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Loss of an Arctic Exploring vessel.

--A letter received by Henry Grinnell, Esq., from Capt. Hall, commander of the new expedition to the Arctic regions, announces the loss of the schooner Rescue, in the terrible gale of last August, which did so much damage to shipping on the northeast coast. It was the seventh voyage of the Rescue to the Arctic seas. The gale commenced on the 26th, and continued forty-eight hours with the greatest violence, and caused the loss, besides the Rescue, of the brig Georgiana and Captain Hall's expedition boat. Captain Hall, however, writes in the best of spirits, and announces that he has already perfected arrangements for continuing his researches when navigation opens in the spring. The results already accomplished by the expedition are important. Both Frobisher's and Cumberland Straits Captain Hall asserts to be mere inlets or bays, he having seen them in their entire extent.

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