[of the]
Governor of Virginia.
Executive department, Richmond, Jan. 7, 1861.
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates:
My proclamation, issued on the 15th day, of November last, states succinctly the considerations which induced me to convene you in extraordinary session.
Duty, however, requires of me a more detailed exposition of my views upon the subjects therein referred to, as well as the presentation of such recommendations as are demanded by a proper regard for the public interests, and the faithful, prompt and efficient execution of the laws of this great and growing Commonwealth.
These views and recommendations will be presented with as much brevity as the extraordinary circumstances of the times will justify.
Entertaining a profound respect for the intelligence, experience and information of the gentlemen constituting the two houses of the General Assembly, I feel that it would be a reflection upon them to accompany each recommendation with an assignment of all the reasons which might be urged in its favor.
I will content myself, therefore, with the assignment of a few general reasons in support of my recommendations.
You will consider and discuss them, and either adopt or reject them, as your judgment and discretion shall determine.
I am responsible to the people, our common constituents, for the recommendations.
You are responsible to the same tribunal for the disposition you may make of them.
I regret that I cannot congratulate you on the peace and prosperity, the healthy and flourishing condition of the various branches of business in which our people are so vitally interested, and offer bright and cheering hopes for the future of our country.
The times are indeed full of peril and danger, and demand from those who are clothed with representative trusts, coolness, calmness and firmness, united with prudence, wisdom, moderation and patriotism.
Indecision or indiscretion, passion or prejudice, heedlessness or recklessness, will precipitate results that may be deplored, when too late to be averted.
A blunder at such a time is a crime.
An error committed now can never perhaps be corrected.
With these preliminary remarks, I address myself to the discussion of the most important question that has ever claimed your consideration, and in the determination of which so much of human happiness or misery is involved.
I repeat, as applicable to this occasion, the language of
Governor Floyd, in his message of January, 1833: "Your station is high and responsible; to you the people will look; nay, do look for security and protection and the maintenance of all the rights of the States.
Virginia, the land of our birth, the burial place of our fathers, the peaceful home of our wives and daughters, a waits your decision." The people will review whatever may be done — and the man who fears to trust them, is not a friend to their rights or their safety.
Federal relations.
The condition of our country at this time excites the most serious fears for the perpetuation of the
Union. "Clouds overlapping clouds, are weaving o'er our house an evil roof, a fearful canopy." The country is torn by dissension; fierce and angry excitement exhibits itself in all sections; passion and prejudice have taken absolute possession of the minds of the people throughout the land.
The vile spirit of faction, "which pollutes the fountain of national honor, and digs the grave of patriotism," shows itself on all sides.--Confidence is destroyed; fraternal feeling has been supplanted by intense sectional hate; the spirit of conciliation has been smothered and crushed, and the affections of the people North and South, East and West, appear to have been entirely withdrawn from their government.
The ties of brotherhood have been severed; and though living under the same Constitution, the sections seem to be as hostile, each to the other, as if their citizens belonged to unfriendly governments.
Distrust has marred the pleasure of friendship and social intercourse; bitterness and unkindness have crushed out fraternity.
Unity of feeling, unity of action is now gone.
It is hardly possible for a government to live and flourish under such adverse circumstances.--"We must not, however, look mournfully into the past. " That is beyond the hope of recall.
We must wisely improve the present; correct its errors; reform its abuses; reunite the severed ties of affection, and enkindle a new the fires of patriotism, if we would recover all that has been lost.
It this shall be done, a bright and glorious future is yet before us. We should be blessed with power, influence, wealth and prosperity, such as no nation has ever enjoyed in the history of the world.
Great as has been our success, as compared with the nations of the earth, heretofore, greater far would it be hereafter.
It is interesting to trace our progress, from the formation of the
Constitution up to the present time.
The results will be found in the highest degree gratifying to our pride as a people, and immensely important, so far as our power and influence as a nation is concerned.
What was the area of our country in square miles, embraced by the original thirteen States!
Only 549,615.
What is it now!
Thirty-three States, covering an area of 1,602,000, six organized Territories, exclusive of the District of Columbia, covering an area of 1,401,000; and in addition, we have the
Mesilla Valley, embracing 78,000, and the
Indian territory, embracing 187,000 square miles.
Our territory has been enlarged nearly seven times in extent; our navy has been increased until its canvas whitens every ocean, and our national flag assures protection to the American citizen wherever he may be. Our power, our influence, our prosperity, our agricultural, mechanical and manufacturing wealth have increased far beyond all expectation.--That banner which is borne up, and which has been carried forward by the unseen yet steady hand of progress, has attained a position far in advance of the hopes and anticipations of the founders of our Government. "Surely no people have been blessed as we have been, and it is melancholy to think that all is now about to be sacrificed upon the altar of passion.
If the judgments of men were consulted, if the admonitions of their consciences were respected, the
Union would yet be saved from overthrow.
Every calm, considerate, and reflecting mind is filled with apprehensions of the most painful character; every patriotic heart throbs with anxiety, and all conservative men throughout our extended country are seeking to devise some means of escape from the evils that now threaten our peace and the continued existence of the
All see and feel and know that the danger is imminent, and all true patriots are exerting themselves to save us from the perils now impending over us. The dark gloom of apprehension is fast gathering around us, and if saved at all, the wisdom, prudence, and patriotism of the country can alone (aided by Divine Providence) be relied upon to relieve us in this hour of our extremity.
My inaugural message, presented to you just one year ago to-day, was prepared in anticipation of the occurrences of the past two months, which have cast their shadow like a pall over the business, financial and commercial of the country.
I thought I saw then a storm ahead, that threatened to be destructive in its consequences; and anxious to avert its fury, if possible, I made two recommendations, which, if adopted, would (in my judgment,) have saved us from the consequences now upon us. In this opinion, however, you did not concur, and no action was taken in regard to either.
Seeing no other hope of averting the threatened danger, I cordially endorsed the proposition presented by
Col.Memminger, of
South Carolina, and
Mr. Starke, of
Mississippi, for a conference with those States.
If that proposition had been accepted, I am entirely satisfied that the results would have been most happy; that it would have tended in a great degree to the settlement and satisfactory adjustment of the painful controversy which had so long existed, and which seemed to be increased by time and untoward circumstances, between the two sections of the
The questions would have been presented in a form and shape, and in a manner so imposing, that action must have followed.
That action could not have tended otherwise than toward peace.
I now again most respectfully renew the recommendation, presented in my inaugural message, in the following extract:
"The only mode, therefore, of remedying the evil that occurs to me,
under the Constitution, is provided in the fifth article thereof. --Summon a Convention of all the States, that a fall and free conference may be had between the representatives of the people, elected for this purpose, and thus ascertain whether the questions in controversy cannot be settled upon some basis mutually satisfactory to both sections.
If such a Convention shall assemble, and after free and full consultation and comparison of opinions, they shall find that the differences between the slaveholding and non-slaveholding States are irreconcilable, let them consider the question of a peaceable separation, and the adjustment of all questions relating to the disposition of the common property between the two sections.
If they can be reconciled, let them adjust the terms, and give them such sanctions as will render them effective.
" I suggest, therefore, that you adopt resolutions in favor of the call of such a Convention, and appeal to the Legislatures of the several States to unite in the application proposed to be made to Congress, in pursuance of the provisions of the article aforesaid.
If the non-slaveholding States shall fail or refuse to unite in the application, such failure or refusal will furnish conclusive evidence of a determination, on their part, to keep up the agitation, and to continue their aggressions upon us. If the
Convention shall meet, and the question cannot be satisfactorily adjusted, it will furnish evidence, equally conclusive, of their determination.
In either event, the people of the
South will clearly understand what they are to expect in the future."
The article of the
Constitution, to which reference is here made, is in the following words, and I quote it, inasmuch as it will be referred to hereafter in this communication:
"The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or on the applications of the Legislatures, of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the
Under this article, the
Constitution of the United States has been amended on three several occasions in our history, and those amendments have all been exceedingly valuable and important.
The first ten amendments were ratified by some of the States in 1789, by others in 1790, and by the residue in 1791.--Another amendment was proposed in 1794, which the
President of the
United States announced in his Message to both Houses, dated January 8th, 1798, as having been adopted by the constitutional number of States.
The last amendment was proposed in 1803, and adopted by the constitutional number of States in 1804.
These amendments were proposed and adopted at periods less alarming, perhaps, than at the present day. Still, their adoption was necessary to insure peace and quiet to our country, and were demanded by a proper deference to public opinion.
In the present condition of public affairs, why cannot such additional amendments as the circumstances now existing require, be proposed for ratification and adoption ! The necessity is manifest, and the duty to adopt all constitutional measures before we resort to the ultimate remedy of secession, is imperative.--Is it not monstrous to see a Government like ours destroyed, merely because men cannot agree about a domestic institution, which existed at the formation of the
Government, and which is now recognized by fifteen out of the thirty-three States composing the
In support of my position, I quote from the Message of
Governor John Floyd, dated January 25th, 1833. He was one of the ablest and most reliable of the
State-Rights men of
Though he has been taken from amongst us, he has left behind him a record as enduring as time:
"But the call of a general convention of the States, brings at once full before all the parties to the compact, every doubtful or disputed power of the
Federal Government in the mode pointed out by the instrument itself, where all amendments could be made, and disputed powers settled, in a spirit of kindness much more congenial to the harmony of our institutions than that which now seems in contemplation.
This course ought to be acceptable to all, as it gives full assurance of peaceful days hereafter, and will restore confidence to the mind of the patriot, already too long agitated with the foreseen disasters of the coming conflict."
This recommendation was made at a period in our history not unlike the present.
It was made by a statesman of great practical wisdom, and of large political experience.
He was a rue Virginian, in feeling, sentiment and principle, jealous of her honor, true to her interests, faithful to her rights and institutions, cool, calm and sagacious.
It becomes our State to be mindful of her own interests, in the present deranged and unsettled condition of public affairs.
The cotton States seem to be looking to their own interests alone, and why should we not look to ours?
Virginia has immense interests, valuable and important, at stake, and it becomes us to see that those interests are adequately protected.
She occupies a position now, as she did in 1833, when she can mediate between the contending parties, North and South, and see that some fair settlement and arrangement of existing differences shall be agreed upon.
While I would not have her occupy a position that would require the slightest sacrifice of her honor, her rights or her institutions, she must see that in all her future movements and associations these are securely protected.
Now, that guarantees are the order of the day, and each State is earnestly and anxiously inquiring what guarantees are required for her protection, it becomes us to secure such as will protect and preserve the rights of persons and property of our own citizens.
A disruption of the
Union is inevitable; and if new confederacies are to be formed, we must have the best guarantees before we can attach our State to either of them.
The late Executive of
South Carolina, in his message to the Legislature, devotes a considerable space to a commentary upon your action respecting "a conference of the
Southern States. " That reference does not appear to me to be dictated by a kind spirit.
It wears the aspect of dissatisfaction with your decision, and, in connection with other portions of the message, indicates distrust of, and hostility on his part, towards this Commonwealth.
The duty which I owe to
Virginia demands a notice of so much of this communication as relates to our State, and the action of her Legislature.
Virginia alone, of all the
Southern States, should have been singled out for comment, is to me unaccountable.
The resolutions of the South Carolina Legislature, asking the conference, were transmitted to all the
Southern States, and none of those States responded except
Mississippi and
Alabama.--Why no complaint of the other States who declined to accede to the proposal?
After a careful examination of your resolutions, since the perusal of the
Governor's Message, I see nothing that could have entitled them to the special notice that has been bestowed upon them.
They declare "That the General Assembly of
Virginia, recognizing in our present relations with the non-slaveholding States an imperative necessity for decisive measures, does not yet distrust the capacity of the
Southern States, by a wise and firm exercise of their reserved powers, to protect the rights and liberties of the people, and to preserve the Federal Union.--For this purpose, we earnestly desire the
concurrent action of the Southern States." The authorities of
Virginia acted with kindness and courtesy towards the
State of South Carolina and her estimable
Commissioner, and in declining to go into a Southern Conference at that time, they intended no disrespect to that State.
South Carolina having determined upon her future course, without consultation with any one of her slaveholding sister States, her late Executive announces in his Message--"It is too late to receive propositions for a conference, and the
State would be wanting in self-respect, after having deliberately decided on her course, to entertain any proposition looking to a continuance of the present Union.
We can get no safer or better guarantee than the present Constitution, and that has proved impotent to protect us against the fanaticism of the
North." It may be too late, now, to confer with her sister States; but there was a time when she could have conferred with them with great propriety, and perhaps advantage, to herself and them.
The Governor states that
Col. Memminger was not sent to
Virginia " to plan a dissolution of the
Union, but to save it, if possible." Before she determined to precipitate a dissolution, would it not have been wise to let us know what was her determination, and to have made an effort to secure "
the concurrent action of the Southern States?" As it is, her movement takes her Southern sisters by surprise.
The financial and commercial policy of the
Federal Government in past years has, I have no doubt, in a great degree determined her action.
The only specific allegation in regard to the slavery question, so far as I have observed, is the conduct of the
Northern States in passing Personal Liberty bills, designed to obstruct the execution of the
Fugitive Slave law. The action of the
Northern States in regard to this law, is, beyond all question, a just and proper subject of complaint and denunciation on the part of all slaveholding States, and especially the border States.
The faithful, prompt and just execution of all the provisions of the present Constitution will not prove satisfactory to
South Carolina.
Believing she can get nothing more than the
Constitution accords to her, without even making an effort through a convention of all the States, her late Executive solemnly announces, "It is too late to receive propositions for a conference;" that "having deliberately decided on her course, self-respect forbids her from entertaining any proposition looking to a continuance
in the Union."
The late Executive of
South Carolina is not content to announce this determination, but his recommendations look to the embarrassment of every slaveholding State on the border, which is not disposed to fellow her lead.--Hence we find in his message an open and undisguised proclamation of war upon the interests of all the border slaveholding States, unless they unite with
South Carolina:
"The introduction of slaves from other States, which may not become members of the Southern Confederacy, and particularly the border States, should be prohibited by legislative enactment, and by this means they will be brought to see that their safety depends upon a withdrawal from their enemies, and an union with their friends and natural allies.
If they should continue their union with the non-slaveholding, let them keep their slave property in their own borders, and the only alternative left them will be emancipation by their own act, or by the action of their confederates.
We cannot consent to relieve them from their embarrassing situation, by permitting them to realize the money value for their slaves, by selling them to us, and thus prepare them without any loss of property, to accommodate themselves to the northern free soil idea.
But should they unite their destiny with us, and become stars in the southern galaxy — members of a great southern confederation — we will receive them with open arms and an enthusiastic greeting.
Should, then, danger approach their borders, or an enemy, open or disguised, make war upon them, there is not a doubt but a living rampart of freemen, from the
Atlantic to the
Gulf of Mexico, would line their borders and beat back the invaders."
Here we have the exhibition of a determined purpose to coerce
Virginia and the other border States to follow her example; and if they fail to do so, then they are to be placed in such a position as will drive them to the emancipation of their slaves!
This movement, begun ostensibly for the
protection of slave property, for the diffusion and the preservation of the institution of slavery, is to be so managed and directed now, as to force States holding slave property to free themselves from it,
by emancipation. This is the avowed policy of the late Executive of a State, interested in an institution sanctioned by the teachings and precepts of Christianity, and promotive of a higher degree of civilization and refinement — an institution that ought to be diffused and extended, and the permanency and prosperity of which ought to be insured.
Can it be possible that such suggestions can exert an influence upon the future action of either of the border States--that they can be coerced into an union with those who thus manifest a determined purpose to rule or ruin them ! They may rest satisfied that such a policy cannot control the action of
She has the independence and the ability to think for herself, and her action, whatever it may be, will be the result of her convictions of duty.
She is equally as jealous of her honor as
South Carolina or any other State, and she will guard and protect it, with a purpose as resolute and determined, and a spirit as firm and undaunted, as unyielding and as exacting.
I now propose to present, in contrast with these views of the
Executive of
South Carolina, the sentiments announced by her
Commissioner in this Capitol on the 19th of January, 1860. In his address he declares, "I can confidently affirm that such an interchange of kindly feeling as
you have exhibited,
cannot fail to bind together the hearts of our people in closer ties of sympathy and fellow hip." Does the conduct of the late Executive of
South Carolina, in his recent message, show that such has been the result?
No observer of events for some months past can fail to have been struck with the numerous evidences of hostility and prejudice which have been exhibited towards
Virginia by very many of the leading and most influential public men of that State.
We have seen nothing going to show the existence of those "ties of sympathy and fellowship" which bind "together the hearts of our people," so handsomely alluded to by
Col. Memminger on that interesting occasion.
Distrust of us, and distrust without sufficient cause, (a result greatly to be deplored,) appears to have severed the " ties of sympathy and fellowship" which ought to have existed at this critical juncture in our affairs, not only between
South Carolina and
Virginia, but between all the slaveholding States.
Such taunts as have been indulged in towards this Commonwealth by the late Executive of
South Carolina, do not exhibit that spirit of comity which should at all times, and more especially at this time, characterize the intercourse and relations between sister States, with a common domestic institution, that can be best defended and maintained by united counsels and action.
Such allusions to
Virginia should never have been made by the
Executive of a State who feels her "obligation for the large contribution of mind and effort which
Virginia has made to the common cause," and who is more largely indebted to her for manifestations of particular concern in her "welfare."
In this address it was also declared, "that when we (
South Carolina,) propose a conference, we do so with the full understanding that we are but one of the States in that conference, entitled like all the others to express our opinions, but willing
to respect and abide by the united judgment of the whole. If our pace is too fast for some, we are content to walk slower; our earnest wish is that all may keep together." These are noble sentiments, and declare a sound and proper position.
In a movement so important, and involving consequences so serious to all the slaveholding States, no one State should have ventured to move, without first having given timely notice to the others of her purpose, even if she did not intend "to respect and abide by the united judgment of the whole." Such action on the part of
South Carolina would at this moment, in all probability, have enabled "all" to "keep together." What effect her movement may have upon the future, time alone can disclose.
South Carolina, a sovereign State, had a right to adopt the line of policy she has pursued; and I would have made no special reference to her course, if I had not been indirectly invited to do so by her late Executive, in his uncalled for references to
It has been my rule, as the
Executive of
Virginia, to exhibit, in my official intercourse with the States of the
Confederacy, a spirit of comity, and to manifest all that respect which is due from one State to another.
Whenever the motives or the actions of
Virginia are arraigned.
I will feel it to be my duty to remonstrate; and in doing so, I will observe that moderation, courtesy and kind spirit which become the character of a State whose "large contributions to the
Union" have "secured to her the respect and affection of every State of this Confederacy."
In the recent message of the
Governor of
Mississippi, I find a reference to the border States, of the same character, and manifesting the same spirit which has been exhibited by the late Executive of
South Carolina:
"As it is more than probable that many of the citizens of the border States may seek a market for their slaves in the
Cotton States, I recommend the passage of an act prohibiting the introduction of slaves into this State, unless their owners come with them and become citizens, and prohibiting the introduction of slaves for sale by all persons whomsoever."
These references to the border States are pregnant with meaning, and no one can be at a loss to understand what that meaning is. While disavowing any unkind feeling towards
South Carolina and
Mississippi, I must still say that I will resist the
coercion of
Virginia into the adoption of a line of policy whenever the attempt is made by Northern or Southern States.
For the present condition of public affairs, the non-slaveholding States are chargeable; and if the
Union shall be destroyed, upon them will rest the solemn responsibility.--Their systematic and persistent warfare upon the institution of domestic slavery, as it exists amongst us — their fierce and unqualified denunciation of it, and all who recognize or tolerate it, have done much to create the present state of exasperation existing between the two sections of the
Union Hatred to slavery and slaveholders is instilled into the minds of their children, as part and parcel of their education, throughout the infected district of
New England.
The institution is constantly assailed — through the press, in the pulpit, in public meetings, in private associations, in their legislative assemblies, in their statutes, on all occasions — as morally, socially, and politically wrong.
The slave-owner is painted as the great criminal of the age, deserving death.
Money is raised and has been expended in hiring desperate and depraved men, in arming and supporting them, in order that they may make raids into Southern States, and excite the slaves to insurrection and murder.
Arms, peculiarly suited to the use of the slave, have been fabricated and sent into the slave States, to be placed in the hands of this class of our population, after they have been stimulated to such a degree of madness as will qualify them for the commission of murder, arson, and every species of cruelty.
The results of these teachings were seen in the
Harper's Ferry raid.
Such an outrage ought to have provoked the unqualified and universal condemnation of good and law-abiding citizens in every State of the
In atrocity, it stands without parallel in the history of our country, and all right-thinking men would suppose that neither the authors nor the act would find apologists anywhere.
Is it so?
Did we not find numerous apologists for the conduct of
John Brown and his flagitious associates, throughout many of the
Northern, but more especially in the
New England States?
The fountain of
New England sympathy was broken up to its depths, and gushed forth, when
John Brown and his followers were condemned, after a fair trial, and expiated their crimes upon the gallows.
Though they are dead,
New England sympathy for them still survives.
But a few weeks ago a
John Brown sympathizer was elected to the Gubernatorial chair of the
State of Massachusetts, one of the original thirteen.
The Executive chairs of the States of
Ohio and
Iowa are also filled with the same description of men, holding the same general views, advocating the same principles and measures, and exhibiting deep sympathy and strong partiality for these heartless malefactors; both elected, however, prior to the
Harper's Ferry raid.
The people of the
Northern States, as their statutes show — and it is confirmed by their speeches and addresses, their resolutions in public meetings, and indeed in almost every conceivable mode — have been endeavoring to confine slavery within its present limits, by excluding it from all the
Territories belonging to the
They have been endeavoring "to draw a line around the
Southern States," with the purpose of then declaring that slavery shall not go beyond the limits thus determined by them.
The statutes and resolutions of many of the non-slaveholding States, from the time
Texas sought admission into the
Union, up to this day, confirm this view of the designs and purposes of the free States.
Who can have forgotten the attempt made by the northern people to use the mails for the transmission of the vilest papers, illustrated by pictorial representations, calculated and intended "to produce dissatisfaction and revolt amongst the slaves, and to incite their wild passions to vengeance" against their masters and others in slaveholding States!
The objects they then had in view, and towards the accomplishment of which their efforts were directed, were the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia and the exclusion of slave States from admission into the
Since the formation of the government, composed of the original thirteen States, twenty new States have been added to the
Union, making now the number of thirty-three.
Of the number so added, eleven have been free States and nine slave States.
For many years the policy was to admit States
pari passu, so as to preserve the equilibrium in the Senate between the
North and the
In carrying out this policy,
Vermont and
Tennessee and
Indiana and
Illinois and
Maine and
Arkansas and
Florida and
Iowa, came in together, or near the same time.
When the
State of Missouri was admitted, the
State of Maine was cut off from the then
State of Massachusetts, for the purpose of preserving the equilibrium between the North and South, in the Senate.
A Northern State was divided, with a view of keeping up the equipoise, and that division gave an additional free State to the
That equipoise is now destroyed, and we stand fifteen slave and eighteen free States.
Even in this state of the case, the
South has been so for bearing and unselfish that she has never asked for the division of her States, that the equipoise might be restored.
An advantage has been gained over us in another respect, equally important.
The organized Territories (with the exception of
New Mexico) are destined to become free States; and it may be that even this Territory will be of like character.
All of these Territories will come into the
Union near about the same time; and while the
North has the advantage over us now of six
Senators, that advantage must, in the ordinary course of events, if the
Union shall survive, be greatly increased.
Besides, the territory of the slave States is generally large; the territory of the free States generally small.
Rhode Island is made equal to
Missouri in the Senate;
Connecticut is a counterpoise to
Vermont, with its wild fanaticism, is an offset to
Georgia, the empire State of the
Can it be surprising that the people of the
South should be restive and uneasy under such circumstances?
In addition, a candidate has just been elected to the Presidency who gave utterance to the following atrocious sentiments, indicating his bitter hostility to the
South and her institutions: "In my opinion, it (the slavery agitation) will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
I believe this Government cannot endure permanently, half slave and half free.
I do not expect the
Union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
It will become all one thing or all the other.
Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward until it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.
And again, he says: ‘" I embrace with pleasure this opportunity of declaring my
disapprobation of that clause of the
Constitution which denies to a portion of the colored people the right of suffrage."’
When a President is elected, entertaining and boldly avowing such sentiments — when, to this moment, they have never been retracted or qualified, have we not reason for alarm and resentment?
The Union is now disrupted; let the
North bear the blame.
They have brought these sad and deplorable results upon the country, and the candid and honest men of the world will hold them responsible for the destruction of a Government that has challenged the admiration and commanded the respect of the nations of the earth.
Before God and the world, they will be held answerable for this calamity.
They yet have the power to end the strife and excitement, and restore confidence to the country.
Will they do it?
I await their response, but not without apprehension.
Time, however, will soon furnish the answer.
The present state of things cannot continue long.
A change for the better or the worse must soon come.
Can it be supposed that a dissolution of the
Union can end in the organization of a Northern and Southern Confederacy, embracing the States and Territory on this side of the
Rocky Mountains?
I entertain no such opinion.
I consider it not only possible, but highly probable, that when disunion shall come, we will have four organizations, independent and distinct.
The States and Territories on the
Pacific, by reason of their locality and isolation, will form one.
New England States, with New York, in consequence of their identity of opinions on the subject of
African slavery, and their other fanatical ideas of like kind, will constitute the second.
The border slave States, with
New Jersey,
Missouri, and the
Northwestern States and
Territories, will form the third.
Ohio river, a great highway, owned by
Virginia, furnishes a common bond of union between several of them — the
Missouri river, another great highway, is a bond of union between others — and as these make up the
Mississippi, that great valley will sooner or later form a union with those with whom they trade, and whose interests are therefore common.
For this organization, New Orleans would be its chief city.
It would be the exporting and importing city for the States in existence, and those which may be hereafter formed out of the immense unsettled territory which it would possess.
Besides, the unsold public lands would invite population, and their sales would furnish the means to defray governmental expenses, in part at least.
Kentucky and the northwestern territory originally formed a part of the domain of
Virginia.--This organization will keep her united with what formerly belonged to her, and constituted a part of her territory.
The Cotton States would form the fourth.
All these Confederacies being thus formed, although
Texas and
Mississippi might at first attach themselves to the
Cotton State organization, a very short time would elapse before they would find it to be their interest to connect themselves with the border and Northwestern States.
Their trade, their interests, their business relations, are with those States, and all upon the waters of the
Mississippi and its tributaries must necessarily be united.
Louisiana remained in alliance with the
Cotton States, her great city of
New Orleans would have to compete with
Mobile and
Charleston, for the export and import trade, and the most she could hope for, would be a third of it.
Such an arrangement would be followed by a struggle for the key of the gulf, (
Pensacola,) and the third organization would have it, cost what it might in treasure and blood.
It would be too important an acquisition to give up to the
Cotton State Confederacy, without a desperate struggle.
These are my speculations as to the results that are to follow a dissolution of the
These results are bad enough, but may be much worse.
It is not given to us to read the future.
We may, however, speculate about it.
When the
Union was formed, it was not expected or believed that the domestic institutions of all the States should be alike.
The institutions of
Maine and
Louisiana were never intended to be the same.
The people of each were invested with full power to determine whether slavery should exist, and the former decided against the institution; the latter decided in its favor — as each had the undoubted right to do.
In the list of grievances against the
North, it is somewhat remarkable, that in our own State so little has been said in regard to the conduct of the
Governors of
Iowa and
Ohio, in refusing to surrender fugitives from justice who participated in the
Harper's Ferry raid.
They were regularly indicted; the
Governors of those States were applied to in due form to deliver them up; the application was refused; and our people, instead of taking a stand, and making an issue upon this practical question, seem inclined to ignore it, and unite in the complaints of the cotton States.
The complaints of those States are rather against the financial and commercial policy of the
Federal Government, than any action or want of action on the subject of slavery.
The slave-owners of
Virginia have suffered seriously the wrongs inflicted upon us by the conduct of these Executives have been great: still, we have heard but little complaint in our own State.
The grievances complained of mainly, are those which the cotton States plead as a justification for their action.
Would it not be well for us to redress the wrongs our own people have suffered, before we undertake to redress the wrongs of others, who have suffered much less, so far as slavery is concerned, than we have done?
Our action should be based upon the wrongs done to our own people.
The proposition for the call of a State Convention, to determine the position which
Virginia shall take, in view of passing events, appear to have been received with very general favor.
As the subject has been much discussed by the people in their primary meetings, it is not only proper, but it is doubtless expected, that I shall refer to it in this communication.
It is pleasant, alike to the private citizen and the public officer, to know that his views and opinions are endorsed by those around him; that he is backed by the popular sentiment of the day; but there are times and occasions, in the history of every man, when it is imperative to him to adhere to his convictions of duty, maintain his opinions firmly, but courteously, even at the hazard of being found in a minority.
I have no hesitation in expressing my opinion upon this or any other question of public concern.
I have my convictions upon this question, and I give expression to them, in declaring my opposition at this time to the call of a State Convention.
I see no necessity for it at this time, nor do I now see any good practical result that can be accomplished by it. I do not consider this a propitious time to moot the question, and I apprehend, from indications that have been exhibited, that serious difficulties and embarrassments will attend the movement.
Subsequent events may show the necessity for it.
In 1833 and 1850, when the existence of the
Union was seriously threatened, when the danger was imminent, the Legislature accomplished everything desired, in a manner as satisfactory as it would have been accomplished if the mode now suggested had been adopted.
On neither occasion was the Legislature chosen with reference to the events which subsequently occurred, and which devolved upon them the necessity for such action as was taken, and which gave so much satisfaction to the people of
Virginia and the whole country.
In my inaugural message I made this recommendation, which, if adopted, would perhaps have relieved us, to some extent, from the complications with which we are now embarrassed:
" I also suggest that a commission, to consist of two of our most intelligent, discreet and experienced statesmen, shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to visit the Legislatures of those States which have passed laws to obstruct the execution of the fugitive slave act, and insist, in the name of
Virginia, upon their unconditional repeal.
In support of the suggestion of the appointment of a commission, a precedent is to be found in the history of our own State, in the appointment of the distinguished
Benjamin Watkins Leigh, who was commissioned to visit the Legislature of South Carolina, at the time of the controversy between that State and the
Federal Government.
The existence of the
Union was then greatly imperiled, and the action of
Virginia exerted a most happy influence in bringing about a settlement that averted the danger and restored peace to the country.
That crisis in public affairs was almost as serious and alarming as the present."
In renewing the recommendation at this time, I annex a modification, and that is, that Commissioners shall not be sent to either of the
New England States.
The occurrences of the last two months have satisfied me that
New England puritanism has no respect for human constitutions, and so little regard for the
Union that they would not sacrifice their prejudices, or smother their resentments to perpetuate it.
I further recommend, that Commissioners be sent to the Legislatures or Conventions of all the slaveholding States, to confer with them, with a view of ascertain what demands, in the nature of amendments to the
Constitution, or otherwise, will be satisfactory in this exigency.
The adoption of this plan will in all probability tend to secure harmony and produce unity of action.
The controversy now has reached a point when
it must be settled on some fair, just and permanent basis, if we are to be re-united, and peace, quiet and order restored to the country.
The excitement now existing is ruinous to the financial and commercial business, and to the agricultural, planting, mechanical, mercantile and manufacturing interests of all sections.
Unless a settlement of the controversy shall be speedily effected, every species of property must fall to merely nominal prices, and a scene of general and ruinous bankruptcy, far exceeding, in extent and severity, any that has preceded it, must be the inevitable result.
Even now, hundreds and thousands have been thrown out of employment, and at this inclement season poverty, want and misery, must be the portion of them and their dependent families.
It is time the conservative spirit of the country was aroused and stimulated to energetic action.
No time is to be lost in putting into immediate requisition all fair, honorable and constitutional means that promise to secure a satisfactory and permanent adjustment.
What, then, is necessary to be done?
The Northern States must strike from their statute books their Personal Liberty bills, and fulfill their constitutional obligations in regard to fugitive slaves and fugitives from justice.
If our slaves escape into non-slaveholding States, they must be delivered up; if abandoned, depraved and desperately wicked men come into slave States to incite insurrections, or to commit other crimes against our laws, and escape into free States, they must be given up for trial and punishment, when lawfully demanded by the constituted authorities of those States whose laws have been violated.
Second--We must have proper and effective guarantees for the protection of slavery in the District of Columbia.
We can never consent to the abolition of slavery in the
District, until
Maryland shall emancipate her slaves; and not then, unless it shall be demanded by the citizens of the
Third--Our equality in the States and Territories must be fully recognized, and our rights of person and property adequately protected and secured.
We must have guarantees that slavery shall not be interdicted in any Territory now belonging to, or which may hereafter be acquired by the
General Government; either by the Congress of the United States or a Territorial Legislature: that we shall be permitted to pass through the free States and Territories without molestation; and if a slave shall be abducted, that the
State in which he or she shall be lost, shall pay the full value of such slave to the owner.
Fourth--Like guarantees must be given, that the transmission of slaves between the slaveholding States, either by land or water, shall not be interfered with.
Fifth--The passage and enforcement of rigid laws for the punishment of such persons in the free States as shall organize, or aid and abet in organizing, either by the contribution of money, arms, munitions of war, or in any other mode whatsoever, companies of men, with a view to assail the slaveholding States, and to excite slaves to insurrection.
Sixth--That the general government shall be deprived of the power of appointing to local offices in the slaveholding States, persons who are hostile to their institutions, or inimical to their rights — the object being to prevent the appointing power from using patronage to sow the seeds of strife and dissension between the slaveholding and non-slaveholding classes in the
Southern States.
These guarantees can be given without prejudice to the honor or rights, and without a sacrifice of the interests, of either of the non-slaveholding States.
We ask nothing, therefore, which is not clearly right, and necessary to our protection: And, surely, when so much is at stake, it will be freely, cheerfully, and promptly assented to. It is the interest of the
North and the
South to preserve the
Government from destruction; and they should omit the use of no proper or honorable means to avert so great a calamity.
The public safety and welfare demand instant action.
Many of the fanatics in the
Northern States are constantly calling attention to the fact, that the number of slave-owners, as compared with the white population in the slave States, is small; and hence the inference that the non-slaveholder is not loyal to the
State, and would not willingly defend the institution.--This is a most serious mistake, and is well calculated to make an erroneous impression upon the
Northern mind.
Such a representation does serious injustice to that loyal and patriotic class of our citizens.
It is a reflection upon them, not warranted by their conduct, now or heretofore.
The number of persons in this State in the year 1860, charged with taxes on slaves was 53,874.
The number of persons charged with taxes on lands in the same year, was 159,088.--Most of the persons charged with taxes on slaves, are the owners of lands also; and others who own lands, own no slaves.
The number of persons charged with taxes, other than owners of lands and slaves, is 201,000.
All these parties have a common interest in the protection of persons and property, and each feels that in protecting the rights and property of the others, he is securing and protecting his own, whether of little or great value.
As the
chief magistrate, and as a citizen of
Virginia, it is a source of pleasure to me to know that there is no jealousy or distrust, and that harmony and confidence exist between these classes.
If the
Northern people entertain the opinion that the non-slaveholders of the
South are not reliable and trustworthy in all respects, they are most grossly mistaken and deceived.
I have seen it stated that in the
Empire City of New York the owners of
real estate numbered less than 16,000.
Do those who are not owners of
real estate feel no interest in the property of the 15,000?
Would they be unwilling to defend or protect it, if it were in danger of destruction?
It might be charged with the same propriety, and with as much truth, in this instance, that feeling no interest in common with the owner, they would not risk their lives for the protection of his
real estate, worth millions of dollars.
They are interested — deeply interested in all that relates to the public prosperity.
Their prosperity, their comfort, and the comfort of their families are dependent upon the protection of the rights of property of every individual in the community in which he lives.
I have always reverenced the
State-Rights doctrines of
Virginia, as inculcated in the resolutions of 98 and the report of 99.
I believe the doctrines therein asserted, and the principles therein affirmed, to be worthy of all acceptation.
I cordially endorse them, and in so doing endorse the doctrine of secession.
I do not propose to go into an argument in support of my opinion upon this question.
The subject has been ably discussed for years on both sides, and those arguments are familiar to all reading and well-informed men. I am content to rest the question upon the discussions which have taken place, and leave the people to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions.
I refer to it, in this connection, to declare my unqualified hostility to the doctrine of
coercion by the
Federal Government.
In my canvass for the office I now hold, I declared my opinion frankly and fearlessly on this question, and every man in the
State had the amplest opportunity to be informed of my position.
In a written address "to the voters of
Virginia," issued on the 12th of May, 1859 I stated, "Should it be the pleasure of the people to elevate me to the office of Governor.
I will endeavor in my administration to carry out the time honored State-Rights principle of
If at any time during my administration the
Federal Government shall attempt to interfere with the rights and institutions of
Virginia; if it shall at any time interfere with the rights of slavery or the rights of slaveholders in our State, I will be prepared, with the aid of the people, to resist any efforts to coerce us into submission.
I will resist any attempt of Federal troops to cross our line to execute such unjust, iniquitous and unconstitutional laws, either in
Virginia or in any other Southern State." My position now on this question, is what it was then.
It has not been changed or modified.
I will regard an attempt to pass Federal troops across the
territory of Virginia, for the purpose of coercing a Southern seceding State, as an act of invasion, which should be met and repelled.
The allegiance of every citizen of
Virginia is due to her; and when her flag is unfurled, it is his duty to rally to its support and defence.
The citizen of
Virginia who will not respond to her call, is a traitor to her rights and her honor.
I am not without hope that the present difficulties will find a satisfactory solution in the end. Let the
New England States and Western New York be sloughed off. In the last war with
Great Britain, the
New England States entertained the treasonable design of forming an alliance with
Let them now consummate it. At the time the Hartford Convention met, the most treasonable body that has ever assembled in our country, it was declared in their report, "Whenever it shall appear that these causes (of our calamities) are radical and permanent, a separation, by equitable arrangement, will be preferable to an alliance by constraint, among nominal friends, but real enemies, inflamed by mutual hatred and jealousy, and inviting, by intestine divisions, contempt and aggression from abroad." The causes of our calamities "are radical and permanent," and we are indebted to
New England for them — They are our "nominal friends, but real enemies;" they have originated more trouble, caused more strife, and created more hatred, dissension and division in our country, than all the other States combined.
They have uniformly opposed the acquisition of territory, and consequently the organization and admission of new States into the
If their policy had prevailed, we should have had at this day the original thirteen States, and no more.
All those States carved out of the
Louisiana territory, the
Northwestern territory, Spanish territory, and
Mexican territory, would have been excluded from association and union with us. They have shown themselves the uncompromising enemies of progress; they have sternly resisted every attempt to extend our empire, under the fear that "
the Western States, multiplied in number and augmented in population, will control the interests of the whole." Existing difficulties furnish abundant reasons and the best opportunity for severing our connection with them; and we ought not to permit the occasion to pass unimproved.
A Confederacy, composed of the remaining States, can arrange terms under which they can live harmoniously and happily together; and now that the
Union is disrupted, we should avail ourselves of this favorable opportunity to commence the work of reconstruction: In commencing and prosecuting this important work, we must look to our security, the protection of our institutions, and our domestic peace.
Let the fabric be reared, discarding all rotten and unsound material, and exhibiting an ordinary share of prudence and wisdom in its fabrication, and there is but little reason to doubt that it can be constructed upon fair and satisfactory terms, and the rights and interests, the institutions and honor of all its members can be satisfactorily secured.
We can form such a Confederacy as will draw to it the affections and sympathies of its citizens, thereby securing for it a foundation on which it can rest in safety.
Such is my plan for relief from the difficulties, the perplexities and the complications which now environ us, and I present it for the consideration of my countrymen.
Every consideration of duty to ourselves and those who are to succeed us,
demands that the controversy shall be settled finally.
It can be no longer delayed.
The times require prudence, wisdom and patriotism; union, harmony and conciliation.
Every man should be willing to risk himself and his future prospects to quell the strife and restore peace to the nation, torn as it now is by dissension, and threatened with anarchy, trusting to the people to do justice to his intentions, even if they should think his judgment in error.
In the present posture of affairs it becomes us to cast about and ascertain in what way the interests of
Virginia can be preserved and advanced.
It is neither politic nor wise to neglect our
material prosperity, and permit it to be sacrificed and destroyed by political or sectional broils.
This obligation upon us is imperative, whether the
Union shall continue to exist or be destroyed.
In either event, our material prosperity should be with us an object of the first importance, and to its advancement our efforts should be steadily directed.
We have the best port in the country; and no man can doubt if direct trade were established between
Norfolk and
Europe, it would give increased prosperity to every interest in the
It would secure for us a commercial independence that would prove of immense value in any contingency that might occur.
The present and prospective system of railroads in the
State already points to the great Northwest, and must soon become an important part of the immense network of roads which now reach
Kansas, and are fast progressing towards the
Pacific; and the system, when complete, will be entirely, or almost so, within the central belt from the
Atlantic to the
Virginia then, whether in or out of the
Union, as it stands at present, has it in her power to place herself in the position in reference to this great interior and exterior trade, which really belongs to her.
With ships sailing to
Europe, at regular intervals from the port of
Norfolk, an import trade could be established, and importers in the interior cities throughout the
West, and some portions of the
Southwest, would receive their supplies through this channel.
These importations would all pass over our railroads to their intersection with the railroads of other States, especially those of
Kentucky and some of the
Northwestern States.
The export and import business would be concentrated upon the
Virginia roads, and would thus insure to them controlling power in the arrangement, securing great benefits to the
State, and good profits to the stockholders.--It may be added that this commerce is already in existence, and only awaits the easiest, cheapest and most expeditions means of reaching the
Atlantic, to be conveyed thence to all points of destination, both outward and inward.
I am entirely satisfied, that if direct trade were established between
Norfolk and
Europe, it would result in the enlargement of our cities, the increase of our agricultural products, the development of our resources, the creation of manufactures, the enhancement of the value of lands, the opening of the coal and mineral beds, make the stock which the
State owns in her railroads productive — and the end would be, a diminution of the
State debt, and a reduction in the rate of taxation.
If such would be the results, the subject is eminently deserving of the most serious consideration.--The attention of the people has been directed to the question, and the time is therefore favorable for decisive action upon it. I leave it to your wisdom to digest a plan that will secure the great end.
I have thus presented my reflections on Federal relations frankly, and with that independence which is becoming the position I occupy at this interesting and dangerous epoch in our history.
It is only by a free comparison of opinions, and a manly examination of the questions in issue, that we can hope to evolve the true state of facts and provide a remedy for existing troubles and threatened dangers.
Having performed my duty, the whole matter is with you, for such action as the wisdom and patriotism of the Legislature may adopt.
Be your conclusions what they may, I am satisfied they will be results of your convictions as to what is best to be done in this emergency for the honor and interests of our beloved Commonwealth and our country.
In conclusion, I have but to add that the will of
Virginia will furnish an inflexible rule for the direction of my own action.
My destiny is linked indissolubly with hers.
In the expressive language of
Ruth. "Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou judges, I will forget thy people shall be my people and thy God my God."
Auditor of public Accounts.
The report of the
Auditor of Public Accounts is herewith transmitted, and is deserving of the serious consideration of the General Assembly.
It is characterised by great ability, and embodies many valuable suggestions on questions in which the
State has a deep and vital interest.
It brings to your attention several practical questions, in a clear and forcible manner — all of which imperatively demand legislative action.
I confidently expect that his recommendations will commend themselves to your favorable consideration, and that the measures be proposes will receive your sanction, and at an early day of the session.
Legislation on these subjects is imperatively demanded, if the
State is to be protected in future.
That portion of his report which relates to condemned slaves is recommended specially to your attention.
Additional legislation on this subject is indispensably necessary to protect the
State from imposition.
At this time, and indeed since I have been in office, the prices fixed by the
Courts upon condemned slaves will average at least ten percent more than the slaves would have brought at public or private sale, if their characters had been unexceptionable.
Little or no attention seems to be paid to that provision of the law, which declares that the "value shall be the
cash price for which he would sell
at public sale. with a knowledge of his condemnation." You will perhaps be astonished to learn from the
Auditor's Report that condemned slaves have cost the
State, in the twenty years preceding the year 1858, the sum of $331,463 90, and that the
State realized from their sales during the same period the sum of $150,736 96.
These convicts were therefore put upon the
State at a price greatly exceeding their value, and the taxpayers of
Virginia were made to bear the burden of $180,000, required to make up the amount of this high valuation fixed by the
In this connection, I ask your attention to the abstract of the laws upon this subject, now existing in the other slaveholding States, to see whether this gross injustice cannot be removed.
It ought to be removed, and I appeal to your wisdom to provide an adequate remedy for a grievance to which the people of
Virginia are now subjected.
The law of either of the other slaveholding States is more just in its provisions, and I have no hesitation in recommending a change in the existing law.
I recommend also, that some amendment shall be made to section eleventh of chapter two hundred and twelve of the Code.
The necessity for this amendment is clearly pointed out by the
Auditor, and to the cases mentioned in his report, I refer you. Unless some legislative action be had upon this subject, I will feel it to be my duty to restore these slaves to their owners, requiring from them satisfactory security that they shall be removed forthwith from the
The State ought not to have the possession and services of the slave, and yet refuse to pay a fair cash value for him, merely because the owner is not a resident of
I recommend that sheriffs shall be required to execute their bonds in the
Circuit Courts.
The Judges are better informed in regard to the legality of such bonds, and will be much more careful in ascertaining the sufficiency and responsibility of the security that may be offered.
The present law is seriously defective, and the suggestions of the
Auditor are entitled to great weight in the action you may take on the subject.
The interests of the
State demand action at the present session, and the defects in existing laws require to occurred.
The suggestions in regard to delinquent and other lands are deserving of your attention. --Those suggestions appear to me to be valuable, and it carried out, could not fail to have a beneficial effect.
The Auditor is very familiar with these subjects, and any recommendation he may make in regard to them is entitled to great weight, and should commend itself to your favor.
In regard to the present mode of ascertaining the taxable subjects of the
State, I am persuaded that the results could be arrived at, in a manner equally satisfactory, and at the same time a great saving of expense now annually incurred could be effected.
If both these objects can be secured in the present embarrassed financial condition of the country, surely I will be fully justified in directing your attention to so important a subject.
On the thirty-fifth page of the report, you will find a recommendation that the bonds of the
State stock
Banks, amounting to $2,274,193 21, now on deposit with the
Treasurer, shall "be converted into registered stock." This course should be adopted, or some endorsement should be made upon them, to show but they are the property of the Bank by which they were deposited, and that they cannot be transferred or register, without the order or assignment of the proper officers of such Bank.
This is a most valuable recommendation, and I am gratified to know that it meets the approval of the
This report contains many other valuable suggestions, that should command your approval.
I cannot too strongly urge upon you the necessity for prompt legislative action upon the several subjects, so forcibly and clearly presented by this intelligent, experienced and laborious public officer.
The land Office
I recommend that no more patents for land shall be issued.
I do not believe there is a square mile of vacant land in the
Commonwealth; and yet we are issuing patents from the commencement of the year to the close of it. Such a policy as we are pursuing is calculated to postpone indefinitely the settlement of titles; and it furnishes to those who are so disposed the means of perpetrating trends upon innocent and unsuspecting parties.
If the unsettled portions of our State are to be filled up, we must adopt such a policy as will quiet titles, and assure parties in possession that they are not to be disturbed.
If our titles had been settled, the population of
Virginia would have been much larger than it is, and thousands of acres of land, now in original forest, would have been brought into cultivation, and made to bloom and blossom as the rise.
Many of these lands now in market cannot be sold, because prudent men will not purchase a controverted and doubtful title.
Your resolution of the 9th of March last referred the claim of
Mr. Seely against the
Commonwealth for painting done on the
Capitol, Bell-house and Governor's house, to the
Executive for examination.
Shortly after your adjournment, I made a careful examination of all the papers relating to the case, and the result will be seen in the accompanying statement of the account.
So far from the
State owing anything to
Mr. Seely on this contract, he is indebted to the
State in the sum of $13 31.
In this connection, I would be derelict to the obligations of duty, if I did not impress upon the Legislature the necessity and propriety of scrutinizing closely all old claims against the
The contract in this case was entered into as far back as the year 1848.
There being some difference of opinion in regard to the materials used, the manner in which the work was executed and the measurement,
Governor Floyd had the work examined and measured by disinterested parties, and on the 30th day of January, 1849, awarded to the contractor the sum of $3,043 39.
In examining the papers on file, preparatory to making the statement required by our resolution, I ascertained that a bill had on several occasions passed one or the other House of the Legislature, allowing to this contractor upwards of $1,000, with interest thereon from the date of the contract in 1848 till paid, as a balance ascertained to be due to him. Great attention and close scrutiny is necessary to protect the treasury against stale demands of this description.
Boundary lines.
In the exercise of the discretion vested in me by the second section of the joint resolution passed on the 10th day of March last, I commissioned
Col. Angus W. McDonald as a competent agent to proceed to
England and procure record and documentary evidence lending to ascertain and establish the free lines of boundary between the States of
Virginia and
Maryland, and
North Carolina and
A copy of the instructions given by me to the said agent accompanies this communication.
The agent having performed the duty assigned him, has returned to the
United States, and his report is expected daily.
So soon as received, it will be laid before you.
Nothing has been done in running and ascertaining the line between
Virginia and
Maryland since the adjournment of the last session, in consequence of the absence of the
Commissioner in
Commissioner will be instructed to resume the work at the earliest practicable moment, and prosecute it as rapidly as possible to completion.
A copy of your resolutions, passed on the 9th day of March, in regard to the boundary line between the States of
Virginia and
Tennessee, was promptly forwarded, as directed, to the
Governor of that State.
No reply has been received, and nothing further has been done.
The information collected by
Colonel McDonald, on his recent visit to
England, will perhaps throw light upon the subject, and enable us to do justice to both States, in any future attempts to ascertain the true line.
The second resolution authorized me to appoint a Commissioner to state and settle the accounts of
Messrs. Baugh and
Black, for their services in running and marking the said line.
I accordingly appointed
Major Jacob Lynch, of
Washington county, such
Commissioner, and accompanied his commission with such instructions as I considered necessary, to insure a final settlement of the accounts.
His report has been returned, and the balance ascertained by him to be due to each, has been paid.
I am confirmed in the opinion expressed in my communication to you on the subject at the last session.
This line cannot be accurately run and established until the line
Concluded on Fourth Page.]