The National crisis.
Commander Stewart on secession — taking of the Georgia forts — views of the Governor of Missouri--Daylight Breaking — the Evacuation of Fort Moultrie--Meetings in Virginia — fortifications of the Southern States, &c., &c.Commander Charles Stewart, U. S. N, of the Philadelphia Navy-Yard, has written a letter against secession, and in favor of the North repealing her Liberty bills. Hon. Waitman T. Willey, of Monongalia county, candidate of the Opposition party in Virginia for Lieutenant Governor in 1859, has written a letter opposing disunion. He alludes to the position of Western Virginia in that event, and adds: ‘ "I am for Virginia as she is and was, as our fathers exhaled her--one and indivisible. I have deprecated recent manifestations of a desire for her dismemberment. Let her be integrate forever. But if we are to be dragged into secession or disunion, because a mere outside appendage of a Southern Confederacy, defenseless and exposed as we must be by our geographical position, to all the wrong, and contumely that may be heaped upon us, out oppression may become in tolerable; and I for one, will be ready to accept the only alternative." ’ The Richland Volunteers, numbering 100 men, and the Darlington Guards, numbering so men, arrived in Charleston on Thursday, and were detailed for duty.
Taking of the Georgia forts — capture and Surrender of the Revenue Cutter Dobbin.
The Savannah News, of Friday morning gives the following particulars of the occupation of the Georgia forts by State troops. It gives Maj. Anderson's movement and the failure of the President to remand him, as the cause which induced the Governor to take the step: ‘ At eight o'clock yesterday morning, the steamer Sampson left with the detachments alluded to else where in this morning's paper, for Fort Pulaski. Col. Henry R. Jackson, aid to the Governor, accompanied by Maj. H M. Davenport, had preceded the companies, and had demanded of Mr. Thomas Hennessy keeper of the Fort, the keys, which he, having no power to resist, promptly delivered to the authorized agent of the Governor of Georgia. When the boat reached the landing on Cockspur Island the troops were debarked and marched to the Fort, which was taken possession of, in pursuance of orders of the Governor of the State, by Col. A. R. Lawton, commanding officer. ’ On the passage down, the Sampson passed the revenue cutter J. C. Dobbin, with the United States colors Union down, and the Palmetto flag flying at her peak. Shortly after the arrival of the steamer at Cockspur, a party of gentlemen presented themselves at the Fort, and made a tender to Col. Lawton of the Cutter, which they had captured, and which was then aground. Col. Lawton, not recognizing the unlawful capture of the Dobbin, authorized Capt. Scriven. of the Savannah Volunteer Guards, to take possession of her in the name of the State of Georgia, with instructions to turn her over to the Governor, which he did. The occupation of Fort Pulaski, by authority of the Governor of the State, was a prudential measure, designed to guard against the commission of any lawless act by an exasperated people, and at the same time to prevent its occupancy by forces hostile to us, and it will be sustained by our people to any amount of reinforcements necessary to hold it against attack from any quarter. The cutter Dobbin, it appears, had been taken possession of without any State authority whatever, and on application of Mr. Boston, Collector of the port, for her releases Gov. Brown promptly granted it, in the following letter: Sir:
The Revenue Cutter J. C. Dobbin, which was seized by some unauthorized person or persons unknown to me has, under the order giver by me to Col. Lawton, now in command of Fort Pulaski, to protect Government property against injury, been recaptured, and is now aground near Fort Pulaski.
You will please send a revenue boat and take her into your custody to night, and I will have her hauled off to-morrow morning and delivered to you at such place as you may designate.
I much regret the lawless seizure of the vessel, and beg leave to assure you that I shall from time to time give such orders as will protect the Custom-House and other property belonging to the Federal Government till the action of this State is determined by the Convention of her people.
Inaugural address of Gov. Jackson, of Missouri.
St. Louis, Jan. 4--Governor Jackson's inaugural address was almost exclusively devoted to the discussion of Federal relations.--He says the destiny of the slaveholding States are identical, and Missouri would best consult her own interests and the interests of the whole country by a timely declaration of her determination to stand by her sister slaveholding States, in whose wrongs she participates and with whose institutions her people sympathize. Missouri will remain in the Union so long as there is a hope of maintaining the guarantees of the Constitution; but it the Northern States are determined to put the slaveholding States on the footing of inequality, by preventing the entrance of slaves into the Territories; admitting no more slave States; or persisting in nullifying or perverting the Constitution in reference to slave property, then they themselves practically abandon the Union, and cannot expect the South to submit to such a Government. He opposes coercion, and says the project of maintaining the Government by force may lead to a consolidated despotism, but never to Union. Our Government is based upon justice, equality — and the first drop of blood shed in a war of aggression upon Sovereign States will result in the overthrow of the entire Federal system. He says he has not abandoned all hope of the preservation of the Union, and he believed that, by prudence and well-directed efforts, an adjustment alike honorable to both sections can be effected. He is opposed to Congressional compromises, and says the South can rely only upon constitutional guaranties, and, to effect this end, he advises the calling of a Southern Convention to agree upon such amendments of the Constitution as would secure her just rights, and submit them to the Northern States for their action. He advises the calling of a State Convention to ascertain the will of the people on the subject; and also advises a thorough organization of the State militia to repel invasion and protect property and the lives of citizens. He recommends the legalization of the suspension of specie payments by the banks.Daylight Breaking.
Under the head of "Daylight Breaking," the Washington Star, of Saturday afternoon, says: ‘ The Committee on the part of the border States, Mr. Crittenden, chairman, held its second meeting last night, and at 12 o'clock adopted the following propositions: ’ Recommending a repeal of all Personal Liberty bills. An efficient amending of the fugitive slave law, preventing kidnapping, equalizing commissioner's fees, &c. That the Constitution be to amended as to prohibit any interference with slavery in any of the States. That Congress shall not abolish slavery in the dock-yards, &c., nor in the District of Columbia, without consent of Maryland, and the consent of the inhabitants of the District, nor without compensation. That Congress shall not interfere with the inter-States slave trade. That there shall be a perpetual prohibition of the African slave trade. That the live of 36:30 shall be run through all the existing territory of the United States, and in all north of that line slavery shall be prohibited; south of that line neither Congress nor territorial Legislature shall hereafter, ask any law abolishing, prohibiting. or in any manner interfering with African slavery; and when any Territory, containing sufficient population for one member of Congress in any area of 60 000 square miles shall apply for admission as a State, it shall be admitted with or without slavery as, its Constitution may determine. The Committee represented at its meeting Maryland, Virginia, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Delaware, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This report was agreed to under circumstances leading to the hope that it will be accepted by overwhelming majorities of all the parties into which Congress is divided.More Seizures of forts.
The progress of the disintegration of the Union by the movements in the Southern States is both steady and rapid. The United States forts and arsenals are being taken possession of by State troops in most of the States, which thus anticipate the period of their own secession. The following is a telegram from Mobile, Friday: ‘ The United States arsenal and forts at Mobile, on the 4th, were taken by the Alabama troops. ’ The forts contained 78,000 stand of arms, 1,500 boxes of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket cartridges, and other munitions of war. No resistance was made by those in charge of the forts and arsenals. Fort Morgan was taken the night before, and is now garrisoned by 200 men. On the same day 150 men took possession of the U. S. Arsenal at Mt. Vernon, Ala., by order of the Governor.A meeting of "Minute" ladies.
A meeting of "matrons" took place in Burke county, Ga., on the 24th ult. As it is seldom an opportunity is given of recording the proceedings of the ladies in council, we give the following account of the meeting: ‘ After a short conversational preliminary, defining the mode of procedure, the assembly was organized by conferring the honor of the chair upon Mrs. Margaret Jones, and associating as Vice Presidents, Mrs. Charlotte Byne, Mrs. Jane Halmes, Mrs. Mary Mandell and Mrs. Col. I. Carter, and as Secretary, Mrs. Col. Ashton. ’ The object of the meeting was announced with much effect, and after a calm deliberation of the dark crisis now pending, Mrs. James W. Jones presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: ‘ While our hege lords are gallantly bearing the ensigns of our Father's Patriotism and Southern nationality in our protection, and in the defence of their honor, we ask only the privilege of tendering a testimonial of their chivalry, by being permitted to weave our Southern devotion in the coronet of their manly glory. ’ Heroism and love of country, in the darkest eras of man's humiliation, and in the proudest periods of his sublimest grandeur, has ever been one of woman's life-breathing virtues. Therefore, we need advance no argument in justification of this appeal to our noble hearts Southern sisters; but here direct their admiration to the annals of every history, which teem with the Illustrious examples of woman's heroism and her devotion to principle and to country, worthy our imitation in this portentous crisis of our political history. Though assigned a retired part in the great drama of human life, yet our interest and our honor are identified with the welfare and prosperity of the Commonwealth. We therefore beseech you, by your pride and affection, by your counsel and encouragement, to cheer our husbands, brothers and sons to noble and patriotic deeds. Anathematize with a woman's scorn the hesitancy of timidity and the subterfuge of cowardice; declare that Southern women cannot forget the proud history of their section, nor will forget the grandeur of its origin, or be blind to the splendor of its destiny. Resolved That we earnestly and confidently importune our sisters of the Southern States to league with us in excluding from our sympathies and affiliations every person so lost to the pride of forthright and the integrity of State, as to countenance the act. or even connive at the idea, of our mission to Northern aggression and insult. Resolved. That our honor, our interest and our social position, demand immediate secession from the abolition States of this demoralized and debased Union. Resolved. That Southern women will never consent to mingle with a people whose standard of religious and social sentiment is below the basis of truth, virtue and Christianity, and whose tastes, whose sympathies, whose education and whose associations are discordant with every grace which adorns our sex! A committee of young ladies presented the following, which was adopted: ‘ Resolved, That we, the young ladies of Burke, do reject, with haughty scorn and proud disdain, all civilities from any gentleman who refuses or neglects to join the ranks of any Southern State that shall, in her sovereign capacity withdraw her allegiance from this unconstitutional Confederacy; holding it to be self-evident that a dastard's slave can never win a woman's love, nor defend her honor. ’ The following was presented by Mrs. Col. I. Carter, and received with a joyous outburst of applause: ‘ Resolved, That the ladies of Burke county do tender their warmest sympathies and pledge their love and devotion to the proud, gallant, chivalrous and "Free People" of South Carolina, for the fearless and heroic act of December 20th, 1860, which has opened a page in the history of human greatness that the pride of man shall heard through all time, and woman's holiest and noblest affections embalm for all eternity. ’County Meetings in Virginia.
At a meeting at Madison Court-House last week, $700 were subscribed to purchase arms, and among the other resolutions the following were adopted: ‘ That it is the duty of Virginia, in view of the danger that threatens her forthwith to dissolve her connection with the existing Federal Government, and assume the position of an independent State. ’ That she should immediately thereafter invite every slaveholding State to co-operate with her in the formation of a Southern Confederacy prior to the 4th of March next. That each State upon assuming the position of a separate, independent, sovereign State is entitled to her due share of the public property, including the Territories of the United States, and is justly liable for her proportion of the public debt; and if not done before, immediately after the formation of a Southern Confederacy. these rights should be demanded, and if not yielded, should be enforced; and the obligation to pay the proper share of the public debt assumed. At a meeting in Marion county last week, resolutions were adopted favoring the call of a Convention, and-- That as Virginians. we hold to the institutions of Virginia, and are determined to perpetuate and defend the same until all constitutional measures shall be exhausted, then we claim the privilege of adopting our own manner of redress. That this meeting recommend to the Legislature of the State of Virginia to make no appropriations towards bearing the expenses of Northern or Southern delegates who may be sent to us to incense the feelings of our delegate as against conservative measures.The Evacuation of Fort Moultrie.
A letter from one of the officers of Major Anderson's command thus describes leaving Fort Moultrie: ‘ Major Anderson took one of his officers aside about six P. M. on the 26th, and told him in about twenty minutes he should make the attempt to reach Fort Sumter. The attempt was a dangerous one. Two steamboats lay off the fort with troops and guns, and these boats would have run him down in a moment, had they been aware of the movement. Major Anderson left orders to fire into the Nina steamboat if she molested his men, and a 32-pounder was loaded up for that purpose.--Fort Moultrie is always surrounded by paid spies and members of the vigilance committee, but they did not interfere, and probably did not understand what the command was doing. The troops sprang into the boats and the men pulled with a will. Half way the hostile steamboat approached rapidly with a ship in tow. It was a glorious moonlight night, and very clear. The steamboat passed within a hundred yards, but probably took the boats to contain workmen returning from Fort Sumter. Sumter was reached at last in safety.--An exclamation of surprise came from the bricklayers on the wharf. One of them shouted "Hurrah for the Union." He was hurried in and made to keep quiet. In the meantime, the officers who remained in Fort Moultrie held the lanyards of the guns in their hands ready to fire upon the steamboat, if it molested the boats. The boats were sent back. The remainder of the command embarked and reached Sumter in safely, though one boat passed almost under the bow of the Nina. ’The Governor of Michigan Advocating coercion.
Detroit, Jan. 4
--Gov. Blair, in his inaugural address, says in reference to South Carolina, that he presumes, if it could be done properly, the country generally would be willing to let the restless little nation of South Carolina retire forever.
But it cannot be done without the destruction of the Confederacy, and self-preservation will compel us to resist it.
He denies that the Personal Liberty bills have prevented the execution of the Fugitive Slave law in a single instance.
The law had always been enforced by the Courts on an appeal being taken.
He invites judicial scrutiny into State legislation — and is willing to abide the result.
But he is unwilling that his State should be humiliated by a compliance in threats and of violence and war.
He recommends the State Legislature to manifest its loyalty to Michigan, and proffer the President the use of the whole military power of the State to sustain the integrity of the Union.
More Executions in Alabama.
The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, of the 30th ult., says: ‘ Two negroes, and a white man named Williamson, were hung at Autaugaville on Wednesday of last week. Also, at the same place, on the following Saturday, another negro was sent to that "bourne from whence," &c. All these unfortunate human beings were connected with the recent insurrectionary plot discovered in that county, and the evidence being strong against them, their lives have had to pay the forfeit. Those who belong to the vigilance committee of Autaugaville, we understand, are the oldest and most respectable, as well as the coolest and most humane men of the county, and would not have committed any act which the circumstances of the case did not imperatively demand. ’From Florida.
The Fernandina Floridian, of the 2d inst., says that the entire vote of the city (223,) was cast for Joseph Finegan and Gen Cooper, "the straight-out, immediate, and compromise, now and forever secession candidate." Gov. Perry had passed through on route for his home in Alabama, having purchased in his late trip to the North 1,000 Maynard rifles, and 6,000 Minnie muskets, for the use of the State. A plan is on foot to take possession of Fort Clinch, in the vicinity of Fernandina, and arm it with guns from the fort at St. Augustine.Commodore Kearney will not Resign.
Commodore Kearney, second on the Naval list, who sent in his resignation a few days since, has revoked it. In a private letter he says: ‘ "Since the course pursued by Charleston lass. I have changed my views in regard to matters in that quarter and elsewhere, and I have asked to be allowed to withdraw my letter of resignation in the Navy." ’Fortifications in the Southern States.
Subjoined is a list of fortifications, taken from Col. Totten's report made to Congress a few years ago, giving the cost of each and the number of guns they severally mount:where Located. | Cost. | Men | Guns |
Fort McHenry, Baltimore | $146,000 | 350 | 74 |
Fort Carroll, Baltimore. | 135,000 | 800 | 159 |
Fort Delaware, Delaware river, Del. | 539,000 | 750 | 151 |
Fort Madison, Annapolis, Md. | 15,000 | 150 | 31 |
Fort Severna, Maryland | 6,000 | 60 | 14 |
Fort Washington, Potomac river | 575,000 | 400 | 88 |
Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort | 2,400,000 | 2,450 | 371 |
Fort Calhoun, Hamp'n R'ds, Norfolk | 1,664,000 | 1,120 | 224 |
Fort Macon, Beaufort. N. C. | 460,000 | 300 | 61 |
Fort Johnson, Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C. | 5,000 | 60 | 10 |
Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C. | 571,000 | 400 | 81 |
Fort Sumter, Charleston, S C | 677,000 | 650 | 146 |
castle Pinckney, Charleston, S C | 44,000 | 100 | 25 |
Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S C | 75,000 | 300 | 54 |
Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Ga | 923,000 | 800 | 150 |
Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga | 80,000 | 70 | 14 |
Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla. | 51,000 | 100 | 25 |
Fort Taylor, Key West | 1,000 | 185 | |
Fort Jefferson, Tortugas | 1,500 | 298 | |
Fort Barrancas. Pensacola | 315,000 | 250 | 49 |
Bedoupt, Pensacola | 69,000 | 26 | |
Fort Pickens Pensacola | 759,000 | 1,260 | 212 |
Fort McRae, Pensacola | 384,000 | 650 | 151 |
Fort Morgan, Mobile | 1,212,000 | 700 | 132 |
Fort St. Philip, Mouth Missippi river | 143,000 | 600 | 124 |
Fort Jackson, Mouth Missippi river | 817,000 | 600 | 150 |
Fort Pike, Rigolets, La. | 472,000 | 300 | 49 |
Fort Macomb, Chef Mentour, La | 447,000 | 300 | 49 |
Fort Livingston, Barrataria Bay, La | 342,000 | 300 | 52 |
In addition to these are incomplete works at Ship Island. Mississippi river; George town. S. C; Port Royal Roads, S C; Tybee Islands. Savannah; Galveston, Brazos, Santiago, and Matagorda Bay, Texas. The guns which were lately stopped at I'ltisburg, were designed for those at Galveston and Ship Island. Hampton Roads is the great naval depot station and rendezvous of the Southern coasts. Pensacola is very strong, and the only good harbor for vessels-of-war, and the only naval depot on the Gulf. The fortresses at Key West and Tortugas, on the southern point of Florida, are among the most powerful in the world, and every vessel that crosses the Gulf passes within sight of both.Military and Naval forces ready for orders.
Now that rumor is so busy with the alleged movements southward of United States troops and naval vessels, it may not be out of place to give a statement of the forces likely to be ordered for hostile service in South Carolina. If soldiers be required, Governor's Island, N. Y., Carlisle, Pa., and the Navy-Yards will be the first places from which reinforcements may be taken. The 800 troops stationed at Fort Monroe, Fayetteville, N. C., Augusta, Key West, Banancos and Baton Rouge, would not be removed. The available men, then, for military duty are nearly as follows:Men. | |
Governor's Island | 250 |
Carlisle | 200 |
Brooklyn Navy Yard, | 40 |
Philadelphia Navy-Yard | 30 |
Boston Navy-Yard. | 40 |
Portsmouth (N. H.) Navy-Yard | 20 |
Total | 580 |
Vessels. | Guns. | Officers and Men. | Tons |
Brig Dolphin | 6 | 100 | 259 |
Harriet Lane | 5 | 90 | about 300 |
Steamer Water Witch. | 2 | 60 | about 378 |
Steamer Corwin | 2 | 50 | about 240 |
Steamer Crusader | 4 | 100 | about 400 |
Steamer Wyandotte | 4 | 100 | about 380 |
Total | 23 | 500 | 1,757 |
Honors to Major Anderson and Secretaries Holt and Stanton.
Seneca Falls, Jan. 3.
--Seneca Falls is firing a hundred guns in honor of Major Anderson, of Fort Sumter, and Secretaries Holt and Stanton, for their gallant and patriotic services in the cause of Liberty and the Union?
Waverley, N. Y., Jan. 3.--One hundred guns were fired here yesterday in honor of Major Anderson.
A large banner was displayed across the street with the inscription: ‘"For President in 1864, Major Anderson."’--A company of Minute Men was organized by the people, regardless of party.
Boston, Jan. 3.--Gov. Banks presided at a dinner of Cadets last night, and made an eloquent speech, closing with the following sentiment: ‘
"The gallant Major Anderson, of Fort Sumter: May the people give him the honor he deserves and God give the United States Government courage to back him." ’
Other speeches and sentiments were given, and the festival was one of universal interest and enthusiasm.