, arrived day before yesterday, and took charge of matters pertaining to his office yesterday.
He is quite commanding in appearance, being in height something over six feet, and, should we be called into an engagement, his voice must sound clearly over the heads of his men, as well as above the roar of the cannon.
An Episcopal minister, his presence brings with it a moral power that in such a cause will be invaluable.
Would that all our efficient officers could add to their dignity the surpassing dignity and strength which surround the t n soldier.
In an affecting manner he addressed the battalion yesterday, and during the course of his remarks there was the most deep and solemn silence, while all eyes were not tearless.
His remarks were impressive and appropriate, aimed in the direction of the Cross, under whose banner he has been battling for twenty-seven years, and which he does not think he has deserted when he brings under its folds the flag of the Confederate States, that emblem of Love, Purity and Fidelity — Love to all mankind.
Purity and of heart and purpose, and Fidelity to our country, to ourselves and to our God.
With such a flag, so fraught with sentiments that elevate the heart of man, floating above such officers and soldiers, whose bosoms are responsive to the high duties of such a cause as we have, what need we fear?
In the language, partly of Scripture and partly of Major W., ‘"if the Lord be for us, all the world may be against us, and we will fear no men, nor devils, nor Yankees."’
Our boys were never gayer than now, tho' the weather has been of a depressing character for several days.
This cheerfulness is, perhaps, attributable to the unusual number of charms displayed by the fair sex on yesterday.
They looked pleasant, and smiled approvingly upon us, and so long--‘"we will be gey and happy still."’ They don't know how glad we are to see them, as I am persuaded their benevolent hearts would lead them to come oftener.
Kind and gentle spectators, be not surprised if we look mad, for we feel glad, and only look so from force of habit and fear of displeasing some official gentleman, who thinks himself personally aggrieved if he sees a smile.
We mean well, and hope to be able to do well if an opportunity is offered, for your protection, and for the defence of rights which we know to be very dear to you all.